TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 46:1-24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


firman(TB/TL) <0559> [Thus saith.]

Whether the rules for public worship here laid down were designed to be observed in those things wherein they differed from the law of Moses, in the ministrations of the second temple, is not certain. In the latter history of the Jewish church, the law of Moses only was followed, except in the corruption of following the traditions of the fathers.

Pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu(TL) <08179> [The gate.]

The prophet had before observed that the east gate of the outer court was shut, and was told that it must only be opened for the prince; and now he is informed that the gate of the inner court on the east was also shut, and is to be opened only on the sabbath and new moons, till the evening.

tertutup(TB)/terkatup(TL) <05462> [shall be shut.]

enam ... pekerjaan(TB/TL) <04639 08337> [six working.]

Sabat(TB)/sabat(TL) <07676> [on the sabbath.]


gerbang pelataran

Yeh 40:19; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 40:19]

sebelah timur

1Taw 9:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:18]

bulan baru

Yeh 46:6; Yes 66:23 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: HARI SABAT ... BULAN BARU.


balai(TB)/rambat(TL) <0197> [the porch.]

tiang(TB)/jenang(TL) <04201> [by the post.]

imam-imam(TB)/imam(TL) <03548> [the priests.]

mengolah(TB) <06213> [prepare.]

Or, "offer," as the word {Æ’sah} frequently denotes. The whole of this seems to intimate the constant, reverential, and exemplary attendance of kings on the pure ordinances of religion, in the approaching flourishing days of the church.

menyembah(TB)/meminta(TL) <07812> [he shall worship.]

gerbang ....... pintu gerbang ...................... pintu gerbang ....... pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu ............ pintu .................... pintu ....... pintu(TL) <08179> [but the gate.]


melalui balai

Yeh 46:8

korban bakaran

Yeh 40:39

sampai petang

Yeh 46:12; Yeh 44:3; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 44:3] [Semua]



pintu gerbang

Luk 1:10

hari Sabat

Yes 66:23; [Lihat FULL. Yes 66:23]


bakaran(TB)/korban bakaran(TL) <05930> [the burnt.]

The proportions of the burnt offerings, and also of the meat and drink offerings, are very different here form those prescribed in the Mosaic law. The meat offering, under the law, was only three tenths of an {ephah} to a bullock, two tenths for a ram, and one tenth for a lamb, with the fourth part of a {hin} of oil.


Korban sajian ............ korban sajian(TB)/makanan ................ makanan(TL) <04503> [the meat.]

sekadar ... kemampuannya(TB)/sekadar tangannya(TL) <03027 04991> [as he shall be able to give. Heb. the gift of his hand.]


satu efa.

Yeh 46:11


bulan baru

Yeh 46:1; Bil 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 10:10] [Semua]

tiada bercela.

Im 22:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 22:20]


satu efa.

Yeh 45:24


masuk ...... masuk ...... keluar(TB)/apabila .... masuk .... datang .......... keluar(TL) <0935 03318> [he shall go.]


melalui balai

Yeh 46:2

dari situ

Yeh 44:3


penduduk(TB)/anak(TL) <05971> [when the people.]

This may intimate, that every thing should be regulated, in divine worship, so as to prevent disorder and interruption, and also that men should go forward and make progress in religion, and not turn their backs upon God.

menghadap ..... hadapan ..... masuk ................... masuk(TB)/apabila ...... menghadap ............. masuk .................... masuk ......................... masuk(TL) <06440 0935> [come before.]

masuk melalui ....... jalan ...... melalui ...... jalan masuk melalui ....... melalui jalan ....... melalui ... jalan ......... jalan(TB)/apabila .................. masuk .................... masuk ......................... masuk(TL) <0935 01870> [he that entereth in.]


pada perayaan-perayaan

Kel 23:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:14]; Kel 34:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 34:20] [Semua]



dan keluar

2Sam 6:14-15; Mazm 42:5 [Semua]


raya(TB)/hari raya(TL) <02282> [in the feasts.]

korban sajian(TB)/persembahan makanan(TL) <04503> [the meat.]


satu efa.

Yeh 46:5


sukarela ..... sukarela(TB)/korban dari keridlaan ............ persembahan dari keridlaan hati(TL) <05071> [a voluntary.]

membukakan pintu gerbang ............ pintu ................... gerbang ........... pintu(TB)/dibukai(TL) <06605 08179> [open him.]

mengolah ........................ mempersembahkan .......... perbuat(TB)/hendaklah ... persembahkan ........ adat(TL) <06213> [as he did.]


raja mengolah

Yeh 45:17; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 45:17]

bakaran sukarela

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]

harus ditutup.

Yeh 46:2


Tiap hari(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [Thou shalt daily.]

It is observable, that there is nothing said about the evening sacrifice, or the additional lamb, morning and evening, on the sabbath, which makes an important difference between this and the old laws; and is probably an intimation of that change in the external forms of religion which the coming of the Messiah should introduce.

berumur ... tahun .... setahun(TB)/umur setahun(TL) <01121 08141> [of the first year. Heb. a son of his year.]

setiap pagi ...... pagi(TB)/pagi(TL) <01242> [every morning. Heb. morning by morning.]


setiap pagi

Mazm 5:4; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 5:4]

harus melakukan

Kel 29:38; Bil 28:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 28:3] [Semua]


seperenam(TB/TL) <08345> [the sixth.]


dengan minyak

Bil 15:6

dan ketetapan

Dan 8:11


tetap(TB)/senantisa(TL) <08548> [a continual.]


korban bakaran

Kel 29:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:38]; Bil 28:5-6 [Semua]

yang tetap.

Kel 29:42; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:42]


raja(TB)/penghulu(TL) <05387> [If the prince.]


menjadi pusaka

2Taw 21:3


tahun(TB/TL) <08141> [to the year.]

That is, the year of Jubilee, called the year of liberty, because there was then a general release: all servants had their liberty; and all alienated estates returned to their former owners.


tahun kebebasan,

Im 25:10; [Lihat FULL. Im 25:10]


raja(TB)/penghulu(TL) <05387> [the prince.]

terdesak(TB)/merampas(TL) <03238> [thrust.]

milik pusaka ....... miliknya .... miliknya .... mewariskan .... miliknya ...... miliknya ... miliknya ................ miliknya(TB)/milik pusaka ...................... pusaka(TL) <05159 05157 0272> [inheritance out.]

rakyat ................... umat-Ku(TB)/orang .......................... umat-Ku(TL) <05971> [my people.]


itu mengambil

1Sam 8:14

milik pusaka

Im 25:23; [Lihat FULL. Im 25:23]; Yeh 45:8; Mi 2:1-2 [Semua]


masuk(TB)/jalan tempat masuk(TL) <03996> [the entry.]

This entry was at the west side of the north gate of the inner court.

tempat ............ suatu tempat(TB)/tempat(TL) <04725> [a place.]

This place was at the west corners of the inner court, or court of the priests; where they prepared the most holy things, the trespass and sin offering, which none but the priests might eat; that they might not "bear them out into the utter court, to sanctify the people," that is, by touching them incapacitate them from discharging their ordinary occupations.


Judul : Tempat memasak korban-korban

Perikop : Yeh 46:19-24

pintu masuk

Yeh 42:9; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 42:9]

sebelah utara

Yeh 42:4


memasak ... penebus .... salah(TB)/merebus(TL) <01310 0817> [boil the trespass.]

membakar ... sajian ...... makanan(TB)/direbusnya(TL) <0644 04503> [bake the meat.]

menguduskan(TB)/menyucikan(TL) <06942> [to sanctify.]


jangan menguduskan

Im 6:27; [Lihat FULL. Im 6:27]


Yeh 46:24; Za 14:20 [Semua]


pelataran ......... sudut pelataran ...... sudut pelataran ..... pelataran(TB)/serambi ........... penjuru serambi ...... tiap-tiap ... penjuru ...... serambi(TL) <02691 04740> [in every corner of the court there was a court. Heb. a court in the corner of a court; and a court in a corner of a court.]


pelataran .... pelataran-pelataran(TB)/serambi(TL) <02691> [courts.]

These courts in the corners of the outer court, or court of the people, appear to have been a kind of uncovered apartments, surrounded with little chambers for the cooks, and used for dressing the peace offerings of the people. On these their families and friends feasted; and portions were sent to the poor, the widow, and the orphan; and thus the spirit of devotion preserved the spirit of mercy, charity, and benevolence, in the land.

pelataran-pelataran kecil(TB)/serambi(TL) <07000> [joined. or, made with chimneys. corners. Heb. cornered.]


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