m@`iyl <04598>

lyem m@`iyl

Asal Mula:from 04603 in the sense of covering
Referensi:TWOT - 1230b
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:lyemh 8, lyem 5, lyemk 3, Klyem 2, lyemw 2, ylyemw 2, wlem 2, Mylyem 1, Mhylyem 1, lyemb 1, wlyem 1
Dalam TB:jubah 10, gamis 10, jubahnya 2, jubahku 2, jubahmu 2, baju kurung panjang 1, jubah-jubah kerajaannya 1
Dalam AV:robe 19, mantle 7, cloke 1, coat 1
Definisi : 1) robe 1a) a garment worn over a tunic by men of rank 1b) a long garment worn by David's daughters 1c) a garment of the high priest 1d) (fig.) of attributes
from 4603 in the sense of covering; a robe (i.e. upper and outer garment): KJV -- cloke, coat, mantle, robe.
see HEBREW for 04603
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