TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Samuel 10:6-7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Roh(TB/TL) <07307> [Spirit.]

manusia lain .... orang(TB)/orang lain(TL) <0376 0312> [another man.]


Maka Roh

Bil 11:25; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:25]

dan berubah

1Sam 10:9

Catatan Frasa: MANUSIA LAIN.


tanda-tanda(TB)/tanda(TL) <0226> [let it be. Heb. it shall come to pass that, etc. signs.]

lakukanlah ..... didapat ....... sependapat(TB)/perbuatlah ..... sependapat(TL) <04672 06213> [that thou do as occasion, etc. Heb. do for thee as thine hand shall find.]

Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.]


lakukanlah apa

2Sam 7:3; 1Raj 8:17; 1Taw 22:7; 28:2; 2Taw 6:7; Pengkh 9:10 [Semua]

oleh tanganmu,

Hak 9:33

Allah menyertai

Yos 1:5; [Lihat FULL. Yos 1:5]; Luk 1:28; Ibr 13:5 [Semua]

1 Samuel 10:9-13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berpaling(TB)/berpalinglah(TL) <07926> [back. Heb. shoulder. gave. Heb. turned. another heart.]


tanda-tanda(TB)/tanda(TL) <0226> [and all those signs.]

The following history of Saul is given by the Afghans, a people generally supposed to be of Jewish origin: "In a war which raged between the children of Israel and the Amalekites, the latter being victorious, plundered the Jews, and obtained possession of the ark of the covenant. Considering this [as] the God of the Jews, they threw it into the fire, which did not affect it. They afterwards attempted to cleave it with axes, but without success: every individual who treated it with indignity, was punished for his temerity. They then placed it in their temple; but all their idols bowed to it. At length they fastened it upon a cow, which they turned loose in the wilderness. When the prophet Samuel arose, the children of Israel said to him, 'We have been totally subdued by the Amalekites, and have no king. Raise to us a king, that we may be enabled to contend for the glory of God.' Samuel said, 'In case you are led out to battle, are you determined to fight?' They answered, 'What has befallen us, that we should not fight against infidels? That nation has banished us from our country and children.' At this time the angel Gabriel descended, and delivering a wand, said, 'It is the command of God, that the person whose stature shall correspond with this wand, shall be king of Israel.' Melec T l£t was at that time a man of inferior condition, and performed the humble employment of feeding the goats and cows of others. One day, a cow under his charge was accidentally lost. Being disappointed in his searches, he was greatly distressed, and applied to Samuel saying, 'I have lost a cow, and I do not possess the means of satisfying the owner. Pray for me that I may be extricated from this difficulty.' Samuel perceiving that he was a man of lofty stature, asked his name. He answered, T l£t. Samuel then said, 'Measure T l£t with the wand which the angel Gabriel brought.' His stature was equal to it. Samuel then said, 'God has raised T l£t to be your king.' The children of Israel answered, 'We are greater than our king. We are men of dignity, and he is of inferior condition. How shall he be our king?' Samuel informed them, they should know that God had constituted T l£t king, by his restoring the ark of the covenant. He accordingly restored it, and they acknowledged him their sovereign." Asiatic Researches, vol. ii. p. 119, et seq.


Judul : Saul menjadi raja

Perikop : 1Sam 10:9-27

Allah mengubah

1Sam 10:6

segala tanda-tanda

Ul 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Ul 13:2]

itu terjadi

1Sam 10:7



sampai(TB)/sampailah(TL) <0935> [they came.]



Bil 11:25; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:25]; 1Sam 11:6 [Semua]

turut kepenuhan

1Sam 10:5-6; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:5]; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:6] [Semua]


mengenalnya(TB)/mengenal(TL) <03045> [when all.]

satu seorang yang lain(TB)/seorang ... seorang(TL) <0376 07453> [one to another. Heb. a man to his neighbour. What is this.]

Saul(TB)/Saulpun(TL) <07586> [Is Saul.]


Apakah gerangan

Mat 13:54; Yoh 7:15 [Semua]

golongan nabi?

1Sam 10:12; 1Sam 19:24; 2Raj 9:11; Yer 29:26; Hos 9:7 [Semua]


Lalu(TB)/sahut(TL) <06030> [of the same place. Heb. from thence. who is their.]


golongan nabi?

1Sam 10:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:11]


ia kepenuhan

1Sam 19:23

1 Samuel 10:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengenalnya(TB)/mengenal(TL) <03045> [when all.]

satu seorang yang lain(TB)/seorang ... seorang(TL) <0376 07453> [one to another. Heb. a man to his neighbour. What is this.]

Saul(TB)/Saulpun(TL) <07586> [Is Saul.]


Apakah gerangan

Mat 13:54; Yoh 7:15 [Semua]

golongan nabi?

1Sam 10:12; 1Sam 19:24; 2Raj 9:11; Yer 29:26; Hos 9:7 [Semua]

1 Samuel 6:1-21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tabut(TB/TL) <0727> [A.M. 2864. B.C. 1140. An. Ex. Is. 351. the ark.]


Judul : Tabut dikembalikan kepada orang Israel

Perikop : 1Sam 6:1--7:1


memanggil(TB)/dipanggillah(TL) <07121> [called.]

mengantarkannya(TB)/mengirimkan .... ke(TL) <07971> [wherewith.]


para petenung,

Kel 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 7:11]; Yes 44:25; [Lihat FULL. Yes 44:25] [Semua]


hampa(TB/TL) <07387> [empty.]

tebusan(TB)/salah(TL) <0817> [a trespass.]

mengetahui(TB)/nyatalah(TL) <03045> [known.]


tangan hampa,

Kel 22:29; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:29]; Kel 34:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 34:20] [Semua]

tebusan salah

Im 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:15]

mengapa tangan-Nya

1Sam 6:9


emas lima ... emas ... emas ... emas(TB)/Lima .... emas ... lima .... emas(TL) <02568 02091> [Five golden.]

raja-raja .................... raja-raja(TB)/penghulu ............... penghulumu(TL) <05633> [you all. Heb. them.]


Menurut jumlah

Yos 13:3; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:3]

sebab tulah

2Sam 24:25


tikus(TB)/tikusmu(TL) <05909> [mice.]

Bochart has collected many curious accounts relative to the terrible devastations made by these mischievous animals. William, Archbishop of Tyre, records, that in the beginning of the twelfth century, a penitential council was held at Naplouse, where five and twenty canons were framed for the correction of the manners of the inhabitants of the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem, who they apprehended had provoked to bring upon them the calamities of earthquakes, war, and famine. This last he ascribes to locusts and devouring mice, which had for four years together so destroyed the fruits of the earth as to cause an almost total failure of their crops. It was customary for the ancient heathen to offer to their gods such monuments of their deliverance as represented the evils from which they had been rescued; and Tavernier informs us, that among the Indians, when a pilgrim goes to one of the pagodas for a cure, he brings the figure of the member affected, made of gold, silver, or copper, according to his circumstances, which he offers to his god.

sampaikanlah hormatmu ....... hormat(TB)/berilah hormat(TL) <03519 05414> [give glory.]

mengangkat(TB)/diringankan-Nya(TL) <07043> [lighten.]

tanahmu ...... Allah ........... allahmu ..... tanahmu(TB)/tanah ....... Allah .............. berhalamu ..... negerimu(TL) <0430 0776> [off your.]


gambar borok-borokmu

1Sam 5:6-11; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 5:6] s/d 11 [Semua]

sampaikanlah hormatmu

Yos 7:19; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:19]; Wahy 14:7 [Semua]


berkeras ......... berkeras(TB)/mengeraskan ......... mengeraskan(TL) <03513> [harden.]

<04714> [the Egyptians.]

mempermain-mainkan(TB)/terpaksa(TL) <05953> [wonderfully. or, reproachfully. did they not.]

membiarkan ..... ketika(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <07971> [the people. Heb. them.]


kamu berkeras

Kel 4:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:21]

Bukankah mereka

Kel 12:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:33]

Ia mempermain-mainkan

Kel 10:2


pedati .... kereta baru .................. kereta .... pedatinya(TB)/pedati ... baharu ....................... pedatinya(TL) <02319 05699> [new cart.]

kena(TB)/dikenakan(TL) <05927> [on which.]


sebuah kereta

2Sam 6:3; 1Taw 13:7 [Semua]

kena kuk,

Bil 19:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 19:2]


benda-benda(TB)/serba(TL) <03627> [jewels.]


Bet-Semes(TB)/Bait-Semes(TL) <01053> [Beth-shemesh.]

mendatangkan(TB)/mengadakan(TL) <06213> [he. or, it.]

mengetahui(TB)/ketahui(TL) <03045> [we shall.]


tangan-Nya(TB)/tangan(TL) <03027> [not his hand.]

kebetulan(TB)/untung(TL) <04745> [a chance.]


ke Bet-Semes,

Yos 15:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:10]; Yos 21:16 [Semua]


meletakkan(TB)/dimuatkannya(TL) <07760> [they laid.]




menuai gandum

Kej 30:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 30:14]; Rut 2:23; 1Sam 12:17 [Semua]


mempersembahkan(TB)/dipersembahkannya(TL) <05927> [offered.]


korban bakaran

1Sam 11:7; 2Sam 24:22; 1Raj 19:21 [Semua]


suku Lewi

Yos 3:3

atas batu

1Sam 6:18

orang-orang Bet-Semes

Yos 21:16


kelima(TB/TL) <02568> [the five.]

pulanglah(TB/TL) <07725> [they returned.]


emas(TB)/keemasan(TL) <02091> [these.]


Asdod(TB/TL) <0795> [Ashdod.]

Gaza(TB/TL) <05804> [Gaza.]

Askelon(TB/TL) <0831> [Askelon.]

Gat(TB/TL) <01661> [Gath.]

Ekron(TB)/Ekeron(TL) <06138> [Ekron.]


Asdod satu,

Yos 13:3; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:3]


kelima ... kota .... rajanya(TB)/kelima ... rajanya(TL) <05633 02568> [the five lords.]

batu besar ....... batu(TB)/besar(TL) <01419 059> [great stone of. or, great stone.]


membunuh ............. membunuh .............. menghajar(TB)/dipalu ................ dipalu-Nya ...................... dipalu(TL) <05221> [he smote.]

ribu(TB)/lima puluh ribu(TL) <02572 0505> [fifty thousand.]

As it is very improbable that the village of Beth-shemesh should contain, or be capable of employing, 50,070 men in the fields at wheat harvest, much less that they could all peep into the ark, and from the uncommon manner in which it is expressed in the original, it is generally allowed that there is some corruption in the text, or that some explanatory word is omitted. The Hebrew is {shivim ish, chamishim aileph ish,} literally, "seventy men, fifty thousand men:" so LXX. [ .] Vulgate, {septuaginta viros, et quinquaginta millia plebis,} "70 (chief) men, and 50,000 common people." Targum, {besabey ƒmma,} "of the elders of the people 70 men, {ovekahala,} and in the congregation 50,000 men." But the Syriac, {chamsho alphin weshivin gavrin,} "5,000 and 70 men;" with which the Arabic agrees; while Josephus has only [ ,] seventy men; and three reputable MSS. of Dr. Kennicott's also omit "50,000 men." Some learned men, however, would render, by supplying [Mˆm,] {mem,} "70 men; fifty out of a thousand;" which supposes about 1,400 present, and that a twentieth part were slain.


Ia membunuh

2Sam 6:7

mereka melihat

Kel 19:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:21]




tahan berdiri

2Sam 6:9; Mazm 130:3; Mal 3:2; Wahy 6:17 [Semua]

yang kudus

Im 11:45; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:45]


Kiryat-Yearim(TB/TL) <07157> [Kirjath-jearim.]


penduduk Kiryat-Yearim

Yos 9:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 9:17]

1 Samuel 6:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menuai gandum

Kej 30:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 30:14]; Rut 2:23; 1Sam 12:17 [Semua]

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