TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 20:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tongkatmu(TB)/tongkat(TL) <04294> [the rod.]

katakanlah(TB)/berkatalah(TL) <01696> [speak.]

mengeluarkan(TB/TL) <03318> [bring forth.]


Ambillah tongkatmu

Kel 4:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:2]; Kel 10:12-13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 10:12]; [Lihat FULL. Kel 10:13] [Semua]

diberi airnya;

Kel 17:6; Yes 41:18; 43:20; Yer 31:9 [Semua]


Bilangan 21:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Beer(TB)/Beir(TL) <0876> [Beer.]

Kumpulkanlah(TB/TL) <0622> [Gather.]


ke Beer.

Bil 25:1; 33:49; Hak 9:21; Yes 15:8 [Semua]

Bilangan 21:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Arad(TB)/Harad(TL) <06166> [Arad.]

jalan Atarim ........ orang pengintai(TB)/jalan orang pengintai(TL) <0871 01870> [the way of the spies.]

Dr. Kennicott remarks, that the word {atharim,} rendered spies in our version, is in the Greek a proper name ([Atharein,] Atharim).

berperang(TB)/berperanglah(TL) <03898> [then.]


Judul : Negeri Arad dibinasakan

Perikop : Bil 21:1-3

negeri Arad,

Bil 33:40; Yos 12:14 [Semua]

Tanah Negeb,

Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9]; Bil 13:17; Ul 1:7; Hak 1:9,16 [Semua]

Bilangan 13:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible

Bilangan 15:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hendak mempersembahkan .................................. demikian menyediakan(TB)/maka ...... menyediakan ............................ mempersembahkan(TL) <06213> [will make.]

bakaran(TB)/korban bakaran(TL) <05930> [a burnt.]

sembelihan(TB)/korban sembelihan(TL) <02077> [a sacrifice.]

membayar(TB)/menyampaikan(TL) <06381> [performing. Heb. separating.]

sukarela(TB)/persembahan dari keridlaan hati(TL) <05071> [or in a free-will.]

perayaan-perayaanmu(TB)/masamu raya(TL) <04150> [in your.]

menyenangkan(TB)/harum(TL) <05207> [a sweet.]

lembu(TB/TL) <01241> [the herd.]

Under the term {bakar,} are comprehended the ox, heifer, etc; and under {tzon,} are included sheep and goats. The animals enjoined in the Levitical law are the very same which commanded Abraham to offer. (Ge 15:9.) Hence it is evident, that God delivered to the patriarchs an epitome of that law which was afterwards given in detail to Moses, the essence of which consisted in its sacrifices; and these sacrifices were of clean animals, the most perfect, useful, and healthy of all that are brought under the immediate government of man. Gross feeding and ferocious animals were all excluded, as well as all birds of prey.


kambing domba,

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

korban bakaran

Im 1:3; Bil 28:13 [Semua]

persembahan sukarela

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]; Ezr 1:4; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 1:4] [Semua]

waktu perayaan-perayaanmu,

Im 23:1-44 [Semua]

bagi Tuhan,

Bil 15:24; Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9] [Semua]

Bilangan 15:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Kuberikan kepadamu

Im 23:10; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:10]

Bilangan 5:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


supaya ................... disuruh .... perkemahan ... tentara(TB)/disuruhkannya ...................... tentara(TL) <04264 07971> [put out of the camp.]

The camp of Israel being now formed, with the sanctuary of God in the centre, orders were given that the lepers and unclean persons should be excluded from the camp, according to the laws given at different times on these subjects. See the Marginal References.) This expulsion was founded, 1. On a purely physical reason; for the diseases were contagious, and therefore there was a necessity of putting those afflicted with them apart, that the infection might not be communicated. 2. There was also a spiritual reason: the camp was the habitation of God; and therefore, in honour of Him who had thus condescended to dwell with them, nothing impure should be permitted to remain. 3. Further, there was a typical reason; for the camp was the emblem of the church, where nothing that is defiled should enter, and in which nothing that is unholy should be tolerated.

lelehan(TB)/berbeser(TL) <02100> [and every.]

najis(TB/TL) <02931> [and whosoever.]


sakit kusta,

Im 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:2]

mengeluarkan lelehan,

Im 15:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 15:2]; Mat 9:20 [Semua]

yang najis

Im 13:3; Bil 9:6-10 [Semua]

oleh mayat

Im 21:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:11]


Bilangan 5:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seseorang(TB)/seorang(TL) <0376> [When.]

orang(TL) <05315> [and that person.]

This expression does not merely refer to the actual criminality of the person, but to his consciousness of guilt respecting it: for this case must be distinguished from that of a person detected in dishonesty, which he attempted to conceal.


berubah setia

Im 6:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 6:2]

menjadi bersalah,

Im 5:14-6:7 [Semua]

Bilangan 30:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seorang laki-laki(TB/TL) <0376> [If a man.]

The preceding chapters had treated of sacrifices required by law; and in the laws here delivered in respect to vows must have been very useful, as they both prevented and annulled rash vows, and provided a proper sanction for the support and performance of those which were rationally made, and which were made to the Lord.

bernazar bernazar(TB)/bernazar(TL) <05087 05088> [vow a vow.]

bersumpah(TB)/berjanji(TL) <07650> [swear.]

mengikat(TB)/menjauhkan(TL) <0631> [to bind.]

melanggar(TB)/mungkir(TL) <02490> [break. Heb. profane.]

Ps 55:20 *marg:

berbuat(TB)/disampaikannya(TL) <06213> [he shall do.]


yang diucapkannya.

Ul 23:21-23; Hak 11:35; Ayub 22:27; Mazm 22:26; 50:14; 61:6,9; 76:12; 116:14; Ams 20:25; Pengkh 5:4,5; Yes 19:21; Yun 1:16; 2:9 [Semua]


Bilangan 30:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


janji(TB)/menjauhkan(TL) <0632> [and every.]

merendahkan(TB/TL) <06031> [to afflict.]

Bilangan 30:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Judul : Nazar kaum perempuan

Perikop : Bil 30:1-16

suku Israel,

Bil 1:4; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:4]

Nehemia 8:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rakyat(TB)/banyak(TL) <05971> [A.M. 3559. B.C. 445. all the people.]

serentak ...... orang(TB)/orang satu(TL) <0259 0376> [as one man.]

depan(TB)/hadapan(TL) <06440> [before.]

Ezra(TB/TL) <05830> [Ezra.]

membawa(TB/TL) <0935> [bring.]


Judul : Ezra membaca kitab Taurat --Hari raya Pondok Daun

Perikop : Neh 8:1-18

gerbang Air.

Neh 3:26; [Lihat FULL. Neh 3:26]

Taurat Musa,

Ul 28:61; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:61]; 2Taw 34:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 34:15] [Semua]

Mazmur 22:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memuji-muji(TB)/pujiku(TL) <08416> [My praise.]

kubayar(TB) <07999> [I will.]


dalam jemaah

Mazm 26:12; 35:18; 40:10; 82:1 [Semua]


Bil 30:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 30:2]

Kisah Para Rasul 2:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hari(TB/TL) <2250> [the day.]

<2258> [they.]


Judul : Roh Kudus datang pada hari Pentakosta

Perikop : Kis 2:1-13

hari Pentakosta,

Im 23:15,16; Kis 20:16; 1Kor 16:8 [Semua]

percaya berkumpul

Kis 1:14

Catatan Frasa: PENTAKOSTA.

TIP #24: Gunakan Studi Kamus untuk mempelajari dan menyelidiki segala aspek dari 20,000+ istilah/kata. [SEMUA]
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