TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Tawarikh 8:1--9:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lewat(TB)/genap(TL) <07093> [at the end.]


Judul : Usaha yang lain raja Salomo

Perikop : 2Taw 8:1-18


1Raj 9:10-28 dengan 2Taw 8:1-18

dan istananya

2Sam 7:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:2]


kota-kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [the cities.]


Hamat-Zoba(TB/TL) <02578> [Hamath-zobah.]


Kemudian ... memperkuat ........... didirikannya(TB)/dibuatnya ............. dibuatnya(TL) <01129> [he built.]

Tadmor(TB/TL) <08412> [Tadmor.]

Tadmor, the Palmyra of the Greeks, as we learn from Josephus, a celebrated city of Syria, situated in an oasis, or fertile spot of land, surrounded on all sides by a vast sandy desert, like an island in the midst of the ocean; according to Pliny, 337 miles from Seleucia and Tigrim, 203 from the nearest part of the Mediterranean, and 176 from Damascus; according to Josephus, one day's journey west of the Euphrates, and six from Babylon; and according to Ptolemy, in lat. 34 degrees north, or that of Tripoli, and about 4 degrees more easterly; and it is described by Mr. Wood as "situated under a barren ridge of hills to the west, and open on the other sides to the desert:" "about six days' journey from Aleppo, and as much from Damascus, and about twenty leagues west of the Euphrates." Palmyra attained the height of its splendour when the royal city of Zenobia was conquered by the emperor Aurelian; became a Roman colony after the victories of Trajan; and was probably reduced to its present miserable state in the wars of the Saracens. Its magnificent ruins, however, scattered over an extent of several miles, sufficiently attest its former splendour and riches.


di Hamat.

2Sam 8:9; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:9]


Bet-Horon .... Bet-Horon(TB)/Bait-Horon .... Bait-Horon(TL) <01032> [Beth-horon.]


juga Bet-Horon

Yos 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:10]


Baalat(TB/TL) <01191> [Baalath.]

negeri kota perbekalan ..... kota ... negeri kota-kota ...... negeri(TB)/negeri ... perbekalan ....... negeri ....... negeri(TL) <05892 04543> [the store cities.]

negeri kota ...... kota tempat negeri kota-kota ...... negeri(TB)/negeri ......... negeri ... rata ..... negeri(TL) <05892 07393> [chariot cities.]

Salomo .............. Salomo ingin mendirikannya(TB)/Sulaiman ................... Sulaiman membuat(TL) <08010 02836 01129> [all that Solomon desired to build. Heb. all the desire of]

Solomon which he desired to build.

Libanon(TB/TL) <03844> [and in Lebanon.]


juga Baalat,

Yos 19:44; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:44]


masih(TB)/orang(TL) <05971> [As for all.]

Het(TB)/Heti(TL) <02850> [the Hittites.]


orang Yebus,

Kej 10:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:16]; Kej 15:18-21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:18] s/d 18; Ezr 9:1 [Semua]


keturunan .............. orang(TB)/anak ................... bani(TL) <01121> [whom the children.]

dikerahkan(TB)/disuruh(TL) <05927> [to pay.]


yang dikerahkan

2Taw 2:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 2:18]


orang(TB)/bani(TL) <01121> [But of the.]

prajurit(TB)/orang(TL) <0582> [they were men.]


ratus(TB)/dua ratus(TL) <03967> [two hundred.]


memindahkan(TB)/naik(TL) <05927> [brought up.]

kudus(TB)/sucilah(TL) <06944> [holy. Heb. holiness.]


memindahkan anak

1Raj 3:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:1]

Catatan Frasa: ANAK FIRAUN.


mezbah(TB/TL) <04196> [on the altar.]

depan balai ...... serambi(TB)/hadapan serambi(TL) <06440 0197> [before the porch.]


atas mezbah

1Raj 8:64; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 8:64]; 2Taw 15:8 [Semua]


setiap hari(TB)/sebilang hari(TL) <03117> [every day.]

tiga kali ........ kali(TB)/tiga kali(TL) <07969 06471> [three times.]


Musa ditetapkan

Kel 29:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:38]

hari-hari Sabat,

Bil 28:9

bulan-bulan baru,

Bil 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 10:10]

dan tiga

Kel 23:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:14]

Tidak Beragi,

Kel 12:17; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:17]; Bil 28:16-25 [Semua]

Tujuh Minggu

Kel 23:16; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:16]

Pondok Daun.

Bil 29:12-38; Neh 8:18 [Semua]


rombongan .................................... rombongan(TB)/kelompok-kelompok ................................ pangkat-pangkatnya(TL) <04256> [the courses.]

orang-orang Lewi(TB)/Lewipun(TL) <03881> [the Levites.]

penunggu-penunggu(TB)/penunggu pintu(TL) <07778> [the porters.]

Daud ................................................ perintah Daud abdi Allah(TB)/Daud ........................................... perintah Daud aziz Allah(TL) <0376 0430 04687 01732> [so had David the man of God commanded. Heb. so was the commandment of David the man of God.]


menetapkan rombongan

1Taw 24:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 24:1]

para imam

1Taw 25:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 25:1]

juga penunggu-penunggu

1Taw 9:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:17]

demikianlah perintah

1Taw 23:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 23:6]; Neh 12:45 [Semua]

abdi Allah.

Neh 12:24,36 [Semua]


menyimpang(TB)/melalui(TL) <05493> [they departed.]

perbendaharaan(TB/TL) <0214> [the treasures.]



Ezion-Geber(TB)/Ezion-jeber(TL) <06100> [Ezion-geber.]

Elot(TB/TL) <0359> [Eloth.]



Huram(TB)/Hiram(TL) <02361> [Huram.]

[See on]

[Hiram. Ophir.]

Conjectures respecting the situation of Ophir are endless. Grotius conjectures it to be a part of Arabia called Aphar by Arrian; while Bochart and others have placed it in the island of Ceylon. Calmet supposes it to have been situated in Armenia; but his late editor places it at the head of the Indus. Josephus says that Ophir is the Indies, called the Gold country; by which he is supposed to mean Chersonesus Aurea, now Malacca, opposite Sumatra; and Le Poivre observes that the inhabitants of these places call their gold mines {ophirs.}

mengambil empat .......... empat(TB)/diambilnya(TL) <03947 0702> [took thence.]


talenta emas,

2Taw 9:9


1 The queen of Sheba admires the wisdom of Solomon. 13 Solomon's revenue in gold. 15 His targets and shields. 17 The throne of ivory. 20 His vessels. 23 His presents. 25 His chariots and horse. 26 His tributes. 29 His reign and death.

ratu ....................................... sampai(TB)/permaisuri ..... datanglah ................................... sampailah(TL) <04436 0935> [A.M. 3014. B.C. 990. And when. See on]

Syeba(TB/TL) <07614> [Sheba.]

kabar(TB/TL) <08088> [fame.]

teka-teki(TB)/penerka(TL) <02420> [questions.]

unta-unta(TB)/unta(TL) <01581> [camels.]

rempah-rempah(TB/TL) <01314> [spices.]

dipercakapkannyalah(TB)/berkata-kata(TL) <01696> [communed.]


Judul : Kunjungan ratu negeri Syeba

Perikop : 2Taw 9:1-12


1Raj 10:1-13 dengan 2Taw 9:1-12

negeri Syeba

Kej 10:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:7]; Yeh 23:42; Mat 12:42; Luk 11:31 [Semua]


pertanyaan ...... tidak ada(TB)/perkataannya .... perkarapun(TL) <01697> [all.]

tersembunyi(TB)/terlindung(TL) <05956> [there.]


Ketika ...... hikmat hikmat(TB)/dilihat ...... hikmat(TL) <02451 07200> [seen the wisdom.]

rumah(TB)/istana(TL) <01004> [the house.]


hikmat Salomo

1Raj 5:12


makanan(TB)/sajian(TL) <03978> [the meat.]

duduk(TB/TL) <04186> [the sitting.]

<08248> [cup-bearers. or, butlers.]

<05944> [ascent.]

tercenganglah(TB)/semangat(TL) <07307> [there was.]


kabar ....... engkau(TB)/kabar ........... hal ihwal(TL) <01697> [report. Heb. word.]

kabar ....... engkau(TB)/kabar ........... hal ihwal(TL) <01697> [acts. or, sayings.]


percaya(TB/TL) <0539> [I believed.]

setengah(TB)/separuh(TL) <02677> [the one half.]

melebihi(TB)/meliputi(TL) <03254> [exceedest.]


aku datang

2Taw 6:32



Terpujilah(TB)/puji(TL) <01288> [Blessed.]

berkenan(TB/TL) <02654> [which delighted.]

[See on]

Allahmu .................. Allahmu ... Allahmu(TB)/Allahmu ............. Allahmu ........ Allahmu(TL) <0430> [because thy God.]

melakukan keadilan .......... benar(TB)/berbuat benar(TL) <04941 06213> [to do judgment.]


atas takhta-Nya

1Raj 2:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 2:12]; 1Taw 17:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 17:14]; 2Taw 13:8 [Semua]

engkau raja

2Taw 2:11


diberikan ......................... diberikan(TB)/diberikan ........................... diberikan(TL) <05414> [she gave.]

rempah-rempah ........... rempah-rempah(TB/TL) <01314> [of spices.]

Syeba(TB/TL) <07614> [Sheba.]

This queen is called Balkis by the Arabians, who say she came from the city of Sheba, also called Mareb, in Yemen or Arabia Felix; but the Ethiopians call her Maqueda, claim her as their sovereign, and say that her posterity reigned there for a long time. Mr. Bruce has given us the history of her and her descendants from Abyssinian records; and Josephus says that Sheba was the ancient name of the city of Mero‰, (south of Egypt, and sometimes comprehended in Ethiopia,) and that this princess came from thence. Those who think the princess came from Arabia, rely chiefly on the fact that gold, silver, spices, and precious stones, which were the presents she made to Solomon, are the natural products of that country; and that it may well be placed at the uttermost part of the earth, as it borders on the southern ocean, and formerly they knew no land beyond it.


talenta emas,

2Taw 8:18


membawa emas emas ... membawa(TB)/membawa emas ..... membawa(TL) <02091 0935> [brought gold.]

kayu kayu(TB)/kayu cendana(TL) <0418 06086> [algum trees.]



dari Ofir,

2Taw 8:18


tangga-tangga(TB)/geradi(TL) <04546> [terraces. or, stairs. Heb. highways. harps.]


dikehendakinya(TB)/kehendaknya(TL) <02656> [all her desire.]


berat(TB/TL) <04948> [the weight.]


Judul : Kemegahan Salomo

Perikop : 2Taw 9:13-28


1Raj 10:14-29; 2Taw 1:14-17 dengan 2Taw 9:13-28


bupati-bupati(TB)/penghulu(TL) <06346> [governors. or, captains.]


raja Arab

2Taw 17:11; Yes 21:13; Yer 25:24; Yeh 27:21; 30:5 [Semua]


ratus ........ ratus(TB)/ratus ........... ratus(TL) <03967> [two.]


gedung(TB)/istana(TL) <01004> [in the house.]


ratus perisai

2Taw 12:9

Hutan Libanon

1Raj 7:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 7:2]



dari gading,

1Raj 22:39; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 22:39]


kelek-kelek .... kelek-kelek(TB)/susuran ................. susuran(TL) <03027> [stays. Heb. hands. two lions.]


dua ... singa ... singa(TB)/dua .... singa(TL) <0738 08147> [twelve lions.]


minuman(TB/TL) <04945> [drinking.]

murni(TB)/tua(TL) <05462> [pure. Heb. shut up. none were of silver. or, there was no silver in them. it was.]


Tarsis ........... Tarsis(TB)/Tarsis ............... Tarsis(TL) <08659> [Tarshish.]

Bochart thinks this Tarshish was probably the promontory Cory, on the north of the island of Ceylon, which, according to him, was the land of Ophir. That it was name of a place in the East Indies, seems probable from the articles brought thence, and also from the ships sent thither being built at Ezion-geber, on the Red Sea; though Michaelis supposes that the fleet coasted along the shore of Africa, doubling the Cape of Good Hope, and came to Tartessus, in Spain, and thence back again the same way; that this accounts for their three years' voyage out and home; and that Spain and the coasts of Africa furnish all the commodities which they brought back.

[See on]

[Tharshish. ivory. or, elephants' teeth. peacocks.]

{Tukkeeyim} is rendered {taysin} in the Targum, [taonon,] in the Alexandrian MS. of the LXX., and {pavos,} "peacocks," in the Vulgate; with which the Syriac, Arabic, and Rabbins agree. This derives confirmation from the fact, that the peacock is called in Malabaric, {Togei.}


Raja ... raja ... raja ...... raja(TB)/Demikianlah ... raja ........ raja(TL) <01431 04428> [passed all the kings.]


di bumi

1Raj 3:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:13]; 2Taw 1:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 1:12] [Semua]


berikhtiar(TB)/datang(TL) <01245> [sought.]

Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.]


Semua raja

1Raj 4:34; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:34]


masing-masing(TB/TL) <0376> [every man.]


membawa persembahannya,

2Taw 32:23; Mazm 45:13; 68:30; 72:10; Yes 18:7 [Semua]



dan kereta-keretanya

1Sam 8:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 8:11]


memerintah .... raja(TB)/takluklah(TL) <04910 04428> [reigned over.]

Efrat(TB)/sungai(TL) <05104> [river.]

"That is, Euphrates."


ia memerintah

1Raj 4:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:21]

sungai Efrat

Mazm 72:8-9 [Semua]

batas Mesir.

Kej 15:18-21 [Semua]


Raja(TB)/bagindapun(TL) <04428> [the king.]

membuat .............. sama(TB)/disebabkan ....... disamakan(TL) <05414> [made. Heb. gave. the sycamore.]


didatangkan(TB)/dibawa(TL) <03318> [brought.]

"Moses," says Bp. Warburton, "had expressly prohibited the multiplying of horses, (De 17:16;) by which the future king was forbidden to establish a body of calvary, because this could not be effected without sending into Egypt, with which people God had forbidden any communication, as this would be dangerous to religion. When Solomon had violated this law, and multiplied horses to excess, (1 Ki 4:26,) it was soon attended with those fatal consequences that the law foretold: for this wisest of kings having likewise, in violation of another law, married Pharaoh's daughter, (the early fruits of this commerce,) and then, by a repetition of the same crime, but a transgression of another law, had espoused more strange women, (1 Ki 4:26; 11:1,) they first,in defiance of a fourth law, persuaded him to build them idol temples for their use; and afterwards, against a fifth law, brought him to erect other temples for his own."

TIP #18: Centang "Hanya dalam TB" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab hanya dalam versi TB [SEMUA]
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