TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 33:49

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bet-Yesimot(TB)/Yesimot(TL) <01020> [Beth-jesimoth.]

Probably the place called Bethsimath by Eusebius, east of Jordan, and about ten miles south of Jericho.

Abel-Sitim(TB)/Abel-Sittim(TL) <063> [Abel-shittim. or, the plains of Shittim.]

This place, according to Josephus, (Ant. 1. iv. c. 7,  1. Bell. 1. v. c. 3,) who calls it Abela, was 60 furlongs east of Jordan.


dari Bet-Yesimot

Yos 12:3; 13:20; Yeh 25:9 [Semua]

ke Abel-Sitim

Bil 21:16; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:16]

Bilangan 3:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible



sebelah selatan.

Bil 1:53; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:53]

Bilangan 3:35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkemah(TB)/mendirikan(TL) <02583> [shall.]

utara(TB/TL) <06828> [northward.]


Kemah Suci

Bil 2:25; [Lihat FULL. Bil 2:25]

Bilangan 33:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dari tempat persinggahan ke tempat persinggahan ........ tempat-tempat persinggahan(TB)/perhentiannya ........ perhentian(TL) <04550> [journeys.]


Musa menuliskan

Kel 17:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 17:14]


Bil 33:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 33:1]

Bilangan 6:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kenazirannya(TB)/nazir(TL) <05145> [separation. or, Nazariteship.]

pohon anggur ... pokok(TB)/pokok anggur(TL) <01612 03196> [vine tree. Heb. vine of the wine.]

Bilangan 22:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sahut ... berkata ....... keledaimu ............. Jawabnya ............ sahut(TB)/sahut keledai ........ keledai ........................ sahut(TL) <0559 0860> [the ass said.]

kautunggangi(TB)/mengendarai(TL) <07392> [upon which thou hast ridden. Heb. who hast ridden upon me. ever since I was thine. or, ever since thou wast, unto, etc.]

Bilangan 11:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible


homer(TB)/timbunan yang besar-besar(TL) <02563> [homers.]

Bilangan 14:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Judul : Pemberontakan umat Israel

Perikop : Bil 14:1-38

itu menangis

Kej 27:38; [Lihat FULL. Kej 27:38]; Kel 33:4; Bil 25:6; Ul 1:45; Hak 20:23,26; 2Sam 3:32; Ayub 31:29 [Semua]

Bilangan 13:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Amalek(TB)/Amaleki(TL) <06002> [Amalekites.]

Het(TB)/Heti(TL) <02850> [the Hittites.]


Orang Amalek

Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

orang Het,

Kej 10:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:15]; Ul 7:1; 20:17; 1Raj 9:20; 10:29; 2Raj 7:6 [Semua]

orang Yebus

Kel 3:8; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:8]

orang Amori

Kej 10:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:16]

di pegunungan,

Bil 13:17

orang Kanaan

Kej 10:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:18]

sungai Yordan.

Kej 13:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 13:10]; Bil 22:1; 32:5; Ul 1:1; Yos 1:2; Hak 3:28; Mazm 42:7 [Semua]

Bilangan 21:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


api(TB/TL) <0784> [a fire.]

Ar-Moab ...... Moab(TB)/Ar ... Moab(TL) <06144 04124> [Ar of Moab.]


kediaman Sihon,

Yer 48:45

memakan habis

Bil 11:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:1]


Bil 21:15; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:15]

atas bukit-bukit

Bil 22:41; Ul 12:2; Yos 13:17; Yes 15:2; Yer 19:5 [Semua]

Bilangan 6:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pisau cukur(TB/TL) <08593> [razor.]


janganlah pisau

Mazm 52:2; 57:5; 59:8; Yes 7:20; Yeh 5:1 [Semua]

di kepalanya;

1Sam 1:11


Bilangan 14:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berpanjangan(TB)/panjang(TL) <0750> [long-suffering.]

membalaskan(TB)/dibalasnya(TL) <06485> [visiting.]


dan pelanggaran,

Kel 20:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:6]; Kel 34:6; Mazm 145:8; Yun 4:2; Yak 5:11 [Semua]

kepada keturunan

Kel 20:5

Bilangan 34:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Laut Asin Tasik-Masin(TB)/Tasik-Masin(TL) <03220 04417> [the salt sea.]

Bilangan 10:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


meniup(TB)/bertiup(TL) <08628> [ye shall blow.]

semboyan(TB)/seru-seru(TL) <07321> [sound.]


harus meniup

Yer 4:5; 6:1; Yeh 33:3; Yoel 2:1 [Semua]

tanda semboyan.

1Kor 14:8

Bilangan 10:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 14:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bilangan 21:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menembaki(TB)/parang(TL) <03384> [have shot.]

Dibon(TB/TL) <01769> [Dibon.]


ke Dibon,

Bil 32:3; Yos 13:9,17; Neh 11:25; Yes 15:2; Yer 48:18,22 [Semua]

ke Medeba.

Yos 13:16; 1Taw 19:7 [Semua]

Bilangan 22:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


jalan(TB/TL) <01870> [where was no way.]

Bilangan 35:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seribu hasta(TB/TL) <0520 0505> [thousand cubits.]

The Septuagint reads [dischilious pecheis] "two thousand cubits," as in the following verse; but this reading is not acknowledged by any other ancient version, except the Coptic, nor by any of the MSS. collated by Kennicott and De Rossi. Various modes have been proposed for reconciling the accounts in these two verses, which appear in general to require full as much explanation as the text itself. The explanation of Maimonides is the only one that is intelligible, and appears perfectly satisfactory. "The suburbs," says he, "of the cities are expressed in the law to be 3,000 cubits on every side, from the wall of the city and outwards. The first 1,000 cubits are the suburbs; and the 2,000, which they measured without the suburbs, were for fields and vineyards." The whole therefore, of the city, suburbs, fields, and vineyards, may be represented by the following diagram:-- ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Fields and vineyards. ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ Suburbs. ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ City. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ³ ³ 1,000 Cubits ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ 2,000 Cubits ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ


Bilangan 6:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mencukur kepala ............ kepada(TB/TL) <07218 01548> [shave the head.]

The hair, which was permitted to grow for this purpose, was shaven off, as a token that the vow was accomplished.

melemparkannya .... api(TB)/dibubuhnya(TL) <05414 0784> [and put it.]


rambut kenazirannya

Bil 6:9; Kis 21:24 [Semua]

Bilangan 30:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible



apabila suaminya

Kej 3:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 3:6]

isterinya itu.

Bil 30:5

Bilangan 34:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ujung selatanmu ........... selatanmu(TB)/ujung selatan ................. sebelah selatan(TL) <06285 05045> [south quarter.]

Laut Asin ... sebelah timur(TB)/timur .... Tasik-Masin(TL) <03220 06924 04417> [salt sea eastward.]

The lake Asphaltites, Dead sea, or Salt sea, is, according to the most authentic accounts, about 70 miles in length, and 18 in breadth. Viewing this sea from the spot where the Jordan discharges its waters into it, it takes a south-easterly direction, visible for ten or fifteen miles, when it disappears in a curve towards the east. Its surface is generally unruffled, from the hollow of the basin in which it lies scarcely admitting the free passage necessary for a strong breeze: it is, however, for the same reason, subject to whirlwinds or squalls of short duration. The mountains on each side are apparently separated by a distance of eight miles; but the expanse of water at this point has been supposed not to exceed five or six: as it advances towards the south, it evidently increases in breadth. The acrid saltness of its waters is much greater than that of the sea; and of such specific gravity that bodies will float on it that would sink in common sea-water. It is probably on this account that few fish can live in it; though the monks of St. Saba affirmed to Dr. Shaw, that they had seen fish caught in it.


gurun Zin

Bil 13:21; Yos 15:1-3 [Semua]

Laut Asin

Kej 14:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:3]

Bilangan 6:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengolah(TB)/disediakan(TL) <06213> [offer.]

menguduskan(TB)/disucikannya(TL) <06942> [and shall.]



penghapus dosa

Kel 30:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:10]

korban bakaran,

Kej 8:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:20]

mengadakan pendamaian

Kel 29:36; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:36]

Bilangan 11:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pangkulah ...... memangku anak ... pangkuanmu(TB)/Pangkulah ......... pengasuh(TL) <05375 02436> [Carry them.]

pengasuh(TB)/memperanakkankah ................... memangku(TL) <0539> [as a nursing.]

tanah(TB)/negeri(TL) <0127> [the land.]


yang menyusu,

Yes 40:11; 49:23; 66:11,12 [Semua]

dengan bersumpah

Bil 14:16

nenek moyangnya?

Kej 12:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:7]; Kel 13:5 [Semua]


Bilangan 28:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


korban-korban curahannya

Bil 15:7; [Lihat FULL. Bil 15:7]

bulan baru

Bil 28:11; 2Taw 2:4; Ezr 3:5 [Semua]

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