TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Nehemia 9:10-17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memperlihatkan(TB)/mengadakan(TL) <05414> [shewedst.]

angkuh(TB)/congkak(TL) <02102> [they.]

demikian .... memasyhurkan(TB)/mengadakan(TL) <06213> [didst.]


memperlihatkan tanda-tanda

Kel 10:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 10:1]; Mazm 74:9 [Semua]

dan mujizat-mujizat

Kel 3:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:20]; Kel 6:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:6] [Semua]

memasyhurkan nama-Mu

Yer 32:20; Dan 9:15 [Semua]

memasyhurkan nama-Mu

Bil 6:27; [Lihat FULL. Bil 6:27]


membelah(TB)/membelahkan(TL) <01234> [divide.]

pengejar-pengejar(TB)/mengusir(TL) <07291> [their persecutors.]

batu(TB/TL) <068> [as a stone.]


hadapan mereka

Mazm 78:13

yang dalam,

Kel 14:28; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:28]

ke air

Kel 15:4-5,10; Ibr 11:29 [Semua]


memimpin(TB)/menghantar(TL) <05148> [thou leddest.]

jalan(TB/TL) <01870> [in the way.]


tiang awan

Kel 13:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 13:21]

Engkau memimpin

Kel 15:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:13]

siang hari

Ul 1:33; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:33]


turun(TB/TL) <03381> [camest.]

berbicara(TB)/berfirman(TL) <01696> [spakest.]

memberikan(TB)/menganugerahi(TL) <05414> [gavest.]

hukum-hukum ... benar ...... firman(TB)/firman ... tiada berkecelaan(TL) <08451 0571> [true laws. Heb. laws of truth.]


gunung Sinai

Kel 19:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:11]

dan berbicara

Kel 19:19; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:19]

dari langit

Kel 20:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:22]

yang adil,

Mazm 119:137

yang baik.

Kel 20:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:1]; Ul 4:7-8 [Semua]


Kauberitahukan(TB)/tahu(TL) <03045> [madest.]

memberikan(TB)/berpesan(TL) <06680> [commandedst.]

Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]


mereka sabat-Mu

Kej 2:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 2:3]; Kel 20:8-11 [Semua]


Kauberikan .................................. Kaujanjikan memberikannya(TB)/mengaruniakan .............................................. mengaruniakan(TL) <05414> [gavest.]

Kaukeluarkan(TB)/menerbitkan(TL) <03318> [broughtest.]

memasuki(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <0935> [go.]

mengangkat sumpah(TB)/tangan-Mu(TL) <03027> [sworn. Heb. lift up thine hand.]


dari langit

Kel 16:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:4]; Mazm 78:24-25; Yoh 6:31 [Semua]

gunung batu

Kel 17:6; Bil 20:7-13 [Semua]

mengangkat sumpah

Kej 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:22]

kepada mereka.

Ul 1:8,21 [Semua]


angkuh(TB)/congkak(TL) <02102> [dealt.]

bersitegang(TB)/ditegarkannya(TL) <07185> [hardened.]

patuh(TB)/mendengar(TL) <08085> [hearkened.]

There were two things to which the Israelites did not duly give heed, else they had not done as they did. The word of God they heard, but they gave no heed to God's commandments: and the works of God they saw, but were not mindful of his wonders. Had they really considered them as miracles, they would have obeyed from a principle of faith and holy fear: had they duly considered them as mercies, they would have obeyed from a principle of gratitude and holy love.


bersitegang leher

Kel 32:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:9]; Yer 7:26; 17:23; 19:15 [Semua]

kepada perintah-perintah-Mu.

Ul 1:26-33; 31:29 [Semua]


menolak(TB)/engganlah(TL) <03985> [refused.]

mengingat(TB)/diingatnya(TL) <02142> [mindful.]

Mesir(TB)/durhakanya(TL) <04805> [in their rebellion.]

Instead of {bemiryam,} "in their rebellion," seven MSS., one edition, and the LXX., have {bemitzrayim,} "in Egypt:" "appointed a captain to return to their bondage in Egypt."

leher(TB)/ditentukannya(TL) <05414> [appointed.]

Allah(TB/TL) <0433> [a God.]

sudi(TB)/mengampuni(TL) <05547> [ready to pardon. Heb. of pardons. gracious.]

meninggalkan(TB)/Kautinggalkan(TL) <05800> [forsookest.]


tidak mengingat

Hak 8:34; Mazm 78:42 [Semua]

yang ajaib

Mazm 77:12; 78:12; 105:5; 106:7 [Semua]

bersitegang leher

Yer 7:26; 19:15 [Semua]

ke perbudakan

Bil 14:1-4 [Semua]

Engkaulah Allah

Mazm 130:4; Dan 9:9 [Semua]

dan penyayang,

Ul 4:31; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:31]

panjang sabar

Kel 34:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 34:6]; Mazm 103:8; Nah 1:3 [Semua]

kasih setia-Nya.

Kel 22:27; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:27]; Bil 14:17-19; Mazm 86:15 [Semua]

meninggalkan mereka.

Mazm 78:11; Yeh 5:6 [Semua]


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