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2 Tawarikh 2

1 Para pekerja Salomo untuk pembangunan bait suci.

3 Dia mengutus orang kepada Huram meminta para ahli dan persediaan barang-barang.

11 Huram memberikan tanggapan yang baik.

17 Salomo mempekerjakan orang asing sebagai para kuli dan tukang, serta mandur.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

2:1 · Sebermula(TL) <0559> [determined.]

· nama(TB/TL) <08034> [for the name.]

· rumah ....... istana(TB/TL) <01004> [an house.]


Judul : Persiapan-persiapan untuk mendirikan Bait Suci

Perikop : 2Taw 2:1-18


1Raj 5:1-18 dengan 2Taw 2:1-18

suatu rumah

Ul 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:5]

dirinya sendiri.

Pengkh 2:4


2:2 · mengerahkan tujuh puluh ... tujuh puluh(TB)/dibilang(TL) <05608 07657> [told out threescore.]


mengawasi mereka

2Taw 10:4

2:3 · Huram(TB)/Hiram(TL) <02361> [Huram.]

· [Hiram.]

As thou didst.


kepada Huram,

2Sam 5:11; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 5:11]

kayu aras

1Taw 14:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 14:1]

2:4 · mendirikan(TB)/membuat(TL) <01129> [build.]

· menguduskannya(TB)/memberi hormat(TL) <06942> [to dedicate.]

· dibakar(TB)/membakar(TL) <06999> [to burn.]

· dupa ukupan ... wangi-wangian(TB)/dupa .... rempah-rempah yang harum(TL) <07004 05561> [sweet incense. Heb. incense of spices. the continual.]

· korban bakaran(TB/TL) <05930> [the burnt.]

· perayaan-perayaan(TB)/hari raya(TL) <04150> [the solemn feasts.]


sebuah rumah

Ul 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:5]

dibakar ukupan

Kel 30:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:7]

diatur roti

Kel 25:30

korban bakaran

Kel 29:42; 2Taw 13:11; 29:28 [Semua]

hari-hari Sabat

Im 23:38; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:38]

bulan-bulan baru,

Bil 28:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 28:14]

2:5 · besar ...... besar(TB)/besar ... besarlah(TL) <01419> [great.]

· besar ... Allah ... Allah besar .... allah dewata(TB)/besar ... besarlah Allah ...... dewata(TL) <0430 01419> [great is our God.]


harus besar,

1Taw 22:5

segala allah.

Kel 12:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:12]; 1Taw 16:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 16:25] [Semua]

2:6 · mampu(TB)/cakap(TL) <06113> [But who.]

· mampu(TB)/cakap(TL) <06113> [is able. Heb. hath returned, or obtained strength. who am I then.]

· kecuali(TB)/jikalau(TL) <0518> [save only.]


memuat Dia?

1Raj 8:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 8:27]; Yer 23:24 [Semua]

siapakah aku

Kel 3:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:11]

2:7 · ahli ........................ ahli(TB)/pandai ................................... pandai(TL) <02450> [cunning.]

· membuat(TB) <06605> [to grave. Heb. to grave gravings. whom David.]


para ahli

Kel 35:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 35:31]; 1Taw 22:16 [Semua]

2:8 · Kirim ..... aras ..... araz(TB)/tuan kirim(TL) <07971 0730> [Send me also.]

· cendana(TB/TL) <0418> [algum trees. or, algummim.]

Called in the parallel passage, by a transposition of letters, {almuggim,} or "almug-trees;" which is rendered by the Vulgate, {ligna thyina,} the thya or lignum vit‘ wood. Theophrastus say that "the thyon of thya tree grows near the temple of Jupiter Ammon (in Africa), and in the Cyrenaica; that it resembles the cypress in its boughs, leaves, stalk, and fruit; and that its wood (from its close texture) never rots." The LXX. render here [peukina;] and Josephus calls it [xyla peukina,] torch or pine-trees; but cautions us against supposing that the wood was like what was known in his time by that name; for these "were to the sight like the wood of the fig-tree, but more white and shining." The Syriac version has {kaiso dekee-sotho,} probably cypress wood; and Dr. Shaw supposes it denotes the cypress. Several critics understand it to mean gummy wood; and Celsius queries whether it may not be the sandal-tree, as the Rabbins and Dr. Geddes suppose.

· [almug-trees.]

2:9 · besar ... mentakjubkan .... besar(TB)/besar ... ajaib(TL) <01419 06381> [wonderful great. Heb. great and wonderful.]

2:10 · kuberikan(TB)/memberi(TL) <05414> [I will give.]

· anggur ..... bat ....... bat ... air anggur(TB)/air anggur ..... bat ....... bat(TL) <01324 03196> [baths of wine.]


dan minyak

Ezr 3:7

2:11 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Because.]


Tuhan mengasihi

1Raj 10:9; 2Taw 9:8 [Semua]

2:12 · Huram(TB)/Hiram(TL) <02361> [Huram.]

· menjadikan langit ..... langit(TB)/menjadikan langit(TL) <06213 08064> [that made heaven.]

· penuh(TB)/sangat(TL) <03045> [endued, etc. Heb. knowing prudence and understanding.]

· rumah ...... istana(TB/TL) <01004> [an house.]



dan bumi,

Neh 9:6; Mazm 8:4; 33:6; 96:5; 102:26; 146:6 [Semua]

2:13 · Huram(TB)/Hiram(TL) <02361> [of Huram.]


Huram Abi,

1Raj 7:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 7:13]

2:14 · anak(TB/TL) <01121> [The son.]

· pandai(TB)/pandailah(TL) <03045> [skilful.]


bani Dan,

Kel 31:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 31:6]

Ia pandai

Kel 35:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 35:31]

kain ungu

Kel 35:35

2:15 · tuanku(TB)/tuan(TL) <0113> [which my lord.]


jelai, minyak

Ezr 3:7

2:16 · menebang(TB)/meramu(TL) <03772> [we will cut.]

· perlukan(TB)/berhajat(TL) <06878> [as much as thou shalt need. Heb. according to all thy need.]

Joppa. Heb. Japho.


ke Yafo,

Yos 19:46; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:46]; Yun 1:3 [Semua]

2:17 · menghitung ............... pernah dilakukan(TB)/dibilang(TL) <05608> [numbered.]

· <0582> [the strangers. Heb. the men the strangers. after the numbering.]


orang asing

1Taw 22:2

sama seperti

2Sam 24:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 24:2]

2:18 · tujuh puluh(TB/TL) <07657> [threescore.]

"As it is ver. 2."



orang dijadikannya

1Taw 22:2; 2Taw 8:8 [Semua]

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