TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yesaya 1:13-14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidak sungguh(TB)/cuma-cuma(TL) <07723> [vain.]

baunya(TB)/dupa(TL) <07004> [incense.]

bulan baru(TB)/bulan(TL) <02320> [the new.]

kejahatan(TB)/puasa(TL) <0205> [it is.]

kejahatan(TB)/puasa(TL) <0205> [iniquity. or, grief.]


membawa persembahanmu

Ams 15:8; Yes 66:3; Hag 2:15 [Semua]

sebab baunya

Yer 7:9; 18:15; 44:8 [Semua]

adalah kejijikan

1Raj 14:24; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 14:24]; Mazm 115:8; Ams 28:9; Yes 41:24; Mal 2:11 [Semua]

bulan baru

Bil 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 10:10]

mengadakan pertemuan-pertemuan,

1Taw 23:31


hati-Ku(TL) <05315> [my soul.]

payah(TB)/penatlah(TL) <03811> [I am weary.]


bulan barumu

Neh 10:33; [Lihat FULL. Neh 10:33]

dan pertemuan-pertemuanmu

Kel 12:16; Im 23:1-44; Bil 28:11-29:39; Ul 16:1-17; Yes 5:12; 29:1; Hos 2:10 [Semua]

Aku benci

Mazm 11:5; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 11:5]

beban bagi-Ku,

Ayub 7:12; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 7:12]

telah payah

Mazm 69:4; Yes 7:13; 43:22,24; Yer 44:22; Mal 2:17; 3:14 [Semua]

Yesaya 1:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Dengarlah(TB/TL) <08085> [Hear.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for the Lord.]

membesarkan(TB)/memeliharakan(TL) <01431> [I have.]

memberontak(TB)/mendurhaka(TL) <06586> [they have.]


Judul : Bangsa yang memberontak

Perikop : Yes 1:2-20

hai bumi,

Ul 4:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:26]

Tuhan berfirman:

Hak 11:10; Yer 42:5; Mi 1:2 [Semua]

membesarkan anak-anak

Yes 23:4; 63:16 [Semua]

mereka memberontak

Yes 1:4,23; Yes 24:5,20; 30:1,9; 46:8; 48:8; 57:4; 65:2; 66:24; Yeh 24:3; Hag 1:12; Mal 1:6; 3:5 [Semua]


Kisah Para Rasul 4:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pergilah(TB/TL) <2064> [they.]


Judul : Doa jemaat

Perikop : Kis 4:23-31

Mazmur 81:3-4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Tiuplah(TB/TL) <08628> [Blow.]

bulan(TB/TL) <02320> [new.]

raya(TB/TL) <02282> [solemn.]


Tiuplah sangkakala

Kel 19:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:13]

bulan purnama,

Neh 10:33; [Lihat FULL. Neh 10:33]


Allah Yakub.

Mazm 81:2

Yehezkiel 46:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


firman(TB/TL) <0559> [Thus saith.]

Whether the rules for public worship here laid down were designed to be observed in those things wherein they differed from the law of Moses, in the ministrations of the second temple, is not certain. In the latter history of the Jewish church, the law of Moses only was followed, except in the corruption of following the traditions of the fathers.

Pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu(TL) <08179> [The gate.]

The prophet had before observed that the east gate of the outer court was shut, and was told that it must only be opened for the prince; and now he is informed that the gate of the inner court on the east was also shut, and is to be opened only on the sabbath and new moons, till the evening.

tertutup(TB)/terkatup(TL) <05462> [shall be shut.]

enam ... pekerjaan(TB/TL) <04639 08337> [six working.]

Sabat(TB)/sabat(TL) <07676> [on the sabbath.]


gerbang pelataran

Yeh 40:19; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 40:19]

sebelah timur

1Taw 9:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:18]

bulan baru

Yeh 46:6; Yes 66:23 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: HARI SABAT ... BULAN BARU.

Yehezkiel 46:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bulan baru

Yeh 46:1; Bil 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 10:10] [Semua]

tiada bercela.

Im 22:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 22:20]

Kolose 2:16-17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang menghukum(TB)/menyalahkan(TL) <2919> [judge.]

[in meat, etc. or, for eating and drinking.]

mengenai ...... mengenai hari .... masa(TB)/di ........ di ... masa(TL) <1722 3313> [in respect. or, in part. of an.]

bulan baru(TB)/bulan(TL) <3561> [the new.]

atau ....... ataupun hari Sabat ..... Sabbat(TB)/atau ...... atau .... atau ... Sabbat(TL) <2228 4521> [or of the sabbath.]


menghukum kamu

Rom 14:3,4 [Semua]

dan minuman

Mr 7:19; Rom 14:17 [Semua]

hari raya,

Im 23:2; Rom 14:5 [Semua]

bulan baru

1Taw 23:31

hari Sabat;

Mr 2:27,28; Gal 4:10 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: MAKANAN ... MINUMAN ... HARI SABAT.


bayangan(TB)/bayang(TL) <4639> [a shadow.]

wujudnya(TB/TL) <4983> [the body.]


harus datang,

Ibr 8:5; 10:1 [Semua]

TIP #01: Selamat Datang di Antarmuka dan Sistem Belajar Alkitab SABDA™!! [SEMUA]
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