TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Tawarikh 29:31-33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mentahbiskan .... TUHAN ...... Tuhan ....... TUHAN ......... Tuhan(TB)/mempersembahkan(TL) <04390 03068> [consecrated yourselves. or, filled your hand.]

korban-korban sembelihan ........... korban-korban sembelihan(TB)/korban sembelihan ............ korban sembelihan(TL) <02077> [sacrifices.]

korban-korban syukur ........... korban-korban puji-pujian(TB)/puji-pujian ............ persembahan puji-pujian(TL) <08426> [thank.]

rela(TB)/ridla(TL) <05081> [and as many, etc.]

As the burnt offerings were wholly consumed on the altar, the offering of them evinced greater zeal and liberality than the oblation of peace offerings, the greater part of which was eaten by the officer and his friends.


bawalah korban-korban

Ibr 13:15-16 [Semua]

rela hati

Kel 25:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:2]; Kel 35:22 [Semua]


Jumlah(TB)/bilangan(TL) <04557> [the number.]

Comparing the sacrifices offered on this occasion with those of Solomon at the dedication of the temple, we may form some idea of the decrease of the prosperity and riches of Judah, or of the decline of the general spirit of piety.


korban bakaran

Im 1:1-17 [Semua]


<06944> [the consecrated.]

It is probable that the consecrated things denote the peace offerings and thank offerings.

2 Tawarikh 29:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<03169> [A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. Hezekiah.]

[Ezekias. Zechariah.]


Judul : Hizkia, raja Yehuda

Perikop : 2Taw 29:1-2


2Raj 18:1-3 dengan 2Taw 29:1-2


1Taw 3:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 3:13]

Catatan Frasa: HIZKIA.

2 Tawarikh 29:6-9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


moyang(TB)/bapa-bapa(TL) <01> [For our fathers.]

meninggalkan-Nya dipalingkannya ... memalingkan(TB)/ditinggalkannya(TL) <05800 05437> [have forsaken him.]

memalingkan(TB)/dipalingkannya(TL) <05437> [turned away.]

membelakangi-Nya tengkuknya(TB)/dibalikkannya tengkuknya(TL) <06203 05414> [turned their backs. Heb. given the neck.]


nenek moyang

Ezr 9:7; Mazm 106:6-47; Yer 2:27; 18:17; Yeh 23:35; Dan 9:5-6 [Semua]

berubah setia.

1Taw 5:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 5:25]


Those, says Matthew Henry, who turn their backs upon God's ordinances, may truly be said to forsake God himself. The lamps were not lighted, and incense was not burnt: there are still such neglects as these, and they are no less culpable, if the Word be not duly read and opened, answering to the lighting of the lamps, and if prayers and praises be not duly offered up, which was signified by the burning of incense.


korban ukupan

Kel 30:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:7]


murka(TB/TL) <07110> [Wherefore.]

membuat(TB)/dijadikannya(TL) <05414> [he hath delivered.]

It is probable Hezekiah refers to that dreadful defeat by the Israelites, in which one hundred and twenty thousand were slain, and two hundred thousand taken prisoners: see ch. 28:6-8.

<02189> [trouble. Heb. commotion.]

kedahsyatan(TB)/kebinasaan(TL) <08047> [to astonishment.]


kengerian, kedahsyatan

Ul 28:25; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:25]

sasaran suitan

Im 26:32; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:32]; Yer 18:16; 19:8; 25:9,18 [Semua]


nenek moyang(TB)/bapa-bapa(TL) <01> [our fathers.]


menjadi tawanan.

2Taw 28:5-8,17 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 29:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


balai(TB)/serambi(TL) <0197> [the porch.]

keenam(TB)/enam(TL) <08337> [the sixteenth.]

Ezra 1:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membantu .... tangan(TB)/menguatkan tangan(TL) <03027 02388> [strengthened their hands. that is, helped them.]

dipersembahkan dengan sukarela(TB)/keridlaan(TL) <05068> [willingly offered.]


dengan emas,

Kel 3:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:22]

Ezra 2:68-69

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mempersembahkan persembahan sukarela(TB)/diberikannya hadiah dengan keridlaan hatinya(TL) <05068> [offered freely.]

tempatnya(TB/TL) <04349> [in his place.]


kaum keluarga,

Kel 25:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:2]


perbendaharaan(TB)/belanja(TL) <0214> [the treasure.]

Ezra 7:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


segala perak .... perak ..... seluruh(TB)/segala .... perak ..... seluruh(TL) <03702 03606> [all the silver.]

persembahan sukarela .... dipersembahkan(TB)/persembahan ....... dipersembahkannya dengan keridlaan hatinya(TL) <05069> [offering.]


dan emas

Kel 3:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:22]

di Yerusalem,

Za 6:10

Ezra 8:25-35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menimbang(TB)/kutimbangkan(TL) <08254> [weighed.]

perak(TB/TL) <03701> [the silver.]


Aku menimbang

Ezr 8:33


tembaga ... tembaga(TB)/tembaga .... baik(TL) <05178 02896> [fine copper. Heb. yellow, or shining brass.]

The Syriac renders, {nechosho korinthyo tovo,} "good Corinthian brass;" so called from the brass found after the burning of Corinth by Lucius Mummius, which was, as is generally supposed, brass, copper, silver, and gold, melted together. Sir J. Chardin, however, in a MS. note, cited by Harmer, mentioned a factitious metal used in the East, and highly esteemed there, which might probably be of an origin as ancient as Ezra. He says, "I have heard some Dutch gentlemen speak of a metal in the island of Sumatra, and among the Macassars, much more esteemed than gold, which royal personages alone are privileged to wear. It is a mixture, if I remember right, of gold and steel, or copper and steel." He afterwards added, "calmbac is the name of this metal, which is composed of gold and copper."

indah(TB)/indahnya(TL) <02532> [precious. Heb. desirable.]


kudus ....... kudus(TB)/sucilah .......... sucilah(TL) <06944> [Ye are holy.]

perlengkapan-perlengkapan(TB)/perkakas(TL) <03627> [the vessels.]


bagi Tuhan,

Im 21:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:6]; Im 22:2-3 [Semua]


rawatlah ... jagalah ... tungguilah ... dia(TB)/Taruhlah ..... tungguilah(TL) <08245 08104> [Watch ye.]

menimbangnya ... depan ....... hadapan(TB)/menimbangkan ..... hadapan(TL) <06440 08254> [until ye weigh them before.]


rumah Allah Allah(TB)/bait Allah(TL) <0430 01004> [the house of our God.]


sungai Ahawa ... Ahawa(TB)/sungai Ahawa(TL) <0163 05104> [the river of Ahava.]

tangan .......... tangan(TB)/tangan ............ tangan(TL) <03027 03709> [the hand.]

menghindarkan(TB)/diluputkannya ... dari pada(TL) <05337> [and he delivered.]

Ezra and his company had now entered upon a journey of several hundred miles through the desert, which they were nearly four months in completing, encumbered with families and possessions, and carrying large treasures with them, which would invite the attempts of the Arabian hordes, and others, that infested that neighbourhood; yet, having declared to the king, "that the hand of God was upon all them for good that seek him, and that his power and wrath were against all them that forsook him," (ver. 22,) he determined to travel without a guard, except that of the Almighty, being ashamed to ask any other, after his former avowed confidence in Him! Having, therefore, humbled themselves before the Lord, and besought his guidance and protection, he was intreated by them, their enemies were restrained or disabled, and they arrived unmolested at Jerusalem.


Judul : Tiba di Yerusalem

Perikop : Ezr 8:31-36

sungai Ahawa

Ezr 8:15; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 8:15]

melindungi kami

Ezr 5:5; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 5:5]



tiga hari,

Kej 40:13; [Lihat FULL. Kej 40:13]


ditimbanglah(TB)/ditimbangkannya(TL) <08254> [weighed.]

Meremot(TB/TL) <04822> [Meremoth.]

Uria(TB/TL) <0223> [Uriah.]

[Urijah. Jozabad.]

Binui(TB)/Binuwi(TL) <01131> [Binnui.]


keempat ditimbanglah

Ezr 8:25

imam Meremot

Neh 3:4,21 [Semua]

oleh Yozabad

Neh 11:16

bin Binui,

Neh 3:24


korban bakaran ... bakaran ...................................... bakaran ... korban bakaran(TB)/dipersembahkanlah(TL) <07126 05930> [offered burnt.]

lembu muda dua ......................... dua(TB/TL) <08147 06499> [twelve bullocks.]


lembu jantan

Im 1:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:3]

seluruh Israel,

2Taw 29:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 29:24]

kambing jantan

2Taw 29:21; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 29:21]; 2Taw 30:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 30:24] [Semua]

Nehemia 7:70-72

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sebagian(TB)/kemudianpun(TL) <07117> [some. Heb. part.]

kepala(TB)/penghulu(TL) <07218> [the chief.]

kepala daerah(TB)/Hatirsatapun(TL) <08660> [The Tirshatha.]

dirham(TB/TL) <01871> [drams.]

Darkemonim, or darics; a Persian gold coin, worth about 1Å“. 5s.

bokor penyiraman(TB)/bokor(TL) <04219> [basons.]


kepala(TB)/penghulu(TL) <07218> [chief.]

mina(TB/TL) <04488> [pound. Manim, manehs or minas.]

As a weight, the maneh was equal to 100 shekels; but as a coin, equal to 60 shekels, or about 9Å“.


kaum keluarga

1Taw 29:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 29:7]


kemeja imam.

Kel 25:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:2]

Mazmur 45:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Puteri(TB)/puteri(TL) <01323> [And the.]

pemberian-pemberian(TB)/persembahan(TL) <04503> [with.]

kaya(TB)/terkayapun(TL) <06223> [rich.]

pemberian-pemberian .... di ...... muka(TB)/keridlaanmu(TL) <06440> [favour. Heb. face.]


Puteri Tirus

Yos 19:29; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:29]

dengan pemberian-pemberian;

1Raj 9:16; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:16]; 2Taw 9:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 9:24] [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 2:44-45

TSK Full Life Study Bible


adalah(TB) <2192> [had.]


kepunyaan bersama,

Kis 4:32


mereka yang menjual(TB)/bendanya(TL) <4097> [sold.]

membagi-bagikannya(TB)/dibahagi-bahagikannya ... antara(TL) <1266> [parted.]


dengan keperluan

Mat 19:21; Luk 12:33; 18:22; Kis 4:34,35; 6:1 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 4:34-35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepunyaannya(TB) <5225> [was.]

Sebab .......... karena(TB)/karena ...... mempunyai(TL) <1063> [for.]


menjual kepunyaannya

Mat 19:21; Kis 2:45 [Semua]


di depan(TB) <3844> [at.]

dibagi-bagikan(TB)/dibahagi-bahagilah(TL) <1239> [distribution.]


depan kaki

Kis 4:37; Kis 5:2 [Semua]

dengan keperluannya.

Kis 2:45; 6:1 [Semua]

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