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1 Samuel 19

1 Yonatan menyingkapkan rencana ayahnya untuk membunuh Daud.

4 Dia membujuk ayahnya untuk berdamai.

8 Karena keberhasilan Daud di peperangan yang baru, amarah kedengkiannya meledak terhadapnya.

12 Mikhal menipu ayahnya dengan membuat orang-orangan di tempat tidur Daud.

18 Daud pergi ke Samuel di Nayot.

20 Orang-orang suruhan Saul yang dikirim untuk menangkap Daud,

22 dan Saul sendiripun bernubuat.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

19:1 · Saul ................. Saul(TB)/Saul .................. Saul(TL) <07586> [And Saul.]

Saul's enmity now burst forth, in the avowed purpose of putting David to death; and nothing less than the especial interposition of Providence could have saved David's life, when every officer about the king's person, and every soldier, had positive orders to dispatch him.


Judul : Saul mencoba membunuh Daud

Perikop : 1Sam 19:1-24

kepada Yonatan,

1Sam 18:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:1]

harus dibunuh.

1Sam 18:9

19:2 · <02654> [delighted.]

· Yonatan(TB/TL) <03083> [Jonathan.]


dan bersembunyilah

1Sam 20:5,19 [Semua]

19:3 · melihat bagaimana ... melihat(TB)/melihat apa(TL) <07200 04100> [what I see.]


akan berbicara

1Sam 20:12

19:4 · mengatakan ... baik .......................... baik .... berguna(TB)/Hata .... berkata-kata baik ............................. berguna(TL) <01696 02896> [spake good.]

· dosa .... hambanya ..... tuanku dosa(TB)/dosa .......... berdosa(TL) <02398 05650> [sin against.]

· terhadapmu ... apa(TB)/perbuatannya(TL) <04639> [because his works.]


Yonatan mengatakan

1Sam 20:32; 22:14; Ams 31:8,9; Yer 18:20 [Semua]

berbuat dosa

1Sam 25:21; Ams 17:13 [Semua]

19:5 · mempertaruhkan nyawanya nyawanya(TB)/diindahkannya nyawanya(TL) <05315 07760> [put his life.]

· mengalahkan(TB)/dibunuhnya(TL) <05221> [slew.]

· memberikan(TB) <06213> [wrought.]

· berbuat dosa ...... tidak bersalah .... bersalah(TB)/berdosa ...... bersalah(TL) <05355 02398> [sin against innocent.]

· tanpa alasan(TB)/semena-mena(TL) <02600> [without a cause.]


mempertaruhkan nyawanya

Hak 9:17; [Lihat FULL. Hak 9:17]; Hak 12:3; [Lihat FULL. Hak 12:3] [Semua]

memberikan kemenangan

1Sam 11:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 11:13]

tidak bersalah

Kej 31:36; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:36]; Ul 19:10-13 [Semua]

19:6 · bersumpah(TB/TL) <07650> [sware.]

· [he shalt not.]

19:7 · dahulu(TB)/kelemarin(TL) <0865> [in times past. Heb. yesterday, third day.]


seperti dahulu.

1Sam 18:2,13; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:2]; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:13] [Semua]

19:8 · Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David.]

· [him. Heb. his face]



roh jahat

Hak 9:23; [Lihat FULL. Hak 9:23]

main kecapi.

1Sam 10:5; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:5]

19:10 · berikhtiar(TB)/dicoba(TL) <01245> [sought.]

· mengelakkan(TB)/disalahkan(TL) <06362> [he slipped.]

· luputlah(TB)/berlepas(TL) <04422> [and escaped.]


Daud mengelakkan

1Sam 18:11

19:11 · Kemudian ... mengirim beberapa orang(TB)/disuruhkan ... beberapa orang(TL) <04397 07971> [sent messengers.]

· mengamat-amatinya .... membunuh dibunuhnya ........................ dibunuh ........ dibunuh(TB)/ditungguinya(TL) <08104 04191> [to watch him.]


untuk mengamat-amatinya

Mazm 59:1-2

waktu pagi.

Hak 16:2

19:12 · Mikhal(TB)/mengulurkan(TL) <04324> [Michal.]

· menurunkan Daud(TB)/Mikhalpun ... Daud ke(TL) <03381 01732> [let David.]


dari jendela,

Yos 2:15; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:15]; Kis 9:25; 2Kor 11:33 [Semua]

19:13 · terafim(TB)/patung(TL) <08655> [an image. Heb. teraphim.]

· tenunan(TB)/kulit(TL) <03523> [a pillow.]

Rather, "the net-work of goat's hair at its (the Teraphim's) pillow;" for the {kevir,} (whence the Chaldee and Syriac {kavreetho,} a honey-comb, from its net-like form), seems to have been a kind of mosquito-net, which, says Dr. Shaw, is "a close curtain of gauze, used all over the East, by people of fashion, to keep out the flies." That they had such anciently cannot be doubted. Thus when Judith had beheaded Holofernes in his bed, (ch. 13:9, 15) "she pulled down the canopy (or the mosquito net, [ ,] from [ ,] a gnat, or mosquito, whence our word canopy) wherein he did lie in his drunkenness, from the pillars."


mengambil terafim

Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19]

19:14 · berkata(TB)/kata(TL) <0559> [she said.]


itu berkata:

Kel 1:19; [Lihat FULL. Kel 1:19]; Yos 2:4 [Semua]

19:15 · Bawalah(TB/TL) <05927> [Bring him.]

The eastern beds consist merely of two thick cotton quilts, one of which, folded double, serves as a mattress, the other as a covering. Such seems to have been the bed of David, which could easily have been carried, with himself in it, to the presence of Saul.

19:16 · suruhan(TB/TL) <04397> [And when.]

It is highly probable that David, when supposed to be sick, was thought to be hid in the harem or chamber of Michal. "The harems," says De La Motraye, "are sanctuaries, as sacred and inviolable, for persons pursed by justice for any crime, debt, etc., as the Roman Catholic churches in Italy, Spain, Portugal, etc." Thus we find, that to effect his purpose, Saul sent messengers to Michal, but they treated her harem with too much respect to enter it at first; but being authorised by Saul, they entered even into her chamber; and during the delay occasioned by respect for the privacy of Michal, David escaped.

19:17 · menipu(TB/TL) <07411> [Why hast.]

· musuhku(TB)/seteruku(TL) <0341> [mine enemy.]

· Mikhal ................. Mikhal(TB)/Mikhal ................... Mikhal(TL) <04324> [And Michal.]

· Berkatalah ................... jawab ...... berkata(TB)/titah ..................... sembah ...... katanya(TL) <0559> [He said.]

· membunuh(TB)/demikian ......... kubunuh(TL) <04191> [why should.]

19:18 · Samuel ................. Samuel(TB)/Semuel .................... Semuel(TL) <08050> [to Samuel.]


di Rama

1Sam 7:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 7:17]


19:20 · maka ... mengirim ... orang ...................... suruhan ........ suruhan(TB)/disuruhkan .... orang ............................. suruhan(TL) <07971 04397> [sent messengers.]

· melihat(TB)/dilihatnya(TL) <07200> [when they.]


sekumpulan nabi

Bil 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:29]

hinggap pada

Bil 11:25; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:25]

merekapun kepenuhan

1Sam 10:5; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:5]


19:21 · mengirim ... suruhan beberapa orang .......... mengirim ... beberapa orang suruhan(TB)/disuruhkan ... beberapa orang .......... disuruhkan ... beberapa orang(TL) <04397 07971> [sent messengers.]

· kepenuhan ................. kepenuhan(TB)/bernubuat ............... bernubuat(TL) <05012> [prophesied also.]



19:23 · Roh(TB/TL) <07307> [the Spirit.]

· sampai ke(TB)/datang(TL) <0935> [until he came.]


ia kepenuhan

1Sam 10:13

19:24 · menanggalkan(TB)/ditanggalkannya(TL) <06584> [stripped.]

· rebah terhantar(TB)/rebahlah(TL) <05307> [lay. Heb. fell.]

· Saul(TB/TL) <07586> [Is Saul.]


Iapun menanggalkan

2Sam 6:20; Yes 20:2 [Semua]

depan Samuel.

1Sam 15:35

golongan nabi?

1Sam 10:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:11]

TIP #23: Gunakan Studi Kamus dengan menggunakan indeks kata atau kotak pencarian. [SEMUA]
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