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2 Samuel 3

1 Selama peperangan Daud masih bertambah kuat.

2 Enam anak laki-laki lahir baginya di Hebron.

6 Abner, marah terhadap Isyboset,

7 memihak Daud.

13 Daud meminta syarat untuk membawa kepadanya istrinya Mikhal.

17 Abner, setelah bercakap-cakap dengan orang-orang Israel, dijamu makan oleh Daud, dan kemudian pergi.

22 Yoab kembali dari perang, tidak suka dengan raja, dan membunuh Abner.

28 Daud mengutuk Yoab;

31 dan berkabung atas Abner.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

3:1 · Peperangan ..... perang .... berlarut-larut(TB)/lama ... perang(TL) <04421 0752> [long war.]

· keluarga .... keluarga .......... keluarga(TB)/rumah ...... rumah .................. rumah(TL) <01004> [between.]

· Daud ... Daud kian .......... kian ........ makin(TB)/Daud ........ Daud ..... makin(TL) <01980 01732> [David waxed.]


Daud berlarut-larut;

1Raj 14:30

kian kuat,

2Sam 5:10

kian lemah.

2Sam 2:17; 22:44; Est 9:4 [Semua]

3:2 · lahirlah bagi diperanakkan anak-anak(TB)/diperanakkan ..... anaknya(TL) <03205 01121> [sons born.]

· Amnon(TB/TL) <0550> [Amnon.]

· Ahinoam(TB/TL) <0293> [Ahinoam.]


Judul : Anak-anak lelaki Daud

Perikop : 2Sam 3:2-5


1Taw 3:1-4 dengan 2Sam 3:2-5

ialah Amnon,

2Sam 13:1

dari Ahinoam,

1Sam 25:43; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:43]

3:3 · Kileab(TB)/Khileab(TL) <03609> [Chileab.]

· [Daniel. Abigail.]

· Absalom(TB/TL) <053> [Absalom.]

· Talmai(TB/TL) <08526> [Talmai.]

· Gesur(TB/TL) <01650> [Geshur.]


dari Abigail

1Sam 25:42; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:42]

ialah Absalom,

2Sam 13:1,28 [Semua]

raja Gesur;

2Sam 13:37; 14:32; 15:8 [Semua]

3:4 · Adonia(TB/TL) <0138> [Adonijah.]


ialah Adonia,

1Raj 1:5,11; 2:13,22 [Semua]

3:6 · Abner(TB/TL) <074> [Abner.]


Judul : Abner memihak Daud

Perikop : 2Sam 3:6-21

maka Abner

1Sam 14:50; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:50]

3:7 · Rizpa(TB/TL) <07532> [Rizpah.]

· kauhampiri(TB)/berseketiduran(TL) <0935> [Wherefore.]

This action of Abner's seems a most evident proof that he intended to seize on the government; and it was so understood by Ish-bosheth; see Parallel Texts.

· kauhampiri(TB)/berseketiduran(TL) <0935> [gone in.]


mempunyai gundik

Kej 22:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:24]; 2Sam 16:21-22; 1Raj 1:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 1:3] [Semua]

bernama Rizpa;

2Sam 21:8-11 [Semua]

3:8 · Abner(TB/TL) <074> [Abner.]

· Kepala anjing Kepala(TB)/Kepala anjingkah(TL) <03611 07218> [Am I a dog's head.]

This was a proverbial expression among the Hebrews to denote whatever was deemed worthless and contemptible. Something similar to this was the answer of the Turkish commander at Beer, on the Euphrates, to a request made to see the castle. "Do they," said he, "take me for a child, or an ass's head, that they would feed me with sweet meats, and dupe me with a bit of cloth? No, they shall not see the castle."

· menunjukkan(TB)/berbuat(TL) <06213> [do shew.]


Kepala anjing

1Sam 17:43; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 17:43]; 2Sam 9:8; 16:9; 2Raj 8:13 [Semua]

3:9 · Kiranya Allah ... Allah .......... kulakukan(TB)/perbuatan Allah ................... berbuat(TL) <06213 0430> [So do God.]

· TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [as the Lord.]


dengan bersumpah

1Sam 15:28; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 15:28]

3:10 · Dan(TB/TL) <01835> [from Dan.]


sampai Bersyeba.

Hak 20:1; [Lihat FULL. Hak 20:1]; 1Sam 25:28-31; 2Sam 24:2 [Semua]

3:11 · takutnya(TB/TL) <03372> [because.]

3:12 · negeri(TB)/tanah(TL) <0776> [Whose.]

· Adakanlah(TB)/berjanji-janjian(TL) <03772> [Make.]

· membantu(TB)/tangan(TL) <03027> [my hand.]

3:13 · Jawab(TB)/titah(TL) <0559> [that is. Heb. saying. Thou shalt.]

· menghadap ................ menghadap(TB)/mukaku ............ dahulu(TL) <06440> [except.]

As Michal was not divorced, but violently separated from David, he had a legal right to demand her, and was justified in receiving her again. It is probable, also, that her marriage with Phaltiel was a force upon her inclinations; and whatever affections he might have for her, it was highly criminal for him to take another man's wife. David required Michal probably both out of affection for her, and to strengthen his interest, by asserting his affinity with the house of Saul.

· Mikhal(TB/TL) <04324> [Michal.]


menghadap aku.

Kej 43:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 43:5]

3:14 · Isyboset(TB/TL) <0378> [Ish-bosheth.]

· [and hundred.]


isteriku Mikhal,

1Sam 18:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:27]

3:15 · Paltiel(TB/TL) <06409> [Phaltiel.]

· [Phalti.]


pada suaminya,

Ul 24:1-4 [Semua]

yakni Paltiel

1Sam 25:44

3:16 · berjalan ..... sambil ............. Ayo(TB)/berjalanlah .... berjalan .............. Pergilah(TL) <01980> [along weeping. Heb. going and weeping.]

· Bahurim(TB/TL) <0980> [Bahurim.]


ke Bahurim.

2Sam 16:5; 17:18 [Semua]

3:17 · lama lama(TB)/lama(TL) <08543 08032> [in times past. Heb. both yesterday and the third day.]


para tua-tua

Hak 11:11; [Lihat FULL. Hak 11:11]

3:18 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for the Lord.]

· perantaraan .......... tangan ...... tangan(TB)/tangan ............. tangan ....... tangan(TL) <03027> [By the hand.]


orang Filistin

1Sam 9:16; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:16]

semua musuhnya.

2Sam 8:6

3:19 · Benyamin ...................... Benyamin(TB)/orang Benyamin ........................... Benyamin(TL) <01144> [Benjamin.]


kaum Benyamin.

1Taw 12:2,16,29 [Semua]

3:20 · Daud ......... Daud(TB)/Daud ........... Daud(TL) <01732> [David.]


mengadakan perjamuan

1Taw 12:39

3:21 · mengumpulkan(TB)/menghimpunkan(TL) <06908> [will gather.]

· raja ...... hatimu hati(TB)/kerajaanlah(TL) <04427 05315> [reign over.]


mengadakan perjanjian

2Sam 5:3

yang dikehendaki

1Raj 11:37


Judul : Abner dibunuh oleh Yoab

Perikop : 2Sam 3:22-39

3:24 · kauperbuat(TB)/perbuatan(TL) <06213> [What hast.]

Joab and his brother Abishai, David's nephews, had been very faithful and highly useful to him in his distresses; and, from gratitude and natural affection, he had inadvertently permitted them to assume almost as much ascendancy over him as Abner had over the pusillanimous Ishbosheth: he trusted and feared them too much, and allowed them all the importance they claimed; which had emboldened them, especially Joab, to a high degree of presumption.

3:25 · datang(TB)/datang ....... hendak(TL) <0935> [that he came.]

· kenal ............. mengetahui ..... mengetahui(TB)/mengetahui .................. diketahuinya ........ diketahuinya(TL) <03045> [and to know.]

3:26 · menyuruh(TB)/disuruhnya(TL) <07971> [he sent.]

3:27 · sebentar(TB)/disimpangkan(TL) <05186> [took him.]

· ditikamnyalah(TB)/diam-diam(TL) <07987> [quietly. or, peaceably.]

· dia(TB)/ditikamnya(TL) <05221> [and smote.]

Joab was afraid that Abner, after rendering such essential service to David, would be made the general of the army; and therefore, under pretence of avenging the death of his brother, he treacherously assassinated the unsuspecting and too-confiding Abner: and such was the power of this cool-blooded and nefarious murderer, that the king dared not bring him to justice for his crime. But, while Joab's conduct cannot be too severely reprobated, the justice of God is apparent in Abner's punishment; who, from ambition, had pertinaciously, against his conscience, opposed the declared will of God; and was induced by base resentment to desert Ish-bosheth, and offer his services to David: see ver. 6-10; 4:6.

· darah(TB)/bela(TL) <01818> [for the blood.]


Ketika Abner

2Sam 2:8; 4:1; 1Raj 2:5,32 [Semua]

ditikamnyalah dia

Kel 21:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 21:14]; Hak 3:21; [Lihat FULL. Hak 3:21]; 2Sam 2:23; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:23] [Semua]

sehingga mati,

2Sam 2:22

3:28 · bersalah(TB)/sucilah(TL) <05355> [guiltless.]

· darah(TB/TL) <01818> [blood. Heb. bloods.]

Ge 4:10 *marg:


tidak bersalah

2Sam 3:37; Ul 21:9 [Semua]

3:29 · ditanggung(TB)/dipulangkanlah(TL) <02342> [rest.]

· putus-putusnya(TB)/kurang(TL) <03772> [let there.]

· putus-putusnya(TB)/kurang(TL) <03772> [fail. Heb. be cut off. an issue.]


itu ditanggung

Im 20:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 20:9]

kaum keluarganya.

1Raj 2:31-33 [Semua]

mengeluarkan lelehan,

Im 15:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 15:2]

3:30 · membunuh Abner .... Abner(TB)/dibunuh ....... Abner(TL) <02026 074> [slew Abner.]

· membunuh(TB/TL) <04191> [because.]

3:31 · Daud ........................... Daud(TB)/Daud ............................. Daud(TL) <01732> [And David.]

David, intending no doubt to punish Joab, and to lessen his authority with the people, commanded him to take upon him the office of chief mourner; but, as his revenge was gratified, his rival removed, and no heavier punishment inflicted, it is probable his hardened mind would feel but little objection to the ceremony.

· Koyakkanlah(TB)/Carikkanlah(TL) <07167> [Rend.]

· usungan(TB)/jempananya(TL) <04296> [bier. Heb. bed.]


kain kabung

Mazm 30:12; 35:13; 69:12; Yes 20:2 [Semua]

dan merataplah

Kej 37:34; [Lihat FULL. Kej 37:34]

3:32 · menangislah(TB) <05375> [lifted.]


maka menangislah

Bil 14:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:1]; Ams 24:17 [Semua]

3:33 · ratapan ...... mati ... mati bebal(TB)/mati .... ahmak(TL) <05036 04194> [as a fool dieth.]

That is, as a bad man, as the word frequently signifies in Scripture.


nyanyian ratapan

Kej 50:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 50:10]

3:34 · Tanganmu(TB)/tanganmu(TL) <03027> [hands.]

The hand of malefactors were usually secured with cords, and their feet with fetters; a custom to which David affectingly alludes in his lamentation over the dust of Abner. Thy hands, O Abner, were not bound, as found to be a malefactor, nor thy feet put in fetters; thou was treated with honour by him whose business it was to judge thee, and thy attachment to the house of Saul was esteemed rather generous than culpable: as the best of men may fall, so thou fellest by the sword of treachery, not of justice.

· orang-orang durjana .... orang(TB)/orang khianat(TL) <05766 01121> [wicked men. Heb. children of iniquity.]

· menangis(TB)/menangisi(TL) <01058> [wept.]


tidak dirantai.

Ayub 36:8; Mazm 2:3; 149:8; Yes 45:14; Nah 3:10 [Semua]

3:35 · menawarkan(TB)/mempersilakan(TL) <01262> [cause.]

· Kiranya(TB)/perbuatan(TL) <06213> [So do.]

· sebelum matahari ......... matahari(TB)/dahulu(TL) <06440 08121> [till the.]


lebih lagi

Rut 1:17; [Lihat FULL. Rut 1:17]

mengecap roti

1Sam 31:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 31:13]; 2Sam 12:17; Yer 16:7 [Semua]

3:36 · [pleased them. Heb. was good in their eyes. as.]


bukanlah rancangan

2Sam 3:28; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:28]

3:38 · pemimpin(TB)/raja(TL) <08269> [a prince.]


ini gugur

2Sam 1:19

3:39 · sekarang(TB/TL) <03117> [I am.]

· lemah(TB/TL) <07390> [weak. Heb. tender.]

· anak-anak(TB/TL) <01121> [the sons.]

· melebihi ..... Kiranya(TB)/kuasa(TL) <07186> [too hard.]

· TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


anak-anak Zeruya,

2Sam 2:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:18]

melebihi aku

Hak 18:26; [Lihat FULL. Hak 18:26]

dalam kekerasan.

2Sam 16:9; 18:11 [Semua]

Tuhan membalas

1Raj 2:32; Mazm 41:11; 101:8 [Semua]

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