Kisah Para Rasul 18:2
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Akwila(TB)/Akila(TL) <207> [Aquila.] dari Pontus(TB)/peranakan negeri Pontus(TL) <4193> [Pontus.] Klaudius(TB)/Kelaudius(TL) <2804> [Claudius.] |
Di Korintus Kis 19:1; 1Kor 1:2; 2Kor 1:1,23; 2Tim 4:20 [Semua] dengan Priskila, Kis 18:19,26; Rom 16:3; 1Kor 16:19; 2Tim 4:19 [Semua] kaisar Klaudius |
Kisah Para Rasul 18:18
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Siria(TB)/benua(TL) <4947> [Syria.] Priskila(TB)/Periskila(TL) <4252> [Priscilla.] mencukur rambutnya(TB)/yaitu .... mencukur(TL) <2751> [having.] Kengkrea(TB)/Kenkeria(TL) <2747> [Cenchrea.] Cenchrea, now Kenkri, was the port of Corinth, on the east side of the isthmus, and about nine miles from the city. |
Judul : Paulus kembali ke Antiokhia Perikop : Kis 18:18-23 kepada saudara-saudara Kis 18:27; Kis 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Kis 1:16] [Semua] ke Siria, Luk 2:2; [Lihat FULL. Luk 2:2] di Kengkrea, telah bernazar. Bil 6:2,5,18; Kis 21:24 [Semua] dan Akwila Kis 18:2; [Lihat FULL. Kis 18:2] |
Kisah Para Rasul 18:26
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
mengajar dengan berani(TB)/beraninya(TL) <3955> [to speak.] Akwila(TB)/Akila(TL) <207> [Aquila.] menjelaskan(TB)/menerangkan(TL) <1620> [expounded.] |
dan Akwila Kis 18:2; [Lihat FULL. Kis 18:2] |
Roma 16:3-4
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Sampaikan salam(TB)/Sampaikanlah(TL) <782> [Greet.] Had the notes of time in this epistle fixed the writing of it to any date prior to St. Paul's first residence at Corinth, the salutation of Aquila and Priscilla would have contradicted the history, because it would have been prior to his acquaintance with these persons. If they had fixed it during that residence at Corinth, during his journey to Jerusalem, or during his progress through Asia Minor, an equal contradiction would have been incurred because, during all that time, they were either with St. Paul, or abiding at Ephesus. Lastly, had they fixed this epistle to be either contemporary with the first epistle to the Corinthians, or prior to it, a similar contradiction would have ensued, for they were then with St. Paul. As it is, all things are consistent.--See Dr. Paley. <4252> [Priscilla.] sekerjaku(TB)/kawan-kawanku(TL) <3450> [my.] |
dan Akwila, Kis 18:2; [Lihat FULL. Kis 18:2] teman-teman sekerjaku Fili 2:25; [Lihat FULL. Fili 2:25] Kristus Yesus. Rom 16:7,9,10; Rom 8:1,39; 1Kor 1:30; 2Kor 5:17; Gal 1:22; 5:6; Ef 1:13 [Semua] |
Mereka telah mempertaruhkan(TB)/tengkuknya(TL) <5294> [have.] Mereka telah mempertaruhkan(TB)/tengkuknya(TL) <5294> [laid.] juga(TB/TL) <2532> [also.] |
Roma 16:2
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
kamu menyambut(TB)/Terimalah(TL) <4327> [ye receive.] seharusnya(TB)/patut(TL) <516> [as.] Karena(TL) <1063> [for.] |
dalam Tuhan, orang-orang kudus, Kis 9:13; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:13] |
Titus 1:1
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
hamba(TB/TL) <1401> [a servant.] iman(TB/TL) <4102> [faith.] pengetahuan(TB/TL) <1922> [the acknowledging.] karena .............. menurut sebagaimana(TL) <2596> [after.] |
Judul : Salam Perikop : Tit 1:1-4 hamba Allah dan rasul 1Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 1:1 ] akan kebenaran 1Tim 2:4; [Lihat FULL. 1Tim 2:4 ] dalam ibadah 1Tim 2:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Tim 2:2] Catatan Frasa: KEBENARAN SEPERTI YANG NAMPAK DALAM IBADAH KITA |