1 Samuel 17:26
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
cemooh(TB)/arang .... muka(TL) <02781> [reproach.] tak bersunat(TB)/kulup(TL) <06189> [uncircumcised.] mencemoohkan(TB)/dihinakannyalah(TL) <02778> [defy.] |
menghindarkan cemooh tak bersunat 1Sam 14:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:6] berani mencemoohkan 1Sam 17:10; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 17:10] yang hidup? Ul 5:26; Yos 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:10]; 2Raj 18:35 [Semua] |
Yehezkiel 32:19
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
cantik(TB)/busuk(TL) <05276> [dost.] Turunlah(TB/TL) <03381> [go.] bersunat(TB)/kulup(TL) <06189> [with.] |
tidak bersunat! Yeh 32:29-30; Yeh 28:10; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 28:10] [Semua] |
Yehezkiel 32:27-32
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
dibaringkan(TB)/berbaring(TL) <07901> [shall not.] dunia orang mati(TB)/alam barzakh(TL) <07585> [to hell.] That is, to the grave; and are buried in their armour, with their weapons lying by their sides, as was a very ancient practice in various nations. senjata perangnya ......... peperangannya(TB)/alat peperangannya(TL) <04421 03627> [their weapons of war. Heb. weapons of their war.] perisai-perisainya(TB)/kejahatannya(TL) <05771> [but.] |
bersama pahlawan-pahlawan |
Edom(TB/TL) <0123> [Edom.] 25:1-17 35:1-15 Ge 25:30 36:1-19 Isa 34:1-17 63:1-6
Jer 49:7-22 Am 1:11,12 Ob 1:1,2-9 Mal 1:3,4 [Semua]
ditempatkan(TB)/diserahkan(TL) <05414> [laid. Heb. given, or put.] |
situ Edom, Mazm 137:7; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 137:7]; Yes 34:5-15; Yer 49:7; Yeh 35:15; Ob 1:1 [Semua] liang kubur. |
pemimpin-pemimpin(TB)/orang gagah(TL) <05257> [the princes.] The kings of Media, Armenia, and other nations north of Chaldea, or of the Syrians and others north of Judah, with "all the Zidonians," kings of Zidon, Tyre, and other cities of Phoenicia. mereka menanggung(TB)/dibawanya(TL) <05375> [and bear.] |
dari utara, Yes 14:31; [Lihat FULL. Yes 14:31]; Yer 25:26; Yeh 38:6; 39:2 [Semua] orang Sidon, Kej 10:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:15]; Yer 25:22; [Lihat FULL. Yer 25:22] [Semua] tanpa disunat liang kubur. Yeh 26:20; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 26:20]; Yeh 28:8; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 28:8] [Semua] |
Firaun ... melihat ............... Firaun(TB)/Firaunpun .............. Firaun(TL) <06547 07200> [Pharaoh shall.] Pharaoh, who said he was a god, shall be found among the dead. terhibur(TB)/dihiburkannya(TL) <05162> [shall be.] Shall console himself, when he sees all these mighty nations and proud conquerors in the same condition as himself. |
merasa terhibur Yeh 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 14:22] Catatan Frasa: AKAN MERASA TERHIBUR. |
Firaun Yer 44:30; [Lihat FULL. Yer 44:30] Tuhan Allah. Ayub 3:14; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 3:14] |
Roma 2:28-29
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Sebab(TB)/Karena(TL) <1063 2076> [For he.] bukanlah(TB)/bukannya(TL) <3761> [neither.] |
yang lahiriah Mat 3:9; Yoh 8:39; Rom 9:6,7 [Semua] secara lahiriah. |
secara(TB)/pada(TL) <1722> [which.] sunat(TB/TL) <4061> [circumcision.] rohani(TB/TL) <4151> [spirit.] Maka(TL) <3739> [whose.] |
dalam hati, secara rohani, secara hurufiah. dari Allah. Yoh 5:44; 12:43; 1Kor 4:5; 2Kor 10:18; Gal 1:10; 1Tes 2:4; 1Pet 3:4 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: SUNAT DI DALAM HATI, SECARA ROHANI. |