Kisah Para Rasul 25:1-27
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
propinsi(TB)/pemerintahannya(TL) <1885> [into.] propinsi(TB)/pemerintahannya(TL) <1885> [the province.] By the province, Judea is meant; for after the death of Herod Agrippa, Claudius thought it imprudent to trust the government in the hands of his son Agrippa, who was then but seventeen years of age; and therefore, Cuspius Fadus was sent to be procurator. And when afterwards Claudius had given to Agrippa the tetrarchy of Philip, he nevertheless kept the province of Judea in his own hands, and governed it by procurators sent from Rome. berangkatlah(TB)/naik(TL) <305> [he.] |
Judul : Paulus di hadapan Festus; Naik banding kepada Kaisar Perikop : Kis 25:1-12 berangkatlah Festus Kis 24:27; [Lihat FULL. Kis 24:27] dari Kaisarea Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40] |
terhadap Paulus. |
meminta(TB)/memohonkan(TL) <154> [desired.] membuat(TB/TL) <4160> [laying.] |
tengah jalan. Kis 20:3; [Lihat FULL. Kis 20:3] |
tetap ditahan di Kaisarea Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40] |
Karena(TB)/Sebab(TL) <3767> [them.] <1536> [if.] |
lebih dari pada ... atau sepuluh hari(TB)/lebih .... atau sepuluh hari(TL) <4119 2228 1176 2250> [more than ten days. or, as some copies read no more than eight or ten days. sitting.] |
sidang pengadilan, menghadapkan Paulus. |
terhadap dia Mr 15:3; Luk 23:2,10; Kis 24:5,6 [Semua] mereka buktikan. |
tidak ......... maupun ..... atau(TB)/Bahwa suatu ... tiada ........ atau ..... atau(TL) <3754 3777> [Neither.] |
Bait Allah Kis 6:13; 24:12; 28:17 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: TERHADAP HUKUM TAURAT ORANG YAHUDI. |
yang hendak .......... engkau bersedia(TB)/hendak .......... Maukah(TL) <2309> [willing.] |
mengambil hati perkara ini? |
<1510> [I stand.] Every procurator represented the emperor in the province over which he presided; and as the seat of government was at Cesarea, St. Paul was before the tribunal where, as a Roman citizen, he ought to be judged. ini .............. Seperti(TB)/ini ...................... seperti(TL) <5613 4771> [as thou.] |
orang Yahudi. |
jika bersalah ... bersalah ............... jika(TB)/Jikalau .................... jikalau(TL) <1487 91> [if I.] tidak ... tidak ada seorangpun(TB)/tiada ............ tiadalah(TL) <3762> [no man.] Aku naik banding(TB)/pengadilan(TL) <1941> [I appeal.] An appeal to the emperor was the right of a Roman citizen, and was highly respected. The Julian law condemned those magistrates, and others, as violaters of the public peace, who had put to death, tortured, scourged, imprisoned, or condemned any Roman citizen who had appealed to Cesar. This law was so sacred and imperative, that, in the persecution under Trajan, Pliny would not attempt to put to death Roman citizens, who were proved to have turned Christians, but determined to send them to Rome, probably because they had appealed. |
kepada Kaisar! Kis 25:21,25; Kis 26:32; 28:19 [Semua] |
Engkau telah naik banding ........ menghadap(TB)/memanjat pengadilan(TL) <1909 1941> [unto Cesar shalt.] |
raja(TB)/Baginda(TL) <935> [king.] untuk mengadakan kunjungan kehormatan(TB)/menghormatkan(TL) <782> [to.] |
Judul : Paulus di hadapan Agripa dan Bernike Perikop : Kis 25:13-27 ke Kaisarea Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40] |
seorang tahanan |
berada(TB)/tatkala patik(TL) <1096> [when.] |
orang itu |
bukanlah .... tiada(TB)/tiada(TL) <2076 3756> [It is not.] diberi(TB) <2983> [and have.] |
tuduhan itu. |
mengadakan(TB) <4160> [without.] |
orang itu. |
seorang(TB)/beberapa ............... seorang(TL) <5100> [certain.] agama(TB)/sahaja ke atasnya .... agama ...... lagi tentang ... bernama(TL) <1175> [superstition.] yang sudah mati(TB)/mati(TL) <2348> [which.] |
berselisih paham soal-soal agama |
ragu-ragu ...... perkara-perkara seperti ......... ke .... perkaranya(TB)/serba ..... pemeriksaan ........... ke .... dihakimkan(TL) <639 1519 5127 4012 2214> [doubted of such manner of questions. or, was doubtful how to enquire hereof, etc. I asked.] |
supaya perkaranya |
naik banding(TB)/pengadilan(TL) <1941> [had.] diputuskan(TB)/keputusan(TL) <1233> [hearing. or, judgment. Augustus.] menyuruh(TB)/perintah(TL) <2753> [I commanded.] |
kepada Kaisar. |
mendengar dia. |
dengan .......... bersama-sama dengan(TB)/dengan ......... bersama-sama(TL) <3326 4862> [with.] 12:21 Es 1:4 Ec 1:2 Isa 5:14 14:11 Eze 7:24 30:18 32:12 33:28
Da 4:30 1Co 7:31 Jas 1:11 1Pe 1:24 1Jo 2:16 [Semua]
dan ...... dan ........... dan(TB)/dan ................ dan ...... maka(TL) <2532> [at.] |
dan Bernike |
raja Agripa Agerippa(TB)/Baginda Agerippa(TL) <935 67> [King Agrippa.] King Agrippa was the son of Herod Agrippa; who upon the death of his uncle Herod, king of Chalcis, A.D. 28, succeeded to his dominions, by the favour of the emperor Claudius. Four years afterwards, Claudius removed him from that kingdom to a larger one; giving him the tetrarchy of Philip, that of Lysanias, and the province which Varus governed. Nero afterwards added Julias in Peraea, Tarichaea, and Tiberias. Claudius gave him the power of appointing the high priest among the Jews; and instances of his exercising this power may be seen in Josephus. He was strongly attached to the Romans, and did every thing in his power to prevent the Jews from rebelling; and when he could not prevail, he united his troops to those of Titus, and assisted at the siege of Jerusalem. After the ruin of his country, he retired with his sister Berenice to Rome where he died, aged 70, about A.D. 90. mengadu(TL) <4012> [about.] boleh(TB)/layak(TL) <1163> [that he.] |
orang Yahudi, lebih lama. |
berbuat(TB)/hukum bunuh(TL) <4238> [committed.] Kaisar(TB/TL) <4575> [Augustus.] The honourable title of [Sebastos <\\See definition 4575\\>,] or Augustus, that is venerable or august, which was first conferred by the senate on Octavius Caesar, was afterwards assumed by succeeding Roman emperors. |
hukuman mati Kis 23:9; [Lihat FULL. Kis 23:9] kepada Kaisar, Kis 25:11; [Lihat FULL. Kis 25:11] |
terutama(TB/TL) <3122> [specially.] |