TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Nehemia 2:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tangan ...................... tenaga(TB)/tangan .............................. tangannya(TL) <03027> [the hand.]


sekuat(TB)/dikuatkannya(TL) <02388> [So they strengthened.]


melindungi aku

Ezr 5:5; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 5:5]

Nehemia 2:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [The God.]

bagian(TB)/bahagian(TL) <02506> [ye have no.]

diingat(TB)/peringatan(TL) <02146> [memorial.]

When Nehemiah had prayed for the relief of his countrymen, and perhaps in David's words, Ps 51:18, he did not sit still and say, "Let God now do his own work, for I have no more to do;" but set himself to do what he could towards it; and here we find that the people were of one heart with Nehemiah. Our prayers must be seconded with our serious endeavours, or else we mock God. Nearly four months had passed, namely, from Chisleu to Nisan (November to March), before Nehemiah made his application to the king for leave to go to Jerusalem; either because the winter was not a proper time for such a journey, and he would not make a motion till he could pursue it, or because it was so long before his month of waiting upon the king came, and there was no coming into his presence until called for, Es 4:11. We are not thus limited to certain moments in our addresses to the King of kings, but have liberty of access to him at all times; to the throne of grace we never come unseasonably.


untuk membangun.

Ezr 4:1

punya bagian

Ezr 4:3; Kis 8:21 [Semua]


Nehemia 4:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<02428> [the army.]

gerangan(TB)/letih lesu(TL) <0537> [feeble.]

memperkokoh ......... mempersembahkan korban(TB)/membiarkan(TL) <05800 02076> [fortify themselves. Heb. leave to themselves. sacrifice.]

menghidupkan(TB/TL) <02421> [revive.]


hadapan saudara-saudaranya

Ezr 4:9-10; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 4:9]; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 4:10] [Semua]

timbunan puing

Mazm 79:1; Yer 26:18 [Semua]

Nehemia 4:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sanbalat(TB/TL) <05571> [Sanballat.]

Amon(TB)/Ammoni(TL) <05984> [the Ammonites.]

Asdod(TB)/Asdodi(TL) <0796> [Ashdodites.]

Ketika(TB)/didengar(TL) <08085> [heard.]

perbaikan(TB)/pecah-pecahan(TL) <0724> [were made up. Heb. ascended. then.]


dan Tobia

Neh 2:10; [Lihat FULL. Neh 2:10]

Nehemia 5:7-8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berpikir masak-masak ... hatiku(TB)/hatiku(TL) <03820 04427> [I consulted with myself. Heb. my heart consulted in me.]

menggugat(TB)/aku menggusar(TL) <07378> [I rebuked.]

makan riba(TB)/bunga(TL) <04855 05378> [Ye exact usury.]

kuadakan ..... sidang jemaah ... besar(TB)/berpikirlah(TL) <01419 06952 05414> [I set a great assembly.]


makan riba

Kel 22:25-27; Im 25:35-37; [Lihat FULL. Im 25:35] s/d 37; Ul 23:19-20; 24:10-13 [Semua]


tebus ... kuat(TL) <01767> [We after.]

berusaha sedapat-dapatnya(TB)/Bahwa ...................... manakan(TL) <07069> [redeemed.]

saudara ...... sesama ..... dijual ......... menjual saudara-saudaramu .... dibeli ... saudaramu(TB)/dijual ................. menjual ......... dijual(TL) <04376 0251> [sell your.]

dijual ......... menjual ..... dibeli(TB)/dijual ................. menjual ......... dijual(TL) <04376> [shall they.]

berdiam(TB)/diamlah(TL) <02790> [held.]


untuk menebus

Im 25:47

dapat membantah.

Yer 34:8

Nehemia 6:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


desas-desus(TB)/kedengaranlah(TL) <08085> [It is reported.]

Gasymu(TB)/Gasmupun(TL) <01654> [Gashmu.]

[Geshem. that thou and.]

menjadi(TB/TL) <01933> [that thou mayest.]


dan Gasymu

Neh 2:19; [Lihat FULL. Neh 2:19]

Nehemia 7:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pintu-pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu gerbang(TL) <08179> [Let not the gates.]

This is, the gates were not to be opened till sun-rise, and to be shut at sun-set; which is still the custom in many cities of the East. If a traveller arrives after sun-set, he finds the gates shut, and on no consideration will they open them till morning.

penjaga-penjaga ...... masing-masing ........ rumahnya ..... rumahnya(TB)/masing-masing ..... masing-masing(TL) <0376 01004> [every one to be.]

Nehemia 8:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<03212> [Go your way.]

kamu makanlah(TB)/makanlah(TL) <0398> [eat.]

kirimlah(TB/TL) <07971> [send.]

sukacita(TB)/kesukaan(TL) <02304> [the joy.]


sedia apa-apa,

1Sam 25:8; 2Sam 6:19; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 6:19]; Est 9:22; Luk 14:12-14 [Semua]

sebab sukacita

Im 23:40; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:40]; Ul 12:18; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:18]; Ul 16:11,14-15 [Semua]


Nehemia 8:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


atap(TB)/sotoh(TL) <01406> [the roof.]

pekarangan ..... pelataran-pelataran(TB)/penghadapannya .... penghadapan(TL) <02691> [the courts.]

lapangan pintu gerbang Air .... lapangan pintu gerbang(TB)/halaman pintu Air .... halaman pintu(TL) <04325 08179 07339> [the street of the water gate.]

pintu gerbang ...... pintu gerbang Efraim Efrayim(TB)/pintu ...... pintu Efrayim(TL) <08179 0669> [gate of Ephraim.]


gerbang Air

Neh 3:26; [Lihat FULL. Neh 3:26]

gerbang Efraim.

2Taw 25:23; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 25:23]

Nehemia 9:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


besar(TB)/kebesaran(TL) <07227> [in thy.]

Tiang .................. tiang(TB)/tiang .................. tiang(TL) <05982> [the pillar.]


tidak meninggalkan

Kel 13:22

Tiang awan

Kel 13:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 13:21]

Nehemia 9:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyerahkan(TB)/Lalu .... mengaruniai(TL) <05414> [thou.]

membagikan(TB)/Kaubahagi-bahagi(TL) <02505> [divide.]

Sihon(TB/TL) <05511> [Sihon.]


dari Sihon,

Bil 21:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:21]

negeri Basan.

Bil 21:33; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:33]; Ul 2:26-3:11 [Semua]

Nehemia 9:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kembali ... berbuat jahat ............... Kembali(TB)/kembali .... berbuat .... jahat ....................... bertobat(TL) <07451 07725 06213> [did evil again. Heb. returned to do evil.]

mendengar(TB/TL) <08085> [heardest.]

zaman(TB)/beberapa berapa zaman(TL) <06256 07227> [many times.]


di hadapan-Mu.

Kel 32:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:22]; Hak 2:17; [Lihat FULL. Hak 2:17] [Semua]

lalu menolong

Mazm 22:5; 106:43; 136:24 [Semua]

kasih sayang-Mu.

2Sam 24:14; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 24:14]

Nehemia 9:35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


beribadah(TB)/ibadat(TL) <05647> [For they.]

kedudukan(TB)/kerajaan(TL) <04438> [in their kingdom.]

Instead of {bemalkuthom,} "in their kingdom," {bemalkuthecha,} "in thy kingdom," is the reading of two of Dr. Kennicott's MSS., LXX., Syriac, and Arabic.

banyak(TB) <07227> [thy great.]

tanah negeri .... subur(TB)/negeri ...... subur(TL) <0776 08082> [fat land.]


mau beribadah

Ul 28:45-48 [Semua]

banyak kebaikan

Yes 63:7

TIP #14: Gunakan Boks Temuan untuk melakukan penyelidikan lebih jauh terhadap kata dan ayat yang Anda cari. [SEMUA]
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