TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 10:1-3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Nadab(TB/TL) <05070> [Nadab.]

perbaraannya(TB)/pedupaannya(TL) <04289> [censer.]

menaruh ukupan ..... dupa(TB)/diletakkannya dupa(TL) <07004 07760> [put incense.]

asing(TB)/patut(TL) <02114> [strange.]

diperintahkan-Nya(TB)/diperintahkan(TL) <06680> [which.]

Bp. Hall says, "It is a dangerous thing, in the service of God, to decline from his institutions; we have to do with a God, who is wise to prescribe his own worship--just to require what he has prescribed--and powerful to avenge what he has not prescribed."


Judul : Kematian Nadab dan Abihu

Perikop : Im 10:1-7

dan Abihu,

Kel 6:22; 24:1; 28:1; Bil 3:2-4; 26:61; 1Taw 6:3 [Semua]

mengambil perbaraannya,

Bil 16:46; 1Raj 7:50; 2Raj 25:15; 2Taw 4:22; Yer 52:19; Yeh 8:11 [Semua]

ke dalamnya

Im 16:12; Bil 16:7,18; Yes 6:6 [Semua]

menaruh ukupan

Kel 30:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:9]

hadapan Tuhan

Im 10:2; Im 16:1 [Semua]

tidak diperintahkan-Nya

Kel 30:9

Catatan Frasa: API YANG ASING.


api(TB/TL) <0784> [fire.]

mati(TB)/matilah(TL) <04191> [they died.]

This fire, which destroyed the sacrificers, came from the same source with that which had consumed the sacrifices.

[See ch.]

Note. They died.--The wages of sin is death.--They died suddenly--they died before the Lord; that is, before the vail that covered the mercy-seat.--They died by fire, as by fire they sinned. The fire did not burn them to ashes, as it had done the sacrifices, nor so much as singe their coats, (ver. 5) but struck them dead in an instant. By these different effects of the same fire, we learn that it was no common fire, but kindled by the breath of the Almighty. .# Isa 30:33


keluarlah api

Mazm 106:18

menghanguskan keduanya,

Bil 11:1; 16:35; Mazm 2:12; 50:3; Yes 29:6 [Semua]

hadapan Tuhan.

Kej 19:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:24]; Kej 38:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:7]; Bil 16:35; 1Taw 24:2; Ayub 1:16 [Semua]



kekudusan-Ku .......... kemuliaan-Ku(TB)/dipermuliakan ......... dihormati(TL) <06942 03513> [I will be.]

muka(TB)/di hadapan(TL) <06440> [before.]

Harun ....................... Harun(TB)/Harun ........................... Harunpun(TL) <0175> [Aaron.]


karib kepada-Ku

Kel 19:22

Kunyatakan kekudusan-Ku,

Kel 30:29; Im 21:6; 22:32; Bil 16:5; 20:13; Yes 5:16; Yeh 28:22; 38:16 [Semua]

Kuperlihatkan kemuliaan-Ku.

Kel 14:4; Yes 44:23; 49:3; 55:5; 60:21 [Semua]

Bilangan 16:35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


keluarlah ... berasal ..... lalu(TB)/dari(TL) <03318> [And there.]

ratus(TB/TL) <03967> [two hundred.]


pada Tuhan,

Bil 11:1-3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:1] s/d 3; Bil 26:10; Wahy 11:5 [Semua]

memakan habis

Im 10:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:2]

Bilangan 16:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Korah(TB/TL) <07141> [Korah.]

bin ... bin ... bin ....... anak-anak ..... bin .... orang Ruben ...... Rubin(TB)/bin ... bin ... bin .......... anak ..... bin .... bani Rubin(TL) <01121 07205> [sons of Reuben.]

mengajak(TB)/Sebermula(TL) <03947> [took men.]

As the word men is not in the text, some read "took counsel;" and some "took courage." Houbigant renders {yikkach, rebellionem fecerunt,} "they rebelled;" which scarcely any rule of criticism can ever justify. Dr. Geddes' translation is, "Another insurrection was raised against Moses by Korah," etc. Others think that it may mean, "behaved with insolence." But, as Dr. A. Clarke observes, the verb {wyyikkach,} "and he took" which though at the end of the sentence in English, is the first word in Hebrew, is not in the plural, but the singular; and hence cannot be applied to the acts of all these chiefs. In every part of the Scripture, where this rebellion is referred to, it is attributed to Korah, therefore the verb here belongs to him; and the whole verse should be translated, "Now Korah, son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, he took even Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, son of Peleth, son of Reuben, and they rose up," etc.; reading, with some MSS., the Samaritan, and Septuagint, {ben,} son, instead of {beney,} sons.


Judul : Korah, Datan dan Abiram

Perikop : Bil 16:1-50


Kel 6:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:24]; Yud 1:11 [Semua]

dan Abiram,

Bil 16:24; Mazm 106:17 [Semua]

anak-anak Eliab,

Bil 26:8; Ul 11:6 [Semua]

1 Samuel 6:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membunuh ............. membunuh .............. menghajar(TB)/dipalu ................ dipalu-Nya ...................... dipalu(TL) <05221> [he smote.]

ribu(TB)/lima puluh ribu(TL) <02572 0505> [fifty thousand.]

As it is very improbable that the village of Beth-shemesh should contain, or be capable of employing, 50,070 men in the fields at wheat harvest, much less that they could all peep into the ark, and from the uncommon manner in which it is expressed in the original, it is generally allowed that there is some corruption in the text, or that some explanatory word is omitted. The Hebrew is {shivim ish, chamishim aileph ish,} literally, "seventy men, fifty thousand men:" so LXX. [ .] Vulgate, {septuaginta viros, et quinquaginta millia plebis,} "70 (chief) men, and 50,000 common people." Targum, {besabey ƒmma,} "of the elders of the people 70 men, {ovekahala,} and in the congregation 50,000 men." But the Syriac, {chamsho alphin weshivin gavrin,} "5,000 and 70 men;" with which the Arabic agrees; while Josephus has only [ ,] seventy men; and three reputable MSS. of Dr. Kennicott's also omit "50,000 men." Some learned men, however, would render, by supplying [Mˆm,] {mem,} "70 men; fifty out of a thousand;" which supposes about 1,400 present, and that a twentieth part were slain.


Ia membunuh

2Sam 6:7

mereka melihat

Kel 19:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:21]


1 Samuel 6:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memanggil(TB)/dipanggillah(TL) <07121> [called.]

mengantarkannya(TB)/mengirimkan .... ke(TL) <07971> [wherewith.]


para petenung,

Kel 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 7:11]; Yes 44:25; [Lihat FULL. Yes 44:25] [Semua]

1 Samuel 26:16-20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[worthy to die. Heb. the sons of death.]

TUHAN ................ TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Lord's.]


suara ...... Suaramukah ....... Suaraku(TB)/bunyi ........ suaramu ........... suara(TL) <06963> [Is this thy.]



1Sam 24:17


tuanku(TB/TL) <0113> [Wherefore.]

kuperbuat(TB)/perbuatan(TL) <06213> [what have I.]


Apakah kejahatan

Ayub 13:23; Yer 37:18 [Semua]


tuanku(TB/TL) <0113> [let my lord.]

membujuk(TB)/mengajak(TL) <05496> [stirred.]

mencium(TB)/cium(TL) <07306> [accept. Heb. smell.]

terkutuklah(TB)/laknat(TL) <0779> [cursed.]

mengusir(TB)/dihalaukannya(TL) <01644> [they have driven.]

mendapat bagian(TB)/berhubung(TL) <05596> [abiding. Heb. cleaving. the inheritance.]


raja mendengarkan

1Sam 24:10

korban persembahan;

2Sam 16:11

pada milik

Ul 20:16; 32:9; 2Sam 14:16; 20:19; 21:3 [Semua]

kepada allah

Ul 4:28; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:28]; Ul 11:28; [Lihat FULL. Ul 11:28] [Semua]


tertumpah(TB)/darah(TL) <01818> [let not my.]

raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.]

memburu seekor .... kutu(TB)/seekor kutu(TL) <0259 06550> [a flea.]

{Parosh,} (in Arabic {borghooth,} Syriac, {poorthano,}) the well known little contemptible and troublesome insect, the flea, seems to be so called from its agility in leaping and skipping, from {para,} "free," and {raash,} "to leap, bound." David, by comparing himself to this insect, seems to import, that while it would cost Saul much pains to catch him, he would obtain but very little advantage from it.

ayam(TB)/ayam hutan(TL) <07124> [a partridge.]

{Korai} certainly denotes the partridge, which is called in Arabic, {kir„a.} It seems to be so called from the cry or {cur} which it utters when calling its young.


kiranya darahku

1Sam 24:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 24:12]

ayam hutan

1Sam 24:15

ayam hutan

Yer 4:29; 16:16; Am 9:3 [Semua]

1 Samuel 26:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Zif(TB)/Zifi(TL) <02130> [Ziphites.]

Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [Doth not.]


Judul : Untuk kedua kalinya Daud membiarkan Saul hidup

Perikop : 1Sam 26:1-25

orang Zif

1Sam 23:19

Daud menyembunyikan

Mazm 54:1-2

padang belantara.

1Sam 23:24

Kolose 1:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rasul(TB/TL) <652> [an.]

Timotius(TB/TL) <5095> [Timotheus.]


Judul : Salam

Perikop : Kol 1:1-2

Paulus, rasul

1Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 1:1]

kehendak Allah,

2Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 2Kor 1:1]

dan Timotius

Kis 16:1; [Lihat FULL. Kis 16:1]

TIP #26: Perkuat kehidupan spiritual harian Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab Harian. [SEMUA]
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