TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 20:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendirikan(TB)/perbuatkan(TL) <01129> [thou shalt build.]

jatuh(TB)/alah(TL) <03381> [be subdued. Heb. come down.]


menghasilkan makanan,

Yer 6:6

Ulangan 20:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


merusakkan .............. kautebang(TB)/menebang .............. tebang(TL) <07843 03772> [thou shalt not.]

pohon-pohon ............... pohon(TB)/pohon-pohonnya ................ pohon(TL) <06086> [for the tree, etc. or, for, O man, the tree of the field is to be employed in the siege.]

The original is exceedingly difficult. The LXX. has it, "Is the tree in the field a man, to enter the trench before thee?" The Latin Vulgate: "For it is a tree, and not a man, neither can it increase the number of those who war against thee;" Onkelos, "For the tree of the field is not as a man, that it should come against thee in the siege;" and to the same purpose the Arabic, Philo, and Josephus who say, "If trees could speak, they would cry out, that it is unjust that they, who were no cause of the war, should suffer the miseries of it." However rendered, the sense is sufficiently clear: and it is a merciful provision to spare all the fruit trees for the support of both the besieged and besiegers.

ikut(TB)/menjadi(TL) <0935> [to employ, etc. Heb. to go from before thee.]

Ulangan 29:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<03212> [I have led.]

pakaianmu(TB/TL) <08008> [your clothes.]

kasutmu(TB)/kasutmupun(TL) <05275> [and thy shoe.]


Aku memimpin

Ul 8:2; [Lihat FULL. Ul 8:2]

di kakimu.

Ul 8:4; [Lihat FULL. Ul 8:4]

Ulangan 23:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Orang(TB)/dihancurkan(TL) <06481> [wounded.]

masuk(TB/TL) <0935> [shall not enter.]

It is evident that his law was not meant to exclude such Israelites either from the common benefits of civil society, or any essential religious advantages; but merely to lay them under a disgraceful distinction. This would tend to discourage parents from thus treating their children; a practice which was exceedingly common in those ages and countries. To this they were induced by the custom which prevailed, of employing such in the houses of the great and the courts of princes; so that they often rose to the highest posts of honour and authority. Some expositors therefore consider the phrase, "shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord," as meaning, that they should be incapable of bearing any office in that government which was placed over the people of God, who must thus enter a protest against this custom, and deliver selfish parents from this temptation.


Judul : Orang yang tidak boleh masuk jemaah Tuhan

Perikop : Ul 23:1-8

buah pelirnya

Im 21:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:20]


Ulangan 4:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


busuk(TB)/membuang(TL) <07843> [corrupt.]

berbentuk(TB)/rupanya(TL) <08403> [the likeness.]

Such as Baal-peor, the Roman Priapus; Ashtaroth or Astarte, the Greek and Roman Venus, and many others.


berlaku busuk

Kej 6:11-12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 6:11]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 6:12]; Ul 9:12; 31:29; 32:5; Hak 2:19 [Semua]

bagimu patung

Kel 20:4-5; Rom 1:23 [Semua]


Ulangan 20:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


takut(TB)/penakut(TL) <03373> [fearful.]

saudara-saudaranya(TB)/saudara-saudaranyapun(TL) <0251> [lest his brethren's.]

tawar(TB/TL) <04549> [faint. Heb. melt.]


seperti hatinya.

Hak 7:3

Ulangan 28:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendatangkan(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <07971> [send.]

huru-hara(TB)/kebinasaan(TL) <04103> [vexation.]

kaukerjakan(TB)/perbuat(TL) <06213> [for to do. Heb. which thou wouldest do. until thou be.]


mendatangkan kutuk,

Ul 28:8,15; Im 26:16; Yer 42:18; Mal 2:2; 3:9; 4:6 [Semua]

dan penghajaran

Mazm 39:12; 76:7; 80:17; Yes 17:13; 51:20; 54:9; 66:15; Yeh 5:15 [Semua]

dan binasa

Ul 4:26

karena jahat

Kel 32:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:22]

Ulangan 28:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


batuk kering(TB)/bala seni(TL) <07829> [a consumption.]

kekeringan(TB/TL) <02719> [sword. or, drought. blasting.]


batuk kering,

Ul 28:48; Ul 32:24 [Semua]

radang, kekeringan,

Im 26:16; 2Raj 8:1; Ayub 12:15; Mazm 105:16; Yer 14:1; Hag 1:11; Mal 3:9 [Semua]

penyakit gandum;

Hag 2:18

akan memburu

Im 26:25; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:25]

engkau binasa.

Ul 4:26; Am 4:9 [Semua]

Ulangan 32:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


busuk .......... merupakan arang(TB)/membusukkan(TL) <07843 03971> [They have corrupted themselves. Heb. He hath corrupted to himself.]

merupakan(TB)/arang(TL) <03971> [their spot, etc. or, that they are not his children, that is their blot.]

bengkok(TB)/terbalik(TL) <06141> [a perverse.]


suatu angkatan

Ul 32:20; Mat 17:17; Luk 9:41; Kis 2:40 [Semua]

Ulangan 32:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lemas(TB)/dikuruskan(TL) <04198> [burnt.]

demam(TB)/halilintar(TL) <07565> [burning heat. Heb. burning coals.]

taring(TB/TL) <08127> [the teeth.]

binatang yang menjalar(TB)/ular yang amat jahat(TL) <02119> [serpents.]


karena lapar

Kej 26:1; Kej 41:55; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:55]; Kej 42:5; 2Sam 24:13; 1Taw 21:12 [Semua]

oleh demam

Ul 28:22; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:22]

penyakit sampar,

Mazm 91:6

taring binatang

Kej 37:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 37:20]

racun binatang

Ul 32:33; Ayub 20:16; Mazm 58:5; Yer 8:17; Am 5:18-19; Mi 7:17 [Semua]

dalam debu.

Ayub 20:16

Ulangan 4:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


beranak(TB) <03205> [beget.]

berlaku busuk(TB)/kebinasaan(TL) <07843> [corrupt. See on ver.]

membuat ........ melakukan .... jahat ........... jahat(TB)/memperbuat .......... berbuat ..... jahat(TL) <07451 06213> [do evil.]


berlaku busuk

Ul 4:16

membuat patung

Ul 4:23

yang jahat

1Raj 11:6; 15:26; 16:25,30; 2Raj 17:2,17; 21:2 [Semua]

Ulangan 9:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bangunlah(TB/TL) <06965> [Arise.]

busuk(TB)/kauhantar(TL) <07843> [corrupted.]

segera ............... segera(TB)/segera ................ segera(TL) <04118> [are quickly.]


berlaku busuk;

Ul 4:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:16]

mereka segera

Hak 2:17

Ulangan 22:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dibuangnya .... menyuruh(TB)/boleh(TL) <03201 07971> [he may not put.]

Ulangan 28:63

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bergirang ...... berbuat .......... bergirang(TB)/dahulu .............. kesukaan(TL) <07797 03190> [rejoiced over.]

bergirang ............... bergirang ..... membinasakan(TB)/dahulu .............. kesukaan(TL) <07797 06> [rejoice over.]

dicabut ... tanah negeri(TB)/dibantun(TL) <05255 0127> [plucked from.]


Tuhan bergirang

Ul 30:9; Yes 62:5; 65:19; Yer 32:41; Zef 3:17 [Semua]

akan bergirang

Ams 1:26

memunahkan kamu,

Kej 6:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 6:7]

akan dicabut

Mazm 52:7; Yer 12:14; 31:28; 45:4 [Semua]

Ulangan 31:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berlaku ... busuk .... menyimpang ..... menyimpang(TB)/dapat tiada .... membusukkan(TL) <07843 05493> [corrupt yourselves.]

malapetaka ......... jahat(TB)/jahat ............... jahat(TL) <07451> [and evil.]

kemudian hari ............ hari(TB)/kemudian hari(TL) <03117 0319> [the latter days.]


sangat busuk

Ul 4:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:16]; Wahy 9:20 [Semua]

hari malapetaka

1Raj 9:9; 22:23; 2Raj 22:16 [Semua]

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