TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Samuel 4:5-6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<03212> [went.]

terik ........ berbaring ...... peraduannya(TB)/berbaring .... peraduannya(TL) <04904 07901> [lay on a bed.]

It is customary, in all hot countries, to travel or work very early and very late, and to rest at noon, at which time the heat most prevails.


rumah Isyboset,

2Sam 2:8; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:8]

sedang berbaring

Rut 2:7


membersihkan(TB)/mengambil(TL) <03947> [as though.]

It is still the custom of the East, according to Dr. Perry, to allow the soldiers a certain quantity of corn, with other articles of provision, together with some pay: and as it was the custom also to grind the corn, as needed, at the break of day, these two captains very naturally went the day before to the palace, where the king's stores appear to have been kept, to fetch wheat, in order to distribute it to the soldiers under them, to be ground at the accustomed hour in the morning. The princes of the East, in those days, as appears from the history of David, reposed on their couches till the cool of the evening: they therefore came in the heat of the day, when they knew their master would be resting on his bed; and as it was a necessary to have the corn before it was needed, their coming at this time, though it might be earlier than usual, excited no suspicion.

perutnya(TL) <02570> [under.]

2 Samuel 16:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


anak(TB)/anakku(TL) <01121> [Behold.]

terpancar(TL) <03318> [came forth.]

mencabut(TB)/menyengajakan(TL) <01245> [seeketh.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


anak kandungku

2Sam 12:11

kepadanya demikian.

Kej 45:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 45:5]; 1Sam 26:19 [Semua]

2 Samuel 16:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


baru saja turun(TB)/turun sedikit(TL) <05674 04592> [little past.]

Ziba(TB/TL) <06717> [Ziba.]

sepasang(TB)/dua ekor(TL) <06776> [with a couple.]

buah-buahan musim panas(TB)/buah ara(TL) <07019> [summer.]

These were probably pumpkins, cucumbers, or water-melons; the two latter being extensively used in the East to refresh travellers in the burning heat of the summer; and probably, as Mr. Harmer supposes, called summer fruits on this very account.

sebuyung(TB)/sekirbat(TL) <05035> [a bottle.]


Judul : Daud bertemu dengan Ziba

Perikop : 2Sam 16:1-4

datanglah Ziba,

2Sam 9:1-13 [Semua]

sebuyung anggur.

1Sam 25:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:18]; 1Taw 12:40 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 15:25-27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


telah memutuskan(TB)/sehingga .... memutuskan(TL) <1380> [seemed.]

memutuskan(TL) <1096> [being.]

mengutus(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <3992> [to send.]

kami(TB/TL) <2257> [our.]

Barnabas(TB/TL) <921> [Barnabas.]


yang telah mempertaruhkan(TB)/menyerahkan(TL) <3860> [hazarded.]


mempertaruhkan nyawanya

Kis 9:23-25; 14:19; 1Kor 15:30 [Semua]


Yudas(TB/TL) <2455> [Judas.]

<846> [who.]

lisan(TB)/lidah(TL) <3056> [mouth. Gr. word.]


dan Silas,

Kis 15:22; [Lihat FULL. Kis 15:22]

Kisah Para Rasul 16:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


suatu penglihatan(TB)/penglihatan(TL) <3705> [a vision.]

Makedonia ........... mari(TB)/Makedonia ........ Makedonia(TL) <3110 3109> [Macedonia.]

Menyeberanglah(TB)/menyeberang(TL) <1224> [Come.]


suatu penglihatan:

Kis 9:10; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:10]

seorang Makedonia

Kis 19:21,29; 20:1,3; Rom 15:26; 1Kor 16:5; 1Tes 1:7,8 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 16:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dikenal baik(TB)/terpuji(TL) <3140> [was.]

Ikonium(TB/TL) <2430> [Iconium.]


oleh saudara-saudara

Kis 16:40; Kis 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Kis 1:16] [Semua]

di Ikonium,

Kis 13:51; [Lihat FULL. Kis 13:51]

Kisah Para Rasul 9:22-24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pengaruhnya(TB)/tenaganya(TL) <1743> [increased.]

membingungkan(TB) <4797> [confounded.]

membuktikan(TB)/diharu-birukannya(TL) <4822> [proving.]


adalah Mesias.

Luk 2:11; [Lihat FULL. Luk 2:11]; Kis 5:42; 17:3; 18:5,28 [Semua]


orang Yahudi(TB)/Yahudi(TL) <2453> [Cir. A.M. 4040. A.D. 36. the Jews.]


membunuh Saulus.

Kis 20:3; [Lihat FULL. Kis 20:3]


orang-orang Yahudi .......... dia(TB)/mereka ................... dia(TL) <846> [their.]

ketahuanlah ........ mengawal(TB)/Maka ........ gerbang(TL) <5037 2532 3906> [And they.]


oleh Saulus.

Kis 20:3,19; 23:16,30 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 12:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sangat marah .................. Belastus(TB)/Belastus(TL) <2258 2371> [was highly displeased. or, bare an hostile mind intending war. Tyre.]

Maka ........... tetapi(TL) <1161> [but.]

[the king's chamberlain. Gr. that was over the king's bed-chamber. because.]


Judul : Herodes mati

Perikop : Kis 12:20-23

dan Sidon.

Mat 11:21; [Lihat FULL. Mat 11:21]

bahan makanan

1Raj 5:9,11; Yeh 27:17 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 21:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kami(TB/TL) <2254 1526> [We have.]


yang bernazar.

Bil 6:2,5,18; Kis 18:18 [Semua]

Mazmur 144:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memberikan(TB)/memberi(TL) <05414> [that giveth.]

kemenangan(TB/TL) <08668> [salvation. or, victory.]

membebaskan(TB)/melepaskan(TL) <06475> [who delivereth.]


kepada raja-raja,

2Sam 8:14; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:14]

membebaskan Daud,

Mazm 18:51

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