TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 14:2-32

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hukum(TB/TL) <08451> [the law.]

hari(TB/TL) <03117> [in the day.]

dibawa(TB/TL) <0935> [He shall.]


kepada imam,

Im 13:57; Ul 24:8; Mat 8:2-4; Mr 1:40-44; Luk 5:12-14; 17:14 [Semua]


pergi(TB)/Maka(TL) <03318> [go forth.]

Lepers were obliged to live in a detached situation, separate from other people, and to keep themselves actually at a distance from them. They were distinguished by a peculiar dress; and if any person approached, they were bound to give him warning, by crying out, Unclean! unclean!

luar perkemahan ... tentara(TB)/luar(TL) <02351 04264> [out of.]

sembuh(TB) <07495> [be healed.]


menurut pemeriksaan

Im 13:46

penyakit kusta

Im 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:2]


burung ...... dua ... burung(TB)/dua ... burung(TL) <08147 06833> [two birds. or, sparrows.]

The word {tzippor,} from the Arabic {zaphara,} to fly, is used in the Scriptures to denote birds of every species, particularly small birds. But it is often used in a more restricted sense, as the Hebrew writers assert, to signify the sparrow. Aquinas says the same; and Jerome renders it here the sparrow. So the Greek [strouthia,] in Matthew and Luke, which signifies a sparrow, is rendered by the Syriac translator {tzipparin}, the same as the Hebrew {tzipporim}. Nor is it peculiar to the Hebrews to give the same name to the sparrow and to fowls of the largest size; for Nicander calls the hen [strouthos katoikados,] the domestic sparrow, and both Plautus and Ausonius call the ostrich, {passer marinus,} "the marine sparrow." It is evident, however, that the word in this passage signifies birds in general; for if the sparrow was a clean bird, there was no necessity for commanding a clean one to be taken, since every one of the species was ceremonially clean; but if it was unclean, then it could not be called clean.

aras(TB)/araz(TL) <0730> [cedar.]

kain kirmizi(TB)/benang(TL) <08144> [scarlet.]

hisop(TB)/zufa(TL) <0231> [hyssop.]


akan ditahirkan

Im 14:6,49,51,52; Bil 19:6; Mazm 51:9 [Semua]

dan hisop.

Kel 12:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:22]


belanga tanah periuk(TB)/periuk ... berisi(TL) <03627 02789> [earthen vessel.]


belanga tanah

Im 14:50


burung .... hidup burung .............. burung ...... burung .... burung .... burung ..... mengalir(TB)/burung .... hidup ................ burung ... hidup ..... burung ....... hidup(TL) <06833 02416> [the living bird.]

hidup ..... hidup ............... dicelupkannya .... hidup ......... mengalir ... hidup(TB)/dicelupkannya(TL) <02881 02416> [dip them.]


mengalir itu.

Im 14:4; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:4]


memercik(TB)/dipercikkannya(TL) <05137> [sprinkle.]

kali kali(TB)/tujuh kali(TL) <07651 06471> [seven times.]

ditahirkan ........ mentahirkan(TB)/disucikan ....... dibilangkan ... suci(TL) <02891> [pronounce.]

hidup(TB/TL) <02416> [let.]

dilepaskannya padang padang(TB)/padang(TL) <06440 07704> [into the open field. Heb. upon the face of the field.]


harus memercik

2Raj 5:10,14; Yes 52:15; Yeh 36:25 [Semua]

tujuh kali

Im 14:51

ke padang.

Im 14:53


mencuci pakaiannya(TB)/membasuh(TL) <03526 0899> [wash his.]

membasuh .... air air(TB)/membasuh(TL) <07364 04325> [wash himself.]

tinggal(TB/TL) <03427> [and shall.]

tujuh hari ... hari(TB)/tujuh hari(TL) <07651 03117> [seven days.]


mencuci pakaiannya,

Im 11:25; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:25]

dengan air,

Im 14:9; Kel 29:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:4]; Im 15:5; 17:15; 22:6; Bil 19:7,8 [Semua]

menjadi tahir.

Im 14:20

dalam perkemahan,

Im 13:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:11]; Bil 5:2,3; 12:14,15; 19:20; 31:24; 2Taw 26:21 [Semua]


mencukur ... rambutnya ...... rambut ... bulunya ... dicukur ..... rambutnya(TB)/mencukur ............. dicukurnya(TL) <01548 08181> [shave all.]

tubuhnya dibasuh ........ tubuhnya(TB)/dimandikannya tubuhnya(TL) <01320 07364> [wash his flesh.]

Lictenstein states that "among the Koossas, (a nation of South Africa,) there are certain prevailing notions respecting moral [ceremonial] uncleanness. All children are unclean till they are admitted among grown-up persons (which happens with the males through the various ceremonies attending circumcision); all lying-in women are unclean for the first month; all men who have lost their wives, for a fortnight, and all widows for a month; a mother who has lost a child, for two days; all persons who have been present at a death, the men returning from a battle, etc. No one may have intercourse with such an unclean person, till he has washed himself, rubbed his body with fresh paint, and rinsed his mouth with milk. But he must not do this till after the lapse of a certain time, fixed by general consent for each particular case, and during this time he must wholly refrain from washing, painting, or drinking milk."


pada hari

Im 13:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:5]

seluruh rambutnya

Bil 6:9; Ul 21:12 [Semua]

menjadi tahir.

Im 13:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:6]


hari hari kedelapan(TB)/hari ... kedelapan(TL) <03117 08066> [eighth day.]

mengambil(TB)/diambilnya(TL) <03947> [take.]

domba jantan(TB)/anak domba(TL) <03532> [he lambs.]

domba betina(TB)/domba(TL) <03535> [ewe lamb.]

berumur setahun setahun(TB)/betina ... setahun(TL) <01323 08141> [of the first year. Heb. the daughter of her year. three tenth.]

korban sajian(TB)/makanan(TL) <04503> [a meat offering.]

minyak minyak ...... log minyak(TB)/minyak ...... setakar minyak(TL) <03849 08081> [log of oil.]


Pada hari

Bil 6:10; Mat 8:4; Mr 1:44; Luk 5:14 [Semua]

domba betina

Im 4:32; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:32]

persepuluh efa

Bil 15:9; 28:20 [Semua]

korban sajian,

Im 2:1

log minyak.

Im 14:12,15,21,24 [Semua]



harus menempatkan

Bil 6:16

Kemah Pertemuan.

Bil 6:10


tebusan salah(TB)/salah(TL) <0817> [trespass.]

mempersembahkannya ... korban timangan(TB)/menimang-nimangkan(TL) <05130 08573> [wave them.]


tebusan salah

Im 5:18; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:18]

persembahan unjukan

Kel 29:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:24]


tempat ........... tempat(TB)/tempat ............ tempat(TL) <04725> [in the place.]

korban penghapus dosa .............. korban penghapus dosa(TB)/dosa ............. dosa(TL) <02403> [as the sin.]

kudus ... suci .............. maha kudus ... kesucian ... kesucian(TB)/suci ................. kesucian ... kesucian(TL) <06944> [it is most holy.]


tempat kudus,

Kel 29:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:11]

bagian imam;

Im 6:24-30; Im 7:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:7] [Semua]



kaki kanannya.

Kel 29:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:20]



tangan kiri

Im 14:26



tujuh kali

Im 14:27



tebusan salah

Im 14:28


apa yang tinggal(TB)/sisa(TL) <03498> [the remnant.]

pendamaian(TB)/gafirat(TL) <03722> [make an atonement.]


akan ditahirkan.

Im 14:31; Im 15:15 [Semua]



dari kenajisannya,

Im 14:31; Im 5:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:3]; Im 15:15 [Semua]



orang itu,

Im 15:30

menjadi tahir.

Im 14:8


miskin(TB/TL) <01800> [poor.]

kuat(TL) <03027> [cannot. Heb. his hand reach not. one lamb.]

persembahan unjukan(TB)/korban timangan(TL) <08573> [to be waved. Heb. for a waving.]


itu miskin

Im 5:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:7]

tidak mampu,

Im 14:22,32 [Semua]


dua ...... dua(TB/TL) <08147> [two turtle doves.]

{Tor,} the turtle or ring-dove, so called by an onomatopoeia from its cooing, as in Greek [trugon], Latin, {turtur} and English, turtle. It is a species of the dove or pigeon, here called {yonah,} and in the Syriac {yauno,} from the verb to oppress, afflict, because of its being particularly defenceless, and exposed to rapine and violence. The dove is a genus of birds too well known to need a particular description; and of which there are several species besides the turtle-dove; as the wood pigeon, tame pigeon, and others. The dove is universally allowed to be one of the most beautiful objects in nature. The brilliancy of her plumage, the splendour of her eye, the innocence of her look, the excellence of her dispositions, and the purity of her manners, have been the theme of admiration and praise in every age. To the snowy whiteness of her wings, and the rich golden hues that adorn her neck, the inspired Psalmist alludes in most elegant strains. (Ps 68:13.) The voice of the dove is particularly tender and plaintive, and bears a striking resemblance to the groan of a person in distress; to which the inspired bards frequently allude. (Isa 38:14; 59:11; Eze 7:16.) Her native dwelling is in the caves or hollows of the rock; allusions to which fact also occur in the Sacred Writings, (So 2:14; Jer 48:28.) Her manners are as engaging as her form is elegant, and her plumage rich and beautiful. She is the chosen emblem of simplicity, gentleness, chastity, and feminine timidity, and for this reason, as well as from their abounding in the East, they were probably chosen as offerings by Jehovah.


burung merpati

Im 5:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:7]

korban bakaran.

Im 15:30


Kemah Pertemuan

Im 15:14,29 [Semua]

hadapan Tuhan.

Im 14:10,11; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:10]; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:11] [Semua]



tebusan salah

Bil 6:14

dan minyak

Im 14:10; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:10]

persembahan unjukan

Im 14:12



kaki kanannya.

Kel 29:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:20]


tangan kirinya

Im 14:15



hadapan Tuhan.

Im 14:18



sekadar kemampuannya,

Im 5:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:7]


korban bakaran,

Im 14:22; Im 5:7; 15:15,30 [Semua]

akan ditahirkan

Im 14:18,19; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:18]; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:19] [Semua]


kuat(TL) <03027> [whose hand.]


kena kusta

Im 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:2]

tidak mampu.

Im 14:21; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:21]

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