TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ibrani 12:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ingatlah selalu(TB)/timbangkanlah(TL) <357> [consider.]

bantahan(TB)/mengatas(TL) <485> [contradiction.]

<3363> [lest.]


menjadi lemah

Gal 6:9; Wahy 2:3 [Semua]

Ibrani 12:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sudah lupakah(TB)/lupa(TL) <1585> [ye have forgotten.]

nasihat(TB)/nasehat(TL) <3874> [the exhortation.]

anggap enteng(TB)/meringankan(TL) <3643> [despise.]

dan janganlah tawar asa(TB)/jangan tawar(TL) <3366 1590> [nor faint.]


putus asa

Ibr 12:3

Catatan Frasa: DIDIKAN TUHAN.

Ayub 4:3-4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengajar(TB)/kauajar(TL) <03256> [Behold.]

kuatkan(TB)/kaukuatkan(TL) <02388> [and thou hast.]


mengajar banyak

Ul 32:2; Ayub 29:23; Hos 6:3 [Semua]

dan tangan

Ayub 26:2; Mazm 71:9; Yes 13:7; 35:3; Zef 3:16; Ibr 12:12 [Semua]


dibangunkan(TB)/dibangkit pula(TL) <06965> [upholden.]

lutut ... lemas(TB)/lutut ... lipat(TL) <01290 03766> [feeble knees. Heb. bowing knees.]


yang jatuh

Ayub 16:5; 29:16,25; Yes 1:17 [Semua]

kata-katamu, dan lutut

Ayub 29:11,15; Yes 35:3; Yer 31:8; Ibr 12:12 [Semua]

Yesaya 35:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible



teguhkanlah lutut

Ayub 4:4; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 4:4]; Ibr 12:12 [Semua]

Yehezkiel 7:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tangan(TB/TL) <03027> [hands.]

air(TB/TL) <04325 03212> [be weak as water. Heb. go into water.]


tangan terkulai

2Raj 19:26; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 19:26]; Yer 47:3; [Lihat FULL. Yer 47:3]; Yeh 21:7; 22:14 [Semua]

terkencing ketakutan.

Dan 5:6

Yehezkiel 21:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengeluh(TB)/berkeluh(TL) <0584> [Wherefore.]

berita(TB)/kabar(TL) <08052> [For the.]

hati ............ semangat(TB)/hati ............. nyawapun(TL) <03820 07307> [and every.]

tangan(TB/TL) <03027> [all hands.]

menghilang(TB)/padam(TL) <03543> [faint.]

air(TB/TL) <04325 03212> [weak as water. Heb. go into water.]

7:17 *marg:

tersiar ....................... datang(TB)/datang .............................. sampai(TL) <0935> [it cometh.]


engkau mengeluh?

Ayub 23:2; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 23:2]

menjadi tawar

Yos 7:5; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:5]

lemah lesu,

Yer 47:3; [Lihat FULL. Yer 47:3]; Yeh 22:14 [Semua]

semangat menghilang

Mazm 6:3; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 6:3]

terkencing ketakutan.

Im 26:36; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:36]; Ayub 11:16; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 11:16] [Semua]

Daniel 5:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


raja(TB)/baginda(TL) <04430> [the king's.]

pucat(TB)/seri(TL) <02122> [countenance. Chal. brightness.]


menjadi(TB)/berubahlah(TL) <08133> [was changed. Chal. changed it. and his thoughts.]

sendi-sendi(TB)/pengikat(TL) <07001> [so that.]

sendi-sendi(TB)/pengikat(TL) <07001> [joints. or, girdles.]

[Chal. bindings, or knots. and his knees.]


menjadi pucat,

Ayub 4:15; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 4:15]

pikiran-pikirannya menggelisahkan

Dan 4:5; [Lihat FULL. Dan 4:5]

menjadi lemas

Mazm 22:15; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 22:15]; Yeh 7:17 [Semua]

lututnya berantukan.

Yes 7:2; [Lihat FULL. Yes 7:2]

Nahum 2:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ketandusan(TB)/hampalah(TL) <0950> [She is.]

Nineveh was taken and utterly ruined by Assuerus, or Cyaxares, king of Media, and Nabuchodonosor, or Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, B.C. 606, or 612. Diodorus, who with others ascribes the taking of it to Arbaces the Mede and Belesis the Babylonian, says that he "dispersed the citizens in the villages, levelled the city with the ground, transferred the gold and silver, of which there were many talents, to Ecbatana the metropolis of the Medes, and this subverted the empire of the Assyrians."

Ketandusan(TB)/hampalah(TL) <0950> [empty.]

Hati(TB)/hati(TL) <03820> [the heart.]

lutut(TB/TL) <01290> [the knees.]

gemetar(TB)/sakit(TL) <02479> [and much.]

muka(TB/TL) <06440> [and the faces.]


menjadi tawar

Yos 2:11; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:11]; Yos 7:5; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:5] [Semua]

pucat pasi.

Yes 29:22; [Lihat FULL. Yes 29:22]

Nahum 2:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pembongkar(TB)/terbang(TL) <06327> [He that dasheth in pieces. or, The disperser, or, hammer.]

engkau ... penjagaan(TB)/Tungguilah(TL) <05341> [keep.]


Judul : Kebinasaan Niniwe

Perikop : Nah 2:1-13


Yer 51:20

Catatan Frasa: PEMBONGKAR.

Nahum 1:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perintah(TB)/berfirman(TL) <06680> [given.]

namamu(TB)/kepujianmu(TL) <08034> [that.]

rumah(TB/TL) <01004> [out.]

Kujadikan(TL) <07760> [I will make.]

hina(TB)/mencelakan(TL) <07043> [for.]


dengan namamu.

Yes 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Yes 14:22]

melenyapkan patung

Mi 5:12


Yer 28:8; [Lihat FULL. Yer 28:8]; Yeh 32:22-23 [Semua]

engkau hina.

Yes 40:9; Rom 10:15 [Semua]

TIP #15: Gunakan tautan Nomor Strong untuk mempelajari teks asli Ibrani dan Yunani. [SEMUA]
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