TB NETBible YUN-IBR Diglot Ref. Silang Nama Judul Artikel Himne PEDIA MEDIA Gambar Audio Kuno ITL - draft AI  BaDeNo

1 Raja-raja 10

1 Ratu Syeba mengagumi hikmat Salomo.

14 Emas Salomo.

16 Perisai-perisainya.

18 Takhta gadingnya.

21 Perkakas-perkakasnya.

24 Hadiah-hadiah yang didapatnya.

26 Kereta-kereta dan kuda-kudanya.

28 Upetinya.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

10:1 · ratu(TB)/permaisuri(TL) <04436> [A.M. 3014. B.C. 990. And when.]

· Syeba(TB/TL) <07614> [Sheba.]

· mendengar(TB)/kedengaranlah(TL) <08085> [heard.]

· nama(TB/TL) <08034> [concerning.]

· hendak mengujinya ... teka-teki ....... penerka(TB)/hendak mencobai baginda ... bagai-bagai(TL) <05254 02420> [prove him.]


Judul : Kunjungan ratu negeri Syeba

Perikop : 1Raj 10:1-13


2Taw 9:1-12 dengan 1Raj 10:1-13

negeri Syeba

Kej 10:7,28; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:7]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:28]; Kej 25:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 25:3]; Mat 12:42; Luk 11:31 [Semua]

mendengar kabar

Yeh 16:14

dengan teka-teki.

Bil 12:8; [Lihat FULL. Bil 12:8]; Hak 14:12; [Lihat FULL. Hak 14:12] [Semua]

10:2 · pasukan pengiring ... sangat besar ....... sangat(TB)/tentara ... amat ... serta .......... amat(TL) <03515 02428 03966> [a very great train.]

· rempah-rempah(TB/TL) <01314> [spices.]

· dikatakannyalah(TB)/dikatakannya(TL) <01696> [communed.]


pasukan pengiring

Kej 24:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10]

10:3 · menjawab ... pertanyaan .... perkataannya ... seperkarapun ada ....... dijawabnya(TB)/diartikanlah .............. diartikannya(TL) <05046 01697> [told her.]

· pertanyaan ....... ada(TB)/perkataannya ... seperkarapun(TL) <01697> [questions. Heb. words. hid from the king.]

10:4 · Salomo(TB)/Sulaiman(TL) <08010> [Solomon's.]

· rumah(TB)/istana(TL) <01004> [the house.]

10:5 · makanan(TB)/perintah(TL) <03978> [the meat.]

· pelayan-pelayannya(TB)/berdiri(TL) <04612> [attendance. Heb. standing. cup-bearers. or, butlers. ascent.]

The original {we”latho asher ya„leh baith yehowah,} is rendered by the LXX. and Vulgate, [kai ten olokowtosin autou en anepheren en oiko Kuriou;] {et holocausta, qu‘ offerebat in domo Domini,} "And the burnt offerings (or holocausts) which he offered in the house of the Lord;" with which the Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic agree; and so also Luther, {llnd feine Brandopfer, bie er in bem Daufe bes Derrn opferte;} and this seems to be the true sense of the passage.

· tercenganglah(TB)/bersemangat(TL) <07307> [there was no.]


di mejanya,

1Raj 4:22

10:6 · kabar ....... engkau(TB)/kabar ........... hal ihwal(TL) <01697> [report. Heb. word.]

2Ch 9:5,6 *marg, [Semua]

· kabar ....... engkau(TB)/kabar ........... hal ihwal(TL) <01697> [acts. or, sayings.]

10:7 · percaya(TB/TL) <0539> [I believed.]

· hikmat ... kemakmuran .... kabar(TB)/hikmat ... harta ...... kabar(TL) <02896 08052 02451> [thy wisdom and prosperity exceeded the fame. Heb. thou hast added wisdom and goodness to the fame.]


tidak percaya

Kej 45:26; [Lihat FULL. Kej 45:26]

dan kemakmuran,

1Taw 29:25

10:8 · Berbahagialah .... berbahagialah ... pegawaimu .... pegawai(TB)/Berbahagialah ....... berbahagialah(TL) <0835 05650> [happy are these.]


dan menyaksikan

Ams 8:34

10:9 · Terpujilah(TB)/puji(TL) <01288> [Blessed.]

· [delighteth.]

· TUHAN .................. TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ................ Tuhan(TL) <03068> [because the.]

· melakukan(TB)/berbuat(TL) <06213> [to do.]



1Raj 5:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 5:7]; Yes 42:10; [Lihat FULL. Yes 42:10] [Semua]

Tuhan mengasihi

Ul 7:8; [Lihat FULL. Ul 7:8]

melakukan keadilan

Mazm 11:7; 33:5; 72:2; 99:4; 103:6 [Semua]

10:10 · diberikannyalah ........................... diberikan(TB)/diberikan ....................... diberikan(TL) <05414> [she gave.]

· seratus(TB/TL) <03967> [an hundred.]

According to Mr. Reynolds, equal to 843,905Å“ 10s. 4d. sterling.

· rempah-rempah ............. rempah-rempah(TB)/rempah-rempah ....... rempah-rempah(TL) <01314> [spices.]

· mahal-mahal(TB)/indah-indah(TL) <03368> [and precious.]


talenta emas,

1Raj 9:28; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:28]; Yes 60:6 [Semua]

10:11 · Ofir .... Ofir(TB)/Ofir ...... Ofir(TL) <0211> [from Ophir.]

· cendana(TB/TL) <0484> [almug.]

· [algum trees.]


dari Ofir,

Kej 10:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:29]

10:12 · langkan(TB)/geradi(TL) <04552> [pillars. or, rails. Heb. a prop. harps.]

10:13 · dikehendakinya(TB)/kehendaknya(TL) <02656> [all her desire.]

· Raja Salomo memberikan ................ diberikannya .... layak ... raja Salomo(TB)/diberikan ... baginda ... Sulaiman ............. diberinya ..... kekayaan baginda ... Sulaiman(TL) <08010 05414 04428 03027> [which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. Heb. which he gave her, according to the hand of king Solomon.]

10:14 · enam ratus .... ratus(TB)/enam ratus .... enam(TL) <08337 03967> [A.M. 2989-3029. B.C. 1015-975. was six hundred.]

Equal to 4,683,675Å“ 12s. 8d. sterling; which was what he got annually in bullion.

· [See on ch.]


Judul : Kemegahan Salomo

Perikop : 1Raj 10:14-29


2Taw 1:14-17; 9:13-28 dengan 1Raj 10:14-29

Adapun emas,

1Raj 9:28; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:28]

10:15 · raja(TB/TL) <04428> [all the kings.]

· bupati-bupati(TB)/orang kaya-kaya(TL) <06346> [governors. or, captains.]

10:16 · ratus ........ ratus(TB)/ratus ............ ratus(TL) <03967> [two hundred.]

Mr. Reynolds computes that these 200 targets were worth 28,131Å“ 16s. 9d.; and that the 300 shields were worth 210,976Å“ 7s. 7d.


ratus perisai

2Sam 8:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:7]

10:17 · gedung(TB)/istana(TL) <01004> [in the house.]


Hutan Libanon

1Raj 7:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 7:2]

10:18 · takhta besar ... singgasana(TB)/singgasana besar(TL) <01419 03678> [a great throne.]

· gading(TB/TL) <08127> [ivory.]

10:19 · belakang(TB)/kebelakangan(TL) <0310> [behind. Heb. on the hinder part thereof. stays. Heb. hands.]

10:20 · singa(TB/TL) <0738> [lions.]

· diperbuat ... demikian ....... diperbuat(TB)/diperbuat(TL) <06213 03651> [the like made. Heb. so made.]

10:21 · minuman(TB/TL) <04945> [drinking.]

· gedung(TB)/istana(TL) <01004> [the house.]

· perak(TB/TL) <03701> [none were of silver. or, there was no silver in them.]


dari emas

Yes 60:17

10:22 · Tarsis ........... Tarsis(TB)/Tarsis ................. Tarsis(TL) <08659> [Tharshish.]

· [Tarshish. ivory. or, elephant's teeth.]

· kera(TB/TL) <06971> [apes.]

{Kophim,} rather monkeys, the same as the Syriac [qwp',] Greek [kephos,] [kepos,] or [kebos,] and Roman {Cephus,} which animal both Pliny and Solinus inform us was brought from Ethiopia. The same name appears in the monkeys, called {KEIIIEN} in the Pr‘nestine Pavement, and in the French {cep} or {ceb.}

· burung merak(TB/TL) <08500> [peacocks.]


kapal-kapal Tarsis

1Raj 9:26; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:26]

dengan kapal-kapal

1Raj 9:27; Mazm 48:8; Yes 2:16; 23:1,14; 60:6,9 [Semua]

10:23 · melebihi(TB)/Demikianlah(TL) <01431> [exceeded.]

Mr. Reynolds, stating Solomon's income at about four times as much as his father left him, reckons that he had each year 142,242,034Å“. 9s. 7d., each week 2,735,423Å“ 14s. 9d., and each day, 390,770Å“ 16s. 4d.


hal kekayaan

1Raj 3:13; Mat 6:29 [Semua]

dan hikmat.

1Raj 3:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:12]; Mat 12:42 [Semua]

10:24 · menghadap .... menyaksikan(TB)/menghadap ..... mendengar(TL) <06440 08085> [to. Heb. the face of. which God.]


menyaksikan hikmat

2Sam 14:20; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 14:20]

10:25 · masing-masing(TB/TL) <0376> [every man.]

· bagal(TB/TL) <06505> [and mules.]

· <01697> [a rate.]


membawa persembahannya,

1Sam 10:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:27]

10:26 · Salomo(TB)/Sulaiman(TL) <08010> [Solomon.]

· kota-kota(TB/TL) <05892> [in the cities.]


orang berkuda,

Ul 17:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 17:16]

10:27 · Raja(TB)/baginda(TL) <04428> [the king.]

· membuat .............. sama(TB)/diadakan ....... disamakan(TL) <05414> [made. Heb. gave.]


sama seperti

Ul 17:17


Ayub 27:16; Yes 60:17 [Semua]

pohon ara

1Taw 27:28; Am 7:14 [Semua]

10:28 · Salomo(TB)/Sulaiman(TL) <08010> [Solomon, etc. Heb. the going forth of the horses which was]

Solomon's. horse brought.

· rami ........ rami(TL) <04723> [and linen yarn.]

10:29 · enam ratus .... ratus ..... seratus ..... seratus(TB)/enam ratus ......... seratus(TL) <08337 03967> [for six hundred.]

This was the ordinary price of a chariot, as 150 shekels was that of a horse. It seems that neither horses nor chariots came out of Egypt but by means of Solomon's servants.

· raja ...... raja-raja(TB)/raja ....... raja(TL) <04428> [the kings.]

· tanggungannya(TL) <03027> [their means. Heb. their hand.]


orang Het

Bil 13:29; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:29]

TIP #23: Gunakan Studi Kamus dengan menggunakan indeks kata atau kotak pencarian. [SEMUA]
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