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Teks -- Psalms 142:1-7 (NET)

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Psalm 142
142:1 A well-written song by David, when he was in the cave; a prayer. To the Lord I cry out; to the Lord I plead for mercy. 142:2 I pour out my lament before him; I tell him about my troubles. 142:3 Even when my strength leaves me, you watch my footsteps. In the path where I walk they have hidden a trap for me. 142:4 Look to the right and see! No one cares about me. I have nowhere to run; no one is concerned about my life. 142:5 I cry out to you, O Lord; I say, “You are my shelter, my security in the land of the living.” 142:6 Listen to my cry for help, for I am in serious trouble! Rescue me from those who chase me, for they are stronger than I am. 142:7 Free me from prison, that I may give thanks to your name. Because of me the godly will assemble, for you will vindicate me.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Maskil a literary or musical term

Topik/Tema Kamus: David | Music | Prayer | Wicked | PSALMS, BOOK OF | Afflictions and Adversities | Faith | FAIL | Psalms | CRY, CRYING | Persecution | God | CARE; CAREFULNESS; CAREFUL | PRISON; PRISONER | Adullam | PORTION; PART | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Catatan Rentang Ayat
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable


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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Wesley: Psa 142:3 - Knowest So as to direct me to it.

So as to direct me to it.

Wesley: Psa 142:3 - My path What paths I should chuse whereby I might escape.

What paths I should chuse whereby I might escape.

Wesley: Psa 142:4 - Right hand - The place where the patron or assistant used to stand.

hand - The place where the patron or assistant used to stand.

Wesley: Psa 142:5 - Portion Even in this life.

Even in this life.

Wesley: Psa 142:7 - Prison Set me at liberty.

Set me at liberty.

Wesley: Psa 142:7 - Compass Shall flock to me from all parts, to rejoice and bless God with me and for me.

Shall flock to me from all parts, to rejoice and bless God with me and for me.

JFB: Psa 142:1 - -- Maschil--(See on Psa 32:1, title). When he was in the cave--either of Adullam (1Sa 22:1), or En-gedi (1Sa 24:3). This does not mean that the Psalm was...

Maschil--(See on Psa 32:1, title). When he was in the cave--either of Adullam (1Sa 22:1), or En-gedi (1Sa 24:3). This does not mean that the Psalm was composed in the cave, but that the precarious mode of life, of which his refuge in caves was a striking illustration, occasioned the complaint, which constitutes the first part of the Psalm and furnishes the reason for the prayer with which it concludes, and which, as the prominent characteristic, gives its name. (Psa 142:1-7)

JFB: Psa 142:1 - with my voice Audibly, because earnestly.

Audibly, because earnestly.

JFB: Psa 142:2 - -- (Compare Psa 62:8).

(Compare Psa 62:8).

JFB: Psa 142:2 - I poured out my complaint Or, "a sad musing."

Or, "a sad musing."

JFB: Psa 142:3 - thou knewest . . . path The appeal is indicative of conscious innocence; knowest it to be right, and that my affliction is owing to the snares of enemies, and is not deserved...

The appeal is indicative of conscious innocence; knowest it to be right, and that my affliction is owing to the snares of enemies, and is not deserved (compare Psa 42:4; Psa 61:2).

JFB: Psa 142:4 - -- Utter desolation is meant.

Utter desolation is meant.

JFB: Psa 142:4 - right hand The place of a protector (Psa 110:5).

The place of a protector (Psa 110:5).

JFB: Psa 142:4 - cared for Literally, "sought after," to do good.

Literally, "sought after," to do good.

JFB: Psa 142:5 - -- (Compare Psa 31:14; Psa 62:7).

(Compare Psa 31:14; Psa 62:7).

JFB: Psa 142:6 - -- (Compare Psa 17:1).

(Compare Psa 17:1).

JFB: Psa 142:7 - -- (Compare Psa 25:17).

(Compare Psa 25:17).

JFB: Psa 142:7 - that I may praise Literally, "for praising," or, "that Thy name may be praised," that is, by the righteous, who shall surround me with sympathizing joy (Psa 35:27).

Literally, "for praising," or, "that Thy name may be praised," that is, by the righteous, who shall surround me with sympathizing joy (Psa 35:27).

Clarke: Psa 142:1 - I cried unto the Lord I cried unto the Lord - See on Psa 141:1 (note).

I cried unto the Lord - See on Psa 141:1 (note).

Clarke: Psa 142:3 - Then thou knewest my path Then thou knewest my path - When Saul and his army were about the cave in which I was hidden, thou knewest my path - that I had then no way of escap...

Then thou knewest my path - When Saul and his army were about the cave in which I was hidden, thou knewest my path - that I had then no way of escape but by miracle: but thou didst not permit them to know that I was wholly in their power.

Clarke: Psa 142:4 - There was no man, that would know me There was no man, that would know me - This has been applied to the time in which our Lord was deserted by his disciples. As to the case of David in...

There was no man, that would know me - This has been applied to the time in which our Lord was deserted by his disciples. As to the case of David in the cave of En-gedi, he had no refuge: for what were the handful of men that were with him to Saul and his army?

Clarke: Psa 142:5 - Thou art my refuge Thou art my refuge - Even in these most disastrous circumstances, I will put my trust in thee.

Thou art my refuge - Even in these most disastrous circumstances, I will put my trust in thee.

Clarke: Psa 142:6 - I am brought very low I am brought very low - Never was I so near total ruin before

I am brought very low - Never was I so near total ruin before

Clarke: Psa 142:6 - Deliver me from my persecutors Deliver me from my persecutors - They are now in full possession of the only means of my escape

Deliver me from my persecutors - They are now in full possession of the only means of my escape

Clarke: Psa 142:6 - They are stronger than I They are stronger than I - What am I and my men against this well-appointed armed multitude, with their king at their head.

They are stronger than I - What am I and my men against this well-appointed armed multitude, with their king at their head.

Clarke: Psa 142:7 - Bring my soul out of prison Bring my soul out of prison - Bring נפשי naphshi , my life, out of this cave in which it is now imprisoned; Saul and his men being in possessio...

Bring my soul out of prison - Bring נפשי naphshi , my life, out of this cave in which it is now imprisoned; Saul and his men being in possession of the entrance

Clarke: Psa 142:7 - The righteous shall compass me about The righteous shall compass me about - יכתרו yachtiru , they shall crown me; perhaps meaning that the pious Jews, on the death of Saul, would ...

The righteous shall compass me about - יכתרו yachtiru , they shall crown me; perhaps meaning that the pious Jews, on the death of Saul, would cheerfully join together to make him king, being convinced that God, by his bountiful dealings with him, intended that it should be so. The old Psalter, which is imperfect from the twenty-frst verse of Psalm 119 to the end of Psa 141:1-10, concludes this Psalm thus: "Lede my saule oute of corruption of my body; that corrupcion is bodely pyne, in whilk my saule is anguyst; after that in Godes house, Sal al be louyng (praising) of the.

Calvin: Psa 142:1 - I cried 1.I cried 245 to Jehovah, etc. It showed singular presence of mind in David that he was not paralyzed with fear, or that he did not in a paroxysm o...

1.I cried 245 to Jehovah, etc. It showed singular presence of mind in David that he was not paralyzed with fear, or that he did not in a paroxysm of fury take vengeance upon his enemy, as he easily might have done; and that he was not actuated by despair to take away his life, but composedly addressed himself to the exercise of prayer. There was good reason why the title should have been affixed to the Psalm to note this circumstance, and David had good grounds for mentioning how he commended himself to God. Surrounded by the army of Saul, and hemmed in by destruction on every side, how was it possible for him to have spared so implacable an enemy, had he not been fortified against the strongest temptations by prayer? The repetition he makes use of indicates his having prayed with earnestness, so as to be impervious to every assault of temptation.

He tells us still more clearly in the next verse that he disburdened his ears unto God. To pour out one’s thoughts and tell over his afflictions implies the reverse of those perplexing anxieties which men brood over inwardly to their own distress, and by which they torture themselves, and are chafed by their afflictions rather than led to God; or it implies the reverse of those frantic exclamations to which others give utterance who find no comfort in the superintending providence and care of God. In short, we are left to infer that while he did not give way before men to loud and senseless lamentations, neither did he suffer himself to be tormented with inward and suppressed cares, but made known his grief’s with unsuspecting confidence to the Lord.

Calvin: Psa 142:3 - When, my spirit 3.When, my spirit, etc. Though he owns here that he felt anxiety, yet he confirms what he had said as to the constancy of his faith. The figure whic...

3.When, my spirit, etc. Though he owns here that he felt anxiety, yet he confirms what he had said as to the constancy of his faith. The figure which he uses of his spirit being perplexed, 246 aptly represents the state of the mind in alternating between various resolutions when there was no apparent outgate from danger, and increasing its distress by resorting to all kinds of devices. He adds, that though there was no apparent way of safety, God knew from the beginning in what way his deliverance should be effected. Others put a different meaning upon this clause, thou knowest my way, as if David asserted God to have been witness of his integrity, but the other is the more correct, that God knew the way to deliver him, while his own mind was distracted by a variety of thoughts, and yet could not conceive any mode of extrication. The words teach us, when we have tried every remedy and know not what to do, to rest satisfied with the conviction that God is acquainted with our afflictions, and condescends to care for us, as Abraham said —

“The Lord will provide.” (Gen 22:8.)

Calvin: Psa 142:4 - On looking to the right hand 4.On looking to the right hand, 247 etc. , He shows that there was good cause for the dreadful sufferings he experienced, since no human aid or comf...

4.On looking to the right hand, 247 etc. , He shows that there was good cause for the dreadful sufferings he experienced, since no human aid or comfort was to be expected, and destruction seemed inevitable. When he speaks of having looked and yet not perceived a friend amongst men, he does not mean that he had turned his thoughts to earthly helps in forgetfulness of God, but that he had made such inquiry as was warrantable after one on the earth who might assist him. Had any person of the kind presented himself, he would no doubt have recognized him as an instrument in the hand of God’s mercy, but it was God’s purpose that he should be abandoned of all assistance from man, and that his deliverance from destruction should thus appear more extraordinary. In the expression, none seeking after my soul, the verb to seek after is used in a good sense, for being solicitous about any man’s welfare or safety.

Calvin: Psa 142:5 - I cried unto thee, O Jehovah 5.I cried unto thee, O Jehovah ! With a view to hasten God’s interposition, David complains of the low estate he was reduced to, and of his extremi...

5.I cried unto thee, O Jehovah ! With a view to hasten God’s interposition, David complains of the low estate he was reduced to, and of his extremity; the term cry denoting vehemence, as I have elsewhere noticed. He speaks of deliverance as being plainly needed, since he was now held a prisoner. By prison some suppose he alludes to the cave where he was lodged, but this is too restricted a meaning. The subsequent clause, the righteous shall compass me, is translated differently by some, they shall wait me. I have retained the true and natural sense. I grant that it is taken figuratively for surrounding, intimating that he would be a spectacle to all, the eyes of men being attracted by such a singular case of deliverance. If any consider the words not to be figurative, the sense will be, That the righteous would not only congratulate him, but place a crown upon his head in token of victory. Some explain the passage, They will assemble to congratulate me, and will stand round me on every side like a crown. As the words literally read, they will crown upon me, some supply another pronoun, and give this sense, that the righteous would construe the mercy bestowed upon David as a glory conferred upon themselves; for when God delivers any of his children he holds out the prospect of deliverance to the rest, and, as it were, gifts them with a crown. The sense which I have adopted is the simplest, however, That the mercy vouchsafed would be shown conspicuously to all as in a theater, proving a signal example to the righteous for establishment of their faith. The verb גמל , gamal, in the Hebrew, is of a more general signification than to repay, and means to confer a benefit, as I have shown elsewhere.

TSK: Psa 142:1 - A Prayer // when he was // with my voice A Prayer : David was twice in great peril in cavescaps1 . ocaps0 n one occasion, in the cave of Adullam, when he fled from Achish king of Gath; and o...

A Prayer : David was twice in great peril in cavescaps1 . ocaps0 n one occasion, in the cave of Adullam, when he fled from Achish king of Gath; and on another, in the cave of Engedi, where he had taken refuge from the pursuit of Saul. It is not certain to which of these events this Psalm refers; though probably to the former.

when he was : 1Sa 22:1, 1Sa 22:2, 1Sa 24:3; Heb 11:38

with my voice : Psa 28:2, Psa 77:1, Psa 77:2, Psa 141:1

TSK: Psa 142:2 - poured out // I showed poured out : Psa 42:4, Psa 62:8, Psa 102:1 *title 1Sa 1:15, 1Sa 1:16; Isa 26:16; Rom 8:26 I showed : Psa 18:4-6; Phi 4:6, Phi 4:7; Heb 5:7

TSK: Psa 142:3 - my spirit // then thou // In the way my spirit : Psa 22:14, Psa 61:2, Psa 102:4, Psa 143:4; Mar 14:33-36 then thou : Psa 1:6, Psa 17:3, Psa 139:2-4; Job 23:10 In the way : Psa 31:4, Psa 3...

TSK: Psa 142:4 - I looked // but there was // refuge // failed me, no man cared for my soul I looked : etc. or, Look on the right hand and see but there was : Psa 31:11, Psa 69:20, Psa 88:8, Psa 88:18; Job 19:13-19; Mat 26:56; 2Ti 4:16 refuge...

I looked : etc. or, Look on the right hand and see

but there was : Psa 31:11, Psa 69:20, Psa 88:8, Psa 88:18; Job 19:13-19; Mat 26:56; 2Ti 4:16

refuge : 1Sa 23:11-13, 1Sa 23:19, 1Sa 23:20, 1Sa 27:1

failed me, no man cared for my soul : Heb. perished from me; no man sought after my soul

TSK: Psa 142:5 - Thou art // my portion // in the land Thou art : Psa 46:1, Psa 46:7, Psa 46:11, Psa 62:6, Psa 62:7, Psa 91:2, Psa 91:9, Psa 91:10; Joh 16:32; 2Ti 4:17 my portion : Psa 16:5, Psa 73:26, Psa...

TSK: Psa 142:6 - for I am // for they for I am : Psa 44:24-26, Psa 79:8, Psa 116:6, Psa 136:23, Psa 143:3, Psa 143:7 for they : Psa 3:1, Psa 38:19, Psa 57:3, Psa 57:4, Psa 59:3; 1Sa 24:14;...

TSK: Psa 142:7 - my soul // the righteous // thou shalt my soul : Psa 142:1 *title: Psa 9:3, Psa 9:14, Psa 31:8, Psa 88:4-8, Psa 143:11, Psa 146:7; Isa 61:1; Act 2:24 the righteous : Psa 7:6, Psa 7:7, Psa 2...

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)

Poole: Psa 142:1 - With my voice // I cried Either that of Adullam, 1Sa 22 , or that of En-gedi, 1Sa 24 . There he meditated this Psalm, which afterwards he more accurately composed and committ...

Either that of Adullam, 1Sa 22 , or that of En-gedi, 1Sa 24 . There he meditated this Psalm, which afterwards he more accurately composed and committed to writing.

David, finding help no where in his straits and afflictions, Psa 142:1-4 , crieth and comforteth himself in prayer to God, Psa 142:6,7 .

With my voice either,

1. With the voice of my soul. But so this addition would be superfluous, and much more the repetition of it, because that is necessarily implied in the former word,

I cried and in the following, I make my supplication . Or rather,

2. With my corporeal voice, which the fervour of my soul forced me to use, when I could not do it without some danger, the enemy being at the mouth of the cave. And so this addition is emphatical, and therefore is repeated. But it is probable that David spoke with a low voice; and that he might do so without very great danger, is manifest from that discourse which passed between David and his men, even when Saul was entered into the cave, 1Sa 24:4-7 .

Poole: Psa 142:2 - I poured out I poured out I did it fully, and fervently, and confidently.

I poured out I did it fully, and fervently, and confidently.

Poole: Psa 142:3 - Thou knewest // My path // Wherein I walked Thou knewest to wit, practically, so as to direct me to it. My path what paths I should choose whereby I might escape Saul, when I fled hither and ...

Thou knewest to wit, practically, so as to direct me to it.

My path what paths I should choose whereby I might escape Saul, when I fled hither and thither in deserts, and mountains, and woods; and which way I should get out of his hands when he and all his men were at the cave’ s mouth, which passed my skill.

Wherein I walked wherein I used to walk, or they supposed that I would walk.

Poole: Psa 142:4 - Right hand // No man // Know me // For my soul Right hand the place where the patron or assistant used to stand. See Psa 16:8 109:31 121:5 . No man to wit, in Saul’ s court or camp; none of...

Right hand the place where the patron or assistant used to stand. See Psa 16:8 109:31 121:5 .

No man to wit, in Saul’ s court or camp; none of my former acquaintance, and friends. and relations.

Know me own me, or show any respect or kindness to me.

For my soul or, for my life , to wit, to preserve it; but they all conspired to take it away; which is here implied.

Poole: Psa 142:5 - my portion // In the land of the living Thou only art both my refuge to defend me from all evil, and my portion to supply me with all the good which I need and desire. In the land of th...

Thou only art both my refuge to defend me from all evil, and

my portion to supply me with all the good which I need and desire.

In the land of the living even in this life, wherein I doubt not to see God’ s goodness, as he said, Psa 27:13 .

Poole: Psa 142:7 - Bring my soul out of prison // Shall compass me about Bring my soul out of prison bring me safe out of this cave, wherein I am imprisoned, and set me at perfect liberty. Shall compass me about shall fl...

Bring my soul out of prison bring me safe out of this cave, wherein I am imprisoned, and set me at perfect liberty.

Shall compass me about shall flock to me from all parts, partly out of curiosity to see such a spectacle and miracle of God’ s power and mercy; and partly to rejoice and bless God with me and for me, and for all the benefits which they expect from my government.

Haydock: Psa 142:1 - Morning // To thee The psalmist in tribulation calleth upon God for his delivery. The seventh penitential psalm. Morning. At the first assault of temptation, (Worthi...

The psalmist in tribulation calleth upon God for his delivery. The seventh penitential psalm.

Morning. At the first assault of temptation, (Worthington) or speedily. David might address this prayer to God during the night, after he left Jerusalem. He was only relieved the next day, when his troops had crossed the Jordan, 2 Kings xvii. 12. ---

To thee. With the most ardent desire, Jeremias xxii. 27. This might suit the captives, ver. 5, 11. (Calmet)

Haydock: Psa 142:1 - Absalom // Justice Absalom is not specified in Roman Septuagint, &c., (Calmet) though it be in other copies. (Haydock) --- The latter part of the title has been added...

Absalom is not specified in Roman Septuagint, &c., (Calmet) though it be in other copies. (Haydock) ---

The latter part of the title has been added by the Greeks. (St. Hilary) ---

If David composed the psalm, on occasion of his son's revolt, he considered it as a punishment of his former transgression. The Fathers explain it of Jesus Christ, who suffered for our sins. (Berthier) ---

It might also relate to the captives, (Ferrand) or to the same event as the preceding psalm, (Bossuet) though there is no reason for abandoning the title. (Calmet) ---

Justice. Or mercy. (St. Chrysostom) ---

Absalom had no just cause of complaint, (Haydock) and God had promised to protect David on the throne.

Haydock: Psa 142:2 - Justified Justified. Compared with thee, (Calmet) and without mercy. God is bound by his promise to hear the penitent. (Worthington) --- David and St. Paul...

Justified. Compared with thee, (Calmet) and without mercy. God is bound by his promise to hear the penitent. (Worthington) ---

David and St. Paul had been assured of the remission of their sins, yet never ceased to beg for pardon. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 142:3 - Of old Of old. Literally, "of an age," (Haydock) who are quite forgotten, Lamentations iii. 6. (Calmet) --- The devil had violently tempted me, by means ...

Of old. Literally, "of an age," (Haydock) who are quite forgotten, Lamentations iii. 6. (Calmet) ---

The devil had violently tempted me, by means of temporal and spiritual calamities. (Worthington) ---

The greatest darkness is that of the heart, Ephesians iv. 17. (Haydock)

Haydock: Psa 142:4 - Troubled Troubled. David knew not what course to take, 1 Kings xv. 25, 31. Our Saviour was in the greatest agony. (Calmet)

Troubled. David knew not what course to take, 1 Kings xv. 25, 31. Our Saviour was in the greatest agony. (Calmet)

Haydock: Psa 142:5 - Of old Of old. What God had done formerly for me and others. (Worthington) --- The sacred records of 3,000 years tended to raise the hopes of David. (B...

Of old. What God had done formerly for me and others. (Worthington) ---

The sacred records of 3,000 years tended to raise the hopes of David. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 142:6 - Water Water. We can add nothing to this idea. (Calmet) --- Man can do no good without God's grace, which David implores with his hands stretched out, bo...

Water. We can add nothing to this idea. (Calmet) ---

Man can do no good without God's grace, which David implores with his hands stretched out, both to mortify himself, and to denote fervour. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 142:7 - Pit Pit. Or "lake," meaning (Haydock) the grave. (Calmet) --- If man be left to himself, he will presently yield to sin, from which he will not be del...

Pit. Or "lake," meaning (Haydock) the grave. (Calmet) ---

If man be left to himself, he will presently yield to sin, from which he will not be delivered without God's grace.

Gill: Psa 142:1 - I cried unto the Lord with my voice // with my voice unto the Lord did I make, my supplication I cried unto the Lord with my voice,.... With the voice of his soul, in the language of his mind, mentally, as Moses and Hannah cried unto the Lord wh...

I cried unto the Lord with my voice,.... With the voice of his soul, in the language of his mind, mentally, as Moses and Hannah cried unto the Lord when no voice was heard, or articulate sounds expressed, since this prayer was put up to the Lord in the cave where Saul was; though it might have been delivered before he came into it, while he and his men were at the mouth of it, which threw David into this distress; besides the cave was so large as to hold David and his six hundred men without being seen by Saul, and who could discourse together, as David and his men did, without being heard by Saul while he was in it; and so this psalm or prayer might be spoken vocally, though he was there;

with my voice unto the Lord did I make, my supplication: the same thing in other words; "crying" is explained by making "supplication", which is praying to the Lord in an humble manner for grace and mercy, and not pleading merit and worthiness.

Gill: Psa 142:2 - I poured out my complaint before him // I showed before him my trouble I poured out my complaint before him,.... Not a complaint of the Lord and of his providences, but of himself; of his sins, and particularly his unbeli...

I poured out my complaint before him,.... Not a complaint of the Lord and of his providences, but of himself; of his sins, and particularly his unbelief; and also of them that persecuted and afflicted him; which he "poured" out from the abundance of his heart, and in the bitterness of his soul; denoting the fulness of his prayer, his freedom in it, the power and fervency of it, and which he left before the Lord, and submitted to his will; see Psa 102:1, title;

I showed before him my trouble; the present trouble he was in, being pursued and surrounded by Saul and his army; not as if the Lord was ignorant of it, and did not see and observe it, but to affect his own soul with it, to exercise grace under it, and ease his burdened and distressed mind; the best of men have their troubles both within and without, and the way to be rid of them is to carry them to the Lord.

Gill: Psa 142:3 - When my spirit was overwhelmed within me // then thou knewest my path // in the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,.... Ready to sink and faint under the present affliction, being attended with the hidings of God's face, and...

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,.... Ready to sink and faint under the present affliction, being attended with the hidings of God's face, and with unbelieving frames; which is sometimes the case of God's people, and with which they are as it were covered and overwhelmed, as well as with a sense of sin, and with shame and sorrow for it; see Psa 61:2;

then thou knewest my path: the eyes of the Lord are upon all men, and he knows their goings, none of them are hid from him; and he sees and approves of the way, of the life and conversation of his people in general; and particularly observes what way they take under affliction, which is to apply to him for help and deliverance, Psa 1:6. R. Moses in Aben Ezra and Kimchi interpret it of the path he walked in, which was right and not evil, for which he could appeal to God, that knows all things; it may literally intend the path David took to escape the fury of Saul, that pursued him from place to place;

in the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me; let him take which way he would, there were spies upon him, or men that were in ambush to take him; and snares were everywhere laid for him to entrap him; see Psa 140:5.

Gill: Psa 142:4 - I looked on my right hand, and beheld // but there was no man that would know me // refuge failed me // no man cared for my soul I looked on my right hand, and beheld,.... On the left, so Kimchi supplies it, and after him Piscator; he looked about him every way to the right and...

I looked on my right hand, and beheld,.... On the left, so Kimchi supplies it, and after him Piscator; he looked about him every way to the right and left, to see if he could get any help, or find out any way of deliverance. To this sense the Targum, Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions render the words; and so Kimchi and Aben Ezra understand them: but some render them in the imperative, "look on the right hand, and behold" n; and consider them; either as spoken to his own soul, to stir up himself to look around him for help and relief; or as an address to God, to look and behold, as in Psa 80:14; and R. Obadiah reads them, "look, O right hand"; O right hand of God, that does valiantly: but looking cannot properly be ascribed to the right hand; and besides it is not the Lord the psalmist is speaking to, or looking after, but men, as follows;

but there was no man that would know me; take notice of him, and acknowledge and own him, or show him any favour, or even own that they had any knowledge of him; which is often the case when men are in affliction and distress, their former friends, acquaintance, yea, relations, keep at a distance from them; so it was with Job, the Messiah, and others; see Job 19:13;

refuge failed me; as he could get no help from men, so there was no way open for his escape, or by which he could flee and get out of the hands and reach of his enemies; in these circumstances he was when in the cave;

no man cared for my soul; or "life" o; to save it, protect and defend it, that is, very few; otherwise there were some that were concerned for him, as the men that were with him, and Jonathan, Saul's son; but none of Saul's courtiers, they were not solicitous for his welfare, but on the contrary sought his life, to take it away. This is an emblem of a soul under first awakenings and convictions, inquiring the way of salvation, and where to find help, but at a lois for it in the creature.

Gill: Psa 142:5 - I cried unto thee, O Lord // I said, thou art my refuge // and my portion in the land of the living I cried unto thee, O Lord,.... Finding no help from man, he turns to the Lord, and directs his prayer to him in his distress; I said, thou art my ...

I cried unto thee, O Lord,.... Finding no help from man, he turns to the Lord, and directs his prayer to him in his distress;

I said, thou art my refuge; as he was, from all his enemies that were in pursuit of him, and from the storm of calamities he apprehended was coming upon him: and a refuge the Lord is to all his people in time of trouble; and where they always meet with sustenance, protection, and safety; he being a strong habitation, a strong hold, a strong refuge, to which they may resort at all times; and such is Christ to all sensible sinners that flee unto him, Heb 6:18;

and my portion in the land of the living; and a most excellent one he is, a large, immense, and inconceivable portion; he and all his perfections, purposes, promises, and blessings, being included in it; a soul-satisfying one, and which will never be taken away nor consumed; it is a portion in the present life; it will last as long as life lasts, and continues unto death, and at death, and for evermore, Psa 73:26.

Gill: Psa 142:6 - Attend unto my cry // for I am brought very low // deliver me from my persecutors // for they are stronger than I Attend unto my cry,.... His prayer and supplication for help in his distress, which he desires might be hearkened unto and answered; for I am broug...

Attend unto my cry,.... His prayer and supplication for help in his distress, which he desires might be hearkened unto and answered;

for I am brought very low; in his spirit, in the exercise of grace, being in great affliction, and reduced to the utmost extremity, weakened, impoverished, and exhausted; wanting both men and money to assist him, Psa 79:8;

deliver me from my persecutors; Saul and his men, who were in pursuit of him with great warmth and eagerness;

for they are stronger than I; more in number, and greater in strength; Saul had with him three thousand chosen men out of all Israel, ablebodied men, and expert in war; veteran troops, and in high spirits, with their king at the head of them; David had about six hundred men, and these poor mean creatures, such as were in distress, in debt, and discontented, and in want of provisions, and dispirited; see 1Sa 22:2. So the spiritual enemies of the Lord's people are stronger than they, Jer 31:11.

Gill: Psa 142:7 - Bring my soul out of prison // that I may praise thy name // the righteous shall compass me about // for thou shalt deal bountifully with me Bring my soul out of prison,.... Not out of purgatory, to which some Popish writers wrest these words very absurdly; nor out of the prison of his body...

Bring my soul out of prison,.... Not out of purgatory, to which some Popish writers wrest these words very absurdly; nor out of the prison of his body, as Joseph Ben Gorion p; knowing that none but God had a power of removing it from thence; but out of the cave, where he was detained as in a prison, while Saul and his men were about the mouth of it; or rather out of all his straits, distresses, and difficulties, which surrounded and pressed him on all sides, as if he was in a prison;

that I may praise thy name; this release he desired not so much for his own sake, that he might be at ease and liberty, but that he might have fresh occasion to praise the Lord, and an opportunity of doing it publicly, in the assembly and congregation of the people;

the righteous shall compass me about; in a circle, like a crown, as the word q signifies; when delivered, they should flock to him and come about him, to see him and look at him, as a miracle of mercy, whose deliverance was marvellous; and to congratulate him upon it, and to join with him in praises unto God for it. The Targum is,

"for my sake the righteous will make to thee a crown of praise.''

And to the same purpose Jarchi,

"for my sake the righteous shall surround thee, and praise thy name.''

Aben Ezra interprets it,

"they shall glory as if the royal crown was on their heads;''

for thou shalt deal bountifully with me; in delivering him from his enemies, settling him on the throne, and bestowing upon him all the blessings of Providence and grace; see Psa 116:7; and thus the psalm is concluded with a strong expression of faith in the Lord, though in such a low estate.

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki

NET Notes: Psa 142:1 Heb “[with] my voice to the Lord I plead for mercy.”

NET Notes: Psa 142:2 Heb “my trouble before him I declare.”

NET Notes: Psa 142:3 Heb “you know my path.”

NET Notes: Psa 142:4 Heb “there is no one who seeks for the sake of my life.”

NET Notes: Psa 142:5 Heb “my portion.” The psalmist compares the Lord to landed property, which was foundational to economic stability in ancient Israel.

NET Notes: Psa 142:6 Heb “for I am very low.”

NET Notes: Psa 142:7 The Hebrew idiom גָּמַל עַל (gamal ’al) means “to repay,” here in a positive s...

Geneva Bible: Psa 142:1 "Maschil of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave." I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I ( a ) ma...

Geneva Bible: Psa 142:5 I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou [art] my ( b ) refuge [and] my portion in the land of the living. ( b )...

Geneva Bible: Psa 142:7 Bring my soul out of ( c ) prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall ( d ) compass me about; for thou shalt ...

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

MHCC: Psa 142:1-7 - --There can be no situation so distressing or dangerous, in which faith will not get comfort from God by prayer. We are apt to show our troubles too ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 142:1-3 - -- Whether it was in the cave of Adullam, or that of Engedi, that David prayed this prayer, is not material; it is p...

Matthew Henry: Psa 142:4-7 - -- The psalmist here tells us, for our instruction, 1. How he was disowned and deserted by his friends, Psa...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 142:1-3 - -- The emphasis of the first two lines rests upon אל־ה . Forsaken by all created beings, he confides in Jahve. He tur...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 142:3-5 - -- The prayer of the poet now becomes deep-breathed and excited, inasmuch as he goes more minutely into the details of his straitened situation. Eve...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 142:6-7 - -- His request now ascends all the more confident of being answered, and becomes calm, being well-grounded in his feebleness and the superiority of ...

Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 There are 44 psalms in this section of the ...

Constable: Psa 142:1-7 - --Psalm 142 ...

Constable: Psa 142:1 - --1. David's desperate cry to Yahweh 142:1-2 ...

Constable: Psa 142:2-3 - --2. David's lament of his condition 142:3-4 ...

Constable: Psa 142:4-6 - --3. David's confident hope in God 142:5-7 ...

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Lainnya

Evidence: Psa 142:3 " I have always said, and always will say, that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, and better hus...

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Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

JFB: Psalms (Pendahuluan Kitab) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the tit...

JFB: Psalms (Garis Besar) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided...

TSK: Psalms (Pendahuluan Kitab) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nat...

TSK: Psalms 142 (Pendahuluan Pasal) Overview Psa 142:1, David shews that in his trouble all his comfort was in prayer...

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Gill: Psalms (Pendahuluan Kitab) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at ...

Gill: Psalms 142 (Pendahuluan Pasal) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 142 Maschil of David; A Prayer when he ...

Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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