Keluaran 21
1 Peraturan tentang budak.
5 Untuk budak yang telinganya ditusuk.
7 Untuk budak perempuan.
12 Untuk pembunuh manusia.
16 Untuk penculik manusia.
17 Untuk pengutuk orang tuanya.
18 Untuk pemukul.
22 Untuk luka akibat kecelakaan.
28 Untuk seekor lembu yang menanduk.
33 Untuk seseorang yang terluka karena suatu peristiwa. (Untuk seseorang yang terluka pada waktu tertentu)
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
· peraturan-peraturan(TB)/hukum(TL) <04941> [the judgments.]
Le 18:5,26 19:37 20:22 Nu 35:24 36:13 De 5:1,31 6:20 1Ki 6:12
2Ch 19:10 Ne 9:13,14 10:29 Ps 147:19 Eze 20:11,25 Mal 4:4 [Semua]
· kaubawa(TB)/kausampaikan(TL) <07760> [which.] |
Judul : Tentang hak budak Ibrani Perikop : Kel 21:1-11 Paralel: Ul 15:12-18 dengan Kel 21:2-6 Lihat: Im 25:39-55 untuk Kel 21:2-11 Inilah peraturan-peraturan Kel 24:3; 34:32; Ul 4:14; 6:1 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: INILAH PERATURAN-PERATURAN. |
· Ibrani(TB/TL) <05680> [an Hebrew.]
· ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [and in the.] |
seorang budak orang merdeka, Catatan Frasa: SEORANG BUDAK IBRANI. |
21:3 · ia ... seorang diri(TB)/seorang orangnya(TL) <01610> [by himself. Heb. with his body.] |
· budak(TB)/hamba(TL) <05650> [And if.]
· nyata ... sungguh-sungguh berkata demikian(TB)/nyata .... berkata demikian(TL) <0559> [shall plainly say. Heb. saying shall say.] |
orang merdeka, |
· Allah(TB)/hakim(TL) <0430> [the judges.]
· menusuk telinganya ....... telinganya(TB)/ditindik ... telinganya(TL) <0241 07527> [bore his ear.] This significant ceremony was intended as a mark of permanent servitude, and was calculated to impress the servant with the duty of hearing all his master's orders, and obeying them punctually. · seumur hidup(TB)/seumur hidupnya(TL) <05769> [for ever.] |
menghadap Allah, Kel 22:8-9; Ul 17:9; 19:17; 25:1 [Semua] itu menusuk seumur hidup. |
· menjual(TB/TL) <04376> [sell.]
· keluar ...... keluar(TB)/keluar ... keluar(TL) <03318> [go out.] |
· disukai tuannya(TB)/ditebuskannya(TL) <07451 0113> [please not. Heb. be evil in the eyes of, etc.]
Ge 28:8 Jud 14:3 1Sa 8:6 18:8 *marg: [Semua]
· menyediakannya(TB)/bertunangkan(TL) <03259> [who hath.] · perempuan ............................... janjinya(TB)/ditebuskannya ............ dicelakannya(TL) <0898> [seeing.] |
· makanan(TB)/makanannya(TL) <07607> [her food.]
{Sheairah,} "her flesh;" he shall not only afford her a sufficient quantity of food, as before, but of the same quality. She is not to be fed, like a common slave, with a sufficiency of bread, vegetables, milk, etc., but with her customary supply of flesh, and other agreeable articles of food. |
dan persetubuhan |
21:12 |
Judul : Peraturan tentang jaminan nyawa Perikop : Kel 21:12-36 dihukum mati. Kel 21:15,17; Kej 4:14,23; [Lihat FULL. Kej 4:14]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 4:23]; Kel 31:15; Im 20:9,10; 24:16; 27:29; Bil 1:51; 35:16,30-31; Ul 13:5; 19:11; 22:22; 27:16; Ayub 31:11; Ams 20:20; Mat 26:52; [Lihat FULL. Mat 26:52] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: PASTILAH IA DIHUKUM MATI. |
· disengaja(TB)/disengajanya(TL) <06658> [lie not.]
· Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.] · maka(TB)/dia ..... menentukan(TL) <07760> [I will appoint.] |
suatu tempat, Bil 35:10-34; Ul 4:42; 19:2-13; Yos 20:9 [Semua] |
· berlaku angkara(TB)/barang(TL) <02102> [presumptuously.]
· membunuhnya(TB)/membunuh(TL) <02026> [slay.] · mengambil ..... mezbah-Ku .... mezbah-Ku(TB)/mengambil(TL) <03947 04196> [take him.] |
tipu daya, Kej 4:8; Bil 35:20; 2Sam 3:27; 20:10; Ibr 10:26 [Semua] mati dibunuh. Ul 19:11-12; 1Raj 2:28-34 [Semua] |
To smite either father or mother, in a manner which indicated either contempt or malice, or left marks of violence, was deemed a proof of so ungrateful and unnatural a disposition, that no provocation was admitted as an excuse, but the offence was made capital: nay, he who cursed his father or mother, who uttered imprecations, ill wishes, or revilings, against a parent, was included in the same sense; though few crimes were made capital by the law of Moses. The law of God, as delegated to parents is honoured when they are honoured, and despised when they are despised: and to rebel against the lawful exercise of this authority is rebellion against God.--Rev. T. Scott |
· Siapa yang menculik(TB)/mencuri(TL) <01589> [stealeth.]
· menjualnya ... terdapat .... terdapat(TB)/dijualnya(TL) <04376 04672> [selleth him.] · tangannya padanya(TB)/terdapat(TL) <04672 03027> [found in.] |
telah menjualnya, dihukum mati. |
21:17 · mengutuki(TB/TL) <07043> [curseth. or, revilteth.] |
dihukum mati. Kel 21:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 21:12]; Ul 5:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 5:16]; Mat 15:4%&; Mr 7:10%& [Semua] |
· <0582> [men.]
· yang lain(TB)/seorang(TL) <07453> [another. or, his neighbour. a stone.] |
· tongkat(TB)/tongkatnya(TL) <04938> [upon his staff.]
· membayar kerugian(TB)/digantinya rugi(TL) <05414> [only he shall pay.] This was a wise and excellent institution. The same provision is made in the civil law; and most courts of justice still regulate their decisions in such cases by this Mosaic precept. · menganggur(TB)/berhenti kerjanya(TL) <07674> [the loss. Heb. his ceasing.] |
· memukul(TB)/memalu(TL) <05221> [smite.]
· dibalaskan(TB)/dituntut ... belanya(TL) <05358> [he shall.] · dibalaskan(TB)/dituntut ... belanya(TL) <05358> [punished. Heb. avenged.] |
21:21 |
adalah miliknya |
· berkelahi(TB/TL) <05327> [strive.]
· hakim(TB)/wasit(TL) <06414> [as the judges.] |
yang dikenakan Catatan Frasa: SEHINGGA KEGUGURAN KANDUNGAN |
21:23 · jiwa .... jiwa ... nyawa(TB)/jiwa .... jiwa(TL) <05315> [life for life.] |
ganti nyawa, |
This is the earliest account we have of the [towtopatheia,] tautopatheia,] Lex Talionis, law of like for like. |
ganti gigi, Kel 21:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 21:23]; Mat 5:38%& [Semua] |
21:26 |
21:28 · lembu ........... lembu .............. lembu(TB)/lembu ............. lembu ............... lembu(TL) <07794> [the ox.] |
dilempari mati |
21:29 · pemiliknya ............ mati ... membunuh ............. pemiliknyapun .... mati ...... dibunuh(TB)/empunya ............................... empunya(TL) <01167 04191> [his owner also.] |
mau menjaganya, |
21:30 · tebusan(TB/TL) <06306> [for the ransom.] |
yang dibebankan |
· lembu ...................... lembu(TB)/lembu .................... lembu(TL) <07794> [and the ox.] |
puluh syikal Kej 37:28; Za 11:12-13; Mat 26:15; 27:3,9 [Semua] |
21:33 |
membuka sumur, |
21:34 |
mau menjaganya, |