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Teks -- Ezra 7:1-28 (NET)

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The Arrival of Ezra
7:1 Now after these things had happened, during the reign of King Artaxerxes of Persia, Ezra came up from Babylon. Ezra was the son of Seraiah, who was the son of Azariah, who was the son of Hilkiah, 7:2 who was the son of Shallum, who was the son of Zadok, who was the son of Ahitub, 7:3 who was the son of Amariah, who was the son of Azariah, who was the son of Meraioth, 7:4 who was the son of Zerahiah, who was the son of Uzzi, who was the son of Bukki, 7:5 who was the son of Abishua, who was the son of Phinehas, who was the son of Eleazar, who was the son of Aaron the chief priest. 7:6 This Ezra is the one who came up from Babylon. He was a scribe who was skilled in the law of Moses which the Lord God of Israel had given. The king supplied him with everything he requested, for the hand of the Lord his God was on him. 7:7 In the seventh year of King Artaxerxes, Ezra brought up to Jerusalem some of the Israelites and some of the priests, the Levites, the attendants, the gatekeepers, and the temple servants. 7:8 He entered Jerusalem in the fifth month of the seventh year of the king. 7:9 On the first day of the first month he had determined to make the ascent from Babylon, and on the first day of the fifth month he arrived at Jerusalem, for the good hand of his God was on him. 7:10 Now Ezra had dedicated himself to the study of the law of the Lord, to its observance, and to teaching its statutes and judgments in Israel.
Artaxerxes Gives Official Endorsement to Ezra’s Mission
7:11 What follows is a copy of the letter that King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priestly scribe. Ezra was a scribe in matters pertaining to the commandments of the Lord and his statutes over Israel: 7:12 “Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the priest, a scribe of the perfect law of the God of heaven: 7:13 I have now issued a decree that anyone in my kingdom from the people of Israel– even the priests and Levites– who wishes to do so may go up with you to Jerusalem. 7:14 You are authorized by the king and his seven advisers to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of your God which is in your possession, 7:15 and to bring silver and gold which the king and his advisers have freely contributed to the God of Israel, who resides in Jerusalem, 7:16 along with all the silver and gold that you may collect throughout all the province of Babylon and the contributions of the people and the priests for the temple of their God which is in Jerusalem. 7:17 With this money you should be sure to purchase bulls, rams, and lambs, along with the appropriate meal offerings and libations. You should bring them to the altar of the temple of your God which is in Jerusalem. 7:18 You may do whatever seems appropriate to you and your colleagues with the rest of the silver and the gold, in keeping with the will of your God. 7:19 Deliver to the God of Jerusalem the vessels that are given to you for the service of the temple of your God. 7:20 The rest of the needs for the temple of your God that you may have to supply, you may do so from the royal treasury. 7:21 “I, King Artaxerxes, hereby issue orders to all the treasurers of Trans-Euphrates, that you precisely execute all that Ezra the priestly scribe of the law of the God of heaven may request of you– 7:22 up to 100 talents of silver, 100 cors of wheat, 100 baths of wine, 100 baths of olive oil, and unlimited salt. 7:23 Everything that the God of heaven has required should be precisely done for the temple of the God of heaven. Why should there be wrath against the empire of the king and his sons? 7:24 Furthermore, be aware of the fact that you have no authority to impose tax, tribute, or toll on any of the priests, the Levites, the musicians, the doorkeepers, the temple servants, or the attendants at the temple of this God. 7:25 “Now you, Ezra, in keeping with the wisdom of your God which you possess, appoint judges and court officials who can arbitrate cases on behalf of all the people who are in Trans-Euphrates who know the laws of your God. Those who do not know this law should be taught. 7:26 Everyone who does not observe both the law of your God and the law of the king will be completely liable to the appropriate penalty, whether it is death or banishment or confiscation of property or detainment in prison.” 7:27 Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers, who so moved in the heart of the king to so honor the temple of the Lord which is in Jerusalem! 7:28 He has also conferred his favor on me before the king, his advisers, and all the influential leaders of the king. I gained strength as the hand of the Lord my God was on me, and I gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Abishua the son of Phinehas I; a chief priest,the son of Bela son of Benjamin
 · Ahitub chief priest Ahitub I; son of Phinehas II son of Eli,chief priest Ahitub II; son of Amariah I (WZ-466),chief priest, Ahitub III; son of Amariah II
 · Amariah a Levite (Hebron Kohath); founder of a sub-clan of Hebron,the chief priest, Amariah I; son of Marioth I; 1100 BC,son of Azariah II; chief priest under Jehoshaphat; Amariah II,a Levite temple assistant to Kore under King Hezekiah; 725 BC,son of King Hezekiah; 700 BC,an Israelite (Binnui) who put away his heathen wife; 458 BC,a priestly leader who returned with Zerubbabel 537 BC (NIVsn),son of Shephatiah of Judah
 · Artaxerxes a man who usurped the Persian throne 552-551BC (ZD74),a Persian king who must have reigned before 516BC (ZD74),King of Persia about 460-440BC (ZD74)
 · Azariah son of Ahimaaz; grandson and successor of Zadok I,son of Nathan; a priest who was chief of Solomons officers,son and successor of king Amaziah of Judah,son of Ethan son of Zerah of Judah,son of Jehu son of Obed of Judah,son of Johanan; descendant of Meraioth I,son of Hilkiah before the exile; high priest Azariah III,a descendant of Hilkiah the priest,son of Zephaniah/Uriel (Korah Levi); forefather of Samuel,son of Oded; prophet under King Asa,second son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,fifth son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,son of Jeroham; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,son of Obed; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,the priest who confronted Uzziah for offering incense,a chief of Ephraim under Israel's King Pekah,father of Joel (Kohath Levi), who served under Hezekiah,son of Jehallelel (Merari Levi). He served under Hezekiah,chief priest, of Zadok's line, under Hezekiah,son of Maaseiah son of Ananiah; a repairer of Nehemiah's wall,a man who accompanied Zerubbabel back to the land of Judah,a scribe who helped Ezra explain the reading of the Law,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a prince of Judah who led praises to God on the new city wall,son of Hoshaiah; one of the leaders rebelling against Jeremiah,a man exiled from Judah and trained with Daniel in Babylon
 · Babylon a country of Babylon in lower Mesopotamia
 · Babylonia a region in lower Mesopotamia where the Chaldaeans lived
 · Bukki son of Abishua; a chief priest,son of Jogli, Moses' land distribution deputy for Dan
 · Eleazar a son of Eliud; the father of Matthan; an ancestor of Jesus.,a chief priest; son of Aaron,son of Abinadab; caretaker of the Ark at Kiriath-Jearim,son of Dodo the Ahohite; one of David's military elite,son of Mahli the Levite,a priest who participated in the dedication of the wall,a priest under Ezra; son of Phinehas,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife
 · Ezra a man of Judah; probably the son of Hodiah
 · Hilkiah father of Eliakim who was head of King Hezekiah's household,a high priest; son of Shalum /Meshulam,son of Amzi of Levi; forefather of returned exiles,son of Hosah; a Levite gatekeeper,priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel,a man of Anathoth; father of the prophet Jeremiah
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Levites relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred
 · Meraioth son of Zerahiah; chief priest Meraioth I,a chief priest, Meraioth II; son of Ahitub III,a priest at the close of the exile (YC)
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Persia citizen(s) of Persia
 · Phinehas son of Eleazar; a chief priest, Phinehas I,a priest; son of Eli; Phinehas II,father of Eleazar, a priest on duty in the days of Ezra
 · Seraiah secretary of King David,a high priest; son of Azariah III,son of Tanhumeth; a militia leader who rallied to Gedaliah,son of Kenaz son of Jephunneh of Judah,son of Asiel; ancestor of a large influential family of Simeon,priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel,son of Hilkiah; head of the priestly clan of Immer in Jerusalem,son of Azriel; a prince in the time of Jehoiakim,son of Neriah; quartermaster deported to Babylon with Zedekiah
 · Shallum son of Jabesh; the assassin and successor of king Jeroboam,son of Tikvah; husband of Huldah the prophetess under Josiah,son of Sismai of Judah,son of King Josiah,son of Shaul son of Simeon,a high priest; son of Zadok II,son of Naphtali,son of Kore the Levite; a chief temple Porter under Nehemiah,father of Jehizkiah, chief minister of King Pekah,a Levite gatekeeper who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife,son of Hallohesh, ruler of part of Jerusalem under Nehemiah; helped repair the walls of Jerusalem,son of Col-Hozeh; ruler of the Mizpah district under Nehemiah and helped Nehemiah repair Jerusalem's gates,father of Hanamel; uncle of the prophet Jeremiah,father of Ma-Aseiah, temple gate keeper in Jeremiah's time
 · Uzzi son of Bukki; a chief priest,son of Tola son of Issachar,son of Bela son of Benjamin,son of Michri of Benjamin whose descendants returned from exile,son of Bani of Asaph; Levite overseer in Nehemiah's time,a priestly head of the house of Jedaiah under Joiakim
 · Zadok a son of Azor; the father of Akim; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Ahitub II; high priest Zadok I in David's time,father of Jerusha, who was the mother of King Jotham,the chief priest Zadok II; son of Meraioth II,a man who was one of David's military elite from Aaron's clan,son of Baana; one of those who helped rebuild the wall,son of Immer; one of those who helped rebuild the wall,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a Levite who served as Nehemiah's scribe
 · Zerahiah son of Uzzi; a chief priest,father of Eliehoenai, post-exile leader of the Pahath-Moab Clan

Topik/Tema Kamus: Persia | Artaxerxes | Israel | Zechariah | Rulers | Ezra | Temple | BIBLE | Chaldee language | Liberality | Priest | MOSES | Genealogy | AHITUB | Nethinim | CRITICISM OF THE BIBLE | Uzzi | Scribes | Seraiah | Azariah | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Catatan Rentang Ayat
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Wesley: Ezr 7:1 - Artaxerxes The same of whom he speaks, Ezr 6:14.

The same of whom he speaks, Ezr 6:14.

Wesley: Ezr 7:1 - The son His grand - son. Here are divers persons omitted for brevity sake, which may be supplied out of 1Ch. 6:1-11:47. Ezra was not himself the high priest; ...

His grand - son. Here are divers persons omitted for brevity sake, which may be supplied out of 1Ch. 6:1-11:47. Ezra was not himself the high priest; but he was nearly related to him.

Wesley: Ezr 7:6 - Went With the king's consent and commission.

With the king's consent and commission.

Wesley: Ezr 7:6 - Scribe A learned and expert doctor. The Jews say, he collected and collated all the copies of the law, and published an accurate edition of it, with all the ...

A learned and expert doctor. The Jews say, he collected and collated all the copies of the law, and published an accurate edition of it, with all the books that were given by Divine inspiration, and so made up the canon of the Old Testament. Moses in Egypt, and Ezra in Babylon, were wonderfully fitted for eminent service to the church.

Wesley: Ezr 7:6 - According, &c. By the favour of God so disposing the heart of the king.

By the favour of God so disposing the heart of the king.

Wesley: Ezr 7:10 - To teach The order of things in this verse is very observable; first he endeavours to understand God's law and word, and that not for curiosity or ostentation,...

The order of things in this verse is very observable; first he endeavours to understand God's law and word, and that not for curiosity or ostentation, but in order to practice: next he consciously practises what he did understand, which made his doctrine much more effectual: and then he earnestly desires and labours to instruct others, that they also might know and do it.

Wesley: Ezr 7:11 - Words The phrase seems emphatical, noting that he explained both the words and the things: for the Jews in the land of their captivity had in a great measur...

The phrase seems emphatical, noting that he explained both the words and the things: for the Jews in the land of their captivity had in a great measure lost both the language, and the knowledge of God's commands, and therefore Ezra and his companions instructed them in both.

Wesley: Ezr 7:14 - According, &c. _To make inquiry into all abuses and deviations from your law, and to redress them.

_To make inquiry into all abuses and deviations from your law, and to redress them.

Wesley: Ezr 7:14 - Which Which is now and always in thine hand, being the matter of thy daily study.

Which is now and always in thine hand, being the matter of thy daily study.

Wesley: Ezr 7:16 - Find Procure, as that word is used, Gen 6:8, Gen 26:12; Psa 84:3. Whatsoever thou canst get of my subjects by way of free gift.

Procure, as that word is used, Gen 6:8, Gen 26:12; Psa 84:3. Whatsoever thou canst get of my subjects by way of free gift.

Wesley: Ezr 7:16 - The people Of Israel.

Of Israel.

Wesley: Ezr 7:25 - The wisdom Which God hath put into thy heart, and which appears in the works of thy hand. All that professed the Jewish religion, were to be under the jurisdicti...

Which God hath put into thy heart, and which appears in the works of thy hand. All that professed the Jewish religion, were to be under the jurisdiction of these judges.

Wesley: Ezr 7:26 - Let judgment What could David himself, as king, have done more, for the honour of God, and the furtherance of religion?

What could David himself, as king, have done more, for the honour of God, and the furtherance of religion?

Wesley: Ezr 7:27 - Blessed, &c. _Ezra cannot proceed in his story, without inserting this thankful acknowledgment of God's goodness to him and the people.

_Ezra cannot proceed in his story, without inserting this thankful acknowledgment of God's goodness to him and the people.

Wesley: Ezr 7:28 - As the hand, &c. _If God gives us his hand, we are bold and chearful: if he withdraws it, we are weak as water. Whatever service we are enabled to do for God and our g...

_If God gives us his hand, we are bold and chearful: if he withdraws it, we are weak as water. Whatever service we are enabled to do for God and our generation, God must have all the glory of it.

JFB: Ezr 7:1-2 - in the reign of Artaxerxes The Ahasuerus of Esther.

The Ahasuerus of Esther.

JFB: Ezr 7:1-2 - Ezra the son of Seraiah That is, grandson or great-grandson. Seraiah was the high priest put to death by Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah (2Ki 25:18). A period of one hundred thirty ...

That is, grandson or great-grandson. Seraiah was the high priest put to death by Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah (2Ki 25:18). A period of one hundred thirty years had elapsed between that catastrophe and the journey of Ezra to Jerusalem. As a grandson of Seraiah, namely, Jeshua, who held the office of high priest, had accompanied Zerubbabel in the first caravan of returning exiles, Ezra must have been in all probability a grandson, descended, too, from a younger son, the older branch being in possession of the pontificate.

JFB: Ezr 7:6 - This Ezra . . . was a ready scribe in the law of Moses The term "scribe" does not mean merely a penman, nor even an attorney well versed in forms of law and skilled in the method of preparing public or pri...

The term "scribe" does not mean merely a penman, nor even an attorney well versed in forms of law and skilled in the method of preparing public or private deeds. He was a rabbi, or doctor, learned in the Mosaic law, and in all that related to the civil and ecclesiastical polity and customs of the Hebrew people. Scribes of this description possessed great authority and influence (compare Mat 23:25; Mar 12:28).

JFB: Ezr 7:6 - the king granted him all his request Left Babylon entrusted with an important commission to be executed in Jerusalem. The manner in which he obtained this office is minutely related in a ...

Left Babylon entrusted with an important commission to be executed in Jerusalem. The manner in which he obtained this office is minutely related in a subsequent passage. Here it is noticed, but with a pious acknowledgment of the divine grace and goodness which disposed the royal mind in favor of Ezra's patriotic objects. The Levites, &c., did not go at that time, but are mentioned here by anticipation.

JFB: Ezr 7:8 - he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month That is, corresponding to the end of our July or beginning of our August. As he left Babylon on the Jewish New Year's Day (Ezr 7:9), the journey must ...

That is, corresponding to the end of our July or beginning of our August. As he left Babylon on the Jewish New Year's Day (Ezr 7:9), the journey must have occupied not less than four months (a long period), but it was necessary to move at a slow pace and by short, easy stages, as he had to conduct a large caravan of poor people, including women, children, and all their household gear (see on Ezr 8:24).

JFB: Ezr 7:10 - Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, &c. His reigning desire had been to study the divine law--its principles, institutions, privileges, and requirements; and now from love and zeal, he devot...

His reigning desire had been to study the divine law--its principles, institutions, privileges, and requirements; and now from love and zeal, he devoted himself, as the business of his life, to the work of instructing, reforming, and edifying others.

JFB: Ezr 7:11 - this is the copy of the letter that the king Artaxerxes gave The measure which this document authorized, and the remarkable interest in the Jews displayed in it, were most probably owing to the influence of Esth...

The measure which this document authorized, and the remarkable interest in the Jews displayed in it, were most probably owing to the influence of Esther, who is thought to have been raised to the high position of queen a few months previous to the departure of Ezra [HALES]. According to others, who adopt a different chronology, it was more probably pressed upon the attention of the Persian court by Ezra, who, like Daniel, showed the prophecies to the king; or by some leading Jews on his accession, who, seeing the unsettled and disordered state of the colony after the deaths of Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Haggai, and Zechariah, recommended the appointment of a commission to reform abuses, suppress disorder, and enforce the observance of the law.

JFB: Ezr 7:12 - Artaxerxes, king of kings That title might have been assumed as, with literal truth, applicable to him, since many of the tributary princes of his empire still retained the nam...

That title might have been assumed as, with literal truth, applicable to him, since many of the tributary princes of his empire still retained the name and authority of kings. But it was a probably a mere Orientalism, denoting a great and powerful prince, as the heaven of heavens signified the highest heaven, and vanity of vanities, the greatest vanity. This vainglorious title was assumed by the kings of Assyria, from whom it passed to the sovereigns of Persia.

JFB: Ezr 7:12 - unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven The appointment of Ezra to this influential mission was of the highest importance to the Hebrew people, as a large proportion of them were become, in ...

The appointment of Ezra to this influential mission was of the highest importance to the Hebrew people, as a large proportion of them were become, in a great measure, strangers both to the language and the institutions of their forefathers.

JFB: Ezr 7:14 - sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors This was the fixed number of the privy council of the kings of Persia (Est 1:10, Est 1:14). The document describes, with great clearness and precision...

This was the fixed number of the privy council of the kings of Persia (Est 1:10, Est 1:14). The document describes, with great clearness and precision, the nature of Ezra's commission and the extent of power and prerogatives with which he was invested. It gave him authority, in the first place, to organize the colony in Judea and institute a regular government, according to the laws of the Hebrew people, and by magistrates and rulers of their own nation (Ezr 7:25-26), with power to punish offenders by fines, imprisonment, exile, or death, according to the degree of their criminality. Secondly, he was empowered to carry a large donation in money, partly from the royal treasury and partly raised by voluntary contributions among his countrymen, to create a fund out of which to make suitable provision for maintaining the regular worship of God in Jerusalem (Ezr 7:16-17). Thirdly, the Persian officers in Syria were commanded to afford him every assistance by gifts of money within a certain specified limit, in carrying out the objects of his patriotic mission (Ezr 7:21).

JFB: Ezr 7:22-24 - an hundred talents of silver £22,000 according to the rate of the silver talent of Babylon. Fourthly, Artaxerxes gave his royal sanction in the establishment of the divine law, w...

£22,000 according to the rate of the silver talent of Babylon. Fourthly, Artaxerxes gave his royal sanction in the establishment of the divine law, which exempted priests and Levites from taxation or tribute and confirmed to them the exclusive right to officiate in the sacred services of the sanctuary. And, finally, in the expression of the king's desire for the divine blessing upon the king and his government (Ezr 7:23), we see the strong persuasion which pervaded the Persian court, and had been produced by the captivity of the Hebrew people, as to the being and directing providence of the God they worshipped. It will be observed, however, that the commission related exclusively to the rebuilding of the temple--not of the walls. The Samaritans (Ezr 4:20-22) had succeeded in alarming the Persian court by their representations of the danger to the empire of fortifying a city notorious for the turbulent character of its inhabitants and the prowess of its kings.

JFB: Ezr 7:27 - Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers This devout thanksgiving is in unison with the whole character of Ezra, who discerns the hand of God in every event, and is always ready to express a ...

This devout thanksgiving is in unison with the whole character of Ezra, who discerns the hand of God in every event, and is always ready to express a pious acknowledgment for the divine goodness.

Clarke: Ezr 7:1 - In the reign of Artaxerxes In the reign of Artaxerxes - This was Artaxerxes Longimanus, the seventh of whose reign chronologers place A.M. 3547, sixty-eight years after Cyrus ...

In the reign of Artaxerxes - This was Artaxerxes Longimanus, the seventh of whose reign chronologers place A.M. 3547, sixty-eight years after Cyrus had sent back Zerubbabel. - Calmet. See the introduction

Clarke: Ezr 7:1 - Son of Seraiah Son of Seraiah - Either this could not have been Seraiah the high priest, who had been put to death by Nebuchadnezzar one hundred and twenty-one yea...

Son of Seraiah - Either this could not have been Seraiah the high priest, who had been put to death by Nebuchadnezzar one hundred and twenty-one years before this time, or the term son here must signify only his descendants, or one of his descendants. Were it otherwise, Ezra must now be at least one hundred and twenty-two years of age, supposing him to have been born in the year of his father’ s death; if, indeed Seraiah the high priest was his father; but this is evidently impossible. In this place there are only sixteen generations reckoned between Ezra and Aaron, but in 1Ch 6:3, 1Ch 6:4, etc., there are not less than twenty-two. We must therefore supply the deficient generations from the above place, between Amariah son of Meraioth, 1Ch 6:7, and Azariah the son of Johanan, 1Ch 6:10. There are other discrepancies relative to genealogies in these historical books which it would be useless to investigate. On these differences much has been already said in different parts of this comment.

Clarke: Ezr 7:6 - A ready scribe A ready scribe - סופר מחיר sopher machir does not merely signify a speedy writer or an excellent penman, but one who was eminently skillf...

A ready scribe - סופר מחיר sopher machir does not merely signify a speedy writer or an excellent penman, but one who was eminently skillful in expounding the law. In this sense the word γραμματευς, scribe, is repeatedly used in the New Testament, and we find that both in the Old and New Testament it had the same signification. The Syriac gives the sense of the word by translating sophro chocimo , a wise scribe, or expounder.

Clarke: Ezr 7:8 - He came to Jerusalem in the fifth month He came to Jerusalem in the fifth month - From the following verse we learn that Ezra and his company set off from Babylon on the first day of the f...

He came to Jerusalem in the fifth month - From the following verse we learn that Ezra and his company set off from Babylon on the first day of the first month, and thus we find they were upwards of four months on their journey. They could not travel fast, as they were a great company, composed in part of the aged and infirm, besides multitudes of women and children. They appear also to have taken a circuitous route. See on Ezr 8:24-32 (note).

Clarke: Ezr 7:10 - Ezra had prepared his heart Ezra had prepared his heart - Here is a fine character of a minister of God: He prepares, הכין hechin , he fixes, purposes, and determines, ל...

Ezra had prepared his heart - Here is a fine character of a minister of God: He prepares, הכין hechin , he fixes, purposes, and determines, לבבו lebabo , with his heart - with all his powers and affections, to seek the law of God, and to do it himself, that he may be properly qualified to teach its statutes and judgments to Israel.

Clarke: Ezr 7:12 - Artaxerxes, king of kings Artaxerxes, king of kings - This letter, from the beginning of this verse to the end of Ezr 7:26, is in the Aramitic or Chaldee language This title ...

Artaxerxes, king of kings - This letter, from the beginning of this verse to the end of Ezr 7:26, is in the Aramitic or Chaldee language

This title of the king would, in Persian, run thus: Ardsheer shahinshah , or padshah , "Ardsheer, king of kings;""great or supreme king, or emperor."

Clarke: Ezr 7:13 - Their own free-will Their own free-will - None shall be forced either to go or to stay. He who loves his God will avail himself of this favorable opportunity.

Their own free-will - None shall be forced either to go or to stay. He who loves his God will avail himself of this favorable opportunity.

Clarke: Ezr 7:14 - His seven counsellors His seven counsellors - It is very likely that the privy counsel of the king consisted of seven persons simply. The names of these seven counsellors...

His seven counsellors - It is very likely that the privy counsel of the king consisted of seven persons simply. The names of these seven counsellors or chamberlains may be found in the book of Esther, Est 1:10.

Clarke: Ezr 7:16 - And all the silver and gold And all the silver and gold - The king and his counsellors had already made a present to the house of the God of Israel; and Ezra is now empowered t...

And all the silver and gold - The king and his counsellors had already made a present to the house of the God of Israel; and Ezra is now empowered to receive any contribution which any of the inhabitants of the province of Babylon may think proper to give.

Clarke: Ezr 7:18 - After the will of your God After the will of your God - He gave them the fullest liberty to order every thing according to their own institutions, binding them to no form or m...

After the will of your God - He gave them the fullest liberty to order every thing according to their own institutions, binding them to no form or mode of worship.

Clarke: Ezr 7:22 - A hundred talents of silver A hundred talents of silver - The talent of silver was 450£

A hundred talents of silver - The talent of silver was 450£

Clarke: Ezr 7:22 - A hundred measures of wheat A hundred measures of wheat - A hundred cors; each cor was a little more than seventy-five gallons, one quart, and a pint, wine measure

A hundred measures of wheat - A hundred cors; each cor was a little more than seventy-five gallons, one quart, and a pint, wine measure

Clarke: Ezr 7:22 - A hundred baths of wine A hundred baths of wine - Each bath was seven gallons and five pints.

A hundred baths of wine - Each bath was seven gallons and five pints.

Clarke: Ezr 7:23 - Why should there be wrath Why should there be wrath - As he believed he was appointed by the Almighty to do this work, he therefore wished to do it heartily, knowing that if ...

Why should there be wrath - As he believed he was appointed by the Almighty to do this work, he therefore wished to do it heartily, knowing that if he did not, God would be displeased, and that the kingdom would be cut off from him or his posterity.

Clarke: Ezr 7:24 - It shall not be lawful to impose toll It shall not be lawful to impose toll - As these persons had no private revenues, it would have been unreasonable to have laid them under taxation.

It shall not be lawful to impose toll - As these persons had no private revenues, it would have been unreasonable to have laid them under taxation.

Clarke: Ezr 7:26 - Whether it be unto death Whether it be unto death - These include almost every species of punishment which should be inflicted on culprits in any civilized state With this v...

Whether it be unto death - These include almost every species of punishment which should be inflicted on culprits in any civilized state

With this verse the Chaldee part of this chapter ends.

Clarke: Ezr 7:28 - And I was strengthened And I was strengthened - In what the king decreed he saw the hand of God; he therefore gave him the praise, and took courage. There is a most amiabl...

And I was strengthened - In what the king decreed he saw the hand of God; he therefore gave him the praise, and took courage. There is a most amiable spirit of piety in these reflections. Ezra simply states the case; shows what the king had determined, and tells what he said; and then points out the grand agent in the whole business - it was the Lord God of his fathers. Thus God had put it into the king’ s heart to beautify the house of Jehovah; and, as that house was built for the salvation of the souls of men, he gives God praise for putting it into the king’ s heart to repair it: he who loves God and man will rejoice in the establishment of the Divine worship, because this is the readiest way to promote the best interests of man.

Defender: Ezr 7:1 - Artaxerxes king of Persia This Artaxerxes commissioned Ezra to go to Jerusalem and then, about thirteen years later, also sent Nehemiah (Ezr 7:8; Neh 2:1). Since "Artaxerxes," ...

This Artaxerxes commissioned Ezra to go to Jerusalem and then, about thirteen years later, also sent Nehemiah (Ezr 7:8; Neh 2:1). Since "Artaxerxes," as well as "Ahasuerus" - and even "Cyrus" and "Darius" - are believed by some scholars to be titles (like "Pharaoh") rather than personal names, he may or may not be the same man mentioned in Ezr 4:8. The temple was evidently completed about sixteen years after its foundations were laid, whereas there seems to be a much larger interval, sixty years or so, between the completion of the post-exilic temple and the period of Ezra and Nehemiah. The precise identifications of these Persian kings has long been controversial, even among conservative historians and Biblical scholars.

Defender: Ezr 7:1 - Ezra Ezra was both a scribe (Ezr 7:6) and a priest, being a direct descendant of "Aaron the chief priest" (Ezr 7:5).

Ezra was both a scribe (Ezr 7:6) and a priest, being a direct descendant of "Aaron the chief priest" (Ezr 7:5).

Defender: Ezr 7:1 - Hilkiah Hilkiah, Ezra's great-grandfather, was the high priest (2Ki 22:4) who led the pre-exilic revival under King Josiah."

Hilkiah, Ezra's great-grandfather, was the high priest (2Ki 22:4) who led the pre-exilic revival under King Josiah."

Defender: Ezr 7:11 - king Artaxerxes This king was the successor to King Ahasuerus, who was king at the time of Esther and Mordecai (Est 1:1). Thus, the events described in the book of Es...

This king was the successor to King Ahasuerus, who was king at the time of Esther and Mordecai (Est 1:1). Thus, the events described in the book of Esther took place during the approximate sixty years between Ezra 6, when the temple is completed, and Ezra 7, when Ezra himself first comes on the scene."

Defender: Ezr 7:12 - God of heaven It is noteworthy that great Artaxerxes, calling himself "king of kings," nevertheless recognized that the God of Ezra was "the God of heaven," as inde...

It is noteworthy that great Artaxerxes, calling himself "king of kings," nevertheless recognized that the God of Ezra was "the God of heaven," as indeed Cyrus had done before him (Ezr 1:2, Ezr 1:3). It is possible that Artaxerxes was either a son or stepson of Queen Esther; if so, she and her uncle Mordecai had no doubt instructed him concerning the true God."

Defender: Ezr 7:18 - that do The temple, having been completed under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua several decades previously had fallen into disrepair despite the proph...

The temple, having been completed under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua several decades previously had fallen into disrepair despite the prophetic preaching of Haggai and Zechariah (Ezr 5:1, Ezr 5:2; Ezr 6:15). The offerings and sacrifices were being neglected and the general moral character of the people had deteriorated. Therefore God, through Artaxerxes, sent Ezra and Nehemiah, as well as the prophet Malachi, to stir up their hearts."

TSK: Ezr 7:1 - Artaxerxes // Ezra // Seraiah // Hilkiah am 3547, bc 457 Artaxerxes : Ezr 7:12, Ezr 7:21, Ezr 6:14; Neh 2:1 Ezra : Ezr 7:10, 8:1-10:44; Neh 8:2-9 Seraiah : 2Ki 25:18; 1Ch 6:4-14, 1Ch 9:11; Ne...

am 3547, bc 457

Artaxerxes : Ezr 7:12, Ezr 7:21, Ezr 6:14; Neh 2:1

Ezra : Ezr 7:10, 8:1-10:44; Neh 8:2-9

Seraiah : 2Ki 25:18; 1Ch 6:4-14, 1Ch 9:11; Neh 11:11; Jer 52:24-27

Hilkiah : 2Ki 22:4, 2Ki 22:8; 2Ch 34:9, 2Ch 34:15

TSK: Ezr 7:2 - Zadok Zadok : 2Sa 8:17; 1Ki 2:35

Zadok : 2Sa 8:17; 1Ki 2:35

TSK: Ezr 7:5 - Phinehas // Eleazar // chief priest Phinehas : Exo 6:25; Num 25:7-13, Num 31:6; Jos 22:13, Jos 22:31; Jdg 20:28; 1Ch 6:4, 1Ch 6:50-52; Psa 106:30, Psa 106:31 Eleazar : Lev 10:6, Lev 10:1...

TSK: Ezr 7:6 - a ready // scribe // the law // granted him // according to a ready : Sopher mahir does not merely signify a speedy writer, or an excellent penman, but one eminently skilful in expounding the law, sophro c...

a ready : Sopher mahir does not merely signify a speedy writer, or an excellent penman, but one eminently skilful in expounding the law, sophro chochmo , ""a wise scribe,""as the Syriac renders. Ezr 7:11, Ezr 7:12, Ezr 7:21; Psa 45:1; Mat 13:52

scribe : Neh 8:4, Neh 8:9, Neh 8:13, Neh 12:26, Neh 12:36; Jer 8:8; 1Co 1:20

the law : Deu 4:5, Deu 28:1; Mat 28:20; 1Co 15:1; 1Th 4:1, 1Th 4:2

granted him : Ezra 7:11-26

according to : Ezr 7:9, Ezr 7:28, Ezr 6:22, Ezr 8:18, Ezr 8:22, Ezr 8:31; Gen 32:28; Neh 1:10, Neh 1:11, Neh 2:8, Neh 2:12, Neh 2:18, Neh 4:15; Pro 3:6; Isa 50:2, Isa 59:1

TSK: Ezr 7:7 - the children // the Levites // singers // porters // Nethinims // Artaxerxes the children : Ezr 8:1-14 the Levites : Ezr 2:40, Ezr 2:41, Ezr 8:15-20 singers : 1Chr. 6:31-48, 1Ch 25:1-8 porters : Ezr 2:42; 1Ch 9:17-27; Neh 7:45 ...

the children : Ezr 8:1-14

the Levites : Ezr 2:40, Ezr 2:41, Ezr 8:15-20

singers : 1Chr. 6:31-48, 1Ch 25:1-8

porters : Ezr 2:42; 1Ch 9:17-27; Neh 7:45

Nethinims : Ezr 7:24, 2:43-70, Ezr 8:20; Neh. 7:46-73, Neh 10:28

Artaxerxes : Ezr 7:11, Ezr 7:12, Ezr 6:14, Ezr 8:1; Neh 2:1

TSK: Ezr 7:9 - began he to go up began he to go up : Heb. was the foundation of the going up, according to. Ezr 7:6; Neh 2:8, Neh 2:18

began he to go up : Heb. was the foundation of the going up, according to. Ezr 7:6; Neh 2:8, Neh 2:18

TSK: Ezr 7:10 - prepared // the law // to do it // and to teach prepared : 1Sa 7:3; 1Ch 29:18; 2Ch 12:14, 2Ch 19:3; Job 11:13; Psa 10:17, Psa 57:7 the law : Ezr 7:6; Psa 1:2, Psa 19:7, Psa 119:45, Psa 119:96-100 to...

TSK: Ezr 7:11 - the copy // a scribe the copy : Ezr 4:11, Ezr 5:6 a scribe : Ezr 7:6; Mat 23:2, Mat 23:13; Mar 7:1-13

the copy : Ezr 4:11, Ezr 5:6

a scribe : Ezr 7:6; Mat 23:2, Mat 23:13; Mar 7:1-13

TSK: Ezr 7:12 - Artaxerxes // unto Ezra Artaxerxes : The title of the king would, in Persian, run thus: Ardsheer shahinshah , or padshah , ""Ardsheer, king of kings,""i.e., great or sup...

Artaxerxes : The title of the king would, in Persian, run thus: Ardsheer shahinshah , or padshah , ""Ardsheer, king of kings,""i.e., great or supreme king or emperor. 1Ki 4:24, 1Ki 20:1; Isa 10:8; Eze 26:7; Dan 2:37, Dan 2:47; 1Ti 6:15; Rev 17:14; Rev 19:16

unto Ezra : etc. or, to Ezra the priest, a perfect scribe of the law of the God of heaven, peace, etc. and at such a time. Ezr 4:10, Ezr 4:11, Ezr 4:17

TSK: Ezr 7:13 - I make // minded I make : Ezr 5:13, Ezr 6:1; 2Ch 30:5; Est 3:15, Est 9:14; Psa 148:6 minded : Ezr 1:3; Psa 110:3; Phi 2:13; Rev 22:17

TSK: Ezr 7:14 - of the king // seven counsellors // according // thy God of the king : Chal, from before the king seven counsellors : Seven princes of Persia having conspired against and slain the usurper Smerdis, and thus ...

of the king : Chal, from before the king

seven counsellors : Seven princes of Persia having conspired against and slain the usurper Smerdis, and thus made way for the family of Darius, which afterwards filled the throne, the Persian kings of this race had always seven chief princes as their counsellors, who possessed peculiar privileges, were his chief assistants in the government, and by whose advice all the public affairs of the empire were transacted. The names of these counsellors are given in the parallel place of the book of Esther. Est 1:14

according : Ezr 7:25, Ezr 7:26; Deu 17:18, Deu 17:19; Isa 8:20

thy God : Ezr 1:3, Ezr 5:8, Ezr 6:12; Dan 2:47, Dan 6:20, Dan 6:26

TSK: Ezr 7:15 - the silver // whose habitation the silver : Ezr 6:4, Ezr 6:8-10; Psa 68:29, Psa 68:30, Psa 72:10, Psa 76:11; Isa 60:6-9; Rev 21:24-26 whose habitation : Ezr 6:12; 2Ch 2:6, 2Ch 6:2, ...

TSK: Ezr 7:16 - all the silver // offering all the silver : Ezr 8:25-28 offering : Ezr 1:4, Ezr 1:6; 1Ch 29:6, 1Ch 29:9, 1Ch 29:17; 2Co 8:12, 2Co 9:7

TSK: Ezr 7:17 - buy speedily // their meat offerings // offer them buy speedily : Ezr 6:9, Ezr 6:10; Deu 14:24-26; Mat 21:12, Mat 21:13; Joh 2:14 their meat offerings : Num 15:4-13 offer them : Deu 12:5-11

buy speedily : Ezr 6:9, Ezr 6:10; Deu 14:24-26; Mat 21:12, Mat 21:13; Joh 2:14

their meat offerings : Num 15:4-13

offer them : Deu 12:5-11

TSK: Ezr 7:18 - whatsoever // that do // after the will whatsoever : 2Ki 12:15, 2Ki 22:7 that do : Ezr 7:26; Eph 5:17 after the will : He gave them the fullest liberty to order every thing according to thei...

whatsoever : 2Ki 12:15, 2Ki 22:7

that do : Ezr 7:26; Eph 5:17

after the will : He gave them the fullest liberty to order every thing according to their own institutions; binding them to no form or mode of worship.

TSK: Ezr 7:19 - The vessels // the God of Jerusalem The vessels : Ezr 8:27-30, Ezr 8:33, Ezr 8:34 the God of Jerusalem : 2Ch 32:19; Jer 3:17

The vessels : Ezr 8:27-30, Ezr 8:33, Ezr 8:34

the God of Jerusalem : 2Ch 32:19; Jer 3:17

TSK: Ezr 7:20 - bestow it bestow it : Ezr 6:4, Ezr 6:8-18

bestow it : Ezr 6:4, Ezr 6:8-18

TSK: Ezr 7:21 - Artaxerxes // beyond the river // Ezra the priest Artaxerxes : Ezr 7:12, Ezr 7:13 beyond the river : Ezr 4:16, Ezr 4:20, Ezr 6:6 Ezra the priest : Ezr 7:6, Ezr 7:10, Ezr 7:11

Artaxerxes : Ezr 7:12, Ezr 7:13

beyond the river : Ezr 4:16, Ezr 4:20, Ezr 6:6

Ezra the priest : Ezr 7:6, Ezr 7:10, Ezr 7:11

TSK: Ezr 7:22 - measures // baths of wine // salt measures : Chal, cors, Luk 16:7 *marg. baths of wine : Eze 45:14; Luk 16:6 *marg. salt : Lev 2:13

measures : Chal, cors, Luk 16:7 *marg.

baths of wine : Eze 45:14; Luk 16:6 *marg.

salt : Lev 2:13

TSK: Ezr 7:23 - Whatsoever is commanded // let it be // why should there be wrath Whatsoever is commanded : Chal, Whatsoever is of the decree, Ezr 7:13, Ezr 7:18 let it be : Psa 119:4 why should there be wrath : As Artaxerxes believ...

Whatsoever is commanded : Chal, Whatsoever is of the decree, Ezr 7:13, Ezr 7:18

let it be : Psa 119:4

why should there be wrath : As Artaxerxes believed he was appointed by the Almighty to do this work, he therefore wished to do it heartily; knowing that if he did not, God would be displeased, and that the kingdom would be cut off from him or his posterity. Ezr 6:10-12; Zec 12:3

TSK: Ezr 7:24 - touching any touching any : Ezr 7:7, 2:36-55

touching any : Ezr 7:7, 2:36-55

TSK: Ezr 7:25 - the wisdom // set magistrates // beyond the river // teach ye the wisdom : Ezr 7:14; 1Ki 3:28; 1Ch 22:12; Psa 19:7, Psa 119:98-100; Pro 2:6, Pro 6:23; Jam 1:5; Jam 3:17, Jam 3:18 set magistrates : Exo 18:21-25; D...

the wisdom : Ezr 7:14; 1Ki 3:28; 1Ch 22:12; Psa 19:7, Psa 119:98-100; Pro 2:6, Pro 6:23; Jam 1:5; Jam 3:17, Jam 3:18

set magistrates : Exo 18:21-25; Deu 16:18; 1Ch 23:4; 2Ch 19:8-10

beyond the river : That is, ""west of the Euphrates,""which was beyond with regard to the king of Persia, who was on the east. Ezr 6:6

teach ye : Ezr 7:10; 2Ch 17:7-9; Neh 8:1-3, Neh 8:7, Neh 8:8, Neh 9:3, Neh 13:1-3; Mal 2:7; Mat 13:52, Mat 23:2, Mat 23:3; Mar 6:34; Rom 10:14-17

TSK: Ezr 7:26 - whosoever // the law of thy God // whether it be // banishment whosoever : Ezr 6:11; Dan 3:28, Dan 3:29, Dan 6:26 the law of thy God : 2Ch 30:12 whether it be : Exod. 21:1-22:31; Lev. 20:1-27; Deut. 13:1-18 banish...

whosoever : Ezr 6:11; Dan 3:28, Dan 3:29, Dan 6:26

the law of thy God : 2Ch 30:12

whether it be : Exod. 21:1-22:31; Lev. 20:1-27; Deut. 13:1-18

banishment : Chal, rooting out, Psa 52:5

TSK: Ezr 7:27 - Blessed // put such // in the king’ s heart // to beautify Blessed : There is a most amiable spirit of piety in these reflections. Instead of expatiating on the praises of his munificent patron, or boasting of...

Blessed : There is a most amiable spirit of piety in these reflections. Instead of expatiating on the praises of his munificent patron, or boasting of his own services, he blesses God for ""putting such a thing in the king’ s heart;""and for all the assistance and favour shown him by the king and his counsellors. Ezr 6:22; 1Chr. 29:10-30; Phi 4:10

put such : Ezr 6:22; Neh 2:12, Neh 7:5; 2Co 8:16; Heb 8:10, Heb 10:16; Jam 1:17; Rev 17:17

in the king’ s heart : Neh 2:8; Pro 21:1

to beautify : Isa 60:13

TSK: Ezr 7:28 - extended // his counsellors // And I was strengthened // as the hand extended : Ezr 9:9; Gen 32:28, Gen 43:14; Neh 1:11 his counsellors : Ezr 7:14; Jon 3:7 And I was strengthened : In what the king decreed he saw the ha...

extended : Ezr 9:9; Gen 32:28, Gen 43:14; Neh 1:11

his counsellors : Ezr 7:14; Jon 3:7

And I was strengthened : In what the king decreed he saw the hand of Godcaps1 . hcaps0 e therefore gave Him the praise, and took courage.

as the hand : Ezr 7:6, Ezr 7:9, Ezr 5:5, Ezr 8:18; Neh 2:8; 2Ti 4:17, 2Ti 4:18

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)

Poole: Ezr 7:1 - Artaxerxes Artaxerxes the same of whom he speaks Ezr 6:14 . The son of Seraiah i.e. his grandson. Here are divers persons omitted for brevity sake, which may ...

Artaxerxes the same of whom he speaks Ezr 6:14 . The son of Seraiah i.e. his grandson. Here are divers persons omitted for brevity sake, which may be supplied out of 1Ch 6 1Ch 7 1Ch 8 1Ch 9 .

Poole: Ezr 7:6 - Ezra went up from Babylon // A ready scribe // According to the hand of the Lord his God upon him Ezra went up from Babylon with the king’ s consent and commission. A ready scribe i.e. a learned and expert doctor; for in that sense the word...

Ezra went up from Babylon with the king’ s consent and commission.

A ready scribe i.e. a learned and expert doctor; for in that sense the word scribe is oft used, as Jer 8:8 Mat 7:29 Mat 17:10 23:2,13 Mr 12:28 , compared with Mat 22:35,36 .

According to the hand of the Lord his God upon him i.e. by the grace and favour of God so disposing the heart of the king.

Poole: Ezr 7:7 - -- This is here related in the general, but how he procured this is particularly related hereafter.

This is here related in the general, but how he procured this is particularly related hereafter.

Poole: Ezr 7:10 - Ezra had prepared his heart // To seek the law // And to teach in Israel Ezra had prepared his heart or, directed , &c., i.e. he had set his mind and affections upon it, and made it his chief design and business. To seek...

Ezra had prepared his heart or, directed , &c., i.e. he had set his mind and affections upon it, and made it his chief design and business.

To seek the law i.e. to search and find out the true sense and meaning of it, and thence to learn what sins or errors were to be reformed, and what duties were to be performed.

And to teach in Israel The order of things in this verse is very observable; first he endeavours to understand God’ s law and word, and that not for curiosity or ostentation, but in order to practice; next he conscientiously practiseth what he did understand, which made his doctrine much more effectual; and then he earnestly desires and labours to instruct and edify others, that they also might know and do it.

Poole: Ezr 7:11 - A scribe of the words of the commandments A scribe of the words of the commandments the phrase seems emphatical, noting that he explained both the words and the things; for the Jews in the la...

A scribe of the words of the commandments the phrase seems emphatical, noting that he explained both the words and the things; for the Jews in the land of their captivity had in a great measure lost both their language, and the knowledge of God’ s commands, and therefore Ezra and his companions instruct them in both; of which see more on Neh 8:8 .

Poole: Ezr 7:14 - His seven counsellors // To inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem // Which is in thine hand His seven counsellors his chief nobles and officers of state, of whom see also Est 1:10,14 . To inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem i.e. to make...

His seven counsellors his chief nobles and officers of state, of whom see also Est 1:10,14 .

To inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem i.e. to make inquiry into all abuses and deviations from your law, and to redress them.

Which is in thine hand which is now and always in thy hand, being the matter of thy daily study and exercise; which thou now carriest along with thee, the interpretation whereof belongeth unto thee.

Poole: Ezr 7:16 - That thou canst find // The free-will-offering of the people That thou canst find i.e. procure, as that word is used, Gen 6:8 26:12 Psa 84:3 119:162 Pro 1:13 2:5 3:13 . Whatsoever thou canst get of my subjects ...

That thou canst find i.e. procure, as that word is used, Gen 6:8 26:12 Psa 84:3 119:162 Pro 1:13 2:5 3:13 . Whatsoever thou canst get of my subjects by way of free gift.

The free-will-offering of the people to wit, of Israel.

Poole: Ezr 7:20 - For the house of thy God For the house of thy God towards the reparation, or adorning, or completing of it. See Poole "Ezr 6:14" .

For the house of thy God towards the reparation, or adorning, or completing of it. See Poole "Ezr 6:14" .

Poole: Ezr 7:22 - -- Because it was but of mean price, and of very common and necessary use in all their sacrifices, Lev 2:13 Mar 9:49 .

Because it was but of mean price, and of very common and necessary use in all their sacrifices, Lev 2:13 Mar 9:49 .

Poole: Ezr 7:23 - -- For the omission of any part of his worship occasioned by my neglect. This danger and duty he discerned, partly by natural light, and principally by...

For the omission of any part of his worship occasioned by my neglect. This danger and duty he discerned, partly by natural light, and principally by the information of Ezra, Ezr 8:22 , who had the king’ s ear and heart.

Poole: Ezr 7:25 - The wisdom of thy God that is in thine hand The wisdom of thy God that is in thine hand i.e. which God hath put into thy heart, and which appears in the works of thy hand. Wisdom is sometimes a...

The wisdom of thy God that is in thine hand i.e. which God hath put into thy heart, and which appears in the works of thy hand. Wisdom is sometimes ascribed to the hands, as Psa 78:72 . See my Latin Synopsis on Gen 48:14 . Or, by the wisdom of God , he means the law of God, which was said to be in his hand , Ezr 7:14 .

Poole: Ezr 7:26 - The law of thy God, and the law of the king The law of thy God, and the law of the king to wit, concerning these matters. Or, which law of God is by this my sanction now become my law also, to ...

The law of thy God, and the law of the king to wit, concerning these matters. Or, which law of God is by this my sanction now become my law also, to which I expect their punctual and ready obedience. For as far the civil laws of the empire, Ezra neither was skilful in them, nor was intrusted with the execution of them, which was committed to other hands.

Haydock: Ezr 7:1 - Salt Salt was used in all the sacrifices, Leviticus ii. 13. In 3 Esdras no mention is made of oil or salt; but we read, "and all other things in abundanc...

Salt was used in all the sacrifices, Leviticus ii. 13. In 3 Esdras no mention is made of oil or salt; but we read, "and all other things in abundance."

Haydock: Ezr 7:1 - Things // Artaxerxes // Son Things, sixty-eight years after the journey of Zorobabel. (Calmet) --- Salien adds ten years more. (Haydock) --- Artaxerxes Longimanus. (Menoch...

Things, sixty-eight years after the journey of Zorobabel. (Calmet) ---

Salien adds ten years more. (Haydock) ---

Artaxerxes Longimanus. (Menochius) (Tirinus) ---

Son, or great grandson of Saraias, who had been slain 121 years. Esdras was still living, in the days of Nehemias. Many persons are omitted in this genealogy. The immediate descendants of Azarias may be found, 1 Paralipomenon vi. Similarity of names has occasioned many mistakes. 3 Esdras viii. reckons only eleven persons between Aaron and Esdras; and 4 Esdras i. has eighteen; whereas here we behold sixteen generations, and [in] 1 Paralipomenon, twenty-two. (Calmet)

Haydock: Ezr 7:5 - Beginning Beginning of the Jewish republic.

Beginning of the Jewish republic.

Haydock: Ezr 7:6 - Went up // Ready // Scribe // Hand Went up, a second time, 2 Esdras xii. 1. (Worthington) --- Ready. Hebrew mahir, "diligent," &c. (Haydock) --- Scribe, not so much noted for ...

Went up, a second time, 2 Esdras xii. 1. (Worthington) ---

Ready. Hebrew mahir, "diligent," &c. (Haydock) ---

Scribe, not so much noted for his skill in writing fast, or drawing up deeds, as for his knowledge of the divine law. (Calmet) ---

The gospel sometimes gives the title of scribe to the doctors of the law, Matthew xxii. 35., with Mark xii. 28. It is peculiarly due to Esdras, who gave a correct copy of the Scriptures, and wrote them in a different character, leaving the ancient one to the Samaritans, that the people might be less connected. (Bellarmine, De Verb. xx. 1, citing (Tirinus) the most learned Fathers and Jewish writers. (Calmet, Diss.) ---

The author of 4 Esdras (xiv. 19,) intimates that the sacred books had been all destroyed, and were dictated again to Esdras by the Holy Spirit. But this book is not of sufficient authority to establish so dangerous an opinion; (Haydock) which is refuted by the whole context of the Bible, in which we see that the law was never forgotten. (Calmet, Diss.) (Du Hamel) ---

As Esdras was inspired, what additions he might make, must be accounted divine and authentic. (Calmet) ---

Hand; protection, (Delrio, adag. 217,) or inspiration. (Menochius) ---

God can incline the heart of the king, (Proverbs xxi.) to accomplish his decrees. (Haydock)

Haydock: Ezr 7:9 - Month Month. Thus four entire months were spent on the journey, as they did not go the shortest way, and had much baggage, &c. (Calmet)

Month. Thus four entire months were spent on the journey, as they did not go the shortest way, and had much baggage, &c. (Calmet)

Haydock: Ezr 7:10 - Heart // Judgment Heart. Thinking continually (Menochius) how he might keep the law himself, and direct others. (Haydock) --- It would be well if all would thus tea...

Heart. Thinking continually (Menochius) how he might keep the law himself, and direct others. (Haydock) ---

It would be well if all would thus teach by example, like Jesus Christ, who began to do and then to teach. (Haydock) ---

Judgment. Both these terms express the same thing. (Menochius)

Haydock: Ezr 7:11 - Of the edict Of the edict, is a farther explanation of the letter. (Haydock)

Of the edict, is a farther explanation of the letter. (Haydock)

Haydock: Ezr 7:12 - Kings // The most learned // Gemir uceheneth Kings. This title was placed on the tomb of Cyrus, (Strabo xv.) and denoted a very powerful king. Artaxerxes had many tributaries in Media, Sidon, ...

Kings. This title was placed on the tomb of Cyrus, (Strabo xv.) and denoted a very powerful king. Artaxerxes had many tributaries in Media, Sidon, &c. The kings of Assyria had before assumed such pompous titles, Osee viii. 10. (Calmet) ---

The most learned, comes later in the original Chaldean. (Haydock) ---

"The priest, scribe of the law,...perfection, (health and happiness, (Calmet) or consummate in learning, &c.; Haydock) as at present." (Calmet) ---

Gemir uceheneth, "perfection (Castel. Lexic.) even now," chap. iv. 10. Protestants, "perfect peace, and at such a time." (Haydock)

Haydock: Ezr 7:14 - Counsellors // Hand Counsellors. Interpreters of the laws. (Josephus, [Antiquities?] xi. 6.) --- The number seems to have been established at the courts of the Assyri...

Counsellors. Interpreters of the laws. (Josephus, [Antiquities?] xi. 6.) ---

The number seems to have been established at the courts of the Assyrian and Chaldean monarchs, Tobias xii. 15. We find their names, Esther i. 10, 14. The history of this queen happened in the reign of Darius Hystaspes. (Calmet) ---

Hand. By this he was to pass sentence, ver. 25. (Haydock) ---

The Jews were authorized to follow their own laws (Calmet) under the Persian dominion, ver. 26. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Ezr 7:16 - Babylon Babylon, which the Chaldeans may freely give. (Menochius)

Babylon, which the Chaldeans may freely give. (Menochius)

Haydock: Ezr 7:20 - By me By me. Hebrew, "to spend, take it out of the king's treasure-house." Septuagint adds, "and from me."

By me. Hebrew, "to spend, take it out of the king's treasure-house." Septuagint adds, "and from me."

Haydock: Ezr 7:24 - Nathinites Nathinites. 3 Esdras, "sacred slaves." (Haydock) --- Artaxerxes confirms the immunities granted by the law of God, (Numbers iii. 6, 12,) by the ki...

Nathinites. 3 Esdras, "sacred slaves." (Haydock) ---

Artaxerxes confirms the immunities granted by the law of God, (Numbers iii. 6, 12,) by the kings of Egypt, (Genesis xlvii. 22,) and by all nations to the ministers of religion. (Calmet)

Haydock: Ezr 7:25 - River River. 3 Esdras, "In all Syria and Phenicia." (Haydock) --- Hitherto, it seems, the royal judges had decided all affairs of consequence, which req...

River. 3 Esdras, "In all Syria and Phenicia." (Haydock) ---

Hitherto, it seems, the royal judges had decided all affairs of consequence, which required any public chastisement.

Haydock: Ezr 7:26 - Banishment Banishment. Hebrew literally, "eradication" by death or exile, (Calmet) or by being cut off from all society, chap. x. 8. (De Dieu) --- Septuagint...

Banishment. Hebrew literally, "eradication" by death or exile, (Calmet) or by being cut off from all society, chap. x. 8. (De Dieu) ---

Septuagint, "correction." (Haydock)

Haydock: Ezr 7:27 - Blessed Blessed. Here the author beings to write again in Hebrew and in the following verse, Esdras speaks in [the first] person. (Calmet)

Blessed. Here the author beings to write again in Hebrew and in the following verse, Esdras speaks in [the first] person. (Calmet)

Gill: Ezr 7:1-5 - Now after these things // in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia // Ezra the son of Seraiah Now after these things,.... The finishing of the temple, and the dedication of it, and keeping the passover: in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Per...

Now after these things,.... The finishing of the temple, and the dedication of it, and keeping the passover:

in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia; in the seventh year of his reign, Ezr 7:7, who is the same with Darius in the preceding chapter; so Jarchi and Aben Ezra; See Gill on Ezr 6:14.

Ezra the son of Seraiah; the high priest slain by Nebuchadnezzar Jer 52:24, this Ezra was a younger son of his, brother to Josedech, and uncle to Joshua, who were high priests in succession; his pedigree is carried in the ascending line up to Aaron, in this and the four following verses; only six generations, for brevity sake, are omitted, between Azariah and Meraioth, which may be supplied from 1Ch 6:7; see Gill on 1Ch 6:3.

Gill: Ezr 7:6 - This Ezra went up from Babylon // and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which the Lord God of Israel had given // and the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the Lord his God upon him This Ezra went up from Babylon,.... A second time; for that he went up with Zerubbabel is clear from Neh 12:1, and is plainly intimated, Ezr 5:4, a...

This Ezra went up from Babylon,.... A second time; for that he went up with Zerubbabel is clear from Neh 12:1, and is plainly intimated, Ezr 5:4,

and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which the Lord God of Israel had given; the meaning is, not that he had a quick hand in writing out copies of it, but was well versed in the knowledge of it; had studied it thoroughly, well instructed in it, and was abundantly qualified to teach it others; he was an eminent doctor of the law; so scribes, in the New Testament, who are the same with the lawyers, were such as were teachers of the law; the word here used in the Arabic language signifies to be expert, as Jarchi o learned from one of their doctors:

and the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the Lord his God upon him; either upon Ezra, giving him favour with the king, and so success and prosperity; or it may denote the divine influence of the God of Ezra upon the heart of the king, moving him to grant what he asked of him, even everything he desired: he seems to have been sent upon an embassy to the king from the chief men at Jerusalem; perhaps the governors of Syria had not so fully made the disbursements the king in his decree had required them to make, since the following commission chiefly respects such things; and he was sent on that errand to acquaint the king with it, as well as to persuade those that remained to return, and to obtain leave for it.

Gill: Ezr 7:7 - And there went up some of the children of Israel // and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, unto Jerusalem // in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king And there went up some of the children of Israel,.... Perhaps some of the ten tribes, as well as others of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin; who, notw...

And there went up some of the children of Israel,.... Perhaps some of the ten tribes, as well as others of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin; who, notwithstanding the edict of Cyrus, chose to remain in Babylon, and in the countries of it, until they saw how things would go in Judea; and hearing that the temple was finished, and that those that had returned had built them houses in their several cities, and prospered, thought fit to return also:

and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, unto Jerusalem; to take their places, and execute their offices in the temple now built; for of the Levites especially, some of which were singers, and others porters, and of the Nethinims, there were but few that went up with Zerubbabel: now this journey of theirs was taken

in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king; that is, of Darius Artaxerxes, and this was the year after the temple was finished: though it is thought by many learned men, and not without some show of reason, that Artaxerxes Longimanus is meant.

Gill: Ezr 7:8 - And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month,.... With the above company; this was the month Abib, answering to part of July and part of August: which ...

And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month,.... With the above company; this was the month Abib, answering to part of July and part of August: which was in the seventh year of the king; as in the preceding verse.

Gill: Ezr 7:9 - For upon the first day of the first month began he to go up from Babylon // and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem // according to the good hand of his God upon him For upon the first day of the first month began he to go up from Babylon,.... The month Nisan, answering to part of March and part of April; this was ...

For upon the first day of the first month began he to go up from Babylon,.... The month Nisan, answering to part of March and part of April; this was New Year's day:

and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem; the first of the month Ab, as in the preceding verse; so that he was just four months on his journey:

according to the good hand of his God upon him; his power and providence, which gave him and his company health and strength, supplied them with everything necessary, directed, protected, and defended them, and brought them in safety to their journey's end.

Gill: Ezr 7:10 - For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord // and to do it // to teach in Israel statutes and judgments For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord,.... To attain to the knowledge of it, that he might be master of it, and expert in it, an...

For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord,.... To attain to the knowledge of it, that he might be master of it, and expert in it, and know what was not to be done, and what to be done; he had set his heart upon this, bent his studies this way, and taken a great deal of pains in searching into it, in reading of it, and meditating on it:

and to do it; he was not only concerned to get the theory of it, but to put it in practice, to exercise himself in it, that it might be habitual to him; and the rather, as his view and intentions were not merely for the sake of himself, but

to teach in Israel statutes and judgments: and therefore it was not only necessary that he should have a large and competent knowledge of the laws, moral, ceremonial, and civil, but that he should act according to them himself, that so by his example, as well as by his instructions, he might teach the people.

Gill: Ezr 7:11 - Now this is the copy of the letter that the King Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest // the scribe, even a scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of his statutes to Israel Now this is the copy of the letter that the King Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest,.... This title relating to his office is justly given him, sinc...

Now this is the copy of the letter that the King Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest,.... This title relating to his office is justly given him, since he was the son of an high priest, and lineally descended from Aaron, as the above account of his pedigree shows:

the scribe, even a scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of his statutes to Israel; the doubling of the word "scribe" shows that he was very wise and learned in the law, in the commandments and statutes of it the Lord gave to Israel; not only in the language of it in which it was written, but in the matter and substance of it, in the things contained in it; for דברי "dibre", signfiies "things" as well as words.

Gill: Ezr 7:12 - Artaxerxes, king of kings // unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven // perfect peace, and at such a time Artaxerxes, king of kings,.... Having many kings and kingdoms subject and tributary to him; for this was not merely a proud haughty title which the ea...

Artaxerxes, king of kings,.... Having many kings and kingdoms subject and tributary to him; for this was not merely a proud haughty title which the eastern kings p assumed, particularly the Persians; for after Cyrus they were so in fact, who took this title also, and had it put on his sepulchral monument,"Here I lie, Cyrus, king of kings q;''this title was given to Grecian kings, particularly Agamemnon is called king of kings r, he being general at the siege of Troy, under whom the rest of the kings fought; if this was Darius Hystaspis, of him Cyrus dreamed that he had wings on his shoulders, with one he covered Asia, and with the other Europe s:

unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven; of which titles see Ezr 7:11,

perfect peace, and at such a time; the word "perfect" belongs to Ezra's title as a scribe, signifying that he was a most learned and complete scribe or teacher of the law of God; "peace" is not in the text, and the phrase "at such a time" respects the date of the letter, though not expressed, or is only an "et cetera"; see Gill on Ezr 4:10.

Gill: Ezr 7:13 - I make a decree // that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm // which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee I make a decree,.... Which, according to the laws of the Medes and Persians, when signed, might not be changed, Dan 6:8, that all they of the peopl...

I make a decree,.... Which, according to the laws of the Medes and Persians, when signed, might not be changed, Dan 6:8,

that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm; who remained there, and took not the benefit of the edict of Cyrus, which gave them leave to go; but neglecting the opportunity, it seems as if they could not now go out of the realm without a fresh grant, which is hereby given:

which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee; this decree did not oblige them to go whether they would or not; for they might, notwithstanding this, continue if they pleased; it only gave them leave to make use of the present opportunity of going along with Ezra, if they chose it.

Gill: Ezr 7:14 - Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors // to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem // according to the law of thy God which is in thine hand Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors,.... Such a number the kings of Persia used to have from the times of Darius Hyst...

Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors,.... Such a number the kings of Persia used to have from the times of Darius Hystaspis, who was chosen out of seven nobles to be king, and ever after the Persian kings had seven counsellors privileged, as those nobles were, Est 1:14, and Ezra had the honour to be sent with a commission from this king and his seven counsellors:

to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem; the inhabitants thereof, whether they had knowledge of and behaved

according to the law of thy God which is in thine hand; a copy of which he had with him, and was very expert in and conversant with, and could readily and at once pass judgment whether they acted according to it or not.

Gill: Ezr 7:15 - And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered unto the God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem. And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered unto the God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem. In ...

And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered unto the God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem. In the temple built there; for the service of which, either for purchasing and procuring vessels that were wanting in it, or for sacrifices to be offered in it, the king and his nobles had made a voluntary contribution, and intrusted and sent Ezra with it.

Gill: Ezr 7:16 - And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon // with the freewill offering of the people // and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon,.... Not that he might take it wherever he found it, whether the owner...

And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon,.... Not that he might take it wherever he found it, whether the owners of it were willing he should have it or not; but whatever was freely offered by them, as Jarchi, that he was allowed to take, whatever he could get in that way:

with the freewill offering of the people; of the people of the Jews, who thought fit to continue in the province:

and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem; those freewill offerings, whether of the natives of Babylon, or of any of the Jewish nation, for the service of the temple at Jerusalem, he had leave and a commission to carry with him.

Gill: Ezr 7:17 - That thou mayest buy speedily with this money // bullocks, rams, lambs // with their meat offerings, and their drink offerings // and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem That thou mayest buy speedily with this money,.... Thus freely contributed by one and another: bullocks, rams, lambs; which were for burnt offering...

That thou mayest buy speedily with this money,.... Thus freely contributed by one and another:

bullocks, rams, lambs; which were for burnt offerings:

with their meat offerings, and their drink offerings; which always went along with the burnt offerings, according to the law of Moses; and which the king seemed to have a right knowledge of, being, no doubt, instructed by Ezra, or some other Jew in his court:

and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem; the altar of burnt offering in the temple there.

Gill: Ezr 7:18 - And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren // to do with the rest of the silver and gold // that do after the will of your God And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren,.... The priests, that he should think fit to take in to his assistance in this work: t...

And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren,.... The priests, that he should think fit to take in to his assistance in this work:

to do with the rest of the silver and gold; which should be left after the sacrifices were offered up:

that do after the will of your God; as they should be directed by him, or was prescribed by him in the law.

Gill: Ezr 7:19 - The vessels also that were given thee for the service of the house of thy God // deliver thou before the God of Jerusalem The vessels also that were given thee for the service of the house of thy God,.... These were vessels of silver, basins of gold, and vessels of fine c...

The vessels also that were given thee for the service of the house of thy God,.... These were vessels of silver, basins of gold, and vessels of fine copper; not what formerly belonged to the temple, they were delivered by Cyrus to Sheshbazzar; but what the present king and his counsellors freely offered at this time, see Ezr 8:25, those

deliver thou before the God of Jerusalem; perfect and complete, the full number of them, as the word signifies t; meaning not to be delivered before him, or in his presence, as a witness thereof, but that they should be dedicated and devoted to his service, who was worshipped in the temple at Jerusalem, and by the inhabitants of it; he seems as if he thought him a topical deity, the God of that particular place, which was the notion of the Heathens, see 1Ki 20:23, though he also speaks of him as the God of heaven.

Gill: Ezr 7:20 - And whatsoever more shall be needful for the house of thy God, which thou shall have occasion to bestow // bestow it out of the king's treasure house And whatsoever more shall be needful for the house of thy God, which thou shall have occasion to bestow,.... For the beautifying and ornamenting the t...

And whatsoever more shall be needful for the house of thy God, which thou shall have occasion to bestow,.... For the beautifying and ornamenting the temple, Ezr 7:27,

bestow it out of the king's treasure house; where the money collected by tribute, tax, and custom, was deposited; his exchequer, as it may be called, see Ezr 6:8.

Gill: Ezr 7:21 - And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river // that whatsoever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven // shall require of you, it be done speedily And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river,.... The receivers of his tribute, tax, and custo...

And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river,.... The receivers of his tribute, tax, and custom, beyond the river Euphrates, on the side towards the land of Israel:

that whatsoever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven; see Ezr 7:12,

shall require of you, it be done speedily; which seems at first a grant at large for whatsoever he should want or demand, but is limited and restrained by what follows.

Gill: Ezr 7:22 - Unto one hundred talents of silver // and an hundred measures of wheat // and to an hundred baths of wine // and to an hundred baths of oil // and salt without prescribing how much Unto one hundred talents of silver,.... Which amounted to 35,300 pounds sterling; these, according to Jarchi, were to buy the offerings or sacrifices ...

Unto one hundred talents of silver,.... Which amounted to 35,300 pounds sterling; these, according to Jarchi, were to buy the offerings or sacrifices with:

and an hundred measures of wheat; or corn, the same measure with the homer, each of which held ten ephahs, or seventy five wine gallons, five pints, and upwards; these, according to the same writer, were for meat offerings, made of fine flour, or rather bread offerings, as they may be called:

and to an hundred baths of wine; which was the same measure in liquids as the ephah in things dry, a tenth part of the cor or homer, and held seven wine gallons, five pints, and upwards u; these were for the drink offerings:

and to an hundred baths of oil; the same measure as before; these were to mix in the meat offerings:

and salt without prescribing how much; because it was used in all offerings, and was cheap, and therefore no measure is fixed, but as much as was wanting was to be given, see Lev 2:1.

Gill: Ezr 7:23 - Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven // let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven // for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven,.... In the law given by Moses to the people of Israel: let it be diligently done for the house of the...

Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven,.... In the law given by Moses to the people of Israel:

let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven; for the service of it, particularly sacrifices:

for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons? through the neglect of the service of God in the temple, and by reason of the default of the king's treasurers.

Gill: Ezr 7:24 - Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God // it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God,.... The king had a ...

Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God,.... The king had a right and perfect knowledge of the distinct offices and services of those persons, see Ezr 7:7,

it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them; that they might be the less encumbered with the affairs of life, and be more at leisure to attend divine service, and do it the more readily and freely; it was usual with the Heathens to except ecclesiastics from taxes, tributes, and imposts; so the priests in Egypt w, and the Druids here in Britain x.

Gill: Ezr 7:25 - And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand // set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God // and teach ye them that know them not And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand,.... Which he had a large share of from the Lord, and could readily make use of to ...

And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand,.... Which he had a large share of from the Lord, and could readily make use of to good purpose; and this may be meant of the law of God made with the highest wisdom, and to know and observe which is an instance of wisdom in men, Deu 4:6,

set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; such as God, in his great wisdom, directed to in his wise law to be appointed over the people, to judge righteous judgment; to inform them in all matters of controversy that might arise among them, and decide them according to it; and lead them into a greater and better knowledge of it, Deu 16:18. Jarchi takes the word for "set" to be a comparative, and the sense to be, that the wisdom of Ezra was greater than the judges that judged the people, than them that knew the law:

and teach ye them that know them not; such people that were ignorant thereof; though the above writer interprets this of ignorant judges,"the judge that knows not to judge, make him know judgment to do it.''

Gill: Ezr 7:26 - And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king // let judgment be executed speedily upon him // whether it be unto death // or to banishment // or to rooting out // or to confiscation of goods // or to imprisonment And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king,.... Either the judge who delays judgment, or does not execute it according to t...

And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king,.... Either the judge who delays judgment, or does not execute it according to the law of God, and of the king; or the people, that do not obey the law of God in matters of religion, and the law of the king in civil things, Judea being now a province of the Persian empire; though some think the law of the king only refers to this law or decree of the king, which gave the Jews power to execute their own laws:

let judgment be executed speedily upon him; immediately, without delay, according to the nature of his crime:

whether it be unto death; if guilty of a capital crime, deserving death, let him be put to death:

or to banishment; from his native country to a foreign distant land:

or to rooting out y, as the word signifies; an utter extirpation of him and his family, a destroying him root and branch; or, as Jarchi expresses it, a rooting him out of the world, his seed and family:

or to confiscation of goods; to payment of mulcts and fines:

or to imprisonment; for such a term of time; all according to the breach of what law he may be guilty of; thus far the king's decree.

Gill: Ezr 7:27 - Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers // which hath put such a thing as this in the king's heart // to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers,.... This is Ezra's thanksgiving to God for the above decree: which hath put such a thing as this in the kin...

Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers,.... This is Ezra's thanksgiving to God for the above decree:

which hath put such a thing as this in the king's heart; which he rightly took to be of God, who wrought in him to will and to do:

to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem; to provide for the ornamenting of it, for vessels in it, as well as for sacrifices; for as for the building of it, that was finished.

Gill: Ezr 7:28 - And hath extended mercy unto me, before the king and his counsellors, and before all the king's mighty princes // and I was strengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me // and I gathered together out of Israel chief men to go up with me And hath extended mercy unto me, before the king and his counsellors, and before all the king's mighty princes,.... Before Artaxerxes, his seven couns...

And hath extended mercy unto me, before the king and his counsellors, and before all the king's mighty princes,.... Before Artaxerxes, his seven counsellors, Ezr 7:14 and the nobles of his realm, in being appointed by them to carry their freewill offerings to Jerusalem, and the king's commands to his treasurers, with leave to take as many of the Jews with him as were willing to go:

and I was strengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me; animated to undertake this work, and execute this commission, being under the influence of divine favour and protection:

and I gathered together out of Israel chief men to go up with me; he went about in the several parts where Israelites dwelt, and persuaded some of the principal men among them to go along with him to Jerusalem, showing them the king's decree, which gave them leave; and their names and numbers are described in the next chapter.

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki

NET Notes: Ezr 7:1 The words “came up from Babylon” do not appear in the Hebrew text until v. 6. They have been supplied here for the sake of clarity.

NET Notes: Ezr 7:7 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: Ezr 7:9 Apparently it took the caravan almost four months to make the five hundred mile journey.

NET Notes: Ezr 7:10 Heb “to do and to teach.” The expression may be a hendiadys, in which case it would have the sense of “effectively teaching.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:11 The words “Ezra was” are not in the Hebrew text but have been added in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Ezr 7:12 Ezra 7:12-26 is written in Aramaic rather than Hebrew.

NET Notes: Ezr 7:13 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: Ezr 7:14 Aram “in your hand.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:16 Aram “find.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:17 Aram “their meal offerings and their libations.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:18 Aram “brothers.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:19 Or “before.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:20 Aram “may fall to you to give.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:21 Aram “who are in.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:22 Aram “he did not write.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:23 The Aramaic word used here for “wrath” (קְצַף, qÿtsaf; cf. Heb קָצַף, qat...

NET Notes: Ezr 7:24 Aram “we are making known to you.”

NET Notes: Ezr 7:25 For the MT reading שָׁפְטִין (shoftim, “judges”) the LXX uses the noun γρ&...

NET Notes: Ezr 7:26 On the meaning of this word see HALOT 1820-21 s.v. אָסְפַּרְנָא; E. Vogt, Lexi...

NET Notes: Ezr 7:27 At this point the language of the book reverts from Aramaic (7:12-26) back to Hebrew.

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:1 Now after these things, in the reign of ( a ) Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilk...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:5 The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of ( b ) Aaron the chief priest: ( b )...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:6 This Ezra went up from Babylon; and he [was] a ready ( c ) scribe in the law of Moses, which the LORD God of Israel had given: and th...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:8 And he came to Jerusalem in the ( d ) fifth month, which [was] in the seventh year ( e ) of the king. ...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:12 Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, perfect [peace], and ( f ) at such a time....

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:13 I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and [of] his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill ...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:14 Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors, to ( h ) enquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to t...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:18 And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren, to do with the rest of the silver and the gold, that do after the will of your ...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:21 And I, [even] I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which [are] beyond ( l ) the river, that whatsoever Ezra ...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:22 Unto an hundred talents of silver, and to an hundred measures of wheat, and to an hundred baths of wine, and to an hundred ( m ) bath...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:23 Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven: for why should there be wrath (...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:25 And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that [is] in thine hand, ( o ) set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the peopl...

Geneva Bible: Ezr 7:27 ( p ) Blessed [be] the LORD God of our fathers, which hath put [such a thing] as this in the king's heart, to beautify the house of t...

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

MHCC: Ezr 7:1-10 - --Ezra went from Babylon to Jerusalem, for the good of his country. The king was kind to him; he granted all his requests, whatever Ezra desired to e...

MHCC: Ezr 7:11-26 - --The liberality of heathen kings to support the worship of God, reproached the conduct of many kings of Judah, and will rise up in judgment against ...

MHCC: Ezr 7:27-28 - --Two things Ezra blessed God for: 1. For his commission. If any good appear in our hearts, or in the hearts of others, we must own that God put it t...

Matthew Henry: Ezr 7:1-10 - -- Here is, I. Ezra's pedigree. He was one of the sons of Aaron, a priest. Him God chose to be an instrument of good to Israel, that he might put ho...

Matthew Henry: Ezr 7:11-26 - -- We have here the commission which the Persian emperor granted to Ezra, giving him authority to act for the good of the Jews; and it is very ample...

Matthew Henry: Ezr 7:27-28 - -- Ezra cannot proceed in his story without inserting his thankful acknowledgement of the goodness of God to him and his people in this matter. As s...

Keil-Delitzsch: Ezr 7:1-10 - -- Ezr 7:1-10 form the introduction to the narrative which followsof Ezra's return to Jerusal...

Keil-Delitzsch: Ezr 7:11-28 - -- The commission given by Artachshasta to Ezra (Ezr 7:11) , with a shortpostscript by Ez...

Constable: Ezr 7:1--10:44 - --II. THE SECOND RETURN UNDER EZRA chs. 7--10 A period of 58 years sep...

Constable: Ezr 7:1--8:36 - --A. The Return to Jerusalem CHS. 7-8 ...

Constable: Ezr 7:1-10 - --Ezra's background 7:1-10 ...

Constable: Ezr 7:11-26 - --Artaxerxes' decree 7:11-26 ...

Constable: Ezr 7:27-28 - --Ezra's thanksgiving 7:27-28 ...

Guzik: Ezr 7:1-28 - Ezra's Return from Babylon Ezra 7 - Ezra's Return from Babylon "At Jerusalem, Malachi may well hav...

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Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

JFB: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) EZRA was, along with Nehemiah, reckoned one book by the ancient Jews, who called them the First and Second Books of Ezra, and they are still design...


TSK: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) This book details the events of a very interesting period of the Sacred History, when, according to the decree of Providence, the Jewish people wer...

TSK: Ezra 7 (Pendahuluan Pasal) Overview Ezr 7:1, Ezra goes up to Jerusalem; ...

Poole: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE ARGUMENT THAT this book of EZRA is part of the canonical Scripture is evident, partly from the testimony of the Jewish church,...

Poole: Ezra 7 (Pendahuluan Pasal) CHAPTER 7 Ezra’ s genealogy, ...

MHCC: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) The history of this book is the accomplishment of Jeremiah's prophecy concerning the return of the Jews out of Babylon. From its contents we especi...

MHCC: Ezra 7 (Pendahuluan Pasal) (Ezr 7:1-10) Ezra goes up to Jerusalem. (v. ...

Matthew Henry: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Ezra The Jewish church puts on quite another face in this book from what i...

Matthew Henry: Ezra 7 (Pendahuluan Pasal) Ezra's precious name saluted us, at first, in the title of the book, but in the history we have not met with it till this chapter introduces him...

Constable: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) Introduction Title ...

Constable: Ezra (Garis Besar) Outline I. The first return under Sheshbazzar chs. ...

Constable: Ezra Ezra Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter...

Haydock: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE FIRST BOOK OF ESDRAS. INTRODUCTION. This Book taketh its name from the writer, who was a holy priest and doctor of t...

Gill: Ezra (Pendahuluan Kitab) INTRODUCTION TO EZRA This book, in the Vulgate Latin and Arabic versions, is called the "First" Book of Ezra, Nehemiah being recko...

Gill: Ezra 7 (Pendahuluan Pasal) INTRODUCTION TO EZRA 7 In this chapter we have the lineage and cha...

Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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