chiytsown <02435>

Nwuyx chiytsown

Asal Mula:from 02434
Referensi:TWOT - 627b
Jenis Kata:adj (adjective)
Dalam Ibrani:hnwuyxh 13, hnwuxh 3, hnuyxh 3, Nwuyxlw 2, Nwuyxbw 1, hnuxh 1, hnwuyx 1, Nwuyxh 1
Dalam TB:luar 19, sebelah luar 3, bagian luar 1, di luar 1
Dalam AV:utter 12, outward 7, without 5, outer 1
Definisi : 1) outer, external, outward
from 2434; properly, the (outer) wall side; hence, exterior; figuratively, secular (as opposed to sacred): KJV -- outer, outward, utter, without.
see HEBREW for 02434
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