Kejadian 38:6-27
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Sesudah(TB)/diambil(TL) <03947> [took.] Tamar(TB/TL) <08559> [Tamar.] |
bernama Tamar. Catatan Frasa: TAMAR. |
Er(TB/TL) <06147> [Er.] jahat(TB)/jahatlah(TL) <07451> [wicked.] TUHAN ... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ..... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [and the.] |
di mata Kej 6:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 6:5] Tuhan membunuh Kej 38:10; Kej 46:12; Im 10:1-2; 1Taw 2:3 [Semua] |
[A.M. 2282. B.C. 1722.] |
bagi kakakmu. Ul 25:5-6; Rut 4:5; Mat 22:24-28 [Semua] |
[he is.] jangan diadakannya(TB)/jangan(TL) <01115 05414> [lest that.] |
Catatan Frasa: ONAN. |
<03415> [displeased. Heb. was evil in the eyes of.] [him also.] |
dia juga. Kej 38:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:7]; Ul 25:7-10 [Semua] |
Syela(TB/TL) <07956> [till Shelah.] ayahmu ....................... ayahnya(TB)/bapamu ........................... bapanya(TL) <01> [in her.] |
kepada Tamar, Kej 38:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:6] menantunya Kej 11:31; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:31] rumah ayahmu, anakku Syela itu besar, |
beberapa hari(TB/TL) <03117 07235> [in process of time. Heb. the days were multiplied. comforted.] menggunting(TB)/mengguntingi(TL) <01494> [sheep shearers.] Timna(TB/TL) <08553> [Timnath.] Timnath is, in all probability, that in the border of Judah, between Jerusalem and Diospolis, given to Dan, and mentioned in the history of Samson as belonging to the Philistines. [Timnah.] [Thimnathah.] |
anak Syua, Kej 38:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:2] ke Timna, Kej 38:14; Yos 15:10,57; 19:43; Hak 14:1,2; 2Taw 28:18 [Semua] bulu domba-dombanya, Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19] orang Adulam Kej 38:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:1] |
kepada Tamar: Kej 38:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:6] bulu domba-dombanya, Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19] |
pergi duduk(TB)/duduklah(TL) <03427> [and sat.] pintu ........... pintu(TB)/pintu mata air kembar(TL) <05869 06607> [an open place. Heb. the door of eyes, or of Enajim}] Some think {ainayim} means "the two fountains," or "double fountain;" while others regard it as a proper name, and the same as Enaim, a city of Judah, (Jos 15:34.) So the LXX. render it Enan. Timna(TB/TL) <08553> [Timnath.] Syela(TB/TL) <07956> [that Shelah.] |
pakaian kejandaannya, ia bertelekung Kej 24:65; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:65] pergi duduk ke Timna, Kej 38:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:12] bahwa Syela Kej 38:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:11] |
Marilah(TB/TL) <03051> [Go to.] kauberikan(TB/TL) <05414> [What wilt.] |
menghampiri engkau, Kej 39:7,12; 2Sam 13:11 [Semua] tidak tahu, itu menantunya. Im 18:15; 20:12; Rut 1:6 [Semua] menghampiri aku? Kej 30:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 30:15] |
mengirimkan .................. mengirimkannya(TB)/kukirim ..................... mengirimkan(TL) <07971> [I will.] kambing(TB)/anak kambing(TL) <05795> [a kid. Heb. a kid of the goats. Wilt thou.] |
anak kambing memberikan tanggungannya, |
Cap meteraimu(TB)/cincin meteraimu(TL) <02368> [Thy signet.] {Chothem,} or {chothemeth,} as in ver. 25, is properly a ring-seal, with which impressions were made to ascertain property, etc. From Jer 22:24, we find that it was worn on the hand; though it might also have been suspended from the neck by a ribband, as the Arabs still wear it. kalungmu(TB)/cindaimu(TL) <06616> [bracelets.] {Pathil,} from {pathal,} to twist, wreathe, may denote either a wreath for the arm or neck, a twisted collar, or bracelet. In the former sense the LXX. render it by [ormiskon,] and Aquila and Symmachus by [strepton;] and in the latter sense, the Vulgate renders it by {armillam.} It may have been a collar by which the signet was suspended; though its being used in the plural seems to favour the opinion of its being a bracelet. kuberikan .................. diberikannyalah ....... berseketiduranlah(TB)/kuberikan .................. diberikannyalah(TL) <05414 0935> [gave it her.] |
Cap meteraimu Kej 38:25; 1Raj 21:8; Est 3:12; 8:8; Kid 8:6; Yes 49:16; Yer 22:24; Hag 2:24; 2Kor 1:22; Ef 1:13 [Semua] dan tongkat Kej 32:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 32:10]; Kel 4:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:2] [Semua] dari padanya. Kej 19:32; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:32] |
ditanggalkannya telekungnya ... kain tudungnya(TB)/disingkapkannya kain tudungnya(TL) <06809 05493> [laid by her vail.] |
pakaian kejandaannya. |
sahabatnya(TB/TL) <07453> [his friend.] |
orang Adulam Kej 38:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:1] kembali tanggungannya |
jalan ........ jalan(TB)/jalan(TL) <01870 05869> [openly by the way side. or, in Enajim.] |
perempuan jalang, Kej 19:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:5]; Im 19:29; Ul 22:21; 23:17; 2Raj 23:7; Hos 4:14 [Semua] |
olok-olok(TB)/malu(TL) <0937> [lest we.] olok-olok(TB)/malu(TL) <0937> [be shamed. Heb. become a contempt.] |
itu dipegangnya, olok-olok orang; Kel 32:25; Ayub 12:4; Yer 20:7; Rat 3:14 [Semua] |
bersundal(TB)/berkendak(TL) <02181> [played the harlot.] dibakar(TB/TL) <08313> [let her.] |
supaya dibakar. Im 20:10,14; 21:9; Ul 22:21,22; Yos 7:25; Hak 15:6; 1Sam 31:12; Ayub 31:11,28; Yeh 16:38 [Semua] |
Periksalah(TB/TL) <05234> [Discern.] |
tongkat ini? Kej 38:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:18] |
memeriksa(TB)/mengakulah(TL) <05234> [acknowledged.] benar(TB/TL) <06663> [She hath.] benar(TB/TL) <06663> [more righteous. Not less to blame, but more righteous. because.] bersetubuh(TB)/berseketiduran(TL) <03045> [And he knew.] |
yang benar, kepada Syela, Kej 38:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:11] |
dalam kandungannya. |