TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Lukas 7:1--9:62

Healing the Centurion’s Slave

7:1 After Jesus 1  had finished teaching all this to the people, 2  he entered Capernaum. 3  7:2 A centurion 4  there 5  had a slave 6  who was highly regarded, 7  but who was sick and at the point of death. 7:3 When the centurion 8  heard 9  about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders 10  to him, asking him to come 11  and heal his slave. 7:4 When 12  they came 13  to Jesus, they urged 14  him earnestly, 15  “He is worthy 16  to have you do this for him, 7:5 because he loves our nation, 17  and even 18  built our synagogue.” 19  7:6 So 20  Jesus went with them. When 21  he was not far from the house, the centurion 22  sent friends to say to him, “Lord, do not trouble yourself, 23  for I am not worthy 24  to have you come under my roof. 7:7 That is why 25  I did not presume 26  to come to you. Instead, say the word, and my servant must be healed. 27  7:8 For I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me. 28  I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, 29  and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my slave, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 30  7:9 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed 31  at him. He turned and said to the crowd that followed him, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith!” 32  7:10 So 33  when those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the slave 34  well.

Raising a Widow’s Son

7:11 Soon 35  afterward 36  Jesus 37  went to a town 38  called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went with him. 7:12 As he approached the town gate, a man 39  who had died was being carried out, 40  the only son of his mother (who 41  was a widow 42 ), and a large crowd from the town 43  was with her. 7:13 When 44  the Lord saw her, he had compassion 45  for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 46  7:14 Then 47  he came up 48  and touched 49  the bier, 50  and those who carried it stood still. He 51  said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” 7:15 So 52  the dead man 53  sat up and began to speak, and Jesus 54  gave him back 55  to his mother. 7:16 Fear 56  seized them all, and they began to glorify 57  God, saying, “A great prophet 58  has appeared 59  among us!” and “God has come to help 60  his people!” 7:17 This 61  report 62  about Jesus 63  circulated 64  throughout 65  Judea and all the surrounding country.

Jesus and John the Baptist

7:18 John’s 66  disciples informed him about all these things. So 67  John called 68  two of his disciples 7:19 and sent them to Jesus 69  to ask, 70  “Are you the one who is to come, 71  or should we look for another?” 7:20 When 72  the men came to Jesus, 73  they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask, 74  ‘Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?’” 75  7:21 At that very time 76  Jesus 77  cured many people of diseases, sicknesses, 78  and evil spirits, and granted 79  sight to many who were blind. 7:22 So 80  he answered them, 81  “Go tell 82  John what you have seen and heard: 83  The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the 84  deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news proclaimed to them. 7:23 Blessed is anyone 85  who takes no offense at me.”

7:24 When 86  John’s messengers had gone, Jesus 87  began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness 88  to see? A reed shaken by the wind? 89  7:25 What 90  did you go out to see? A man dressed in fancy 91  clothes? 92  Look, those who wear fancy clothes and live in luxury 93  are in kings’ courts! 94  7:26 What did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more 95  than a prophet. 7:27 This is the one about whom it is written, ‘Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, 96  who will prepare your way before you.’ 97  7:28 I tell you, among those born of women no one is greater 98  than John. 99  Yet the one who is least 100  in the kingdom of God 101  is greater than he is.” 7:29 (Now 102  all the people who heard this, even the tax collectors, 103  acknowledged 104  God’s justice, because they had been baptized 105  with John’s baptism. 7:30 However, the Pharisees 106  and the experts in religious law 107  rejected God’s purpose 108  for themselves, because they had not been baptized 109  by John. 110 ) 111 

7:31 “To what then should I compare the people 112  of this generation, and what are they like? 7:32 They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to one another, 113 

‘We played the flute for you, yet you did not dance; 114 

we wailed in mourning, 115  yet you did not weep.’

7:33 For John the Baptist has come 116  eating no bread and drinking no wine, 117  and you say, ‘He has a demon!’ 118  7:34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look at him, 119  a glutton and a drunk, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ 120  7:35 But wisdom is vindicated 121  by all her children.” 122 

Jesus’ Anointing

7:36 Now one of the Pharisees 123  asked Jesus 124  to have dinner with him, so 125  he went into the Pharisee’s house and took his place at the table. 126  7:37 Then 127  when a woman of that town, who was a sinner, learned that Jesus 128  was dining 129  at the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar 130  of perfumed oil. 131  7:38 As 132  she stood 133  behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. She 134  wiped them with her hair, 135  kissed 136  them, 137  and anointed 138  them with the perfumed oil. 7:39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, 139  he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, 140  he would know who and what kind of woman 141  this is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” 7:40 So 142  Jesus answered him, 143  “Simon, I have something to say to you.” He replied, 144  “Say it, Teacher.” 7:41 “A certain creditor 145  had two debtors; one owed him 146  five hundred silver coins, 147  and the other fifty. 7:42 When they could not pay, he canceled 148  the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?” 7:43 Simon answered, 149  “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt canceled.” 150  Jesus 151  said to him, “You have judged rightly.” 7:44 Then, 152  turning toward the woman, he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house. You gave me no water for my feet, 153  but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 7:45 You gave me no kiss of greeting, 154  but from the time I entered she has not stopped kissing my feet. 7:46 You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet 155  with perfumed oil. 7:47 Therefore I tell you, her sins, which were many, are forgiven, thus she loved much; 156  but the one who is forgiven little loves little.” 7:48 Then 157  Jesus 158  said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 159  7:49 But 160  those who were at the table 161  with him began to say among themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?” 7:50 He 162  said to the woman, “Your faith 163  has saved you; 164  go in peace.”

Jesus’ Ministry and the Help of Women

8:1 Some time 165  afterward 166  he went on through towns 167  and villages, preaching and proclaiming the good news 168  of the kingdom of God. 169  The 170  twelve were with him, 8:2 and also some women 171  who had been healed of evil spirits and disabilities: 172  Mary 173  (called Magdalene), from whom seven demons had gone out, 8:3 and Joanna the wife of Cuza 174  (Herod’s 175  household manager), 176  Susanna, and many others who provided for them 177  out of their own resources.

The Parable of the Sower

8:4 While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus 178  from one town after another, 179  he spoke to them 180  in a parable: 8:5 “A sower went out to sow 181  his seed. 182  And as he sowed, some fell along the path and was trampled on, and the wild birds 183  devoured it. 8:6 Other seed fell on rock, 184  and when it came up, it withered because it had no moisture. 8:7 Other seed fell among the thorns, 185  and they grew up with it and choked 186  it. 8:8 But 187  other seed fell on good soil and grew, 188  and it produced a hundred times as much grain.” 189  As he said this, 190  he called out, “The one who has ears to hear had better listen!” 191 

8:9 Then 192  his disciples asked him what this parable meant. 193  8:10 He 194  said, “You have been given 195  the opportunity to know 196  the secrets 197  of the kingdom of God, 198  but for others they are in parables, so that although they see they may not see, and although they hear they may not understand. 199 

8:11 “Now the parable means 200  this: The seed is the word of God. 8:12 Those along the path are the ones who have heard; then the devil 201  comes and takes away the word 202  from their hearts, so that they may not believe 203  and be saved. 8:13 Those 204  on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, 205  but 206  in a time of testing 207  fall away. 208  8:14 As for the seed that 209  fell among thorns, these are the ones who hear, but 210  as they go on their way they are choked 211  by the worries and riches and pleasures of life, 212  and their fruit does not mature. 213  8:15 But as for the seed that landed on good soil, these are the ones who, after hearing 214  the word, cling to it 215  with an honest and good 216  heart, and bear fruit with steadfast endurance. 217 

Showing the Light

8:16 “No one lights 218  a lamp 219  and then covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand so that those who come in can see the light. 220  8:17 For nothing is hidden 221  that will not be revealed, 222  and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. 8:18 So listen carefully, 223  for whoever has will be given more, but 224  whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has 225  will be taken from him.”

Jesus’ True Family

8:19 Now Jesus’ 226  mother and his brothers 227  came to him, but 228  they could not get near him because of the crowd. 8:20 So 229  he was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.” 8:21 But he replied 230  to them, “My mother and my brothers are those 231  who hear the word of God and do it.” 232 

Stilling of a Storm

8:22 One 233  day Jesus 234  got into a boat 235  with his disciples and said to them, “Let’s go across to the other side of the lake.” So 236  they set out, 8:23 and as they sailed he fell asleep. Now a violent windstorm 237  came down on the lake, 238  and the boat 239  started filling up with water, and they were in danger. 8:24 They 240  came 241  and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, 242  we are about to die!” So 243  he got up and rebuked 244  the wind and the raging waves; 245  they died down, and it was calm. 8:25 Then 246  he said to them, “Where is your faith?” 247  But they were afraid and amazed, 248  saying to one another, “Who then is this? He commands even the winds and the water, 249  and they obey him!”

Healing of a Demoniac

8:26 So 250  they sailed over to the region of the Gerasenes, 251  which is opposite 252  Galilee. 8:27 As 253  Jesus 254  stepped ashore, 255  a certain man from the town 256  met him who was possessed by demons. 257  For a long time this man 258  had worn no clothes and had not lived in a house, but among 259  the tombs. 8:28 When he saw 260  Jesus, he cried out, fell 261  down before him, and shouted with a loud voice, “Leave me alone, 262  Jesus, Son of the Most High 263  God! I beg you, do not torment 264  me!” 8:29 For Jesus 265  had started commanding 266  the evil 267  spirit to come out of the man. (For it had seized him many times, so 268  he would be bound with chains and shackles 269  and kept under guard. But 270  he would break the restraints and be driven by the demon into deserted 271  places.) 272  8:30 Jesus then 273  asked him, “What is your name?” He 274  said, “Legion,” 275  because many demons had entered him. 8:31 And they began to beg 276  him not to order 277  them to depart into the abyss. 278  8:32 Now a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside, 279  and the demonic spirits 280  begged Jesus 281  to let them go into them. He gave them permission. 282  8:33 So 283  the demons came out of the man and went into the pigs, and the herd of pigs 284  rushed down the steep slope into the lake and drowned. 8:34 When 285  the herdsmen saw what had happened, they ran off and spread the news 286  in the town 287  and countryside. 8:35 So 288  the people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus. They 289  found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. 8:36 Those 290  who had seen it told them how the man who had been demon-possessed had been healed. 291  8:37 Then 292  all the people of the Gerasenes 293  and the surrounding region 294  asked Jesus 295  to leave them alone, 296  for they were seized with great fear. 297  So 298  he got into the boat and left. 299  8:38 The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go 300  with him, but Jesus 301  sent him away, saying, 8:39 “Return to your home, 302  and declare 303  what God has done for you.” 304  So 305  he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole town 306  what Jesus 307  had done for him.

Restoration and Healing

8:40 Now when Jesus returned, 308  the crowd welcomed him, because they were all waiting for him. 8:41 Then 309  a man named Jairus, who was a ruler 310  of the synagogue, 311  came up. Falling 312  at Jesus’ feet, he pleaded 313  with him to come to his house, 8:42 because he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she was dying. 314 

As Jesus was on his way, the crowds pressed 315  around him. 8:43 Now 316  a woman was there who had been suffering from a hemorrhage 317  for twelve years 318  but could not be healed by anyone. 8:44 She 319  came up behind Jesus 320  and touched the edge 321  of his cloak, 322  and at once the bleeding 323  stopped. 8:45 Then 324  Jesus asked, 325  “Who was it who touched me?” When they all denied it, Peter 326  said, “Master, the crowds are surrounding you and pressing 327  against you!” 8:46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I know that power has gone out 328  from me.” 8:47 When 329  the woman saw that she could not escape notice, 330  she came trembling and fell down before him. In 331  the presence of all the people, she explained why 332  she had touched him and how she had been immediately healed. 8:48 Then 333  he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. 334  Go in peace.”

8:49 While he was still speaking, someone from the synagogue ruler’s 335  house came and said, “Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the teacher any longer.” 8:50 But when Jesus heard this, he told 336  him, “Do not be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” 337  8:51 Now when he came to the house, Jesus 338  did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John, 339  and James, and the child’s father and mother. 8:52 Now they were all 340  wailing and mourning 341  for her, but he said, “Stop your weeping; she is not dead but asleep.” 8:53 And they began making fun 342  of him, because they knew 343  that she was dead. 344  8:54 But Jesus 345  gently took her by the hand and said, 346  “Child, get up.” 8:55 Her 347  spirit returned, 348  and she got up immediately. Then 349  he told them to give her something to eat. 8:56 Her 350  parents were astonished, but he ordered them to tell no one 351  what had happened.

The Sending of the Twelve Apostles

9:1 After 352  Jesus 353  called 354  the twelve 355  together, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure 356  diseases, 9:2 and he sent 357  them out to proclaim 358  the kingdom of God 359  and to heal the sick. 360  9:3 He 361  said to them, “Take nothing for your 362  journey – no staff, 363  no bag, 364  no bread, no money, and do not take an extra tunic. 365  9:4 Whatever 366  house you enter, stay there 367  until you leave the area. 368  9:5 Wherever 369  they do not receive you, 370  as you leave that town, 371  shake the dust off 372  your feet as a testimony against them.” 9:6 Then 373  they departed and went throughout 374  the villages, proclaiming the good news 375  and healing people everywhere.

Herod’s Confusion about Jesus

9:7 Now Herod 376  the tetrarch 377  heard about everything that was happening, and he was thoroughly perplexed, 378  because some people were saying that John 379  had been raised from the dead, 9:8 while others were saying that Elijah 380  had appeared, and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had risen. 381  9:9 Herod said, “I had John 382  beheaded, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” So Herod wanted to learn about Jesus. 383 

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

9:10 When 384  the apostles returned, 385  they told Jesus 386  everything they had done. Then 387  he took them with him and they withdrew privately to a town 388  called Bethsaida. 389  9:11 But when the crowds found out, they followed him. He 390  welcomed them, spoke to them about the kingdom of God, 391  and cured those who needed healing. 392  9:12 Now the day began to draw to a close, 393  so 394  the twelve came and said to Jesus, 395  “Send the crowd away, so they can go into the surrounding villages and countryside and find lodging 396  and food, because we are in an isolated place.” 397  9:13 But he said to them, “You 398  give them something to eat.” They 399  replied, 400  “We have no more than five loaves and two fish – unless 401  we go 402  and buy food 403  for all these people.” 9:14 (Now about five thousand men 404  were there.) 405  Then 406  he said to his disciples, “Have 407  them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” 9:15 So they did as Jesus directed, 408  and the people 409  all sat down.

9:16 Then 410  he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven he gave thanks 411  and broke them. He gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. 9:17 They all ate and were satisfied, and what was left over 412  was picked up – twelve baskets of broken pieces.

Peter’s Confession

9:18 Once 413  when Jesus 414  was praying 415  by himself, and his disciples were nearby, he asked them, 416  “Who do the crowds say that I am?” 417  9:19 They 418  answered, 419  “John the Baptist; others say Elijah; 420  and still others that one of the prophets of long ago has risen.” 421  9:20 Then 422  he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter 423  answered, 424  “The Christ 425  of God.” 9:21 But he forcefully commanded 426  them not to tell this to anyone, 427  9:22 saying, “The Son of Man must suffer 428  many things and be rejected by the elders, 429  chief priests, and experts in the law, 430  and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” 431 

A Call to Discipleship

9:23 Then 432  he said to them all, 433  “If anyone wants to become my follower, 434  he must deny 435  himself, take up his cross daily, 436  and follow me. 9:24 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, 437  but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. 9:25 For what does it benefit a person 438  if he gains the whole world but loses or forfeits himself? 9:26 For whoever is ashamed 439  of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person 440  when he comes in his glory and in the glory 441  of the Father and of the holy angels. 9:27 But I tell you most certainly, 442  there are some standing here who will not 443  experience 444  death before they see the kingdom of God.” 445 

The Transfiguration

9:28 Now 446  about eight days 447  after these sayings, Jesus 448  took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up the mountain to pray. 9:29 As 449  he was praying, 450  the appearance of his face was transformed, 451  and his clothes became very bright, a brilliant white. 452  9:30 Then 453  two men, Moses and Elijah, 454  began talking with him. 455  9:31 They appeared in glorious splendor and spoke about his departure 456  that he was about to carry out 457  at Jerusalem. 458  9:32 Now Peter and those with him were quite sleepy, 459  but as they became fully awake, 460  they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. 9:33 Then 461  as the men 462  were starting to leave, 463  Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us make three shelters, 464  one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah” – not knowing what he was saying. 9:34 As 465  he was saying this, a cloud 466  came 467  and overshadowed 468  them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. 9:35 Then 469  a voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen One. 470  Listen to him!” 471  9:36 After 472  the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. So 473  they kept silent and told no one 474  at that time 475  anything of what they had seen.

Healing a Boy with an Unclean Spirit

9:37 Now on 476  the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a large crowd met him. 9:38 Then 477  a man from the crowd cried out, 478  “Teacher, I beg you to look at 479  my son – he is my only child! 9:39 A 480  spirit seizes him, and he suddenly screams; 481  it throws him into convulsions 482  and causes him to foam at the mouth. It hardly ever leaves him alone, torturing 483  him severely. 9:40 I 484  begged 485  your disciples to cast it out, but 486  they could not do so.” 487  9:41 Jesus answered, 488  “You 489  unbelieving 490  and perverse generation! How much longer 491  must I be with you and endure 492  you? 493  Bring your son here.” 9:42 As 494  the boy 495  was approaching, the demon threw him to the ground 496  and shook him with convulsions. 497  But Jesus rebuked 498  the unclean 499  spirit, healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. 9:43 Then 500  they were all astonished at the mighty power 501  of God.

Another Prediction of Jesus’ Suffering

But while the entire crowd 502  was amazed at everything Jesus 503  was doing, he said to his disciples, 9:44 “Take these words to heart, 504  for the Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.” 505  9:45 But they did not understand this statement; its meaning 506  had been concealed 507  from them, so that they could not grasp it. Yet 508  they were afraid to ask him about this statement.

Concerning the Greatest

9:46 Now an argument started among the disciples 509  as to which of them might be 510  the greatest. 9:47 But when Jesus discerned their innermost thoughts, 511  he took a child, had him stand by 512  his side, 9:48 and said to them, “Whoever welcomes 513  this child 514  in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me, for the one who is least among you all is the one who is great.” 515 

On the Right Side

9:49 John answered, 516  “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop 517  him because he is not a disciple 518  along with us.” 9:50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you.”

Rejection in Samaria

9:51 Now when 519  the days drew near 520  for him to be taken up, 521  Jesus 522  set out resolutely 523  to go to Jerusalem. 524  9:52 He 525  sent messengers on ahead of him. 526  As they went along, 527  they entered a Samaritan village to make things ready in advance 528  for him, 9:53 but the villagers 529  refused to welcome 530  him, because he was determined to go to Jerusalem. 531  9:54 Now when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call fire to come down from heaven and consume 532  them?” 533  9:55 But Jesus 534  turned and rebuked them, 535  9:56 and they went on to another village.

Challenging Professed Followers

9:57 As 536  they were walking 537  along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” 538  9:58 Jesus said to him, “Foxes have dens and the birds in the sky 539  have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” 540  9:59 Jesus 541  said to another, “Follow me.” But he replied, 542  “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” 9:60 But Jesus 543  said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, 544  but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” 545  9:61 Yet 546  another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say goodbye to my family.” 547  9:62 Jesus 548  said to him, “No one who puts his 549  hand to the plow and looks back 550  is fit for the kingdom of God.” 551 

Seret untuk mengatur ukuranSeret untuk mengatur ukuran

[7:1]  1 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:1]  2 tn Grk “After he had completed all his sayings in the hearing of the people.”

[7:1]  3 sn Capernaum was a town on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, 680 ft (204 m) below sea level. It was a major trade and economic center in the North Galilean region.

[7:1]  map For location see Map1 D2; Map2 C3; Map3 B2.

[7:2]  4 sn A centurion was a noncommissioned officer in the Roman army or one of the auxiliary territorial armies, commanding a centuria of (nominally) 100 men. The responsibilities of centurions were broadly similar to modern junior officers, but there was a wide gap in social status between them and officers, and relatively few were promoted beyond the rank of senior centurion. The Roman troops stationed in Judea were auxiliaries, who would normally be rewarded with Roman citizenship after 25 years of service. Some of the centurions may have served originally in the Roman legions (regular army) and thus gained their citizenship at enlistment. Others may have inherited it, like Paul.

[7:2]  5 tn The word “there” is not in the Greek text, but is implied.

[7:2]  6 tn Though δοῦλος (doulos) is normally translated “servant,” the word does not bear the connotation of a free individual serving another. BDAG notes that “‘servant’ for ‘slave’ is largely confined to Biblical transl. and early American times… in normal usage at the present time the two words are carefully distinguished” (BDAG 260 s.v. 1). The most accurate translation is “bondservant” (sometimes found in the ASV for δοῦλος) in that it often indicates one who sells himself into slavery to another. But as this is archaic, few today understand its force. In addition, the parallel passage in Matt 8:6 uses the Greek term παῖς (pais), to refer to the centurion’s slave. This was a term often used of a slave who was regarded with some degree of affection, possibly a personal servant.

[7:2]  7 tn The term ἔντιμος (entimos) could mean “highly valued,” but this sounds too much like the slave was seen as an asset, while the text suggests a genuine care for the person. More archaically, it could be said the centurion was fond of this slave.

[7:3]  8 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the centurion) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:3]  9 tn The participle ἀκούσας (akousas) has been taken temporally.

[7:3]  10 sn Why some Jewish elders are sent as emissaries is not entirely clear, but the centurion was probably respecting ethnic boundaries, which were important in ancient Greco-Roman and Jewish culture. The parallel account in Matt 8:5-13 does not mention the emissaries.

[7:3]  11 tn The participle ἐλθών (elqwn) has been translated as an infinitive in parallel with διασώσῃ (diaswsh) due to requirements of contemporary English style.

[7:4]  12 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[7:4]  13 tn Although the participle παραγενόμενοι (paragenomenoi) is preceded by the Greek article (οἱ, Joi) which would normally cause it to be regarded as an adjectival or substantival participle, most modern translations, probably as a result of the necessities of contemporary English style, render it as a temporal participle (“when they came”).

[7:4]  14 tn Or “implored.”

[7:4]  15 tn Grk “urged him earnestly, saying”; the participle λέγοντες (legontes) is pleonastic (redundant) and has not been translated.

[7:4]  16 tn Grk “Worthy is he to have you do this”; the term “worthy” comes first in the direct discourse and is emphatic.

[7:5]  17 tn Or “people.” The use of ἔθνος (eqnos, “nation”) here instead of “God” probably meant the man was not a full proselyte, but that he had simply been supportive of the Jews and their culture. He could have been a God-fearer. The Romans saw a stable religious community as politically helpful and often supported it (Josephus, Ant. 16.6.2 [16.162-165], 19.6.3 [19.300-311]).

[7:5]  18 tn In the Greek text, the pronoun αὐτός (autos) is included, making this emphatic. Naturally the force of this statement is causative, meaning the centurion either had the synagogue built or donated the cost of its construction.

[7:5]  19 sn See the note on synagogues in 4:15.

[7:6]  20 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “so” to indicate the resultative action.

[7:6]  21 tn The participle ἀπέχοντος (apeconto") has been taken temporally.

[7:6]  22 sn See the note on the word centurion in 7:2.

[7:6]  23 tn Or “do not be bothered.”

[7:6]  24 sn Note the humility in the centurion’s statement I am not worthy in light of what others think (as v. 4 notes). See Luke 5:8 for a similar example of humility.

[7:7]  25 tn Or “roof; therefore.”

[7:7]  26 tn Grk “I did not consider myself worthy to come to you.” See BDAG 94 s.v. ἀξιόω 1. “Presume” assumes this and expresses the idea in terms of offense.

[7:7]  27 tc The aorist imperative ἰαθήτω (iaqhtw, “must be healed”) is found in Ì75vid B L 1241 sa. Most mss (א A C D W Θ Ψ Ë1,13 33 Ï latt bo) have instead a future indicative, ἰαθήσεται (iaqhsetai, “will be healed”). This is most likely an assimilation to Matt 8:8, and thus, as a motivated reading, should be considered secondary. The meaning either way is essentially the same.

[7:7]  tn The aorist imperative may be translated as an imperative of command (“must be healed” or, more periphrastically, “command [my servant] to be healed”) or as a permissive imperative (“let my servant be healed”), which lessens the force of the imperative somewhat in English.

[7:8]  28 tn Grk “having soldiers under me.”

[7:8]  29 sn I say to this one,Go,and he goes. The illustrations highlight the view of authority the soldier sees in the word of one who has authority. Since the centurion was a commander of a hundred soldiers, he understood what it was both to command others and to be obeyed.

[7:8]  30 tn The word “it” is not in the Greek text, but is implied. Direct objects were frequently omitted in Greek when clear from the context.

[7:9]  31 tn Or “pleased with him and amazed.” The expanded translation brings out both Jesus’ sense of wonder at the deep insight of the soldier and the pleasure he had that he could present the man as an example of faith.

[7:9]  32 sn There are two elements to the faith that Jesus commended: The man’s humility and his sense of Jesus’ authority which recognized that only Jesus’ word, not his physical presence, were required.

[7:10]  33 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the summarization at the end of the account.

[7:10]  34 tc Most mss, especially later ones (A C [D] Θ Ψ Ë13 33 Ï), have “the sick slave” here instead of “the slave.” This brings out the contrast of the healing more clearly, but this reading looks secondary both internally (scribes tended toward clarification) and externally (the shorter reading is well supported by a variety of witnesses: Ì75 א B L W Ë1 579 700 892* 1241 2542 it co).

[7:11]  35 tn Grk “And it happened that soon.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[7:11]  36 tc Several variants to ἐγένετο ἐν τῷ (egeneto en tw) are found before the adverb ἑξῆς (Jexh"), all of them clarifying by the use of the feminine article that the next day is meant (τῇ [th] in D; ἐγένετο τῇ in W; ἐγένετο ἐν τῇ in א* C K 565 892 1424 pm). But these readings are decidedly secondary, for they are more specific than Luke usually is, and involve an unparalleled construction (viz., article + ἡμέρα [Jhmera] + ἑξῆς; elsewhere, when Luke uses this adverb, the noun it modifies is either implied or after the adverb [cf. Luke 9:37; Acts 21:1; 25:17; 27:18)]. The reading adopted for the translation is a more general time indicator; the article τῷ modifies an implied χρόνῳ (cronw), with the general sense of “soon afterward.”

[7:11]  37 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:11]  38 tn The term πόλις (polis) can refer to a small town, which is what Nain was. It was about six miles southeast of Nazareth.

[7:12]  39 tn Grk “behold.” The Greek word ἰδού (idou) has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[7:12]  40 tn That is, carried out for burial. This was a funeral procession.

[7:12]  41 tn Grk “and she.” The clause introduced by καί (kai) has been translated as a relative clause for the sake of English style.

[7:12]  42 sn The description of the woman as a widow would mean that she was now socially alone and without protection in 1st century Jewish culture.

[7:12]  43 tn Or “city.”

[7:13]  44 tn Grk “And seeing her, the Lord.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. The participle ἰδών (idwn) has been taken temporally.

[7:13]  45 sn He had compassion. It is unusual for Luke to note such emotion by Jesus, though the other Synoptics tend to mention it (Matt 14:14; Mark 6:34; Matt 15:32; Mark 8:2).

[7:13]  46 tn The verb κλαίω (klaiw) denotes the loud wailing or lamenting typical of 1st century Jewish mourning.

[7:14]  47 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[7:14]  48 tn Grk “coming up, he touched.” The participle προσελθών (proselqwn) has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.

[7:14]  49 sn The act of having touched the bier would have rendered Jesus ceremonially unclean, but it did not matter to him, since he was expressing his personal concern (Num 19:11, 16).

[7:14]  50 sn Although sometimes translated “coffin,” the bier was actually a stretcher or wooden plank on which the corpse was transported to the place of burial. See L&N 6.109.

[7:14]  51 tn Grk “And he.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[7:15]  52 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the result of Jesus’ command.

[7:15]  53 tn Or “the deceased.”

[7:15]  54 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:15]  55 tn In the context, the verb δίδωμι (didwmi) has been translated “gave back” rather than simply “gave.”

[7:16]  56 tn Or “Awe.” Grk “fear,” but the context and the following remark show that it is mixed with wonder; see L&N 53.59. This is a reaction to God’s work; see Luke 5:9.

[7:16]  57 tn This imperfect verb has been translated as an ingressive imperfect.

[7:16]  58 sn That Jesus was a great prophet was a natural conclusion for the crowd to make, given the healing; but Jesus is more than this. See Luke 9:8, 19-20.

[7:16]  59 tn Grk “arisen.”

[7:16]  60 tn Grk “visited,” but this conveys a different impression to a modern reader. L&N 85.11 renders the verb, “to be present, with the implication of concern – ‘to be present to help, to be on hand to aid.’ … ‘God has come to help his people’ Lk 7:16.” The language recalls Luke 1:68, 78.

[7:17]  61 tn Grk “And this.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[7:17]  62 sn See Luke 4:14 for a similar report.

[7:17]  63 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:17]  64 tn Grk “went out.”

[7:17]  65 tn Grk “through the whole of.”

[7:18]  66 tn Grk “And John’s.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. This is a reference to John the Baptist as the following context makes clear.

[7:18]  67 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate that John’s action was a result of the report he had heard.

[7:18]  68 tn Grk “And calling two of his disciples, John sent.” The participle προσκαλεσάμενος (proskalesameno") has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.

[7:19]  69 tc ‡ Although most mss (א A W Θ Ψ Ë1 Ï it sy bo) read πρὸς τὸν ᾿Ιησοῦν (pro" ton Ihsoun, “to Jesus”), other important witnesses (B L Ξ Ë13 33 pc sa) read πρὸς τὸν κύριον (pro" ton kurion, “to the Lord”). A decision is difficult in this instance, as there are good witnesses on both sides. In light of this, that “Jesus” is more widespread than “the Lord” with almost equally important witnesses argues for its authenticity.

[7:19]  70 tn Grk “to Jesus, saying,” but since this takes the form of a question, it is preferable to use the phrase “to ask” in English.

[7:19]  71 sn Aspects of Jesus’ ministry may have led John to question whether Jesus was the promised stronger and greater one who is to come that he had preached about in Luke 3:15-17.

[7:20]  72 tn Grk “And when.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[7:20]  73 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:20]  74 tn Grk “to you, saying,” but since this takes the form of a question, it is preferable to use the phrase “to ask” in English.

[7:20]  75 tn This question is repeated word for word from v. 19.

[7:21]  76 tn Grk “In that hour.”

[7:21]  77 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:21]  78 tn Grk “and sicknesses,” but καί (kai) has not been translated since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

[7:21]  79 tn Or “and bestowed (sight) on.”

[7:22]  80 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the relationship to Jesus’ miraculous cures in the preceding sentence.

[7:22]  81 tn Grk “answering, he said to them.” This is redundant in English and has been simplified in the translation to “he answered them.”

[7:22]  82 sn The same verb has been translated “inform” in 7:18.

[7:22]  83 sn What you have seen and heard. The following activities all paraphrase various OT descriptions of the time of promised salvation: Isa 35:5-6; 26:19; 29:18-19; 61:1. Jesus is answering not by acknowledging a title, but by pointing to the nature of his works, thus indicating the nature of the time.

[7:22]  84 tn Grk “and the,” but καί (kai) has not been translated since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

[7:23]  85 tn Grk “whoever.”

[7:24]  86 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[7:24]  87 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:24]  88 tn Or “desert.”

[7:24]  89 tn There is a debate as to whether one should read this figuratively (“to see someone who is easily blown over?”) or literally (Grk “to see the wilderness vegetation?…No, to see a prophet”). Either view makes good sense, but the following examples suggest the question should be read literally and understood to point to the fact that a prophet drew them to the desert.

[7:25]  90 tn Grk “But what.” Here ἀλλά (alla, a strong contrastive in Greek) produces a somewhat awkward sense in English, and has not been translated. The same situation occurs at the beginning of v. 26.

[7:25]  91 tn Or “soft”; see L&N 79.100.

[7:25]  92 sn The reference to fancy clothes makes the point that John was not rich or powerful, in that he did not come from the wealthy classes.

[7:25]  93 tn See L&N 88.253, “to revel, to carouse, to live a life of luxury.”

[7:25]  94 tn Or “palaces.”

[7:26]  95 tn John the Baptist is “more” because he introduces the one (Jesus) who brings the new era. The term is neuter, but may be understood as masculine in this context (BDAG 806 s.v. περισσότερος b.).

[7:27]  96 tn Grk “before your face” (an idiom).

[7:27]  97 sn The quotation is primarily from Mal 3:1 with pronouns from Exod 23:20. Here is the forerunner who points the way to the arrival of God’s salvation. His job is to prepare and guide the people, as the cloud did for Israel in the desert.

[7:28]  98 sn In the Greek text greater is at the beginning of the clause in the emphatic position. John the Baptist was the greatest man of the old era.

[7:28]  99 tc The earliest and best mss read simply ᾿Ιωάννου (Iwannou, “John”) here (Ì75 א B L W Ξ Ë1 579 pc). Others turn this into “John the Baptist” (K 33 565 al it), “the prophet John the Baptist” (A [D] Θ Ë13 Ï lat), or “the prophet John” (Ψ 700 [892 1241] pc). “It appears that προφήτης was inserted by pedantic copyists who wished thereby to exclude Christ from the comparison, while others added τοῦ βαπτιστοῦ, assimilating the text to Mt 11.11” (TCGNT 119).

[7:28]  100 sn After John comes a shift of eras. The new era is so great that the lowest member of it (the one who is least in the kingdom of God) is greater than the greatest one of the previous era.

[7:28]  101 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus’ proclamation. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21. It is not strictly future, though its full manifestation is yet to come. That is why membership in it starts right after John the Baptist.

[7:29]  102 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “now” to indicate the parenthetical nature of the comment by the author.

[7:29]  103 sn See the note on tax collectors in 3:12.

[7:29]  104 tn Or “vindicated God”; Grk “justified God.” This could be expanded to “vindicated and responded to God.” The point is that God’s goodness and grace as evidenced in the invitation to John was justified and responded to by the group one might least expect, tax collector and sinners. They had more spiritual sensitivity than others. The contrastive response is clear from v. 30.

[7:29]  105 tn The participle βαπτισθέντες (baptisqente") has been translated as a causal adverbial participle.

[7:30]  106 sn See the note on Pharisees in 5:17.

[7:30]  107 tn That is, the experts in the interpretation of the Mosaic law (see also Luke 5:17, although the Greek term is not identical there, and Luke 10:25, where it is the same).

[7:30]  108 tn Or “plan.”

[7:30]  109 tn The participle βαπτισθέντες (baptisqente") has been translated as a causal adverbial participle; it could also be translated as means (“for themselves, by not having been baptized”). This is similar to the translation found in the NRSV.

[7:30]  110 tn Grk “by him”; the referent (John the Baptist) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:30]  111 sn Luke 7:29-30 forms something of an aside by the author. To indicate this, they have been placed in parentheses.

[7:31]  112 tn Grk “men,” but this is a generic use of ἄνθρωπος (anqrwpo"). The comparison that follows in vv. 32-34 describes “this generation,” not Jesus and John.

[7:32]  113 tn Grk “They are like children sitting…and calling out…who say.”

[7:32]  114 snWe played the flute for you, yet you did not dance…’ The children of this generation were making the complaint (see vv. 33-34) that others were not playing the game according to the way they played the music. John and Jesus did not follow “their tune.” Jesus’ complaint was that this generation wanted things their way, not God’s.

[7:32]  115 tn The verb ἐθρηνήσαμεν (eqrhnhsamen) refers to the loud wailing and lamenting used to mourn the dead in public in 1st century Jewish culture.

[7:33]  116 tn The perfect tenses in both this verse and the next do more than mere aorists would. They not only summarize, but suggest the characteristics of each ministry were still in existence at the time of speaking.

[7:33]  117 tn Grk “neither eating bread nor drinking wine,” but this is somewhat awkward in contemporary English.

[7:33]  118 sn John the Baptist was too separatist and ascetic for some, and so he was accused of not being directed by God, but by a demon.

[7:34]  119 tn Grk “Behold a man.”

[7:34]  120 sn Neither were they happy with Jesus (the Son of Man), even though he was the opposite of John and associated freely with people like tax collectors and sinners. Either way, God’s messengers were subject to complaint.

[7:35]  121 tn Or “shown to be right.” This is the same verb translated “acknowledged… justice” in v. 29, with a similar sense – including the notion of response. Wisdom’s children are those who respond to God through John and Jesus.

[7:35]  122 tn Or “by all those who follow her” (cf. CEV, NLT). Note that the parallel in Matt 11:19 reads “by her deeds.”

[7:36]  123 sn See the note on Pharisees in 5:17.

[7:36]  124 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:36]  125 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate that Jesus’ action was the result of the Pharisee’s invitation.

[7:36]  126 tn Grk “and reclined at table,” as 1st century middle eastern meals were not eaten while sitting at a table, but while reclining on one’s side on the floor with the head closest to the low table and the feet farthest away.

[7:37]  127 tn Grk “And behold.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative. The Greek word ἰδού (idou) at the beginning of this statement has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[7:37]  128 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:37]  129 tn Grk “was reclining at table.”

[7:37]  130 sn A jar made of alabaster stone was normally used for very precious substances like perfumes. It normally had a long neck which was sealed and had to be broken off so the contents could be used.

[7:37]  131 tn Μύρον (muron) was usually made of myrrh (from which the English word is derived) but here it is used in the sense of ointment or perfumed oil (L&N 6.205). The same phrase occurs at the end of v. 38 and in v. 46.

[7:37]  sn Nard or spikenard is a fragrant oil from the root and spike of the nard plant of northern India. This perfumed oil, if made of something like nard, would have been extremely expensive, costing up to a year’s pay for an average laborer.

[7:38]  132 tn Grk “And standing.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[7:38]  133 tn Grk “standing”; the participle στᾶσα (stasa) has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.

[7:38]  134 tn Grk “tears, and she.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[7:38]  135 tn Grk “with the hair of her head.”

[7:38]  136 tn Grk “and kissed,” but καί (kai) has not been translated since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

[7:38]  137 tn Grk “kissed his feet,” but this has been replaced by the pronoun “them” in keeping with contemporary English style.

[7:38]  138 sn The series of verbs in this verse detail the woman’s every move, much as if the onlookers were watching her every step. That she attended the meal is not so surprising, as teachers often ate an open meal where listeners were welcome, but for her to approach Jesus was unusual and took great nerve, especially given her reputation.

[7:39]  139 tn The word “this” is not in the Greek text, but is implied. Direct objects were frequently omitted in Greek when clear from the context.

[7:39]  140 tn This is a good example of a second class (contrary to fact) Greek conditional sentence. The Pharisee said, in effect, “If this man were a prophet (but he is not)…”

[7:39]  141 sn The Pharisees believed in a form of separationism that would have prevented them from any kind of association with such a sinful woman.

[7:40]  142 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the connection with the preceding statement recording the Pharisee’s thoughts.

[7:40]  143 tn Grk “answering, said to him.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “answered him.”

[7:40]  sn Jesus answered him. Note that as the Pharisee is denying to himself that Jesus is a prophet, Jesus is reading his thoughts.

[7:40]  144 tn Grk “he said.”

[7:41]  145 sn A creditor was a moneylender, whose business was to lend money to others at a fixed rate of interest.

[7:41]  146 tn The word “him” is not in the Greek text, but is implied.

[7:41]  147 tn Grk “five hundred denarii.”

[7:41]  sn The silver coins were denarii. The denarius was worth about a day’s wage for a laborer; this would be an amount worth not quite two years’ pay. The debts were significant: They represented two months’ pay and one and three quarter years’ pay (20 months) based on a six day work week.

[7:42]  148 tn The verb ἐχαρίσατο (ecarisato) could be translated as “forgave.” Of course this pictures the forgiveness of God’s grace, which is not earned but bestowed with faith (see v. 49).

[7:43]  149 tn Grk “answering, said.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “answered.”

[7:43]  150 tn Grk “the one to whom he forgave more” (see v. 42).

[7:43]  151 tn Grk “He”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity. Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[7:44]  152 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[7:44]  153 sn It is discussed whether these acts in vv. 44-46 were required by the host. Most think they were not, but this makes the woman’s acts of respect all the more amazing.

[7:45]  154 tn Grk “no kiss.” This refers to a formalized kiss of greeting, standard in that culture. To convey this to the modern reader, the words “of greeting” have been supplied to qualify what kind of kiss is meant.

[7:46]  155 sn This event is not equivalent to the anointing of Jesus that takes place in the last week of his life (Matt 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8). That woman was not a sinner, and Jesus was eating in the home of Simon the leper, who, as a leper, could never be a Pharisee.

[7:47]  156 tn Grk “for she loved much.” The connection between this statement and the preceding probably involves an ellipsis, to the effect that the ὅτι clause gives the evidence of forgiveness, not the ground. For similar examples of an “evidentiary” ὅτι, cf. Luke 1:22; 6:21; 13:2. See discussion in D. L. Bock, Luke [BECNT], 1:703-5. Further evidence that this is the case here is the final statement: “the one who is forgiven little loves little” means that the one who is forgiven little is thus not able to love much. The REB renders this verse: “her great love proves that her many sins have been forgiven; where little has been forgiven, little love is shown.”

[7:47]  sn She loved much. Jesus’ point is that the person who realizes how great a gift forgiveness is (because they have a deep sense of sin) has a great love for the one who forgives, that is, God. The woman’s acts of reverence to Jesus honored him as the one who brought God’s message of grace.

[7:48]  157 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[7:48]  158 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[7:48]  159 sn Jesus showed his authority to forgive sins, something that was quite controversial. See Luke 5:17-26 and the next verse.

[7:49]  160 tn Grk “And”; here καί (kai) has been translated as an adversative (contrastive).

[7:49]  161 tn Grk “were reclining at table.”

[7:50]  162 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[7:50]  163 sn On faith see Luke 5:20; 7:9; 8:25; 12:28; 17:6; 18:8; 22:32.

[7:50]  164 sn The questioning did not stop Jesus. He declared authoritatively that the woman was forgiven by God (your faith has saved you). This event is a concrete example of Luke 5:31-32.

[8:1]  165 tn Grk “And it happened that some time.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[8:1]  166 tn Καθεξῆς (Kaqexh") is a general temporal term and need not mean “soon afterward”; see Luke 1:3; Acts 3:24; 11:4; 18:23 and L&N 61.1.

[8:1]  167 tn Or “cities.”

[8:1]  168 sn The combination of preaching and proclaiming the good news is a bit emphatic, stressing Jesus’ teaching ministry on the rule of God.

[8:1]  169 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21.

[8:1]  170 tn Grk “And the.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[8:2]  171 sn There is an important respect shown to women in this text, as their contributions were often ignored in ancient society.

[8:2]  172 tn Or “illnesses.” The term ἀσθένεια (asqeneia) refers to the state of being ill and thus incapacitated in some way – “illness, disability, weakness.” (L&N 23.143).

[8:2]  173 sn This Mary is not the woman mentioned in the previous passage (as some church fathers claimed), because she is introduced as a new figure here. In addition, she is further specified by Luke with the notation called Magdalene, which seems to distinguish her from the woman at Simon the Pharisee’s house.

[8:3]  174 sn Cuza is also spelled “Chuza” in many English translations.

[8:3]  175 sn Herods refers here to Herod Antipas. See the note on Herod Antipas in 3:1.

[8:3]  176 tn Here ἐπίτροπος (epitropo") is understood as referring to the majordomo or manager of Herod’s household (BDAG 385 s.v. ἐπίτροπος 1). However, as BDAG notes, the office may be political in nature and would then be translated something like “governor” or “procurator.” Note that in either case the gospel was reaching into the highest levels of society.

[8:3]  177 tc Many mss (א A L Ψ Ë1 33 565 579 1241 2542 pm it co) read “for him,” but “for them” also has good ms support (B D K W Γ Δ Θ Ë13 700 892 1424 pm lat). From an internal standpoint the singular pronoun looks like an assimilation to texts like Matt 27:55 and Mark 15:41.

[8:4]  178 tn Grk “to him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:4]  179 tn This phrase renders a distributive use of κατά (kata) with πόλις (polis), literally “according to [each] town.”

[8:4]  180 tn The words “to them” do not appear in the Greek text but are supplied in the translation for clarity.

[8:5]  181 sn A sower went out to sow. The background for this well-known parable is a field through which a well-worn path runs in the Palestinian countryside. Sowing would occur in late fall or early winter (October to December) in the rainy season, looking for sprouting in April or May and a June harvest. The use of seed as a figure for God’s giving life has OT roots: Isa 55:10-11.

[8:5]  182 tn Luke’s version of the parable, like Mark’s (cf. Mark 4:1-9) uses the collective singular to refer to the seed throughout, so singular pronouns have been used consistently throughout this parable in the English translation. However, the parallel account in Matt 13:1-9 begins with plural pronouns in v. 4 but then switches to the collective singular in v. 5 ff.

[8:5]  183 tn Grk “the birds of the sky” or “the birds of the heaven”; the Greek word οὐρανός (ouranos) may be translated either “sky” or “heaven,” depending on the context. The idiomatic expression “birds of the sky” refers to wild birds as opposed to domesticated fowl (cf. BDAG 809 s.v. πετεινόν).

[8:6]  184 sn The rock in Palestine would be a limestone base lying right under the soil.

[8:7]  185 sn Palestinian weeds like these thorns could grow up to six feet in height and have a major root system.

[8:7]  186 sn That is, crowded out the good plants.

[8:8]  187 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in the final stage of the parable.

[8:8]  188 tn Grk “when it grew, after it grew.”

[8:8]  189 sn Unlike the parallel accounts in Matt 13:8 and Mark 4:8, there is no distinction in yield in this version of the parable.

[8:8]  190 tn Grk “said these things.”

[8:8]  191 tn The translation “had better listen!” captures the force of the third person imperative more effectively than the traditional “let him hear,” which sounds more like a permissive than an imperative to the modern English reader. This was Jesus’ common expression to listen and heed carefully (cf. Matt 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9, 23; Luke 14:35).

[8:9]  192 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[8:9]  193 tn Grk “what this parable might be” (an optative after a secondary tense, in keeping with good Koine style).

[8:10]  194 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:10]  195 tn This is an example of a so-called “divine passive,” with God understood to be the source of the revelation (see ExSyn 437-38).

[8:10]  196 tn Grk “it has been given to you to know.” The dative pronoun occurs first, in emphatic position in the Greek text, although this position is awkward in contemporary English.

[8:10]  197 tn Grk “the mysteries.”

[8:10]  sn The key term secrets (μυστήριον, musthrion) can mean either (1) a new revelation or (2) a revealing interpretation of existing revelation as in Dan 2:17-23, 27-30. Jesus seems to be explaining how current events develop old promises, since the NT consistently links the events of Jesus’ ministry and message with old promises (Rom 1:1-4; Heb 1:1-2). The traditional translation of this word, “mystery,” is misleading to the modern English reader because this English word suggests a secret which people have tried to uncover but which they have failed to understand (L&N 28.77).

[8:10]  198 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21.

[8:10]  199 sn A quotation from Isa 6:9. Thus parables both conceal or reveal depending on whether one is open to hearing what they teach.

[8:11]  200 tn Grk “is,” but in this context it is clearly giving an explanation of the parable.

[8:12]  201 sn Interestingly, the synoptic parallels each use a different word for the devil here: Matt 13:19 has “the evil one,” while Mark 4:15 has “Satan.” This illustrates the fluidity of the gospel tradition in often using synonyms at the same point of the parallel tradition.

[8:12]  202 sn The word of Jesus has the potential to save if it germinates in a person’s heart, something the devil is very much against.

[8:12]  203 tn The participle πιστεύσαντες (pisteusante") has been translated as a finite verb here. It may be regarded as an adverbial participle of attendant circumstance. From a logical standpoint the negative must govern both the participle and the finite verb.

[8:13]  204 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:13]  205 sn This time of temporary faith represented by the description believe for a while is presented rather tragically in the passage. The seed does not get a chance to do all it can.

[8:13]  206 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

[8:13]  207 tn Traditionally, “temptation.” Such a translation puts the emphasis on temptation to sin rather than testing of faith, which is what the context seems to indicate.

[8:13]  208 sn Fall away. On the idea of falling away and the warnings against it, see 2 Tim 3:1; Heb 3:12; Jer 3:14; Dan 9:9.

[8:14]  209 tn Grk “What”; the referent (the seed) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:14]  210 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

[8:14]  211 sn That is, their concern for spiritual things is crowded out by material things.

[8:14]  212 sn On warnings about the dangers of excessive material attachments, described here as the worries and riches and pleasures of life, see Luke 12:12-21; 16:19-31.

[8:14]  213 tn The verb τελεσφορέω (telesforew) means “to produce mature or ripe fruit” (L&N 23.203). Once again the seed does not reach its goal.

[8:15]  214 tn The aorist participle ἀκούσαντες (akousante") has been taken temporally, reflecting action antecedent (prior to) that of the main verb.

[8:15]  215 sn There is a tenacity that is a part of spiritual fruitfulness.

[8:15]  216 sn In an ancient context, the qualifier good described the ethical person who possessed integrity. Here it is integrity concerning God’s revelation through Jesus.

[8:15]  217 sn Given the pressures noted in the previous soils, bearing fruit takes time (steadfast endurance), just as it does for the farmer. See Jas 1:2-4.

[8:16]  218 tn The participle ἅψας ({aya") has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.

[8:16]  219 sn This is probably an ancient oil burning lamp or perhaps a candlestick. Jesus is comparing revelation to light, particularly the revelation of his ministry; see 1:78-79.

[8:16]  220 tn Or “its light,” if the Greek article is translated as a possessive pronoun (for such usage, cf. ExSyn 215).

[8:17]  221 sn Nothing is hidden. Light also exposes, and Jesus was suggesting that his teaching likewise revealed where people are and where they will be. Truth will be manifest in the future, just as it was declared by him then. Nothing will be concealed.

[8:17]  222 tn Or “disclosed.”

[8:18]  223 tn Or “Therefore pay close attention”; Grk “Take heed therefore how you hear.”

[8:18]  224 tn Grk “and.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

[8:18]  225 sn The phrase what he thinks he has is important, because it is not what a person thinks he has that is important but whether he actually has something or not. Jesus describes the person who does not heed his word as having nothing. The person who has nothing loses even that which he thought was something but was not. In other words, he has absolutely nothing at all. Jesus’ teaching must be taken seriously.

[8:19]  226 tn Grk “his”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:19]  227 sn The issue of whether Jesus had brothers (siblings) has had a long history in the church. Epiphanius, in the 4th century, argued that Mary was a perpetual virgin and had no offspring other than Jesus. Others argued that these brothers were really cousins. Nothing in the text suggests any of this. See also John 7:3.

[8:19]  228 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

[8:20]  229 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the sequence of events.

[8:21]  230 tn Grk “answering, he said.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “he replied.”

[8:21]  231 tn There is some discussion about the grammar of this verse in Greek. If “these” is the subject, then it reads, “These are my mother and brothers, those who.” If “these” is a nominative absolute, which is slightly more likely, then the verse more literally reads, “So my mother and brothers, they are those who.” The sense in either case is the same.

[8:21]  232 sn Hearing and doing the word of God is another important NT theme: Luke 6:47-49; Jas 1:22-25.

[8:22]  233 tn Grk “Now it happened that one.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated. Here δέ (de) has not been translated either.

[8:22]  234 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:22]  235 sn A boat that held all the disciples would be of significant size.

[8:22]  236 tn Grk “lake, and.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the response to Jesus’ request. In addition, because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[8:23]  237 tn Or “a squall.”

[8:23]  238 sn A violent windstorm came down on the lake. The Sea of Galilee is located in a depression some 700 ft (200 m) below sea level and is surrounded by hills. Frequently a rush of wind and the right mix of temperatures can cause a storm to come suddenly on the lake. Storms on the Sea of Galilee were known for their suddenness and violence.

[8:23]  239 tn Grk “they were being swamped,” but English idiom speaks of the boat being swamped rather than the people in it, so the referent (the boat) has been supplied to reflect this usage.

[8:24]  240 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:24]  241 tn The participle προσελθόντες (proselqonte") has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.

[8:24]  242 tn The double vocative shows great emotion.

[8:24]  243 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “so” to indicate the connection to the preceding events.

[8:24]  244 tn Or “commanded” (often with the implication of a threat, L&N 33.331).

[8:24]  245 sn Who has authority over the seas and winds is discussed in the OT: Ps 104:3; 135:7; 107:23-30. When Jesus rebuked the wind and the raging waves he was making a statement about who he was.

[8:25]  246 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[8:25]  247 snWhere is your faith?” The call is to trust God and realize that those who exercise faith can trust in his care.

[8:25]  248 sn The combination of fear and respect (afraid and amazed) shows that the disciples are becoming impressed with the great power at work in Jesus, a realization that fuels their question. For a similar reaction, see Luke 5:9.

[8:25]  249 sn Jesus’ authority over creation raised a question for the disciples about who he was exactly (“Who then is this?”). This verse shows that the disciples followed Jesus even though they did not know all about him yet.

[8:26]  250 tn Grk “And.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate a summary and transition in the narrative.

[8:26]  251 tc The textual tradition here is quite complicated. Most mss, especially later ones (A W Ψ Ë13 Ï sy), read “Gadarenes,” which is the better reading in Matt 8:28. Some mss (א L Θ Ξ Ë1 33 579 700* 1241 pc) have “Gergesenes.” But early and important representatives of the Alexandrian and Western texttypes (Ì75 B D latt) have “Gerasenes,” the reading followed in the translation. The difference between Matthew and Luke may well have to do with uses of variant regional terms.

[8:26]  sn The region of the Gerasenes would be in Gentile territory on the (south)eastern side of the Sea of Galilee across from Galilee. Matthew 8:28 records this miracle as occurring “in the region of the Gadarenes.” “Irrespective of how one settles this issue, for the Third Evangelist the chief concern is that Jesus has crossed over into Gentile territory, ‘opposite Galilee’” (J. B. Green, Luke [NICNT], 337). The region of Gadara extended to the Sea of Galilee and included the town of Sennabris on the southern shore – the town that the herdsmen most likely entered after the drowning of the pigs.

[8:26]  252 sn That is, across the Sea of Galilee from Galilee.

[8:27]  253 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:27]  254 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:27]  255 tn Grk “stepped out on land.”

[8:27]  256 tn Or “city.”

[8:27]  257 tn Grk “who had demons.”

[8:27]  258 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the demon-possessed man) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:27]  259 tn Or “in.”

[8:28]  260 tn Grk “And seeing.” The participle ἰδών (idwn) has been taken temporally. Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:28]  261 tn Grk “and fell,” but καί (kai) has not been translated since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

[8:28]  262 tn Grk “What to me and to you?” (an idiom). The phrase τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί (ti emoi kai soi) is Semitic in origin, though it made its way into colloquial Greek (BDAG 275 s.v. ἐγώ). The equivalent Hebrew expression in the OT had two basic meanings: (1) When one person was unjustly bothering another, the injured party could say “What to me and to you?” meaning, “What have I done to you that you should do this to me?” (Judg 11:12; 2 Chr 35:21; 1 Kgs 17:18). (2) When someone was asked to get involved in a matter he felt was no business of his own, he could say to the one asking him, “What to me and to you?” meaning, “That is your business, how am I involved?” (2 Kgs 3:13; Hos 14:8). These nuances were apparently expanded in Greek, but the basic notions of defensive hostility (option 1) and indifference or disengagement (option 2) are still present. BDAG suggests the following as glosses for this expression: What have I to do with you? What have we in common? Leave me alone! Never mind! Hostility between Jesus and the demons is certainly to be understood in this context, hence the translation: “Leave me alone….”

[8:28]  263 sn On the title Most High see Luke 1:35.

[8:28]  264 sn The demons’ plea “do not torment me” is a recognition of Jesus’ inherent authority over evil forces. The request is that Jesus not bother them. There was an appointed time in which demons would face their judgment, and they seem to have viewed Jesus’ arrival on the scene as an illegitimate change in God’s plan regarding the time when their sentence would be executed.

[8:29]  265 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:29]  266 tc ‡ Although the external evidence favors the aorist παρήγγειλεν (parhngeilen, “he commanded”; Ì75 B Θ Ξ Ψ Ë13 579 700 1241 1424 2542 pm), the internal evidence favors the imperfect παρήγγελλεν (parhngellen, here translated “he had started commanding”; א A C K L W Γ Δ 1 33 565 892 pm). The aorist is suspect because it can more easily be taken as a single command, and thus an immediate exorcism. The imperfect would most likely be ingressive (BDF §§328; 329; 331), suggesting that Jesus started to command the evil spirit to depart, and continued the command.

[8:29]  267 tn Grk “unclean.”

[8:29]  268 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so,” introducing a clause that gives the result of the man being seized by the demon.

[8:29]  269 tn Or “fetters”; these were chains for the feet.

[8:29]  270 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

[8:29]  271 tn Grk “into the deserts.” The plural use here has been translated as “deserted places,” that is, uninhabited areas.

[8:29]  272 sn This is a parenthetical, explanatory comment by the author.

[8:30]  273 tn Grk “And Jesus.” Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to pick up the sequence of the narrative prior to the parenthetical note by the author.

[8:30]  274 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:30]  275 sn The name Legion means “thousands,” a word taken from a Latin term for a large group of soldiers. The term not only suggests a multiple possession, but also adds a military feel to the account. This is a true battle.

[8:31]  276 tn One could also translate the imperfect tense here with a repetitive force like “begged him repeatedly.”

[8:31]  277 tn Or “command.”

[8:31]  278 tn This word, ἄβυσσος (abusso"), is a term for the place where the dead await the judgment. It also could hold hostile spirits according to Jewish belief (Jub. 5:6-7; 1 En. 10:4-6; 18:11-16).

[8:32]  279 tn Grk “mountain,” but this might give the English reader the impression of a far higher summit.

[8:32]  280 tn Grk “they”; the referent (the demonic spirits) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:32]  281 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:32]  282 sn Many have discussed why Jesus gave them permission, since the animals were destroyed. However, this is another example of a miracle that is a visual lesson. The demons are destructive: They were destroying the man. They destroyed the pigs. They destroy whatever they touch. The point was to take demonic influence seriously, as well as Jesus’ power over it as a picture of the larger battle for human souls. There would be no doubt how the man’s transformation had taken place.

[8:33]  283 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “so” to indicate a conclusion and transition in the narrative.

[8:33]  284 tn The words “of pigs” are supplied because of the following verb in English, “were drowned,” which is plural.

[8:34]  285 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:34]  286 tn Or “reported it.” This verb is used three times in the next few verses (vv. 36, 37), showing how the healing became a major topic of conversation in the district.

[8:34]  287 tn Or “city.”

[8:35]  288 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “so” to indicate the people’s response to the report.

[8:35]  289 tn Grk “Jesus, and they.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[8:36]  290 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:36]  291 tn Or “had been delivered”; Grk “had been saved.” This should not be understood as an expression for full salvation. They were only discussing the healing.

[8:37]  292 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[8:37]  293 tc See the tc note on “Gerasenes” in v. 26 for the same geographical options for the textual variants.

[8:37]  294 tn Grk “all the people of the surrounding region of the Gerasenes,” but according to L&N 1.80, “περίχωρος may include not only the surrounding region but also the point of reference, for example…‘the Gerasenes and the people living around them’ Lk 8:37.”

[8:37]  295 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:37]  296 tn Or “to depart from them.”

[8:37]  297 sn Again there is great fear at God’s activity, but there is a different reaction. Some people want nothing to do with God’s presence. Mark 5:16 hints that economic reasons motivated their request.

[8:37]  298 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “so” to indicate that Jesus’ departure was the result of the Gerasenes’ response. A new sentence was started in the translation at this point for stylistic reasons.

[8:37]  299 tn Grk “returned,” but the effect is that he departed from the Gerasene region.

[8:38]  300 tn Grk “be,” that is, “remain.” In this context that would involve accompanying Jesus as he went on his way.

[8:38]  301 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:39]  302 tn Grk “your house.”

[8:39]  303 tn Or “describe.”

[8:39]  304 sn Jesus instructs the man to declare what God has done for him, in contrast to the usual instructions (e.g., 8:56; 9:21) to remain silent. Here in Gentile territory Jesus allowed more open discussion of his ministry. D. L. Bock (Luke [BECNT], 1:781) suggests that with few Jewish religious representatives present, there would be less danger of misunderstanding Jesus’ ministry as political.

[8:39]  305 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the man’s response to Jesus’ instructions.

[8:39]  306 tn Or “city.”

[8:39]  307 sn Note that the man could not separate what God had done from the one through whom God had done it (what Jesus had done for him). This man was called to witness to God’s goodness at home.

[8:40]  308 tn This is a temporal infinitival clause in contrast to Mark’s genitive absolute (Mark 5:21).

[8:40]  sn Here the author notes that Jesus returned to the western shore of the Sea of Galilee after his brief excursion into Gentile territory (8:26-39; cf. also Mark 5:21).

[8:41]  309 tn Grk “And behold.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative. The Greek word ἰδού (idou) at the beginning of this statement has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[8:41]  310 tn Jairus is described as ἄρχων τῆς συναγωγῆς (arcwn th" sunagwghs), the main elder at the synagogue who was in charge of organizing the services.

[8:41]  311 sn See the note on synagogues in 4:15.

[8:41]  312 tn Grk “and falling.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started in the translation at this point.

[8:41]  313 tn This verb is an imperfect tense, commonly used by Luke for vividness.

[8:42]  314 tn This imperfect verb could be understood ingressively: “she was beginning to die” or “was approaching death.”

[8:42]  315 sn Pressed is a very emphatic term – the crowds were pressing in so hard that one could hardly breathe (L&N 19.48).

[8:43]  316 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “now” to indicate the transition to a new topic.

[8:43]  317 tn Grk “a flow of blood.”

[8:43]  318 tc ‡ Most mss, including the majority of later mss (א[* C] A L W Θ Ξ [Ψ] Ë1,13 33 [1424] Ï [lat syc,p,h]) read here, “having spent all her money on doctors.” Uncertainty over its authenticity is due primarily to the fact that certain important witnesses do not have the phrase (e.g., Ì75 B [D] 0279 sys sa Or). This evidence alone renders its authenticity unlikely. It may have been intentionally added by later scribes in order to harmonize Luke’s account with similar material in Mark 5:26 (see TCGNT 121). NA27 includes the words in brackets, indicating doubt as to their authenticity.

[8:44]  319 tn Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[8:44]  320 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:44]  321 sn The edge of his cloak refers to the kraspedon, the blue tassel on the garment that symbolized a Jewish man’s obedience to the law (cf. Num 15:37-41). The woman thus touched the very part of Jesus’ clothing that indicated his ritual purity.

[8:44]  322 tn Grk “garment,” but here ἱμάτιον (Jimation) denotes the outer garment in particular.

[8:44]  323 tn Grk “the flow of her blood.”

[8:44]  sn The woman was most likely suffering from a vaginal hemorrhage, in which case her bleeding would make her ritually unclean.

[8:45]  324 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[8:45]  325 tn Grk “said.”

[8:45]  326 tc Most mss, especially the later ones (א A C*,3 D L W Θ Ξ Ψ Ë1,13 33 Ï latt), also have “and those together with him” (with two different Greek constructions for the phrase “with him”), while several important witnesses omit this phrase (Ì75 B Π 700* al sa). The singular verb εἶπεν (eipen, “he said”) could possibly suggest that only Peter was originally mentioned, but, if the longer reading is authentic, then εἶπεν would focus on Peter as the spokesman for the group, highlighting his prominence (cf. ExSyn 401-2). Nevertheless, the longer reading looks like a clarifying note, harmonizing this account with Mark 5:31.

[8:45]  327 sn Pressing is a graphic term used in everyday Greek of pressing grapes. Peter says in effect, “How could you ask this? Everyone is touching you!”

[8:46]  328 tn This is a consummative perfect. Jesus sensed that someone had approached him to be healed, as his reference to power makes clear. The perception underlies Jesus’ prophetic sense as well.

[8:47]  329 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[8:47]  330 tn Or “could not remain unnoticed” (see L&N 28.83).

[8:47]  331 tn Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation. The order of the clauses in the remainder of the verse has been rearranged to reflect contemporary English style.

[8:47]  332 tn Grk “told for what reason.”

[8:48]  333 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[8:48]  334 tn Or “has delivered you”; Grk “has saved you.” This should not be understood as an expression for full salvation in the immediate context; it refers only to the woman’s healing.

[8:49]  335 tn That is, “the official in charge of the synagogue”; ἀρχισυνάγωγος (arcisunagwgo") refers to the “president of a synagogue” (so BDAG 139 s.v. and L&N 53.93). In this case the referent is Jairus (v. 41).

[8:50]  336 tn Grk “answered.”

[8:50]  337 tn Or “will be delivered”; Grk “will be saved.” This should not be understood as an expression for full salvation in the immediate context; it refers only to the girl’s healing.

[8:51]  338 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:51]  339 tn Grk “and John,” but καί (kai) has not been translated since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

[8:52]  340 sn This group probably includes outside or even professional mourners, not just family, because a large group seems to be present.

[8:52]  341 tn Grk “beating the breasts” (in mourning); see L&N 52.1.

[8:53]  342 tn This imperfect verb has been translated as an ingressive imperfect.

[8:53]  343 tn The participle εἰδότες (eidotes) has been translated as a causal adverbial participle.

[8:53]  344 tn Or “had died.”

[8:54]  345 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[8:54]  346 tn Grk “and called, saying.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified in the translation to “and said.”

[8:55]  347 tn Grk “And her.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[8:55]  348 sn In other words, she came back to life; see Acts 20:10.

[8:55]  349 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[8:56]  350 tn Grk “And her.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[8:56]  351 sn Jesus ordered them to tell no one because he desired that miracles not become the center of his ministry.

[9:1]  352 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:1]  353 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:1]  354 tn An aorist participle preceding an aorist main verb may indicate either contemporaneous (simultaneous) action (“When he called… he gave”) or antecedent (prior) action (“After he called… he gave”). The participle συγκαλεσάμενος (sunkalesameno") has been translated here as indicating antecedent action.

[9:1]  355 tc Some mss add ἀποστόλους (apostolou", “apostles”; א C* L Θ Ψ 070 0291 Ë13 33 579 892 1241 1424 2542 pc lat) or μαθητὰς αὐτοῦ (maqhta" autou, “his disciples”; C3 al it) here, but such clarifying notes are clearly secondary.

[9:1]  356 sn Note how Luke distinguishes between exorcisms (authority over all demons) and diseases here.

[9:2]  357 sn “To send out” is often a term of divine commission in Luke: 1:19; 4:18, 43; 7:27; 9:48; 10:1, 16; 11:49; 13:34; 24:49.

[9:2]  358 tn Or “to preach.”

[9:2]  359 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21.

[9:2]  360 sn As Jesus’ own ministry (Luke 4:16-44) involved both word (to proclaim) and deed (to heal) so also would that of the disciples.

[9:3]  361 tn Grk “And he.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:3]  362 tn Grk “the”; in context the article is used as a possessive pronoun (ExSyn 215).

[9:3]  363 sn Mark 6:8 allows one staff. It might be that Luke’s summary (cf. Matt 10:9-10) means not taking an extra staff or that the expression is merely rhetorical for “traveling light” which has been rendered in two slightly different ways.

[9:3]  364 tn Or “no traveler’s bag”; or possibly “no beggar’s bag” (L&N 6.145; BDAG 811 s.v. πήρα).

[9:3]  365 tn Grk “have two tunics.” See the note on the word “tunics” in 3:11.

[9:4]  366 tn Grk “And whatever.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:4]  367 sn Jesus telling his disciples to stay there in one house contrasts with the practice of religious philosophers in the ancient world who went from house to house begging.

[9:4]  368 tn Grk “and depart from there.” The literal wording could be easily misunderstood; the meaning is that the disciples were not to move from house to house in the same town or locality, but remain at the same house as long as they were in that place.

[9:5]  369 tn Grk “And wherever.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:5]  370 tn Grk “all those who do not receive you.”

[9:5]  371 tn Or “city.”

[9:5]  372 sn To shake the dust off represented shaking off the uncleanness from one’s feet; see Luke 10:11; Acts 13:51; 18:6. It was a sign of rejection.

[9:6]  373 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:6]  374 tn This is a distributive use of κατά (kata); see L&N 83:12 where this verse is cited as an example of the usage.

[9:6]  375 tn Or “preaching the gospel.”

[9:6]  sn This verse is similar to Luke 9:2, except for good news at this point. The change means that to “preach the kingdom” is to “preach the good news.” The ideas are interchangeable as summaries for the disciples’ message. They are combined in Luke 8:1.

[9:7]  376 sn Herod refers here to Herod Antipas. See the note on Herod Antipas in 3:1.

[9:7]  377 sn See the note on tetrarch in 3:1.

[9:7]  378 tn Or “was very confused.” See L&N 32.10 where this verse is given as an example of the usage.

[9:7]  379 sn John refers to John the Baptist, whom Herod had beheaded (v. 9).

[9:8]  380 sn The appearance of Elijah would mean that the end time had come. According to 2 Kgs 2:11, Elijah was still alive. In Mal 4:5 it is said that Elijah would be the precursor of Messiah.

[9:8]  381 sn The phrase had risen could be understood to mean “had been resurrected,” but this is only a possible option, not a necessary one, since the phrase could merely mean that a figure had appeared on the scene who mirrored an earlier historical figure. The three options of vv. 7-8 will be repeated in v. 19.

[9:9]  382 tn Grk “John I beheaded”; John’s name is in emphatic position in the Greek text. The verb is causative, since Herod would not have personally carried out the execution.

[9:9]  383 tn The expression ἐζήτει ἰδεῖν αὐτόν (ezhtei idein auton, “was seeking to see him”) probably indicates that Herod, for curiosity’s sake or more likely for evil purposes, wanted to get to know Jesus, i.e., who he was and what he was doing. See I. H. Marshall, Luke (NIGTC), 357. Herod finally got his wish in Luke 23:6-12, with inconclusive results from his point of view.

[9:10]  384 tn Grk “And when.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:10]  385 tn The participle ὑποστρέψαντες (Jupostreyante") has been taken temporally.

[9:10]  386 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:10]  387 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:10]  388 tc There is a seeming myriad of variants for this text. Many mss read εἰς τόπον ἔρημον (ei" topon erhmon, “to a deserted place”; א*,2 [1241]) or εἰς τόπον ἔρημον πόλεως καλουμένης Βηθσαϊδά (ei" topon erhmon polew" kaloumenh" Bhqsai>da, “to a deserted place of a town called Bethsaida”; [A] C W Ξmg [Ë1,13] [565] Ï) here, while others have εἰς κώμην λεγομένην Βηδσαϊδά (ei" kwmhn legomenhn Bhdsai>da, “to a village called Bedsaida”; D), εἰς κώμην καλουμένην Βηθσαϊδά εἰς τόπον ἔρημον (ei" kwmhn kaloumenhn Bhqsai>da ei" topon erhmon, “to a village called Bethsaida to a deserted place”; Θ), or εἰς τόπον καλουμένον Βηθσαϊδά (ei" topon kaloumenon Bhqsaida, “to a place called Bethsaida”; Ψ). The Greek behind the translation (εἰς πόλιν καλουμένην Βηθσαϊδά, ei" polin kaloumenhn Bhqsai>da) is supported by (Ì75) א1 B L Ξ* 33 2542 pc co. The variants can be grouped generally into those that speak of a “deserted place” and those that speak of a place/city/town called Bethsaida. The Byzantine reading is evidently a conflation of the earlier texts, and should be dismissed as secondary. The variants that speak of a deserted place are an assimilation to Mark 6:32, as well a harmonization with v. 12, and should also be regarded as secondary. The reading that best explains the rise of the others – both internally and externally – is the one that stands behind the translation and is found in the text of NA27.

[9:10]  tn Or “city.”

[9:10]  389 sn Bethsaida was a town on the northeast side of the Sea of Galilee. Probably this should be understood to mean a place in the vicinity of the town. It represents an attempt to reconcile the location with the place of the miraculous feeding that follows.

[9:11]  390 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:11]  391 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21.

[9:11]  392 sn Again the combination of word (spoke to them) and healing (cured, compassionate deed) is what summarizes Jesus’ ministry: See Luke 4:38-44; 6:17-19; 7:22 (as also the disciples, 9:6).

[9:12]  393 tn Grk “the day began to decline,” looking to the approach of sunset.

[9:12]  394 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “so” to indicate that the disciples’ request was related to the approach of sunset.

[9:12]  395 tn Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:12]  396 tn That is, find someone to show them hospitality. L&N 34.61 has “find lodging,” using this verse as an example.

[9:12]  397 tn Or “in a desert” (meaning a deserted or desolate area with sparse vegetation). Here ὧδε (Jwde) has not been translated.

[9:13]  398 tn Here the pronoun ὑμεῖς (Jumeis) is used, making “you” in the translation emphatic.

[9:13]  399 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:13]  400 tn Grk “said.”

[9:13]  401 tn This possibility is introduced through a conditional clause, but it is expressed with some skepticism (BDF §376).

[9:13]  402 tn The participle πορευθέντες (poreuqente") has been taken as indicating attendant circumstance.

[9:13]  403 sn Not only would going and buying food have been expensive and awkward at this late time of day, it would have taken quite a logistical effort to get the food back out to this isolated location.

[9:14]  404 tn The Greek text reads here ἄνδρες (andres) – that is, adult males. The actual count would be larger, since the use of this Greek term suggests that women and children were not included in this number (see the parallel in Matt 14:21).

[9:14]  405 sn This is a parenthetical note by the author.

[9:14]  406 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:14]  407 tn Or “Make” (depending on how the force of the imperative verb is understood). Grk “cause them to recline” (the verb has causative force here).

[9:15]  408 tn Grk “And they did thus.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate that the disciples’ action was a result of Jesus’ instructions. The adverb οὕτως ({outw", “thus”) has been expanded in the translation to “as Jesus directed” to clarify what was done.

[9:15]  409 tn Grk “and they”; the referent (the people) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:16]  410 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:16]  411 sn Gave thanks adds a note of gratitude to the setting. The scene is like two other later meals: Luke 22:19 and 24:30. Jesus gives thanks to God “with respect to” the provision of food. The disciples learn how Jesus is the mediator of blessing. John 6 speaks of him in this scene as picturing the “Bread of Life.”

[9:17]  412 sn There was more than enough for everybody, as indicated by the gathering of what was left over.

[9:18]  413 tn Grk “And it happened that.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated. Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:18]  414 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:18]  415 sn Prayer is a favorite theme of Luke and he is the only one of the gospel authors to mention it in the following texts (with the exception of 22:41): Luke 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:28-29; 11:1; 22:41; 23:34, 46.

[9:18]  416 tn Grk “the disciples were with him, and he asked them, saying.”

[9:18]  417 snWho do the crowds say that I am?” The question of who Jesus is occurs frequently in this section of Luke: 7:49; 8:25; 9:9. The answer resolves a major theme of Luke’s Gospel.

[9:19]  418 tn Grk “And they.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:19]  419 tn Grk “And answering, they said.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “They answered.”

[9:19]  420 sn The appearance of Elijah would mean that the end time had come. According to 2 Kgs 2:11, Elijah was still alive. In Mal 4:5 it is said that Elijah would be the precursor of Messiah.

[9:19]  421 sn The phrase has risen could be understood to mean “has been resurrected,” but this is only a possible option, not a necessary one, since the phrase could merely mean that a figure had appeared on the scene who mirrored an earlier historical figure. Note that the three categories in the reply match the ones in Luke 9:7-8.

[9:20]  422 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:20]  423 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:20]  424 tn Grk “Peter answering, said.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “Peter answered.”

[9:20]  425 tn Or “Messiah”; both “Christ” (Greek) and “Messiah” (Hebrew and Aramaic) mean “one who has been anointed.”

[9:20]  sn See the note on Christ in 2:11.

[9:21]  426 tn The combination of the participle and verb ἐπιτιμήσας and παρήγγειλεν (epitimhsa" and parhngeilen, “commanding, he ordered”) is a hendiadys that makes the instruction emphatic.

[9:21]  427 sn No explanation for the command not to tell this to anyone is given, but the central section of Luke, chapters 9-19, appears to reveal a reason. The disciples needed to understand who the Messiah really was and exactly what he would do before they were ready to proclaim Jesus as such. But they and the people had an expectation that needed some instruction to be correct.

[9:22]  428 sn The necessity that the Son of Man suffer is the particular point that needed emphasis, since for many 1st century Jews the Messiah was a glorious and powerful figure, not a suffering one.

[9:22]  429 sn Rejection in Luke is especially by the Jewish leadership (here elders, chief priests, and experts in the law), though in Luke 23 almost all will join in.

[9:22]  430 tn Or “and scribes.” See the note on the phrase “experts in the law” in 5:21.

[9:22]  431 sn The description of the Son of Man being rejected…killed, and…raised is the first of six passion summaries in Luke: 9:44; 17:25; 18:31-33; 24:7; 24:46-47.

[9:23]  432 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:23]  433 sn Here them all could be limited to the disciples, since Jesus was alone with them in v. 18. It could also be that by this time the crowd had followed and found him, and he addressed them, or this could be construed as a separate occasion from the discussion with the disciples in 9:18-22. The cost of discipleship is something Jesus was willing to tell both insiders and outsiders about. The rejection he felt would also fall on his followers.

[9:23]  434 tn Grk “to come after me.”

[9:23]  435 tn This translation better expresses the force of the Greek third person imperative than the traditional “let him deny,” which could be understood as merely permissive.

[9:23]  436 sn Only Luke mentions taking up one’s cross daily. To bear the cross means to accept the rejection of the world for turning to Jesus and following him. Discipleship involves a death that is like a crucifixion; see Gal 6:14.

[9:24]  437 sn The point of the saying whoever wants to save his life will lose it is that if one comes to Jesus then rejection by many will certainly follow. If self-protection is a key motivation, then one will not respond to Jesus and will not be saved. One who is willing to risk rejection will respond and find true life.

[9:25]  438 tn Grk “a man,” but ἄνθρωπος (anqrwpo") is used in a generic sense here to refer to both men and women.

[9:26]  439 sn How one responds now to Jesus and his teaching is a reflection of how Jesus, as the Son of Man who judges, will respond then in the final judgment.

[9:26]  440 tn This pronoun (τοῦτον, touton) is in emphatic position in its own clause in the Greek text: “of that person the Son of Man will be ashamed…”

[9:26]  441 tn Grk “in the glory of him and of the Father and of the holy angels.” “Glory” is repeated here in the translation for clarity and smoothness because the literal phrase is unacceptably awkward in contemporary English.

[9:27]  442 tn Grk “I tell you truly” (λέγω δὲ ὑμῖν ἀληθῶς, legw de Jumin alhqw").

[9:27]  443 tn The Greek negative here (οὐ μή, ou mh) is the strongest possible.

[9:27]  444 tn Grk “will not taste.” Here the Greek verb does not mean “sample a small amount” (as a typical English reader might infer from the word “taste”), but “experience something cognitively or emotionally; come to know something” (cf. BDAG 195 s.v. γεύομαι 2).

[9:27]  445 sn The meaning of the statement that some will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God is clear at one level, harder at another. Jesus predicts some will experience the kingdom before they die. When does this happen? (1) An initial fulfillment is the next event, the transfiguration. (2) It is also possible in Luke’s understanding that all but Judas experience the initial fulfillment of the coming of God’s presence and rule in the work of Acts 2. In either case, the “kingdom of God” referred to here would be the initial rather than the final phase.

[9:28]  446 tn Grk “Now it happened that about.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[9:28]  447 tn Matt 17:1 and Mark 9:2 specify the interval more exactly, saying it was the sixth day. Luke uses ὡσεί (Jwsei, “about”) to give an approximate reference.

[9:28]  448 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:29]  449 tn Grk “And as.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:29]  450 tn Here the preposition ἐν (en) plus the dative articular aorist infinitive has been translated as a temporal clause (ExSyn 595).

[9:29]  451 tn Or “the appearance of his face became different.”

[9:29]  sn In 1st century Judaism and in the NT, there was the belief that the righteous get new, glorified bodies in order to enter heaven (1 Cor 15:42-49; 2 Cor 5:1-10). This transformation means the righteous will share the glory of God. One recalls the way Moses shared the Lord’s glory after his visit to the mountain in Exod 34. So the disciples saw the appearance of his face transformed, and they were getting a sneak preview of the great glory that Jesus would have (only his glory is more inherent to him as one who shares in the rule of the kingdom).

[9:29]  452 tn Or “became bright as a flash of lightning” (cf. BDAG 346 s.v. ἐξαστράπτω); or “became brilliant as light” (cf. BDAG 593 s.v. λευκός 1).

[9:30]  453 tn Grk “And behold.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style. The Greek word ἰδού (idou) at the beginning of this statement has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[9:30]  454 sn Commentators and scholars discuss why Moses and Elijah are present. The most likely explanation is that Moses represents the prophetic office (Acts 3:18-22) and Elijah pictures the presence of the last days (Mal 4:5-6), the prophet of the eschaton (the end times).

[9:30]  455 tn Grk “two men were talking with him, who were Moses and Elijah.” The relative clause has been simplified to an appositive and transposed in keeping with contemporary English style.

[9:31]  456 tn Grk “his exodus,” which refers to Jesus’ death in Jerusalem and journey back to glory. Here is the first lesson that the disciples must learn. The wondrous rule comes only after suffering.

[9:31]  457 tn Or “accomplish,” “bring to completion.”

[9:31]  458 map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

[9:32]  459 tn Grk “weighed down with sleep” (an idiom).

[9:32]  460 tn Or “after they became fully awake,” “but they became fully awake and saw.”

[9:33]  461 tn Grk “And it happened that as.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated. Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:33]  462 tn Grk “as they”; the referent (“the men,” referring to Moses and Elijah) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:33]  463 tn Grk “to leave from him.”

[9:33]  464 tn Or “booths,” “dwellings” (referring to the temporary booths constructed in the celebration of the feast of Tabernacles).

[9:33]  sn By making three shelters Peter apparently wanted to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths that looked forward to the end and to treat Moses, Elijah, and Jesus as equals. It was actually a way of expressing honor to Jesus, but the remark at the end of the verse makes it clear that it was not enough honor.

[9:34]  465 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:34]  466 sn This cloud is the cloud of God’s presence and the voice is his as well.

[9:34]  467 tn Or “appeared.”

[9:34]  468 tn Or “surrounded.”

[9:35]  469 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

[9:35]  470 tc Most mss, especially the later ones, have ἀγαπητός (agaphto", “the one I love”; A C* W Ë13 33 Ï it), or ἀγαπητὸς ἐν ᾧ ()υδόκησα (agaphto" en |w (h)udokhsa, “the one I love, in whom I am well pleased”; C3 D Ψ pc) here, instead of ἐκλελεγμένος (eklelegmeno", “the Chosen One”), but these variants are probably assimilations to Matt 17:5 and Mark 9:7. The text behind the translation also enjoys excellent support from Ì45,75 א B L Ξ (579) 892 1241 pc co.

[9:35]  tn The participle ὁ ἐκλελεγμένος (Jo eklelegmeno"), which could be translated “the One who has been chosen,” is best understood as a title rather than a descriptive phrase, probably deriving from Isa 42:1 (LXX) which uses the similar ὁ ἐκλεκτός (Jo eklekto") which also appears in Luke 23:35.

[9:35]  sn This divine endorsement is like Luke 3:22 at Jesus’ baptism. One difference here is the mention of the Chosen One, a reference to the unique and beloved role of the regal, messianic Son.

[9:35]  471 sn The expression listen to him comes from Deut 18:15 and makes two points: 1) Jesus is a prophet like Moses, a leader-prophet, and 2) they have much yet to learn from him.

[9:36]  472 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:36]  473 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the concluding summary of the account.

[9:36]  474 sn Although the disciples told no one at the time, later they did recount this. The commentary on this scene is 2 Pet 1:17-18.

[9:36]  475 tn Grk “in those days.”

[9:37]  476 tn Grk “Now it happened that on.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[9:38]  477 tn Grk “And behold.” Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the somewhat unexpected appearance of the man. The Greek word ἰδού (idou) at the beginning of this statement has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[9:38]  478 tn Grk “cried out, saying.” The participle λέγων (legwn) is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[9:38]  479 tn This verb means “to have regard for”; see Luke 1:48.

[9:39]  480 tn Grk “and behold, a.” Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, καί (kai) has not been translated here; instead a new sentence was started in the translation. The Greek word ἰδού (idou) at the beginning of this statement has not been translated because it has no exact English equivalent here, but adds interest and emphasis (BDAG 468 s.v. 1).

[9:39]  481 tn The Greek here is slightly ambiguous; the subject of the verb “screams” could be either the son or the spirit.

[9:39]  482 sn The reaction is like an epileptic fit (see L&N 14.27). See the parallel in Matt 17:14-20.

[9:39]  483 tn Or “bruising,” or “crushing.” This verb appears to allude to the damage caused when it throws him to the ground. According to L&N 19.46 it is difficult to know from this verb precisely what the symptoms caused by the demon were, but it is clear they must have involved severe pain. The multiple details given in the account show how gruesome the condition of the boy was.

[9:40]  484 tn Grk “And I.” Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, καί (kai) has not been translated here; instead a new sentence was started in the translation.

[9:40]  485 sn Note the repetition of the verb from v. 38, an indication of the father’s desperation.

[9:40]  486 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

[9:40]  487 tn The words “do so” are not in the Greek text, but have been supplied for clarity and stylistic reasons.

[9:41]  488 tn Grk “And answering, Jesus said.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “Jesus answered.” Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:41]  489 tn Grk “O.” The marker of direct address, (w), is functionally equivalent to a vocative and is represented in the translation by “you.”

[9:41]  490 tn Or “faithless.”

[9:41]  sn The rebuke for lack of faith has OT roots: Num 14:27; Deut 32:5, 30; Isa 59:8.

[9:41]  491 tn Grk “how long.”

[9:41]  492 tn Or “and put up with.” See Num 11:12; Isa 46:4.

[9:41]  493 sn The pronouns you…you are plural, indicating that Jesus is speaking to a group rather than an individual.

[9:42]  494 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:42]  495 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the boy) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:42]  496 sn At this point the boy was thrown down in another convulsion by the demon. See L&N 23.168.

[9:42]  497 tn See L&N 23.167-68, where the second verb συσπαράσσω (susparassw) is taken to mean the violent shaking associated with the convulsions, thus the translation here “and shook him with convulsions.”

[9:42]  498 tn Or “commanded” (often with the implication of a threat, L&N 33.331).

[9:42]  499 sn This is a reference to an evil spirit. See Luke 4:33.

[9:43]  500 tn Here δέ (de) has been translated as “then” to indicate the response at the conclusion of the account.

[9:43]  501 sn The revelation of the mighty power of God was the manifestation of God’s power shown through Jesus. See Acts 10:38.

[9:43]  502 tn Grk “all”; the referent (the crowd) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:43]  503 tc Most mss, especially the later ones (A C W Θ Ψ 0115 Ë13 33 892 Ï al), actually supply ὁ ᾿Ιησοῦς (Jo Ihsous, “Jesus”) here. Since the earliest and best witnesses, along with many others (Ì75 א B D L Ξ Ë1 579 700 1241 2542 pc lat), lack the name, and since scribes were unlikely to intentionally omit it, the shorter reading is preferred as the original reading.

[9:43]  tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity. Some mss have done the same.

[9:44]  504 tn Grk “Place these words into your ears,” an idiom. The meaning is either “do not forget these words” (L&N 29.5) or “Listen carefully to these words” (L&N 24.64). See also Exod 17:14. For a variation of this expression, see Luke 8:8.

[9:44]  505 tn The plural Greek term ἀνθρώπων (anqrwpwn) is considered by some to be used here in a generic sense, referring to both men and women (cf. NRSV, “into human hands”; TEV, “to the power of human beings”). However, because this can be taken as a specific reference to the group responsible for Jesus’ arrest, where it is unlikely women were present (cf. Matt 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:2-12), the word “men” has been retained in the translation. There may also be a slight wordplay with “the Son of Man” earlier in the verse.

[9:45]  506 tn Grk “it”; the referent (the meaning of the statement) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:45]  507 sn The passive verb had been concealed probably indicates that some force was preventing them from responding. It is debated whether God or Satan is meant here. By 24:25 it is clear that their lack of response is their own responsibility. The only way to reverse this is to pay careful attention as v. 44a urges.

[9:45]  508 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “yet” to indicate that in spite of their lack of understanding, the disciples were afraid to ask about it. Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

[9:46]  509 tn Grk “among them”; the referent (the disciples) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:46]  510 tn The use of the optative mood means the answer is not clear (BDF §§267.2.3; 385.2.2).

[9:47]  511 tn Grk “knowing the thoughts of their hearts” (an idiom).

[9:47]  512 tn On this use of παρά (para), see BDF §239.1.1.

[9:48]  513 tn This verb, δέχομαι (decomai), is a term of hospitality (L&N 34.53).

[9:48]  514 sn Children were very insignificant in ancient culture, so this child would be the perfect object lesson to counter the disciples’ selfish ambitions.

[9:48]  515 tn Grk “among you all, this one is great.” The absence of a comparative term here makes the point that comparison should not be done.

[9:49]  516 tn Grk “And answering, John said.” This is redundant in contemporary English and has been simplified to “John answered.” Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:49]  517 tc The translation follows the reading that has Luke’s normal imperfect here (ἐκωλύομεν, ekwluomen; found in Ì75vid א B L Ξ 579 892 1241). Most mss, however, have an aorist (ἐκωλύσαμεν, ekwlusamen; found in A C D W Θ Ψ Ë1,13 33 Ï co), which would be translated “we forbade him.” The imperfect enjoys the best external and internal support.

[9:49]  518 tn Grk “does not follow with us.” BDAG 36 s.v. ἀκολουθέω 2 indicates that the pronoun σοι (soi, “you”) is to be supplied after the verb in this particular instance; the translation in the text best represents this nuance.

[9:51]  519 tn Grk “And it happened that when.” The introductory phrase ἐγένετο (egeneto, “it happened that”), common in Luke (69 times) and Acts (54 times), is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

[9:51]  520 tn Grk “the days were being fulfilled.” There is literary design here. This starts what has been called in the Gospel of Luke the “Jerusalem Journey.” It is not a straight-line trip, but a journey to meet his fate (Luke 13:31-35).

[9:51]  521 sn Taken up is a reference to Jesus’ upcoming return to heaven by crucifixion and resurrection (compare Luke 9:31). This term was used in the LXX of Elijah’s departure in 2 Kgs 2:9.

[9:51]  522 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:51]  523 tn Grk “he set his face,” a Semitic idiom that speaks of a firm, unshakable resolve to do something (Gen 31:21; Isa 50:7).

[9:51]  524 map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

[9:52]  525 tn Grk “And he.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:52]  526 tn Grk “sent messengers before his face,” an idiom.

[9:52]  527 tn Grk “And going along, they entered.” The aorist passive participle πορευθέντες (poreuqente") has been taken temporally. Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:52]  528 tn Or “to prepare (things) for him.”

[9:53]  529 tn Grk “they”; the referent (the villagers) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:53]  530 tn Or “did not receive”; this verb, δέχομαι (decomai), is a term of hospitality or welcome (L&N 34.53).

[9:53]  531 tn Grk “because his face was set toward Jerusalem.”

[9:53]  sn Jerusalem is to be the place of rejection, as Luke 9:44 suggested. Jesus had resolved to meet his fate in Jerusalem, so the rejection was no surprise.

[9:54]  532 tn Or “destroy.”

[9:54]  533 tc Most mss, especially the later ones (A C D W Θ Ψ Ë1,13 33 Ï it), read here “as also Elijah did,” making the allusion to 2 Kgs 1:10, 12, 14 more explicit. The shorter reading has better and earlier support (Ì45,75 א B L Ξ 579 700* 1241 pc lat sa). It is difficult to explain how the shorter reading could have arisen from the longer, especially since it is well represented early on. However, the longer reading looks to have been a marginal note originally, incorporated into the text of Luke by early scribes.

[9:54]  sn An allusion to 2 Kgs 1:10, 12, 14.

[9:55]  534 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:55]  535 tc Many mss ([D] K Γ Θ Ë1,13 [579] 700 2542 pm it) have at the end of the verse (with slight variations) “and he said, ‘You do not know what sort of spirit you are of, for the Son of Man did not come to destroy people’s lives, but to save [them].’” This variant is clearly secondary, as it gives some content to the rebuke. Further, it is difficult to explain how such rich material would have been omitted by the rest of the witnesses, including the earliest and best mss.

[9:55]  sn The point of the rebuke is that now was not the time for judgment but patience; see 2 Pet 3:9.

[9:57]  536 tn Grk “And as.” Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

[9:57]  537 tn Grk “going,” but “walking” is an accurate description of how they traveled about.

[9:57]  538 tc Most mss (A C W Θ Ψ Ë13 33 Ï) add κύριε (kurie, “Lord”) here, but scribes were prone to add to the text, especially appellations for the Lord. The shorter reading also enjoys significant ms support (Ì45,75 א B D L Ξ Ë1 lat co).

[9:57]  sn The statement “I will follow you wherever you go” is an offer to follow Jesus as a disciple, no matter what the cost.

[9:58]  539 tn Grk “the birds of the sky” or “the birds of the heaven”; the Greek word οὐρανός (ouranos) may be translated either “sky” or “heaven,” depending on the context. The idiomatic expression “birds of the sky” refers to wild birds as opposed to domesticated fowl (cf. BDAG 809 s.v. πετεινόν).

[9:58]  540 sn Jesus’ reply is simply this: Does the man understand the rejection he will be facing? Jesus has no home in the world (the Son of Man has no place to lay his head).

[9:59]  541 tn Grk “And he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity. Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:59]  542 tn Grk “said.”

[9:60]  543 tn Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[9:60]  544 sn There are several options for the meaning of Jesus’ reply Leave the dead to bury their own dead: (1) Recent research suggests that burial customs in the vicinity of Jerusalem from about 20 b.c. to a.d. 70 involved a reinterment of the bones a year after the initial burial, once the flesh had rotted away. At that point the son would have placed his father’s bones in a special box known as an ossuary to be set into the wall of the tomb. Thus Jesus could well be rebuking the man for wanting to wait around for as much as a year before making a commitment to follow him. In 1st century Jewish culture, to have followed Jesus rather than burying one’s father would have seriously dishonored one’s father (cf. Tobit 4:3-4). (2) The remark is an idiom (possibly a proverbial saying) that means, “The matter in question is not the real issue,” in which case Jesus was making a wordplay on the wording of the man’s (literal) request (see L&N 33.137). (3) This remark could be a figurative reference to various kinds of people, meaning, “Let the spiritually dead bury the dead.” (4) It could also be literal and designed to shock the hearer by the surprise of the contrast. Whichever option is preferred, it is clear that the most important priority is to preach the gospel (proclaim the kingdom of God).

[9:60]  545 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21.

[9:61]  546 tn Grk “And another also said.”

[9:61]  547 tn Grk “to those in my house.”

[9:62]  548 tn Here δέ (de) has not been translated.

[9:62]  549 tn Grk “the”; in context the article is used as a possessive pronoun (ExSyn 215).

[9:62]  550 sn Jesus warns that excessive concern for family ties (looks back) will make the kingdom a lesser priority, which is not appropriate for discipleship. The image is graphic, for who can plow straight ahead toward a goal while looking back? Discipleship cannot be double-minded.

[9:62]  551 sn The kingdom of God is a major theme of Jesus. It is a realm in which Jesus rules and to which those who trust him belong. See Luke 6:20; 11:20; 17:20-21.

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