TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Hakim-hakim 2:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


malapetaka(TB)/jahat(TL) <07451> [against.]

diperingatkan(TB)/berfirman(TL) <01696> [had said.]

sumpah(TB)/bersumpah(TL) <07650> [had sworn.]

sangat(TB/TL) <03966> [greatly.]


melawan mereka

Rut 1:13; Ayub 19:21; Mazm 32:4 [Semua]

sangat terdesak.

Kej 35:3; 2Sam 22:7; 2Taw 15:4; Ayub 5:5; 20:22; Mazm 4:2; 18:7 [Semua]

Hakim-hakim 5:15-16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pemimpin(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [the princes.]

Barak(TB/TL) <01301> [Barak.]

menyerbu masuk(TB)/dianjur(TL) <07272> [foot. Heb. his feet.]

{Beraglaiv,} rather, "with his footmen:" so LXX. Alex. [pkzous autou,] and Luther, {mit feinem Fubvolt.}

<06390> [For the. or, In the divisions, etc.]

pertimbangan(TB)/bimbang(TL) <02711> [thoughts. Heb. impressions.]


suku Isakhar

Kej 30:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 30:18]

menyertai Debora,

Hak 4:4; [Lihat FULL. Hak 4:4]

menyertai Barak.

Hak 4:6; [Lihat FULL. Hak 4:6]


kandang-kandang(TB)/parit(TL) <04942> [sheepfolds.]

<06390> [For. or, In.]

15 *marg:

banyak(TB/TL) <01419> [great.]


antara kandang-kandang

Kej 49:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:14]

pemanggil kawanan?

Bil 32:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:1]

Hakim-hakim 6:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kemahnya(TB)/kemah-kemahnya(TL) <0168> [tents.]

seperti belalang(TB)/datangnya ... belalang(TL) <01767 0697> [as grasshoppers.]

unta-untanya(TB)/untanya(TL) <01581> [their camels.]

memusnahkannya(TB)/membinasakan(TL) <07843> [to destroy.]


seperti belalang.

Ul 28:42; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:42]

dan unta-untanya

Hak 8:10; Yes 21:7; 60:6; Yer 49:32 [Semua]

Hakim-hakim 7:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


maknanya .... mengucap syukurlah(TB)/tabirnya(TL) <07667 07812> [interpretation thereof. Heb. breaking thereof.]

menyembah(TB)/mengucap syukurlah(TL) <07812> [worshipped.]

Bangunlah(TB/TL) <06965> [Arise.]


ia menyembah.

1Sam 15:31

dalam tanganmu.

Hak 7:9; [Lihat FULL. Hak 7:9]

Hakim-hakim 7:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berdiri(TB)/berdirilah(TL) <05975> [stood.]

perkemahan ..... tentara(TB)/balatentara ........ balatentara(TL) <04264> [all the host.]


melarikan diri.

2Raj 7:7

Hakim-hakim 9:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang-orang kota(TB)/sekalian(TL) <05971> [would to God.]

The very words and conduct of a sly, hypocritical demagogue.

berkatalah(TB)/katanya(TL) <0559> [And he said.]

Rather, "and I would say to Abimelech," as the LXX. renders; for as Dr. Wall observes, this was probably not said in the presence of Abimelech; but at an intemperate feast, in his absence, when he boasted he would challenge him.

tentara Perkuatlah tentaramu(TB)/Himpunkanlah ... tentara ... besar(TL) <07235 06635> [Increase thine army.]


dalam tanganku,

2Sam 15:4

Perkuatlah tentaramu

Hak 9:38

Hakim-hakim 11:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yefta .................. Yefta(TB)/Yefta(TL) <03316> [Jephthah.]

[called Jephthae. a mighty.]

perempuan(TB)/haramlah(TL) <0802> [an harlot. Heb. a woman, an harlot.]

Probably {zonah} should be rendered as in Jos 2:1, a hostess, or inn-keeper: so Targum of Jonathan, {wehoo bar ittetha pundekeetha,} "and he was the son of a woman, a tavern-keeper." She was very probably a Canaanite, as she is called, ver. 2, a strange woman, {ishah achereth,} "a woman of another race;" and on this account his brethren drove him from the family, as not having a full right to the inheritance.


Judul : Yefta dan Gilead

Perikop : Hak 11:1-11

Adapun Yefta,

Hak 12:1; 1Sam 12:11; Ibr 11:32 [Semua]

seorang pahlawan

Hak 6:12

perempuan sundal;

Kej 38:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:15]

ialah Gilead.

Bil 26:29

Hakim-hakim 15:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible



bukit batu

Yes 2:21


Hak 15:11

Hakim-hakim 20:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kupotong-potong(TB)/kupenggal(TL) <05408> [cut her.]

Israel .......... noda ..... Israel Israel(TB)/Israel ........... keji ..... Israel(TL) <03478 05039> [folly in Israel.]


milik pusaka

Hak 19:29; [Lihat FULL. Hak 19:29]

berbuat noda

Hak 19:23; [Lihat FULL. Hak 19:23]; 2Sam 13:12 [Semua]

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