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Kisah Para Rasul 22

1 Paulus menyatakan dengan bebas bagaimana dia bertobat dan percaya,

17 dan dipanggil untuk menjadi rasul.

22 Sampai pada perkataan tentang orang non-Yahudi, orang-orang meneriaki dia.

24 Dia hendak disesah;

25 tetapi ketika menyatakan bahwa dia memiliki hak istimewa sebagai warga Romawi, dia lolos.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

22:1 · saudara-saudara(TB)/Saudara-saudara(TL) <80> [brethren.]

· dengarlah(TL) <3450> [my. Greek all.]


dan bapa-bapa,

Kis 7:2

22:2 · Ibrani(TB/TL) <1446> [in.]


bahasa Ibrani,

Kis 21:40; Yoh 5:2; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 5:2] [Semua]

22:3 · Yahudi(TB/TL) <2453> [Jew.]

· di Tarsus ....... di(TB/TL) <1722 5019> [in Tarsus.]

· Kilikia(TB/TL) <2791> [a city.]

· di bawah(TB) <3844> [at.]

· Gamaliel(TB/TL) <1059> [Gamaliel.]

· dididik(TB) <3811> [taught.]

· gairah(TL) <5225> [was.]


orang Yahudi,

Kis 21:39

di Tarsus

Kis 9:11; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:11]

tanah Kilikia,

Kis 6:9; [Lihat FULL. Kis 6:9]

bawah pimpinan

Luk 10:39


Kis 5:34

moyang kita,

Kis 26:5

yang giat

1Raj 19:10; Kis 21:20; [Lihat FULL. Kis 21:20] [Semua]

22:4 · aku menganiayakan menganiaya ..... agama(TB)/menganiayakan ...... agama(TL) <1377 3739> [I persecuted.]

· <5026> [this.]


telah menganiaya

Kis 8:3; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:3]

Jalan Tuhan

Kis 9:2; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:2]

dalam penjara.

Kis 22:19,20 [Semua]

22:5 · membawa(TB)/Dan ......... serta .......................... juga(TL) <2532> [also.]

· segenap ............................... membawa(TB)/Dan ......... serta segenap ......................... juga(TL) <2532 3956> [and all.]

· saudara-saudara(TB/TL) <80> [the brethren.]


Majelis Tua-Tua

Luk 22:66

untuk saudara-saudara

Kis 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Kis 1:16]; Kis 2:29; 13:26; 23:1; 28:17,21; Rom 7:1; [Lihat FULL. Rom 7:1]; Rom 9:3 [Semua]

di Damsyik

Kis 9:2

22:6 · perjalananku(TB)/berjalan(TL) <4198> [that.]

It is evident that the apostle considered his extraordinary conversion as a most complete demonstration of the truth of Christianity; and when all the particulars of his education, his previous religious principles, his zeal, his enmity against Christians, and his prospects of secular honours and preferments by persecuting them, are compared with the subsequent part of his life, and the sudden transition from a furious persecutor to a zealous preacher of the gospel, in which he laboured and suffered to the end of his life, and for which he died a martyr, it must convince every candid and impartial person that no rational account can be given of this change, except what he himself assigns; and consequently, if that be true, that Christianity is Divine.

· perjalananku(TB)/berjalan(TL) <4198> [that.]

· Damsyik(TB/TL) <1154> [Damascus.]

· yaitu waktu ........... mengelilingi(TB)/sekira-kira(TL) <4012> [about.]


mengelilingi aku.

Kis 9:3

22:7 · Saulus Saulus(TB)/Saul Saul(TL) <4549> [Saul.]

· mengapakah(TB)/apakah(TL) <5101> [why.]

22:8 · Jawabku ... Engkau .... Akulah(TB)/Aku(TL) <1473 1510> [I am.]

· yang(TB/TL) <3739> [whom.]


orang Nazaret,

Mr 1:24; [Lihat FULL. Mr 1:24]

22:9 · melihat(TB)/nampak(TL) <2300> [saw.]

· Dan .......... tetapi(TB)/tetapi(TL) <1161> [but.]


melihat cahaya

Kis 26:13

tetapi suara

Kis 9:7

22:10 · apakah(TB/TL) <5101> [What.]

· Di sana(TB)/sana(TL) <2546> [there.]


yang ditugaskan

Kis 16:30

22:11 · Sedang(TL) <5613> [when.]

· memegang tanganku dan menuntun(TB)/dipimpinlah(TL) <5496> [being.]


mata itu,

Kis 9:8

22:12 · seorang(TB/TL) <5100> [one.]

· <2152> [a devout.]

· terkenal baik(TB)/terpuji(TL) <3140> [having.]


bernama Ananias,

Kis 9:17

di situ.

Kis 10:22

22:13 · saudaraku(TB/TL) <80> [Brother.]

22:14 · Allah(TB/TL) <2316> [The God.]

· telah menetapkan(TB)/menetapkan(TL) <4400> [hath.]

· Lalu ............. untuk melihat .... memandang(TB)/Maka ................ dan memandang ..... serta(TL) <1161 2532 1492> [and see.]

· untuk mengetahui ..... Yang Benar(TB)/mengetahui ...... Benar(TL) <1097 1342> [that.]

· untuk mendengar(TB)/mendengar(TL) <191> [hear.]


nenek moyang

Kis 3:13; [Lihat FULL. Kis 3:13]

untuk melihat

1Kor 15:8; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 15:8]

Yang Benar

Kis 7:52

22:15 · <2071> [thou shalt.]

· tentang apa(TB)/yang(TL) <3739> [of.]


menjadi saksi-Nya

Kis 23:11; 26:16 [Semua]

yang kaulihat

Kis 22:14

22:16 · mengapa(TB)/apakah(TL) <5101> [why.]

· Bangunlah(TB)/Bangkitlah(TL) <450> [arise.]

· sambil berseru(TB)/menyeru(TL) <1941> [calling.]


dirimu dibaptis

Kis 2:38; [Lihat FULL. Kis 2:38]

dosa-dosamu disucikan

Im 8:6; Mazm 51:4; Yeh 36:25; Yoh 3:5; 1Kor 6:11; Ef 5:26; Tit 3:5; Ibr 10:22; 1Pet 3:21 [Semua]

kepada nama

Rom 10:13

Catatan Frasa: DIBAPTIS.


22:17 · aku(TB/TL) <3427> [when.]

· <3450> [while.]


di Yerusalem

Kis 9:26

kuasa ilahi.

Kis 10:10


22:18 · Aku melihat(TB)/nampak(TL) <1492> [saw.]

· Lekaslah(TB)/Cepatlah(TL) <4692> [Make.]

· sebab(TB)/karena(TL) <1360> [for.]

22:19 · mereka tahu(TB)/mengetahui(TL) <1987> [know.]

· menyesah(TB)/kusesah(TL) <1194> [beat.]


dalam penjara

Kis 22:4; Kis 8:3; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:3] [Semua]

dan menyesah

Mat 10:17; [Lihat FULL. Mat 10:17]

22:20 · saksi-Mu(TB)/saksimu(TL) <3144> [martyr.]

· Stefanus(TB)/Stepanus(TL) <4736> [Stephen.]

· menyetujui(TB)/memperkenankan(TL) <4909> [consenting.]


yang membunuhnya.

Kis 7:57-60; 8:1 [Semua]

22:21 · Pergilah(TB/TL) <4198> [Depart.]

· sebab(TB)/karena(TL) <3754> [for.]


bangsa-bangsa lain.

Kis 9:15; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:15]; Kis 13:46; [Lihat FULL. Kis 13:46] [Semua]

22:22 · Enyahkan(TB)/Lenyapkanlah(TL) <142> [Away.]

· karena(TL) <1063> [for.]


muka bumi!

Kis 21:36

layak hidup!

Kis 25:24

22:23 · melemparkan(TB/TL) <4495> [cast.]


Judul : Di dalam markas

Perikop : Kis 22:23-29

melemparkan jubah

Kis 7:58

ke udara.

2Sam 16:13

22:24 · kepala pasukan(TB)/panglima(TL) <5506> [The chief.]

As the chief captain did not understand Hebrew, he was ignorant of the charge against Paul, and also of the defence which the apostle had made; but as he saw that they grew more and more outrageous, he supposed that Paul must have given them the highest provocation, and therefore, according to the barbarous and irrational practice which has existed in all countries, he determined to put him to the torture, in order to make him confess his crime.

· Paulus ..... periksa memeriksa .... dia supaya ........... terhadap dia(TB)/dia supaya .......... atasnya(TL) <846 2443 426> [that he should.]


ke markas

Kis 21:34; [Lihat FULL. Kis 21:34]

dan menyuruh

Kis 22:29

22:25 · perwira(TB)/penghulu(TL) <1543> [the centurion.]

· kulit(TL) <1487> [Is it.]

By the Roman law, no magistrate was allowed to punish a Roman citizen capitally, or by inflicting stripes, or even binding him; and the single expression, I am a Roman citizen, arrested their severest decrees, and obtained, if not an escape, at least a delay of his punishment.


tanpa diadili?

Kis 16:37

22:26 · <3708> [Take.]

22:28 · Lalu ............... Tetapi(TB)/Maka .... Tetapi(TL) <1161> [But.]

It is extremely probable that the inhabitants of Tarsus, born in that city, had the same rights and privileges as Roman citizens, in consequence of a grant or charter from Julius C‘sar, from whom it was called Juliopolis. But if this were not the case, St. Paul's father, or some of his ancestors, might have been rewarded with the freedom of the city of Rome, for his fidelity and bravery in some military service, as Josephus says several of the Jews were; or his father might have obtained it by purchase, as in the instance of the chief captain.

22:29 · [examined him. or, tortured him.]

· kepala pasukan(TB)/panglima(TL) <5506> [the chief.]


menyesah dia,

Kis 22:24

ikat itu,

Kis 21:33; [Lihat FULL. Kis 21:33]

orang Rum.

Kis 22:24,25; Kis 16:38 [Semua]

22:30 · ingin(TB)/hendak(TL) <1014> [because.]

· memerintahkan(TB)/disuruhnya(TL) <2753> [commanded.]


Judul : Di hadapan Mahkamah Agama

Perikop : Kis 22:30--23:11

orang-orang Yahudi

Kis 23:28

dari penjara

Kis 21:33

Mahkamah Agama

Mat 5:22; [Lihat FULL. Mat 5:22]

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