1 Samuel 2:27-36
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
abdi(TB)/seorang(TL) <0376> [a man.] nyata ... menyatakan(TB)/menyatakan(TL) <01540> [Did I.] |
Judul : Nubuat tentang kaum keluarga Eli Perikop : 1Sam 2:27-36 abdi Allah Ul 33:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 33:1]; Hak 13:6; [Lihat FULL. Hak 13:6] [Semua] |
memilihnya ........................... Kuserahkan(TB)/Kupilih ................................ mengaruniai(TL) <0977 05414> [And did I.] Kuserahkan(TB)/mengaruniai(TL) <05414> [did I give.] |
telah memilihnya Kel 28:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:1] membakar ukupan Kel 30:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:7] baju efod 1Sam 22:18; 23:6,9; 30:7 [Semua] segala korban |
memandang dengan loba korban korban sembelihan-Ku(TB)/menyepak(TL) <01163 02077> [kick ye.] korban sajian-Ku ....................... korban sajian(TB)/persembahan ................................ persembahan makanan(TL) <04503> [and at mine.] They disdained to take the part allowed by the law; and would take for themselves what part they pleased, and as much as they pleased. penghidupan(TL) <04583> [habitation.] menghormati(TB)/mempermuliakan(TL) <03513> [and honourest.] By permitting his sons to deal thus with the sacrifices, and to be served first, by taking their part before the fat, etc., was burnt to the Lord, Eli thus honoured his sons above God. menggemukkan(TB)/menambunkan(TL) <01254> [make.] |
kepada korban korban sajian-Ku, Ul 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:5] Catatan Frasa: MENGHORMATI ANAK-ANAKMU LEBIH DARIPADA-KU. |
sesungguhnya Aku telah berjanji(TB)/demikian ...... berfirman(TL) <0559> [I said.] Jauhlah(TB/TL) <02486> [Be it far.] menghormati .... Kuhormati(TB)/Sebenarnya dahulu ................................ mempermuliakan ..... mempermuliakan(TL) <03513> [them.] menghormati .... Kuhormati(TB)/Sebenarnya dahulu ................................ mempermuliakan ..... mempermuliakan(TL) <03513> [I will honour.] menghina(TB)/mencelakan(TL) <0959> [that despise.] |
hadapan-Ku selamanya, Kel 29:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:9] akan Kuhormati, Mazm 50:23; 91:15; Ams 8:17 [Semua] yang menghina Yes 53:3; Nah 3:6; Mal 2:9 [Semua] dipandang rendah. |
mematahkan(TB)/mengudungkan(TL) <01438> [I will cut.] That is, I will destroy the strength, power, influence, and authority of thee and thy family; of which the arm of man being the instrument, is used as the emblem. |
dalam keluargamu. Catatan Frasa: MEMATAHKAN TANGAN KEKUATANMU. |
mata bermusuhan(TB)/kepicikan(TL) <06862> [an enemy, etc.] Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel. This appears to be the right translation; for, agreeably to this prediction, he did see the tabernacle deprived of the ark, which was its glory, and lived to hear that it was captured by the Philistines. kakek(TB)/tuapun(TL) <02205> [an old man.] |
mata bermusuhan 1Sam 4:3; 22:17-20; Yer 7:12,14 [Semua] seorang kakek |
lingkungan(TB)/menghancurkan(TL) <03615> [to consume.] <0582> [in the flower, etc. Heb. men.] |
tambahan keluargamu |
tanda(TB/TL) <0226> [a sign.] hari sehari sama(TB)/sehari jua(TL) <0259 03117> [in one day.] |
menjadi tanda Ul 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Ul 13:2] pada hari akan mati. |
mengangkat(TB)/membangkitkan(TL) <06965> [I will raise.] membangunkan(TB/TL) <01129> [I will build.] dengan ...................... Kuurapi(TB)/hati-Ku ..................... Almasih-Ku(TL) <03824 04899> [mine.] |
seorang imam 2Sam 8:17; 20:25; 1Raj 1:8,32; 2:35; 4:4; 1Taw 16:39; 29:22; Yeh 44:15-16 [Semua] yang Kuurapi. 1Sam 9:16; 10:1; 16:13; 2Sam 2:4; 12:7; 23:1; 1Raj 1:34; Mazm 89:21 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: IMAM KEPERCAYAAN. |
tinggal(TB/TL) <03498> [is left.] Tempatkanlah(TB)/Ambillah(TL) <05596> [Put. Heb. Join. one of the priest's offices. Heb. somewhat about the priesthood. eat.] |
akan berkata: dapat makan |