biltiy <01115>

ytlb biltiy

Asal Mula:constructive fem. of 01086 (equivalent to 01097)
Referensi:TWOT - 246i
Jenis Kata:subst, adv, conj, with prep (substantive, adverb, conjunction, with preposition)
Dalam Ibrani:ytlbl 78, ytlb 23, ytlblw 8, ytlbm 2, Ktlb 1
Dalam TB:tidak 51, jangan 16, supaya jangan 9, tidak ada 6, selain 4, kecuali 4, mencegah 2, seorangpun tidak ada 2, jika belum 2, hilang lenyap 1, dari pada 1, Kularang 1, agar tidak 1, belum 1, janganlah 1, sehingga 1, tidak lain 1, tidak putus-putusnya 1, tidak ada seorangpun 1, supaya 1, tidak usah 1, sampai 1
Dalam AV:but, except, save, nothing, lest, no, from, inasmuch, and not
Definisi : subst 1) not, except adv 2) not 3) except (after preceding negation) conj 4) except (after an implied or expressed negation) with prep 5) so as not, in order not 6) an account of not, because...not 7) until not
constructive feminine of 1086 (equivalent to 1097); properly, a failure of, i.e. (used only as a negative particle, usually with a prepositional prefix) not, except, without, unless, besides, because not, until, etc.: KJV -- because un(satiable), beside, but, + continual, except, from, lest, neither, no more, none, not, nothing, save, that no, without.
see HEBREW for 01086
see HEBREW for 01097
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