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Teks -- Exodus 39:1-43 (NET)

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The Making of the Priestly Garments
39:1 From the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for serving in the sanctuary; they made holy garments that were for Aaron, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Ephod
39:2 He made the ephod of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen. 39:3 They hammered the gold into thin sheets and cut it into narrow strips to weave them into the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and into the fine linen, the work of an artistic designer. 39:4 They made shoulder pieces for it, attached to two of its corners, so it could be joined together. 39:5 The artistically woven waistband of the ephod that was on it was like it, of one piece with it, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine twisted linen, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 39:6 They set the onyx stones in gold filigree settings, engraved as with the engravings of a seal with the names of the sons of Israel. 39:7 He put them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as stones of memorial for the Israelites, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Breastpiece of Decision
39:8 He made the breastpiece, the work of an artistic designer, in the same fashion as the ephod, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet, and fine twisted linen. 39:9 It was square– they made the breastpiece doubled, nine inches long and nine inches wide when doubled. 39:10 They set on it four rows of stones: a row with a ruby, a topaz, and a beryl– the first row; 39:11 and the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire, and an emerald; 39:12 and the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; 39:13 and the fourth row, a chrysolite, an onyx, and a jasper. They were enclosed in gold filigree settings. 39:14 The stones were for the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, corresponding to the number of their names. Each name corresponding to one of the twelve tribes was like the engravings of a seal. 39:15 They made for the breastpiece braided chains like cords of pure gold, 39:16 and they made two gold filigree settings and two gold rings, and they attached the two rings to the upper two ends of the breastpiece. 39:17 They attached the two gold chains to the two rings at the ends of the breastpiece; 39:18 the other two ends of the two chains they attached to the two settings, and they attached them to the shoulder pieces of the ephod at the front of it. 39:19 They made two rings of gold and put them on the other two ends of the breastpiece on its edge, which is on the inner side of the ephod. 39:20 They made two more gold rings and attached them to the bottom of the two shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the juncture above the waistband of the ephod. 39:21 They tied the breastpiece by its rings to the rings of the ephod by blue cord, so that it was above the waistband of the ephod, so that the breastpiece would not be loose from the ephod, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
The Other Garments
39:22 He made the robe of the ephod completely blue, the work of a weaver. 39:23 There was an opening in the center of the robe, like the opening of a collar, with an edge all around the opening so that it could not be torn. 39:24 They made pomegranates of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and twisted linen around the hem of the robe. 39:25 They made bells of pure gold and attached the bells between the pomegranates around the hem of the robe between the pomegranates. 39:26 There was a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, all around the hem of the robe, to be used in ministering, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 39:27 They made tunics of fine linen– the work of a weaver, for Aaron and for his sons39:28 and the turban of fine linen, the headbands of fine linen, and the undergarments of fine twisted linen. 39:29 The sash was of fine twisted linen and blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, the work of an embroiderer, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 39:30 They made a plate, the holy diadem, of pure gold and wrote on it an inscription, as on the engravings of a seal, “Holiness to the Lord.” 39:31 They attached to it a blue cord, to attach it to the turban above, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Moses Inspects the Sanctuary
39:32 So all the work of the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was completed, and the Israelites did according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses– they did it exactly so. 39:33 They brought the tabernacle to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings, clasps, frames, bars, posts, and bases; 39:34 and the coverings of ram skins dyed red, the covering of fine leather, and the protecting curtain; 39:35 the ark of the testimony and its poles, and the atonement lid; 39:36 the table, all its utensils, and the Bread of the Presence; 39:37 the pure lampstand, its lamps, with the lamps set in order, and all its accessories, and oil for the light; 39:38 and the gold altar, and the anointing oil, and the fragrant incense; and the curtain for the entrance to the tent; 39:39 the bronze altar and its bronze grating, its poles, and all its utensils; the large basin with its pedestal; 39:40 the hangings of the courtyard, its posts and its bases, and the curtain for the gateway of the courtyard, its ropes and its tent pegs, and all the furnishings for the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of meeting; 39:41 the woven garments for serving in the sanctuary, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments for his sons to minister as priests. 39:42 The Israelites did all the work according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses. 39:43 Moses inspected all the work– and they had done it just as the Lord had commanded– they had done it exactly– and Moses blessed them.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Topik/Tema Kamus: Tabernacle | Israel | Gold | Colors | Priest | PRIEST, HIGH | Ephod | Breastplate | Stones | Engraving | Seal | TEN COMMANDMENTS, THE | High priest | OUCHES | STONES, PRECIOUS | SHOULDER-PIECE | IMAGES | RING | Ligure | Miter | selebihnya
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Catatan Kata/Frasa
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Catatan Rentang Ayat
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Wesley: Exo 39:1 - The priests garments are called here clothes of service Those that wear robes of honour must look upon them as clothes of service; for those upon whom honour is put, from them service is expected. Holy garm...

Those that wear robes of honour must look upon them as clothes of service; for those upon whom honour is put, from them service is expected. Holy garments were not made for men to sleep in, but to do service in, and then they are indeed for glory and beauty. These also were shadows of good things to come, but the substance is Christ. He is our great high priest; he put upon him the clothes of service when he undertook the work of our redemption; arrayed himself with the gifts and graces of the Spirit, which he received not by measure; charged himself with all God's spiritual Israel, bare them on his shoulder, carried them in his bosom, and presented them in the breast - plate of judgment unto his Father. And, lastly, he crowned himself with holiness to the Lord, consecrated his whole undertaking to the honour of his Fathers holiness. And all true believers are spiritual priests. The clean linen with which all their clothes of service must be made, is the righteousness of saints: and holiness to the Lord must be so written upon their foreheads, that all who converse with them may see they bear the image of God's holiness.

Wesley: Exo 39:32 - Thus was all the work finished In not much more than five months. Though there was a great deal of fine work, such as used to be the work of time, embroidering, and engraving, not o...

In not much more than five months. Though there was a great deal of fine work, such as used to be the work of time, embroidering, and engraving, not only in gold, but in precious stones, yet they went through with it in a little time, and with the greatest exactness imaginable. The workmen were taught of God, and so were kept from making blunders, which would have retarded them. And the people were hearty and zealous in the work, and impatient till it was finished. God had prepared their hearts, and then the thing was done suddenly, 2Ch 29:36.

Wesley: Exo 39:43 - And Moses did look upon all the work Piece by Piece, and behold they had done it according to the pattern shewed him - For the same that shewed him the pattern, guided their hand in the w...

Piece by Piece, and behold they had done it according to the pattern shewed him - For the same that shewed him the pattern, guided their hand in the work.

Wesley: Exo 39:43 - And Moses blessed them He not only praised them, but prayed for them: he blessed them as one having authority. We read not of any wages Moses paid them for their work, but h...

He not only praised them, but prayed for them: he blessed them as one having authority. We read not of any wages Moses paid them for their work, but his blessing he gave them. For though ordinarily the labourer be worthy of his hire, yet in this case, they wrought for themselves. The honour and comfort of God's tabernacle among them would be recompence enough.

Wesley: Exo 39:43 - And they had their meat from heaven on free cost, for themselves and their families, and their raiment waxed not old upon them; so that they neither needed wages, nor had reason to expect any. B...

cost, for themselves and their families, and their raiment waxed not old upon them; so that they neither needed wages, nor had reason to expect any. But indeed this blessing in the name of the Lord was wages enough for all their work. Those whom God employs he will bless, and those whom he blesseth, they are blessed indeed. The blessing he commands is life for evermore.

JFB: Exo 39:1-2 - cloths of service Official robes. The ephod of the high priest, the robe of the ephod, the girdle of needlework, and the embroidered coat were all of fine linen; for on...

Official robes. The ephod of the high priest, the robe of the ephod, the girdle of needlework, and the embroidered coat were all of fine linen; for on no material less delicate could such elaborate symbolical figures have been portrayed in embroidery, and all beautified with the same brilliant colors. (See on Exo. 28:1-43).

JFB: Exo 39:3 - cut the gold into wires to work it That is, the metal was beaten with a hammer into thin plates, cut with scissors or some other instrument into long slips, then rounded into filaments ...

That is, the metal was beaten with a hammer into thin plates, cut with scissors or some other instrument into long slips, then rounded into filaments or threads. "Cloth of golden tissue is not uncommon on the monuments, and specimens of it have been found rolled about mummies; but it is not easy to determine whether the gold thread was originally interwoven or subsequently inserted by the embroiderer" [TAYLOR].

JFB: Exo 39:30 - a writing, like to the engravings of a signet The seal-ring worn both by ancient and modern Egyptians on the little finger of the right hand, contained, inscribed on a cornelian or other precious ...

The seal-ring worn both by ancient and modern Egyptians on the little finger of the right hand, contained, inscribed on a cornelian or other precious stone, along with the owner's name, a religious sentiment or sacred symbol, intimating that he was the servant of God, or expressive of trust in Him. And it was to this practice the inscription on the high priest alludes (compare Joh 3:33).

JFB: Exo 39:34 - the covering of rams' skin dyed red (See on Exo 25:5). It was probably red morocco leather and "badgers' skins," rather "the skins of the tahash, supposed to be the dugong, or dolphin of...

(See on Exo 25:5). It was probably red morocco leather and "badgers' skins," rather "the skins of the tahash, supposed to be the dugong, or dolphin of the Red Sea, the skin of which is still used by the Arabs under the same appellation" [GOSS].

JFB: Exo 39:43 - Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded A formal inspection was made on the completion of the tabernacle, not only with a view to have the work transferred from the charge of the workmen, bu...

A formal inspection was made on the completion of the tabernacle, not only with a view to have the work transferred from the charge of the workmen, but to ascertain whether it corresponded with "the pattern." The result of a careful and minute survey showed that every plank, curtain, altar, and vase had been most accurately made of the form, and in the place designed by the Divine Architect--and Moses, in accepting it of their hands, thanked God for them, and begged Him to bless them.

Clarke: Exo 39:1 - Blue and purple, and scarlet Blue and purple, and scarlet - See this subject largely explained in the notes on Exo 25:4 (note).

Blue and purple, and scarlet - See this subject largely explained in the notes on Exo 25:4 (note).

Clarke: Exo 39:2 - Ephod Ephod - See this described, Exo 25:7 (note).

Ephod - See this described, Exo 25:7 (note).

Clarke: Exo 39:3 - They did beat the gold into thin plates They did beat the gold into thin plates - For the purpose, as it is supposed, of cutting it into wires ( פתילם ) or threads; for to twist or tw...

They did beat the gold into thin plates - For the purpose, as it is supposed, of cutting it into wires ( פתילם ) or threads; for to twist or twine is the common acceptation of the root פתל pathal . I cannot suppose that the Israelites had not then the art of making gold thread, as they possessed several ornamental arts much more difficult: but in the present instance, figures made in a more solid form than that which could have been effected by gold thread, might have been required.

Clarke: Exo 39:6 - Onyx stones Onyx stones - Possibly the Egyptian pebble. See Exo 25:7, and Exo 28:17, etc.

Onyx stones - Possibly the Egyptian pebble. See Exo 25:7, and Exo 28:17, etc.

Clarke: Exo 39:8 - Breastplate Breastplate - See Exo 28:15 (note).

Breastplate - See Exo 28:15 (note).

Clarke: Exo 39:10 - And they set in it four rows of stones And they set in it four rows of stones - See all these precious stones particularly explained in the notes on Exo 28:17 (note), etc.

And they set in it four rows of stones - See all these precious stones particularly explained in the notes on Exo 28:17 (note), etc.

Clarke: Exo 39:23 - As the hole of a habergeon As the hole of a habergeon - The habergeon or hauberk was a small coat of mail, something in form of a half shirt, made of small iron rings curiousl...

As the hole of a habergeon - The habergeon or hauberk was a small coat of mail, something in form of a half shirt, made of small iron rings curiously united together. It covered the neck and breast, was very light, and resisted the stroke of a sword. Sometimes it went over the whole head as well as over the breast. This kind of defensive armor was used among the Asiatics, particularly the ancient Persians, among whom it is still worn. It seems to have been borrowed from the Asiatics by the Norman crusaders.

Clarke: Exo 39:30 - The holy crown of pure gold The holy crown of pure gold - On Asiatic monuments, particularly those that appear in the ruins of Persepolis and on many Egyptian monuments, the pr...

The holy crown of pure gold - On Asiatic monuments, particularly those that appear in the ruins of Persepolis and on many Egyptian monuments, the priests are represented as wearing crowns or tiaras, and sometimes their heads are crowned with laurel. Cuper observes, that the priests and priestesses, among the ancient Greeks, were styled στεφανοφοροι, or crown-bearers, because they officiated having sometimes crowns of gold, at others, crowns of laurel, upon their heads.

Clarke: Exo 39:32 - Did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses Did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses - This refers to the command given Exo 25:40; and Moses has taken care to repeat every thing in t...

Did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses - This refers to the command given Exo 25:40; and Moses has taken care to repeat every thing in the most circumstantial detail, to show that he had conscientiously observed all the directions he had received.

Clarke: Exo 39:37 - The pure candlestick The pure candlestick - See Clarke’ s note on Exo 25:31

The pure candlestick - See Clarke’ s note on Exo 25:31

Clarke: Exo 39:37 - The lamps to be set in order The lamps to be set in order - To be trimmed and fresh oiled every day, for the purpose of being lighted in the evening. See Clarke’ s note on ...

The lamps to be set in order - To be trimmed and fresh oiled every day, for the purpose of being lighted in the evening. See Clarke’ s note on Exo 27:21.

Clarke: Exo 39:43 - And Moses did look upon all the work And Moses did look upon all the work - As being the general superintendent of the whole, under whom Bezaleel and Aholiab were employed, as the other...

And Moses did look upon all the work - As being the general superintendent of the whole, under whom Bezaleel and Aholiab were employed, as the other workmen were under them

Clarke: Exo 39:43 - They had done it as the Lord had commanded They had done it as the Lord had commanded - Exactly according to the pattern which Moses received from the Lord, and which he laid before the workm...

They had done it as the Lord had commanded - Exactly according to the pattern which Moses received from the Lord, and which he laid before the workmen to work by

Clarke: Exo 39:43 - And Moses blessed them And Moses blessed them - Gave them that praise which was due to their skill, diligence, and fidelity. See this meaning of the original word in the n...

And Moses blessed them - Gave them that praise which was due to their skill, diligence, and fidelity. See this meaning of the original word in the note on Gen 2:3 (note). See also a fine instance of ancient courtesy between masters and their servants, in the case of Boaz and his reapers, Rth 2:4. Boaz came from Bethlehem, and said to the reapers, The Lord be with You! And they answered him, The Lord bless Thee! It is, however, very probable that Moses prayed to God in their behalf, that they might be prospered in all their undertakings, saved from every evil, and be brought at last to the inheritance that fadeth not away. This blessing seems to have been given, not only to the workmen, but to all the people. The people contributed liberally, and the workmen wrought faithfully, and the blessing of God was pronounced upon All

The promptitude, cordiality, and dispatch used in this business cannot be too highly commended, and are worthy of the imitation of all who are employed in any way in the service of God. The prospect of having God to dwell among them inflamed every heart, because they well knew that on this depended their prosperity and salvation. They therefore hastened to build him a house, and they spared no expense or skill to make it, as far as a house made with hands could be, worthy of that Divine Majesty who had promised to take up his residence in it. This tabernacle, like the temple, was a type of the human nature of the Lord Jesus; that was a shrine not made with hands, formed by God himself, and worthy of that fullness of the Deity that dwelt in it

It is scarcely possible to form an adequate opinion of the riches, costly workmanship, and splendor of the tabernacle; and who can adequately conceive the glory and excellence of that human nature in which the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelt? That this tabernacle typified the human nature of Christ, and the Divine shechinah that dwelt in it the Deity that dwelt in the man Christ Jesus, these words of St. John sufficiently prove: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ( εσκηνωσεν εν ἡμιν, made his Tabernacle among us), full of grace and truth - possessing the true Urim and Thummim; all the lights and perfections, the truth and the grace, typified by the Mosaic economy, Joh 1:1, Joh 1:14. And hence the evangelist adds, And we beheld his glory; as the Israelites beheld the glory of God resting on the tabernacle, so did the disciples of Christ see the Divine glory resting on him, and showing itself forth in all his words, spirit, and works. And for what purpose was the tabernacle erected? That God might dwell in it among the children of Israel. And for what purpose was the human nature of Christ so miraculously produced? That the Godhead might dwell in it; and that God and man might be reconciled through this wonderful economy of Divine grace, God being in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, 2Co 5:19. And what was implied by this reconciliation? The union of the soul with God, and the indwelling of God in the soul. Reader, has God yet filled thy tabernacle with his glory? Does Christ dwell in thy heart by faith; and dost thou abide in him, bringing forth fruit unto holiness? Then thy end shall be eternal life. Why shouldst thou not go on thy way rejoicing with Christ in thy heart, heaven in thine eye, and the world, the devil, and the flesh, under thy feet?

Calvin: Exo 39:1 - And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet 1.And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet. The description of the sacerdotal garments, which is repeated in this chapter, is more accurate than it w...

1.And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet. The description of the sacerdotal garments, which is repeated in this chapter, is more accurate than it would have been had he been speaking of some unimportant matter. And assuredly, since Christ was vividly represented in the person of the high priest, this was a most important part of the legal service. We have elsewhere set forth how far it was from being an empty pomp, as when the Popish sacrificers now-a-days, in order to acquire dignity, dazzle the eyes of the simple by the splendor of their vestments, and their magnificent paraphernalia; but that rather it was for the purpose of placing before men’s eyes all that faith ought to consider in Jesus Christ. We have especially seen how great mysteries were contained in the mitre, which was Holiness to the Lord: and in the ephod, in which shone forth the light of truth and integrity of life, and in which were the symbols of the ten tribes, so that the priest bore the people itself upon his shoulders and before his breast, in such a manner that in the person of one all might be presented familiarly before God. For this reason he repeats seven times the clause, “as the Lord commanded Moses;” which certainly has the effect of awakening attention.

Calvin: Exo 39:32 - Thus was all the work of the tabernacle 32.Thus was all the work of the tabernacle. A brief summary is now subjoined, whereby he indicates that in no part was there the least defect, and al...

32.Thus was all the work of the tabernacle. A brief summary is now subjoined, whereby he indicates that in no part was there the least defect, and also declares that the children of Israel had so obeyed God’s commands, that the work itself varied in no respect from its pattern. “The children of Israel,” he says, “did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did they;” whence we gather that no part of the building was impaired by any admixture. Afterwards it is added, that the tabernacle with its utensils and furniture was brought before Moses, and that all things were approved of by his judgment; for he is said to have “blessed them,” because they had duly and faithfully obeyed God’s command. This, however, was not a simple prayer, as of a private individual; but it was a promise of reward, such as might awaken confidence in the minds of the people, when they heard from the mouth (“D’un tel Prophete;” of such a Prophet. — Fr.) of this excellent and unimpeachable witness that their labor was pleasing to God.

TSK: Exo 39:1 - the blue // cloths // holy place // the holy the blue : Exo 25:4, Exo 26:1, Exo 35:23 cloths : Exo 31:10, Exo 35:19 holy place : Psa 93:5; Eze 43:12; Heb 9:12, Heb 9:25 the holy : Exo 28:2-4, Exo...

TSK: Exo 39:2 - -- Exo 25:7, Exo 28:6-12; Lev 8:7

TSK: Exo 39:3 - cunning work cunning work : Exo 26:1, Exo 36:8

cunning work : Exo 26:1, Exo 36:8

TSK: Exo 39:5 - curious // as the Lord curious : Exo 28:8, Exo 29:5; Lev 8:7; Isa 11:5; Rev 1:13 as the Lord : Mat 28:20; 1Co 11:23

TSK: Exo 39:6 - onyx stones // ouches onyx stones : The meaning of the word shoham is not easily determined. It has been variously rendered a beryl, emerald, prasius, sapphire, sardius,...

onyx stones : The meaning of the word shoham is not easily determined. It has been variously rendered a beryl, emerald, prasius, sapphire, sardius, ruby, carnelian, onyx, and sardonyx. It may signify both the onyx and sardonyx. The latter stone is a mixture of the chalcedony and carnelian, sometimes in strata, and at other times blended together, and is found striped with white and red strata, or layers. It is generally allowed that there is no real difference, except in hardness, between the carnelian, chalcedony, agate, sardonyx, and onyx. The onyx is of a darkish horny colour, resembling the nail or hoof, from which circumstance it has its name ( ονυξ ). It has often a plate of a blueish white or red in it, and when on one or both sides of this white there appears a plate of a reddish colour, the jewellers call the stone a sardonyx. Exo 25:7, Exo 28:9, Exo 35:9; Job 28:16; Eze 28:13

ouches : Mishbetzoth , strait places, sockets, to insert the stones in, from shavatz , to straiten, enclose.

TSK: Exo 39:7 - a memorial a memorial : Exo 28:12, Exo 28:29; Jos 4:7; Neh 2:20; Mar 14:9, Mar 14:22-25

TSK: Exo 39:8 - -- Exo 25:7, Exo 28:4, 13-29; Lev 8:8, Lev 8:9; Psa 89:28; Isa 59:17; Eph 6:14

TSK: Exo 39:10 - the first row // sardius the first row : Exo 28:16, Exo 28:17, Exo 28:21; Rev 21:19-21 sardius : or, ruby

the first row : Exo 28:16, Exo 28:17, Exo 28:21; Rev 21:19-21

sardius : or, ruby

TSK: Exo 39:11 - a diamond a diamond : Exo 28:18; Eze 28:13; The word yahalom may mean the diamond, from halam , to beat, smite, because of its extreme hardness, by which i...

a diamond : Exo 28:18; Eze 28:13; The word yahalom may mean the diamond, from halam , to beat, smite, because of its extreme hardness, by which it will beat to pieces the other stones. It is a fine pellucid substance never debased with any admixture of other matter; susceptible of elegant tinges from metal-line particles; giving fire with steel; not fermenting with acid menstrua; scarcely calcinable by any degree of fire; and of one simple and permanent appearance in all lights. It is the hardest and most valuable of all gems; when pure, perfectly clear and pellucid as the clearest water, and eminently distinguished from all other substances by its vivid splendour, and the brightness of its reflections.

TSK: Exo 39:12 - a ligure // an agate // an amethyst a ligure : Leshem , the ligure, the same as the jacinth, or hyacinth, a precious stone of a deep red, with a considerable tinge of yellow. Theophra...

a ligure : Leshem , the ligure, the same as the jacinth, or hyacinth, a precious stone of a deep red, with a considerable tinge of yellow. Theophrastus and Pliny say it resembles the carbuncle, of a brightness sparkling like fire.

an agate : Shevo , the agate, a semi-pellucid compound gem, formed of different simple minerals, as chalcedony, cornelian, jasper. horn-stone, quartz, amethyst, opal, etc.; joined irregularly or in layers. It is of a white, reddish, yellowish, or greenish ground; and so variously figured in its substance as to represent plants, trees, animals, and other objects.

an amethyst : Achlamah , an amethyst, a transparent gem, composed of a strong blue and deep red; and according as either prevails, affording different tinges of purple, sometimes approaching to violet, and sometimes even fading to a pale rose colour.

TSK: Exo 39:13 - a beryl // a jasper a beryl : Tarshish , a pellucid gem, of a sea or blueish green colour. a jasper : Yaspeh , the jasper, a hard stone, of which there are not less t...

a beryl : Tarshish , a pellucid gem, of a sea or blueish green colour.

a jasper : Yaspeh , the jasper, a hard stone, of which there are not less than fifteen varieties of colour, as green, red, yellow, brown, black, etc.

TSK: Exo 39:14 - -- Rev 21:12

TSK: Exo 39:15 - chains at the ends chains at the ends : Exo 28:14; 2Ch 3:5; Son 1:10; Joh 10:28, Joh 17:12; 1Pe 1:5; Jud 1:1

TSK: Exo 39:16 - gold rings gold rings : Exo 25:12

gold rings : Exo 25:12

TSK: Exo 39:18 - two wreathen // ephod two wreathen : Exo 28:14; Son 1:10 ephod : Exo 39:2

two wreathen : Exo 28:14; Son 1:10

ephod : Exo 39:2

TSK: Exo 39:20 - coupling coupling : Exo 26:3

coupling : Exo 26:3

TSK: Exo 39:21 - as the Lord as the Lord : Mat 16:24; 1Co 1:25, 1Co 1:27

as the Lord : Mat 16:24; 1Co 1:25, 1Co 1:27

TSK: Exo 39:22 - -- Exo 28:31-35

TSK: Exo 39:24 - they made // pomegranates they made : Exo 28:33 pomegranates : Gal 5:22

they made : Exo 28:33

pomegranates : Gal 5:22

TSK: Exo 39:25 - bells // the pomegranates bells : Exo 28:33, Exo 28:34; Psa 89:15 the pomegranates : Son 4:13

bells : Exo 28:33, Exo 28:34; Psa 89:15

the pomegranates : Son 4:13

TSK: Exo 39:26 - pomegranate // hem pomegranate : Exo 28:34; Son 4:3, Son 4:13, Son 6:7 hem : Deu 22:12; Mat 9:20

TSK: Exo 39:27 - coats // fine coats : Exo 28:39-42; Lev 8:13; Isa 61:10; Eze 44:18; Rom 3:22, Rom 13:14; Gal 3:27; Phi 2:6-8; 1Pe 1:13 fine : The word Shesh seems rather to mean...

coats : Exo 28:39-42; Lev 8:13; Isa 61:10; Eze 44:18; Rom 3:22, Rom 13:14; Gal 3:27; Phi 2:6-8; 1Pe 1:13

fine : The word Shesh seems rather to mean cotton, than either fine linen or silk; called also butz , and by the Greeks, βυσσος , and Romans, byssus .

TSK: Exo 39:28 - a mitre // linen // breeches a mitre : Exo 28:4, Exo 28:39; Eze 44:18 linen : Exo 28:42 breeches : Michnasim , from kanas , to wrap round.

a mitre : Exo 28:4, Exo 28:39; Eze 44:18

linen : Exo 28:42

breeches : Michnasim , from kanas , to wrap round.

TSK: Exo 39:29 - a girdle a girdle : Avnet , a belt or girdle, of the same kind as the eastern sash, which confines the loose garments about the waist; and in which their lon...

a girdle : Avnet , a belt or girdle, of the same kind as the eastern sash, which confines the loose garments about the waist; and in which their long skirts are tucked up when at work or on a journey. Exo 28:39

TSK: Exo 39:30 - the plate // Holiness the plate : Exo 26:36, Exo 28:36-39; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21; Heb 1:3, Heb 7:26 Holiness : Exo 28:36; Zec 14:20; Tit 2:14; Rev 5:10

TSK: Exo 39:32 - all the // according all the : Exo 39:33, Exo 39:42, 25:1-31:18, 35:1-40:38; Lev. 8:1-9:24; Num 3:25, Num 3:26, Num 3:31, Num 3:36, Num 3:37; Num. 4:4-32 according : Exo 3...

all the : Exo 39:33, Exo 39:42, 25:1-31:18, 35:1-40:38; Lev. 8:1-9:24; Num 3:25, Num 3:26, Num 3:31, Num 3:36, Num 3:37; Num. 4:4-32

according : Exo 39:42, Exo 39:43, Exo 25:40, Exo 40:32; Deu 12:32; 1Sa 15:22; 1Ch 28:19; Mat 28:20; Heb 3:2, Heb 8:5

TSK: Exo 39:33 - the tent the tent : Exod. 25:1-30:38, Exo 31:7-11, Exo 35:11-19, 36:1-40:38

the tent : Exod. 25:1-30:38, Exo 31:7-11, Exo 35:11-19, 36:1-40:38

TSK: Exo 39:35 - the mercy seat the mercy seat : Exo 25:17; Heb 9:5, Heb 9:8

the mercy seat : Exo 25:17; Heb 9:5, Heb 9:8

TSK: Exo 39:36 - the showbread the showbread : Exo 25:30; 1Ki 7:48

the showbread : Exo 25:30; 1Ki 7:48

TSK: Exo 39:37 - even with even with : Exo 27:21; Mat 5:14-16; Phi 2:15

TSK: Exo 39:38 - sweet incense sweet incense : Heb. the incense of sweet spice, Exo 25:6, Exo 30:7, Exo 31:11, Exo 35:8, Exo 37:29; 2Ch 2:4

sweet incense : Heb. the incense of sweet spice, Exo 25:6, Exo 30:7, Exo 31:11, Exo 35:8, Exo 37:29; 2Ch 2:4

TSK: Exo 39:39 - -- Exo 38:30; 1Ki 8:64

TSK: Exo 39:41 - cloths // the holy cloths : Exo 39:1, Exo 31:10 the holy : Exo 28:2

cloths : Exo 39:1, Exo 31:10

the holy : Exo 28:2

TSK: Exo 39:42 - according // made according : Exo 39:32, Exo 23:21, Exo 23:22, 25:1-31:18; Deu 12:32; Mat 28:20; 2Ti 2:15, 2Ti 4:7 made : Exo 35:10

according : Exo 39:32, Exo 23:21, Exo 23:22, 25:1-31:18; Deu 12:32; Mat 28:20; 2Ti 2:15, 2Ti 4:7

made : Exo 35:10

TSK: Exo 39:43 - did look // blessed them did look : Exo 40:25; Gen 1:31; Psa 104:31 blessed them : Gen 14:19; Lev 9:22, Lev 9:23; Num 6:23-27; Jos 22:6; 2Sa 6:18; 1Ki 8:14; 1Ch 16:2; 2Ch 6:3,...

kecilkan semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)

Poole: Exo 39:43 - -- i.e. Both the people for their liberal contribution, and the workmen for their great care and industry.

i.e. Both the people for their liberal contribution, and the workmen for their great care and industry.

Haydock: Exo 39:1 - Veneration Veneration, of which it was deserving. Hebrew, "the crown of holiness." It reminded the high priest of his consecration to the Lord, and of the san...

Veneration, of which it was deserving. Hebrew, "the crown of holiness." It reminded the high priest of his consecration to the Lord, and of the sanctity with which he ought to appear before him.

Haydock: Exo 39:1 - Vestments Vestments. Hebrew distinguishes, "the clothes of service" destined to fold up the tabernacle and vessels, from "the holy garments of Aaron."

Vestments. Hebrew distinguishes, "the clothes of service" destined to fold up the tabernacle and vessels, from "the holy garments of Aaron."

Haydock: Exo 39:3 - Threads Threads. Hebrew, "wires to work it in the blue....with cunning work." The ancients had the art of beating gold into thin plates, with which they ad...

Threads. Hebrew, "wires to work it in the blue....with cunning work." The ancients had the art of beating gold into thin plates, with which they adorned the horns of their victims, &c. (Æneid iv.) See Numbers xvi. 58. (Calmet)

Haydock: Exo 39:19 - Fastened to the girdle Fastened to the girdle. This is not specified in the Hebrew. The Vulgate has abridged some verses, in these chapters, to avoid repetitions.

Fastened to the girdle. This is not specified in the Hebrew. The Vulgate has abridged some verses, in these chapters, to avoid repetitions.

Haydock: Exo 39:24 - Pomegranate Pomegranate, alternately, chap. xxviii. Clement of Alexandria observes, that the 366 bells denote the leap year, in which Christ began to preach. (...

Pomegranate, alternately, chap. xxviii. Clement of Alexandria observes, that the 366 bells denote the leap year, in which Christ began to preach. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Exo 39:27 - Of fine linen Of fine linen, or cotton, and of common linen, as Pollux describes it. The Samaritan copy adds, "Breeches of linen, of byssus, of violet, of scarlet...

Of fine linen, or cotton, and of common linen, as Pollux describes it. The Samaritan copy adds, "Breeches of linen, of byssus, of violet, of scarlet, of purple, of embroidery work, according to the command of the Lord."

Haydock: Exo 39:43 - Finished // Blessed them Finished, exactly according to God's prescriptions. --- Blessed them, the people, who had contributed so liberally; and the workmen, who had perfor...

Finished, exactly according to God's prescriptions. ---

Blessed them, the people, who had contributed so liberally; and the workmen, who had performed their task so much to his satisfaction. (Calmet) ---

He also blessed the sacred vessels, as they were destined for the worship of God. (Haydock)

Gill: Exo 39:1 - And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service // to do service in the holy place // and made the holy garments for Aaron, as the Lord commanded Moses And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service,.... Jarchi observes that there is no mention made of linen, because these were ...

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service,.... Jarchi observes that there is no mention made of linen, because these were not the priestly garments in which there was linen; but these were they with which they covered the vessels of the sanctuary when they journeyed; and so says Aben Ezra; and those were covered with cloths of blue, purple, and scarlet, Num 4:5 though some think these were clothes wore by the priests:

to do service in the holy place: and which they only wore when in it, and employed in the service of it; and therefore what follows must be by way of explanation:

and made the holy garments for Aaron, as the Lord commanded Moses; the particulars of which are given in the following verses.

Gill: Exo 39:2-31 - And he made the ephod of gold And he made the ephod of gold,.... From hence to the end of verse thirty one we have a very particular account of the making of the priest's garments ...

And he made the ephod of gold,.... From hence to the end of verse thirty one we have a very particular account of the making of the priest's garments exactly according to the directions given to Moses; see Gill on Exo 28:1 &c. to end of chapter twenty eight; only it may be observed, that here in Exo 39:3 an account is given of the manner in which they made the gold fit to be worked along with the blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; they beat the gold into thin plates, and then cut them into wires, and then twisted them together with the yarn: the gold that was used in the weaving of the ephod and the breastplate, spoken of in the law, was wrought after this manner; the workman took one thread of pure gold, and put it with six threads of blue, and twisted the seven threads as one, and so he wrought a thread of gold with six of purple, and another thread with six of scarlet, and another with six of linen or flax, so that there were four threads of gold, and all the threads were twenty eight, as it is said; "they did beat" or spread out "the gold", &c. "to work in the midst of blue", &c. from whence is learnt that the thread of gold was twisted in the midst of them y: and it may be further observed, that after the enumeration of the stones in the breastplate, Exo 39:10 no mention is made of the Urim and Thummim, which seems to confirm the opinion of many, and which is my own, that they are the same with the stones: moreover, in Exo 39:28, it may be observed, that what the coats for the common priests were made of is expressed, which is not before, which was linen; expressive of their purity and holiness, and in which they ought always to appear before God and man, and in which apparel they have been imitated among the Heathens: the priests of Hercules are said to be clothed with linen z, and the Egyptian priests wore only a linen garment a; hence the priests of Isis, with whom she is represented as surrounded by Juvenal b, are called by him "grex liniger", and by Martial, "linigeri" c.

Gill: Exo 39:32 - Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished // and the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did they Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished,.... Both the tabernacle, consisting of the court, the holy place, an...

Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished,.... Both the tabernacle, consisting of the court, the holy place, and the most holy place, and the tent or covering that was over it, with all things appertaining to the service of it, as before described:

and the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did they: both the people in general, and the artificers in particular; the people brought gold, silver, and brass, &c. as was proposed to them; and the artificers wrought these and all other things, according to the directions and instructions they received.

Gill: Exo 39:33-42 - And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses,.... That is, the several parts of it before it was put together, with all its furniture, and everything ap...

And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses,.... That is, the several parts of it before it was put together, with all its furniture, and everything appertaining to it; which are examined in the order in which they were directed to be made, from hence to the end of Exo 39:42 and this was done, that Moses might inspect the whole, and see whether it was done according to the pattern shown him, and the instructions he had given to the workmen.

Gill: Exo 39:43 - And Moses did look upon all the work // and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded, even so had they done it // and Moses blessed them And Moses did look upon all the work,.... Made a survey of it, and with great care and accuracy examined every particular thing, and the manner in whi...

And Moses did look upon all the work,.... Made a survey of it, and with great care and accuracy examined every particular thing, and the manner in which it was finished:

and, behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded, even so had they done it; both as to matter and manner in every point, on all accounts, just as they were ordered and directed; they being throughout the whole filled by the Spirit of God with wisdom and understanding, to do everything just as it was the will and pleasure of God it should be done:

and Moses blessed them; commended them for what they had done, and implored the divine blessing upon them; and which may be understood both of the people who had so liberally and plentifully contributed to this good work, and of the artificers who had so carefully and punctually performed it. The form of blessing, as the Targum of Jonathan gives it, is,"may the Shechinah (or the divine Majesty) of the Lord dwell in the works of your hands;''or as Jarchi expresses it,"may it be the pleasure (of God) that the Shechinah may dwell in the works of your hands, and the beauty of the Lord our God may be upon us, &c.''which last words were part of the prayer of Moses, Psa 90:17.

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki

NET Notes: Exo 39:1 This chapter also will be almost identical to the instructions given earlier, with a few changes along the way.

NET Notes: Exo 39:3 The verb is the infinitive that means “to do, to work.” It could be given a literal rendering: “to work [them into] the blue…....

NET Notes: Exo 39:5 Heb “from it” or the same.

NET Notes: Exo 39:6 The twelve names were those of Israel’s sons. The idea was not the remembrance of the twelve sons as such, but the twelve tribes that bore their...

NET Notes: Exo 39:7 Or “attached.”

NET Notes: Exo 39:10 That is, they set in mountings.

NET Notes: Exo 39:14 The phrase “the number of” has been supplied.

NET Notes: Exo 39:16 Here “upper” has been supplied.

NET Notes: Exo 39:18 Here “other” has been supplied.

NET Notes: Exo 39:19 Heb “homeward side.”

NET Notes: Exo 39:20 Here “more” has been supplied.

NET Notes: Exo 39:24 The word is simply “twined” or “twisted.” It may refer to the twisted linen that so frequently is found in these lists; or, it...

NET Notes: Exo 39:26 The infinitive “to minister” is present; “to be used” is supplied from the context.

NET Notes: Exo 39:32 The last sections of the book bring several themes together to a full conclusion. Not only is it the completion of the tabernacle, it is the fulfillme...

NET Notes: Exo 39:34 Or “shielding” (NIV); NASB “the screening veil.”

NET Notes: Exo 39:37 Possibly meaning “pure gold lampstand.”

NET Notes: Exo 39:40 Heb “utensils, vessels.”

NET Notes: Exo 39:41 The form is the infinitive construct; it means the clothes to be used “to minister” in the holy place.

NET Notes: Exo 39:43 The situation and wording in Exod 39:43 are reminiscent of Gen 1:28 and 31, with the motifs of blessing people and inspecting what has been made.

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:1 And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made ( a ) cloths of service, to do service in the holy [place], and made the holy gar...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:6 And they wrought onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold, graven, as ( b ) signets are graven, with the names of the children of Israe...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:12 And the third row, ( c ) a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. ( c ) Or, a turkeis, a stone which the au...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:14 And the stones [were] according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, ( d ) according to their names, [like] the engravings...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:22 And he made the robe of the ( e ) ephod [of] woven work, all [of] blue. ( e ) Which was next under the ...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:23 And ( f ) [there was] an hole in the midst of the robe, as the hole of an habergeon, [with] a band round about the hole, that it shou...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:34 And the covering of rams' skins dyed red, and the covering of badgers' skins, and the ( g ) vail of the covering, ...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:37 The pure candlestick, [with] the lamps thereof, [even with] the lamps to be ( h ) set in order, and all the vessels thereof, and the ...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:42 According to all that the LORD ( i ) commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work. ( i )...

Geneva Bible: Exo 39:43 And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses ( k )...

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

MHCC: Exo 39:1-31 - --The priests' garments were rich and splendid. The church in its infancy was thus taught by shadows of good things to come; but the substance is Chr...

MHCC: Exo 39:32-43 - --The tabernacle was a type or emblem of Jesus Christ. As the Most High dwelt visibly within the sanctuary, even on the ark, so did he reside in the ...

Matthew Henry: Exo 39:1-31 - -- In this account of the making of the priests' garments, according to the instructions given (ch. 28), we may observe, 1. That the priests' garmen...

Matthew Henry: Exo 39:32-43 - -- Observe here, I. The builders of the tabernacle made very good despatch. It was not much more than five months from the beginning to the finishin...

Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 39:1-31 - -- Preparation of the priests' clothes . - Previous to the description of the dress itself, we have a statement in ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 39:32-36 - -- Delivery of the work to Moses . - The different things are again mentioned one by one. By "the tent,"in ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 39:37-39 - -- " The lamps of the order, "i.e., the lamps set in order upon the candlestick. In addition to all the vessels of the sanctuary, shew...

Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 39:40-42 - -- " Vessels of service: "see Exo 27:19....

Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 39:43 - -- When Moses had received and examined all the different articles, and found that everything was made according to the directions of Jehovah, he bl...

Constable: Exo 15:22--Lev 1:1 - --II. THE ADOPTION OF ISRAEL 15:22--40:38 The second major section of ...

Constable: Exo 35:1--40:38 - --E. The construction and dedication of the objects used in Israel's worship chs. 35-40...

Constable: Exo 36:8--40:1 - --2. Execution of the work 36:8-39:43 ...

Constable: Exo 39:1-31 - --The priests' clothing 39:1-31 ...

Constable: Exo 39:32-43 - --Presentation to Moses 39:32-43 ...

Guzik: Exo 39:1-43 - The Priestly Garments Exodus 39 - The Priestly Garments A. Making of the Priestly garments. ...

buka semua
Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

JFB: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) EXODUS, a "going forth," derives its name from its being occupied principally with a relation of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and th...


TSK: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) The title of this Book is derived from the Septuagint; in which it is called ΕΞΟΔΟΣ , " Exodus;" or, as it is in the...

TSK: Exodus 39 (Pendahuluan Pasal) Overview Exo 39:1, The cloths of service and holy garments; ...

Poole: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) SECOND BOOK OF MOSES CALLED EXODUS. THE ARGUMENT. AFTER the death of Joseph, who had sent for his father’ s h...

Poole: Exodus 39 (Pendahuluan Pasal) CHAPTER 39 The holy garments, ...

MHCC: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) The Book of Exodus relates the forming of the children of Israel into a church and a nation. We have hitherto seen true religion shown in domestic ...

MHCC: Exodus 39 (Pendahuluan Pasal) (v. 1-31) The priests' garments. (...

Matthew Henry: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Book of Moses, Called Exodus Moses (the servant of the Lord in wri...

Matthew Henry: Exodus 39 (Pendahuluan Pasal) This chapter gives us an account of the finishing of the work of the tabernacle. I. The last things prepared were the holy garments. The ephod ...

Constable: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) Introduction Title ...

Constable: Exodus (Garis Besar) Outline I. The liberation of Israel ...

Constable: Exodus Exodus Bibliography Adams, Dway...

Haydock: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE BOOK OF EXODUS. INTRODUCTION. The second Book of Moses is called Exodus from the Greek word Exodos,...

Gill: Exodus (Pendahuluan Kitab) INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS This book is called by the Jews Veelleh Shemoth, from the first words with which it begins, and sometimes S...

Gill: Exodus 39 (Pendahuluan Pasal) INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS 39 In this chapter is continued the account o...

Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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