Mord@kay <04782>

ykdrm Mord@kay

Asal Mula:of foreign derivation
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:ykdrm 43, ykdrml 8, ykdrmw 7, ykdrmlw 1, ykdrmb 1
Dalam TB:Mordekhai 59, ia 1
Dalam AV:Mordecai 60
Definisi : Mordecai = "little man" or "worshipper of Mars" 1) cousin and adoptive father of queen Esther; son of Jair of the tribe of Benjamin; deliverer under Divine providence of the children of Israel from the destruction plotted by Haman the chief minister of Ahasuerus; institutor of the feast of Purim 2) a Jew who returned from exile with Zerubbabel
of foreign derivation; Mordecai, an Israelite: KJV -- Mordecai.
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Mordekhai (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

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