TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 10:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


laskar(TB)/tentara(TL) <04264> [the camp.]

Elizur(TB/TL) <0468> [Elizur.]


bawah panji-panji

Bil 2:10-16 [Semua]


Bil 2:16

bin Syedeur;

Bil 1:5; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:5]

Bilangan 14:37

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang-orang orang(TB)/orang(TL) <0582> [those men.]

Thus ten of the twelve who searched out the land were struck dead, by the justice of God, on the spot. In commemoration of this event, the Jews, to this day, celebrate a fast, on the seventh day of the month Elul.

mati(TB)/matilah(TL) <04191> [died.]


orang-orang itu

Bil 13:32; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:32]; 1Kor 10:10; Ibr 3:17 [Semua]

kena tulah

Bil 16:49; 25:9; 26:1; 31:16; Ul 4:3 [Semua]

Bilangan 25:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


St. Paul reckons only 23,000: Moses includes in the 24,000 he names, the 1,000 men who were slain in consequence of the judicial examination, (ver. 4,) as well as the 23,000 who died of the plague; while St. Paul only refers to the latter.


karena tulah

Bil 14:37; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:37]; 1Kor 10:8 [Semua]

ada 24.000

Bil 31:16

Bilangan 10:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


laskar(TB)/tentara(TL) <04264> [the camp.]

Elisama(TL) <0476> [Elishama.]


bani Efraim

Bil 2:24

Bilangan 10:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Terdahulu berjalanlah(TB)/dahulu(TL) <07223 05265> [the first place.]

The following is the order in which this vast company marched: Judah:----Issachar, Zebulun, Gershonites, and Merarites, bearing the tabernacle. Reuben:---Simeon, Gad, Kohathites, with the sanctuary. Ephraim:--Manasseh, Benjamin. Dan:------Asher, Naphtali. Among other things, it should be remarked, that, according to a well-known rule of military tactics, the advanced, and rear-guards, were stronger then the centre.


Nahason(TB)/Nahesyon(TL) <05177> [Nahshon.]


bawah panji-panji

Bil 1:52; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:52]; Bil 2:3-9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 2:3] s/d 9 [Semua]

bin Aminadab;

Bil 1:7

Bilangan 10:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


laskar .... laskar(TB)/tentara ........ tentara(TL) <04264> [the camp.]

penutup(TB/TL) <0622> [the rereward.]

Ahiezer(TB)/Ahiezar(TL) <0295> [Ahiezer.]


barisan penutup

Bil 2:31; [Lihat FULL. Bil 2:31]

bin Amisyadai;

Bil 1:12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:12]

Bilangan 31:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perempuan-perempuan ..... menjadi menjadi ............ sehingga(TB)/perempuan ..... menjadi(TL) <01961 02007> [these caused.]

nasihat ............ hal(TB)/kata .... perkara(TL) <01697> [in the matter.]

tulah(TB)/bala(TL) <04046> [and there.]


atas nasihat

Bil 22:5; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:5]; Bil 24:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 24:14]; 2Pet 2:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Pet 2:15] [Semua]

hal Peor,

Bil 23:28; [Lihat FULL. Bil 23:28]; Bil 25:1-9 [Semua]

sehingga tulah

Bil 14:37; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:37]

Bilangan 26:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Judul : Laskar Israel dihitung untuk kedua kalinya

Perikop : Bil 26:1-65

Sesudah tulah

Bil 14:37; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:37]; Bil 25:8 [Semua]

Bilangan 2:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible



menurut suku-suku

Bil 1:45

603.550 orang.

Kel 12:37; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:37]

Bilangan 25:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menikam(TB)/ditikamnya(TL) <01856> [thrust.]

tulah(TB)/bala(TL) <04046> [So the plague.]


Maka berhentilah

Mazm 106:30

Bilangan 25:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melawan .... daya upaya ... tipu dayanya(TB)/musuh(TL) <06887 05231> [vex you.]

dirancang(TB)/diperdayakannya(TL) <05230> [beguiled.]

terbunuh(TB)/dibunuh(TL) <05221> [which.]



hal Peor

Bil 23:28; [Lihat FULL. Bil 23:28]

Bilangan 16:46-47

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hadirat(TL) <06440> [from off.]

bubuhlah ......... taruhlah(TB)/bubuhlah ....... dalamnya(TL) <05414 07760> [and put.]

pendamaian(TB)/gafirat(TL) <03722> [an atonement.]

murka(TB)/murka yang sangat besar(TL) <07110> [there is wrath.]

tulah ... mulai ......... mulai(TB)/siasatnyapun ... mulai(TL) <05063 02490> [the plague is begun.]

God now punished them by a secret blast, so as to put the matter beyond dispute; His hand, and His alone, was seen, not only in the plague, but in the manner in which the mortality was arrested. It was necessary that it should be done in this way, that the whole congregation might see that these men who had perished were not "the people of the Lord," and that God, not Moses and Aaron, had destroyed them.


Ambillah perbaraan,

Im 10:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:1]

kepada umat

Im 10:6

adakanlah pendamaian

Kel 29:36; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:36]

murka Tuhan

Bil 1:53; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:53]

dan tulah

Im 26:25; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:25]; Bil 8:19; Mazm 106:29 [Semua]


berlarilah(TB)/berlari-larilah(TL) <07323> [and ran.]

tulah(TB)/bala(TL) <05063> [and behold.]

lalu dibubuhnyalah(TB)/dibubuhnya(TL) <05414> [and he put.]


antara bangsa

Bil 25:6-8 [Semua]

Bilangan 8:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyerahkan(TB)/menganugerahkan(TL) <05414> [I have given.]

menyerahkan(TB)/menganugerahkan(TL) <05414> [a gift. Heb. given. that there.]


orang Israel

Bil 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Bil 3:7]

dan anak-anaknya

Bil 3:9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 3:9]

orang Israel,

Bil 16:46

Bilangan 2:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 2:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


empat(TB/TL) <0705> [forty.]

Reyher, who is followed by Scheuchzer, assigns the following space to the soldiers of each of the tribes, whilst remaining close to each other in their ranks, allowing one square cubit to each; but if we take in the arrangement, not only the soldiers, but the tents, the families, etc., a much larger extent of ground is requisite: Tribe of Judah. Tribe of Manasseh. Breadth 298 3/5 cubits Breadth 161 cubits Length 250 Length 200 ------ ------ Total 74,600 Total 32,200 Tribe of Issachar. Tribe of Simeon. Breadth 217 3/5 cubits Breadth 182 6/13 cubits Length 250 Length 325 ------ ------ Total 54,400 Total 59,300 Tribe of Gad. Tribe of Benjamin. Breadth 140 5/11 cubits Breadth 177 cubits Length 325 Length 200 ------ ------ Total 45,650 Total 35,400 Tribe of Zebulun. Tribe of Dan. Breadth 229 3/4 cubits Breadth 156 3/4 cubits Length 250 Length 400 ------ ------ Total 57,400 Total 62,700 Tribe of Ephraim. Tribe of Asher. Breadth 202 1/2 cubits Breadth 103 3/4 cubits Length 200 Length 400 ------ ------ Total 40,500 Total 41,500 Tribe of Reuben. Tribe of Naphtali. Breadth 143 1/5 cubits Breadth 133 1/2 cubits Length 325 Length 400 ------ ------ Total 46,500 Total 53,400

Bilangan 2:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 1:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


puluh(TB/TL) <06242> [twenty.]

sanggup(TB)/keluar(TL) <03318> [able.]

berperang ............. pasukannya(TB)/berperang ....... tentaranya(TL) <06635> [by their.]


ke atas

Kel 30:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:14]

sanggup berperang,

Bil 1:20; Bil 26:2; Yos 5:4; 1Taw 5:18 [Semua]

beserta Harun

Kel 4:14; Bil 17:3 [Semua]

Bilangan 16:48

TSK Full Life Study Bible


What the plague was we know not; but it seems from this to have begun at one part of the camp, and to have proceeded regularly onward.


hidup, berhentilah

Bil 25:8; Mazm 106:30 [Semua]

Bilangan 16:50

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 14:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memukul(TB)/memalu(TL) <05221> [smite.]

Kubuat(TB)/menjadikan(TL) <06213> [will make.]


penyakit sampar

Kel 5:3; [Lihat FULL. Kel 5:3]; Kel 30:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:12] [Semua]

menjadi bangsa

Kel 32:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:10]

pada mereka.

Ul 9:14; 29:20; 32:26; Mazm 109:13 [Semua]

Bilangan 24:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang Keni(TB)/Kain(TL) <07014> [the Kenite. Heb. Kain. until Asshur shall carry thee away captive. or, how long shall it be ere Asshur carry thee away captive?]


maka Asyur

Kej 10:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:22]

Bilangan 16:49

TSK Full Life Study Bible


empat ... ribu(TB/TL) <0505 0702> [fourteen thousand.]


perkara Korah.

Bil 16:32

Bilangan 20:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


boleh(TB)/menerusi(TL) <05674> [Thou shalt.]

orang Edom(TB)/Edompun(TL) <0123> [And Edom.]


kamu lalu.

Bil 20:17,18; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:17]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:18] [Semua]

orang Edom

Bil 20:14

Bilangan 31:13-14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pergilah(TB) <03318> [went forth.]

luar ... perkemahan .... tentara(TB)/luar ... tentara(TL) <04264 02351> [without the camp.]


gusarlah(TB)/amarahlah(TL) <07107> [wroth.]

peperangan(TB/TL) <04421> [battle. Heb. host of war.]


pemimpin tentara

Bil 31:48; Kel 18:21; Ul 1:15; 2Sam 18:1 [Semua]

Bilangan 31:48

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pemimpin tentara,

Bil 31:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:14]

Bilangan 32:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dari hadapan-Nya,

Bil 32:17

Bilangan 32:42

TSK Full Life Study Bible


merebut Kenat

1Taw 2:23

menamainya Nobah

Hak 8:11

namanya sendiri.

1Sam 15:12; 2Sam 18:18; Mazm 49:12; Yes 22:16; 56:5 [Semua]

Bilangan 21:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sihon diizinkan mengizinkan(TB)/Sihon .......... iapun(TL) <05511 05414> [Sihon would.]

Yahas(TB)/Yahza(TL) <03096> [Jahaz.]


melalui daerahnya,

Bil 20:21

di Yahas

Ul 2:32; Yos 13:18; 21:36; Hak 11:20; Yes 15:4; Yer 48:21,34 [Semua]

orang Israel.

Bil 20:18

Bilangan 21:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berpalinglah(TB)/Setelah .... berbaliklah(TL) <06437> [they turned.]

Basan ..... Basan(TB)/Bazan ..... Bazan(TL) <01316> [Bashan.]

Og(TB/TL) <05747> [Og.]


raja Basan

Bil 32:33; Ul 3:3; 31:4; Yos 2:10; 12:4; 13:30; 1Raj 4:19; Neh 9:22; Mazm 135:11; 136:20 [Semua]

raja Basan,

Ul 3:4; 32:14; Yos 9:10; 1Raj 4:13 [Semua]

ke Edrei

Ul 1:4; 3:1,10; Yos 12:4; 13:12,31; 19:37 [Semua]

Bilangan 31:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible



menawan perempuan-perempuan

Bil 31:15

mereka dijarah,

Kej 34:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:29]

Bilangan 21:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Arad(TB)/Harad(TL) <06166> [Arad.]

jalan Atarim ........ orang pengintai(TB)/jalan orang pengintai(TL) <0871 01870> [the way of the spies.]

Dr. Kennicott remarks, that the word {atharim,} rendered spies in our version, is in the Greek a proper name ([Atharein,] Atharim).

berperang(TB)/berperanglah(TL) <03898> [then.]


Judul : Negeri Arad dibinasakan

Perikop : Bil 21:1-3

negeri Arad,

Bil 33:40; Yos 12:14 [Semua]

Tanah Negeb,

Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9]; Bil 13:17; Ul 1:7; Hak 1:9,16 [Semua]

Bilangan 31:36

TSK Full Life Study Bible

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