TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 1:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


gambar-Nya ... gambar(TB)/petanya .... peta(TL) <06754> [in the image.]


laki-laki(TB/TL) <02145> [male.]


Allah menciptakan

Kej 1:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:1]


Kej 2:7; Mazm 103:14; 119:73 [Semua]

menurut gambar-Nya,

Kej 1:26; [Lihat FULL. Kej 1:26]

gambar Allah

Kej 5:1

dan perempuan

Kej 5:2; Mat 19:4%&; Mr 10:6%&; Gal 3:28 [Semua]

diciptakan-Nya mereka.

Ul 4:32

Kejadian 2:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


baik(TB/TL) <02896> [good.]

menjadikan(TB)/memperbuat(TL) <06213> [I will.]

penolong(TB/TL) <05828> [meet for him. Heb. as before him.]


penolong baginya,

Ams 31:11; 1Kor 11:9; 1Tim 2:13 [Semua]


Kejadian 24:51

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ribka(TB)/Ribkah(TL) <07259> [Rebekah.]

difirmankan(TB)/firman(TL) <01696> [hath.]


yang difirmankan

Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12]

Kejadian 27:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


suara suara(TB)/Suara ... suara(TL) <06963> [The voice.]

How wonderful, says Mr. Scott, is that difference which there is betwixt the faces and the voices of the several individuals of the human species! Scarcely any two of the innumerable millions are exactly alike in either, and yet the difference cannot be defined or described! The power, wisdom, and kindness of our Creator should be admired and adored in this remarkable circumstance; for they are very visible. This description of Jacob is not unaptly accommodated to the character of a hypocrite: his voice, his language, is that of a Christian; his hands, or conduct, that of an ungodly man: but the judgment will proceed from God, the Judge of all, at the last day, as in the present case, not by the voice, but by the hands.


mendekati Ishak,

Kej 45:4

itu merabanya

Kej 27:12

Kejadian 30:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Izinkanlah ... pergi supaya(TB)/Berilah .... pergi supaya(TL) <07971> [Send me away.]

tempat(TB)/tempatku(TL) <04725> [mine.]

negeriku(TB/TL) <0776> [and to.]


Judul : Ternak Yakub bertambah

Perikop : Kej 30:25-43

aku pergi,

Kej 24:54; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:54]

ke negeriku.

Kej 28:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:15]

Kejadian 35:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lus(TB)/Luz(TL) <03870> [Luz.]


ke Lus

Kej 28:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:19]

tanah Kanaan

Kej 10:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:19]

Kejadian 37:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


jual .... orang Ismaili(TB)/jualkan(TL) <04376 03459> [sell him.]

apa-apakan(TB)/tangan(TL) <03027> [let not.]

saudara ....... saudara-saudaranya(TB)/adik ........... saudara-saudaranya(TL) <0251> [he is our.]

mendengarkan(TB)/diturutlah ..... katanya(TL) <08085> [were content. Heb. hearkened.]


ia saudara

Kej 42:21

darah daging

Kej 29:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 29:14]

Kejadian 37:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dikoyakkannyalah(TB)/dikoyak-koyakkannya(TL) <07167> [he rent.]


dikoyakkannyalah bajunya,

Kej 37:34; Kej 44:13; Bil 14:6; Yos 7:6; 2Sam 1:11; 2Raj 2:12; 5:7; 11:14; 22:11; Ayub 1:20; 2:12; Yes 36:22; 37:1; Yer 36:24; 41:5; Yoel 2:13 [Semua]

Kejadian 37:34

TSK Full Life Study Bible



mengoyakkan jubahnya,

Kej 37:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 37:29]

kain kabung

2Sam 3:31; 1Raj 20:31; 21:27; 2Raj 6:30; 19:1,2; Ayub 16:15; Mazm 69:12; Yes 3:24; 15:3; 22:12; 32:11; 37:1; Yer 48:37; 49:3; Yoel 1:13 [Semua]

ia berhari-hari

Kej 50:3,10,11; Bil 20:29; Ul 34:8 [Semua]

Kejadian 48:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sujud ... hadapannya(TB)/sujudlah(TL) <07812 0639> [he bowed himself.]

Joseph thus shewed that his external greatness did not render him forgetful of the respect due to his father. The Egyptians were remarkable for the reverence paid to old age: "for if a young person meet his senior, he instantly turns aside to make way for him; if an aged person enter an apartment, the youth always rise from their seats;" and Mr. Savary observes, that the same reverence is still paid to old age in Egypt.


antara lutut

Kej 50:23; Ayub 3:12 [Semua]

ke tanah.

Kej 19:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:1]; Kej 33:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 33:3]; Kej 37:10 [Semua]

Kejadian 49:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


belas(TB/TL) <06240> [the twelve.]

yang .......... tiap-tiap(TB)/yang(TL) <0376 0834> [every one.]


suku Israel,

Kej 49:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:2]

dengan berkat

Kej 27:4; [Lihat FULL. Kej 27:4]

Kejadian 50:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


keturunan ..... anak-anak ... anak(TB)/anak ............. anak-anak ... bin(TL) <01121> [the children.]

lahir(TB)/diletakkan(TL) <03205> [brought up. Heb. born. Joseph's.]


anak cucu

Kej 48:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 48:11]


Kej 41:52; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:52]

yang ketiga;

Ayub 42:16

anak-anak Makhir,

Bil 26:29; 27:1; 32:39,40; 36:1; Ul 3:15; Yos 13:31; 17:1; Hak 5:14 [Semua]

anak Manasye,

Kej 41:51; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:51]

pangkuan Yusuf.

Kej 48:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 48:12]

TIP #26: Perkuat kehidupan spiritual harian Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab Harian. [SEMUA]
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