bath <01324>

tb bath

Asal Mula:probably from the same as 01327, Greek 943 batov
Referensi:TWOT - 298a
Jenis Kata:n m or f (noun masculine or feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:tbh 3, tb 3, Mytb 3, Mytbh 2, tbw 1, tbhw 1
Dalam TB:bat 11
Dalam AV:bath 13
Definisi : 1) bath, a unit of liquid measure, equal to dry measure ephah (about 9 imperial gallons or 40 litres, rabbinical writings give sizes of one-half this amount)
probably from the same as 1327; a bath or Hebrew measure (as a means of division) of liquids: KJV -- bath.
see HEBREW for 01327
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