TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 1:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seseorang(TB)/seorang(TL) <0120> [If any.]

persembahan ..... persembahanmu(TB)/persembahan(TL) <07133> [an offering.]

{Korban,} from {karav} to approach, an introductory offering, or offering of access, in allusion to the present which is always required in the East, on being introduced to a superior.


kepada Tuhan,

Im 7:16,38; 22:21; 23:38; 27:9 [Semua]

dari ternak,

Im 22:18-19; Bil 15:3 [Semua]


Imamat 4:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lemak ...... lemak(TB)/lemaknya ......... lemak(TL) <02459> [all the fat.]

menyenangkan(TB)/harum(TL) <05207> [a sweet.]

imam ............. imam(TB/TL) <03548> [and the priest.]


atas mezbah

Im 4:35

bagi Tuhan.

Kej 8:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:21]

mengadakan pendamaian

Im 1:4

menerima pengampunan.

Im 4:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:20]

Imamat 4:35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dipisahkannya ... juga(TB)/padanya ... diambil(TL) <05493> [And he.]

api-apian(TB)/api(TL) <0801> [according.]

imam ................. imam ... pendamaian ........ gafirat(TB)/imam ............ imam(TL) <03548 03722> [and the priest shall make.]


atas mezbah

Im 4:31

Imamat 5:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyebabkan ...... dibayar ............. pendamaian(TB)/dipulangkannya ................. gafirat(TL) <07999 03722> [make.]

seperlima(TB)/dikurangkannya ... dosanya ........ hendaklah dipulangkannya ...... seperlimanya ... dibawanya(TL) <02549> [the fifth.]

imam Imam(TB)/imam .... imam(TL) <03548> [and the priest.]


dibayar gantinya

Im 6:4

menambah seperlima,

Im 5:15; Im 27:13; Bil 5:7 [Semua]

Imamat 5:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membawa(TB)/dibawanya(TL) <0935> [And he.]

korban penebus salah(TB)/korban karena salahnya(TL) <0817> [for a trespass.]

imam .................. Imam(TB)/imam(TL) <03548> [and the priest.]


penebus salah.

Im 6:6; 14:12 [Semua]

menerima pengampunan.

Im 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:15]

Imamat 10:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Nadab(TB/TL) <05070> [Nadab.]

perbaraannya(TB)/pedupaannya(TL) <04289> [censer.]

menaruh ukupan ..... dupa(TB)/diletakkannya dupa(TL) <07004 07760> [put incense.]

asing(TB)/patut(TL) <02114> [strange.]

diperintahkan-Nya(TB)/diperintahkan(TL) <06680> [which.]

Bp. Hall says, "It is a dangerous thing, in the service of God, to decline from his institutions; we have to do with a God, who is wise to prescribe his own worship--just to require what he has prescribed--and powerful to avenge what he has not prescribed."


Judul : Kematian Nadab dan Abihu

Perikop : Im 10:1-7

dan Abihu,

Kel 6:22; 24:1; 28:1; Bil 3:2-4; 26:61; 1Taw 6:3 [Semua]

mengambil perbaraannya,

Bil 16:46; 1Raj 7:50; 2Raj 25:15; 2Taw 4:22; Yer 52:19; Yeh 8:11 [Semua]

ke dalamnya

Im 16:12; Bil 16:7,18; Yes 6:6 [Semua]

menaruh ukupan

Kel 30:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:9]

hadapan Tuhan

Im 10:2; Im 16:1 [Semua]

tidak diperintahkan-Nya

Kel 30:9

Catatan Frasa: API YANG ASING.

Imamat 16:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


waktu masuk ... bilapun(TB)/masuk(TL) <0935 06256> [he come not.]

mati .... menampakkan .......... nyatalah(TB)/mati dibunuh(TL) <04191 07200> [that he die not.]

awan(TB/TL) <06051> [in the cloud.]

tutup pendamaian .................. tutup pendamaian(TB)/tutupan .................... tutupan gafirat(TL) <03727> [the mercy seat.]


sembarang waktu

Kel 30:10; Ibr 9:7 [Semua]

tempat kudus

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]; Ibr 9:25; 10:19 [Semua]

belakang tabir,

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]; Ibr 6:19 [Semua]

tutup pendamaian

Kel 26:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:34]

menampakkan diri

Kel 25:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:22]

dalam awan

Kel 40:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 40:34]; 2Sam 22:10; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 22:10] [Semua]

Imamat 16:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kemeja .... kudus ....................... kudus(TB)/baju dalam ....... suci ................................. suci(TL) <03801 06944> [holy line coat. Heb. of holiness. Greek. a sanctified linen coat.]

This and the other vestures were peculiar for this day, and for the services of this day; that is, for making atonement: the other service, which was ordinary, he performed this day in his other priestly garments. The eight ornaments usually worn by the high priest are enumerated in Exodus xxviii ver.4, etc., and the four that were for this day are here expressed, and are called the white garments, while the others were designated the golden garments, because some were made with gold thread woven in them. These four were made of six double twisted threads, and of flax only.

membasuh(TB)/dimandikannya(TL) <07364> [therefore.]


mengenakan kemeja

Im 8:13; [Lihat FULL. Im 8:13]

berlilitkan serban

Kel 28:39; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:39]

itulah pakaian

Im 16:32; Kel 28:42; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:42]; Kel 29:29,30; Im 21:10; Bil 20:26,28 [Semua]

harus dikenakannya,

Yeh 9:2; 44:17-18 [Semua]

dengan air.

Kel 29:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:4]; Ibr 10:22 [Semua]

Imamat 22:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


najis .... orang(TB)/najasatnya(TL) <02932 05315> [having his uncleanness upon him.]

That is, in other words, "when he is unclean."

orang(TL) <05315> [that soul.]

That is, according to some, thrust out of the priest's office, or from officiating at the altar; or, according to others, cut off by some immediate stroke of divine justice, like Nadab and Abihu.

hadapan-Ku(TB/TL) <06440> [from my.]


bagi Tuhan,

Ezr 8:28

dari hadapan-Ku;

Im 7:20,21; Bil 19:13 [Semua]

Imamat 25:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sekalipun ..... Lewi ...... Lewi ................... Lewi ............. Lewi(TB)/hanya ....... Lewi ............................... Lewi(TL) <03881 01350> [a man purchase of the Levites. or, one of the Levites redeem them. shall go.]

rumah ............... rumah(TB)/rumah ...................... rumah(TL) <01004> [for the houses.]

Imamat 25:50

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membuat perhitungan(TB)/berkira-kira(TL) <02803> [reckon.]

harga penjualan ... dicengkolongkan(TB)/uang .... dicengkolongkan(TL) <04465 03701> [price of his sale.]

This was a very equitable law, both to the sojourner to whom the man was sold, and to the Israelite who had been sold. The Israelite might redeem himself, or one of his kindred might redeem him; but this must not be done to the prejudice of his master. They were therefore to reckon the years he must have served, from that time till the jubilee; and then taking the current wages of a servant, per year, at that time, multiply the remaining years by that sum, and the aggregate was to be given to his master for his redemption. The Jews hold that the kindred of such a person were bound, if in their power, to redeem him, lest he should be swallowed up among the heathen; and we find (Ne 5:8) that this was done by the Jews on their return from the Babylonish captivity.

masa ia tinggal(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [according to the time.]


tahun Yobel,

Im 25:10; [Lihat FULL. Im 25:10]

orang upahan.

Ayub 7:1; 14:6; Yes 16:14; 21:16 [Semua]

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