TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Raja-raja 1:2-3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dicari(TB)/dicahari(TL) <01245> [Let there be sought. Heb. Let them seek. a young virgin.]

Heb. a damsel, a virgin. stand.

merawat ..... berbaring ....... berbaring(TB)/dipeliharakannya(TL) <05532 07901> [cherish him. Heb. be a cherisher unto him. lie.]

menjadi panas(TB)/suhu(TL) <02552> [get heat.]


dicarilah(TB)/dicahari(TL) <01245> [So.]

Abisag(TB)/Abisaj(TL) <049> [Abishag.]

Sunem(TB)/Sunami(TL) <07767> [Shunammite.]


didapatlah Abisag,

1Raj 1:15; 2Sam 3:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:7]; 1Raj 2:17,22 [Semua]

gadis Sunem,

Yos 19:18; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:18]

1 Raja-raja 5:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dapat mendirikan ... membangunkan(TB)/dapat(TL) <03201 01129> [could not.]

memerangi(TB)/perang(TL) <04421> [the wars.]

menyerahkan(TB)/direndahkan(TL) <05414> [put.]


dapat mendirikan

2Sam 7:5; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:5]

musuh-musuhnya memerangi

1Taw 22:8; 28:3 [Semua]

telapak kakinya.

2Sam 22:40; Mazm 8:7; 110:1; Mat 22:44; [Lihat FULL. Mat 22:44]; 1Kor 15:25 [Semua]

1 Raja-raja 6:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


disekatnyalah ....... rumah ............. dibuatnyalah ruang ..... tempat(TB)/diperbuatnya(TL) <01129 01004> [built them.]

ruang belakang(TB)/tempat(TL) <01687> [the oracle.]

The oracle was the sanctuary, or holy of holies, in which there was nothing but the ark of the covenant, including the tables of the law, and into which the high priest alone was to enter but once a year.


maha kudus.

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]

1 Raja-raja 7:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buah labu ............. labu(TB)/kuntum-kuntum bunga ............... kuntum bunga(TL) <06497> [knops.]

mengelilinginya ....... kolam laut(TB)/keliling kolam(TL) <05437 05362 03220> [compassing the sea.]

1 Raja-raja 8:34

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengampuni dosa ... dosa(TB)/ampunilah dosa(TL) <02403 05545> [forgive the sin.]

Kauberikan(TB)/Kaukaruniakan(TL) <05414> [which thou gavest.]

1 Raja-raja 8:41

TSK Full Life Study Bible


asing(TB)/dagang(TL) <05237> [a stranger.]

datang(TB/TL) <0935> [cometh out.]


seorang asing,

Kej 31:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:15]; Yes 56:3,6; 61:5 [Semua]

1 Raja-raja 8:54

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Salomo(TB)/Sulaiman(TL) <08010> [when Solomon.]

berlutut(TB)/bertelut(TL) <03766> [kneeling.]

tangannya(TB/TL) <03709> [with his hands.]


Judul : Berkat dan pujian

Perikop : 1Raj 8:54-61


2Taw 7:1-3 dengan 1Raj 8:54-61

1 Raja-raja 10:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Tarsis ........... Tarsis(TB)/Tarsis ................. Tarsis(TL) <08659> [Tharshish.]

[Tarshish. ivory. or, elephant's teeth.]

kera(TB/TL) <06971> [apes.]

{Kophim,} rather monkeys, the same as the Syriac [qwp',] Greek [kephos,] [kepos,] or [kebos,] and Roman {Cephus,} which animal both Pliny and Solinus inform us was brought from Ethiopia. The same name appears in the monkeys, called {KEIIIEN} in the Pr‘nestine Pavement, and in the French {cep} or {ceb.}

burung merak(TB/TL) <08500> [peacocks.]


kapal-kapal Tarsis

1Raj 9:26; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:26]

dengan kapal-kapal

1Raj 9:27; Mazm 48:8; Yes 2:16; 23:1,14; 60:6,9 [Semua]

1 Raja-raja 13:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible



makan roti

1Raj 13:8

1 Raja-raja 15:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Iyon(TB/TL) <05859> [Ijon.]

Probably the same as Hazar-enan, a frontier town to Damascus, (Eze 48:1;) and perhaps the Inna of Coele-Syria, long. 68 degrees and a half, lat. 33 degrees, according to Ptolemy.

Dan(TB/TL) <01835> [Dan.]

Abel-Bet-Maakha(TB)/Abel-Bait-Maakha(TL) <062> [Abel-beth-maachah.]

Kinerot(TB/TL) <03672> [Cinneroth.]


ia mengalahkan

1Raj 20:34

1 Raja-raja 16:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membunuh(TB)/dibunuhnya(TL) <05221> [he slew.]

seorang laki-lakipun ... seorang laki-laki ditinggalkannya hidup(TB)/dihidupinya(TL) <07604 08366> [he left him.]

kaumnya ... teman-temannya ....... sahabatnya(TB)/kaum keluarganya ...... sahabatnya(TL) <01350 07453> [neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends. or, both his kinsmen and his friends.]


seluruh keluarga

1Raj 16:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 16:3]

1 Raja-raja 16:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Omri(TB/TL) <06018> [Omri.]

1 Raja-raja 18:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


gunung Karmel ..... Karmel(TB)/gunung Karmel(TL) <03760 02022> [mount Carmel.]

Mount Carmel is situated north of Dora and south of Ptolemais or Acre, from which it is distant, according to Josephus, 120 stadia, or, according to Thevenot, 10 miles; one of its principal points advancing considerably into the Mediterranean, and forming an elevated promontory. It is described as a flattened cone, about 2,000 feet (some say 1,500) in height, very rocky, its sides steep and rugged, and the soil neither deep nor rich. Capt. Mangles says its is now quite barren, though at the north-eastern foot of it there are some pretty olive-grounds.

nabi-nabi Baal .......... nabi-nabi Baal(TB)/nabi Baal ...... nabi(TL) <01168 05030> [the prophets of Baal.]

nabi-nabi ........... nabi-nabi Asyera ....... hutan-hutan(TB)/nabi ....... nabi hutan-hutan(TL) <0842 05030> [prophets of the groves.]

Though {ashairah} certainly denotes in some place a grove, yet it is equally certain, that in others, as here, it must signify an idol; and it is thought by learned men to be the same as Ashtoreth, or Astarte the Syrian Venus.

makan ... meja ... Izebel(TB)/makan ..... meja Izebel(TL) <0348 07979 0398> [eat at Jezebel's table.]


itu, suruhlah

2Raj 10:19

gunung Karmel,

Yos 19:26; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:26]

meja istana

2Raj 9:22

1 Raja-raja 19:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


api ....... api ..... api(TB)/api ....... api ....... api(TL) <0784> [a fire.]

angin sepoi-sepoi basa(TB)/sepoi-sepoi(TL) <01827> [a still.]


datanglah api.

Kel 3:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:2]

sepoi-sepoi basa.

1Raj 19:11; 1Sam 14:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:6]; Ayub 4:16; Za 4:6; 2Kor 12:9 [Semua]

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