shav' <07723>

awv shav' or wv shav

Pronunciation:shawv shav
Origin:from the same as 07722 in the sense of desolating
Reference:TWOT - 2338a
PrtSpch:n m (noun masculine)
In Hebrew:aws 36, awsl 11, awsh 2, awsw 2, *wysb {wsb} 1
In TB:dusta 7, sia-sia 6, kesia-siaan 5, sembarangan 4, Sia-sia 4, menipu 2, penipu 2, hampa 2, perkara-perkara yang menipu 2, tipu 2, sia-sialah 2, kata-kata dusta 1, dengan sia-sia 1, Sia-sialah 1, bohong 1, kebinasaan 1, penglihatan yang dusta 1, penipuan 1, teriakan yang kosong 1, tidak sungguh 1, penglihatan-penglihatan yang menipu 1, penglihatan yang menipu 1, kedustaan 1, tipuan 1, kecurangan 1
In AV:vain 22, vanity 22, false 5, lying 2, falsely 1, lies 1
Definition : 1) emptiness, vanity, falsehood 1a) emptiness, nothingness, vanity 1b) emptiness of speech, lying 1c) worthlessness (of conduct)
or shav {shav}; from the same as 7722 in the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as false, subjective), uselessness (as deceptive, objective; also adverbially, in vain): KJV -- false(-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity.
see HEBREW for 07722
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