TB NETBible YUN-IBR Diglot Ref. Silang Nama Judul Artikel Himne PEDIA MEDIA Gambar Audio Kuno ITL - draft BaDeNo

Imamat 16

1 Cara imam besar memasuki tempat kudus.

11 Korban penghapus dosa untuk dirinya sendiri.

15 Korban penghapus dosa untuk orang Israel.

20 Kambing jantan.

29 Hari Raya pendamaian tahunan.

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Judul : Hari Pendamaian

Perikop : Im 16:1-34


Im 23:26-32; Bil 29:7-11 dengan Im 16:2-34

hadapan Tuhan,

Im 10:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:1]


16:2 · waktu masuk ... bilapun(TB)/masuk(TL) <0935 06256> [he come not.]

· mati .... menampakkan .......... nyatalah(TB)/mati dibunuh(TL) <04191 07200> [that he die not.]

· awan(TB/TL) <06051> [in the cloud.]

· tutup pendamaian .................. tutup pendamaian(TB)/tutupan .................... tutupan gafirat(TL) <03727> [the mercy seat.]


sembarang waktu

Kel 30:10; Ibr 9:7 [Semua]

tempat kudus

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]; Ibr 9:25; 10:19 [Semua]

belakang tabir,

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]; Ibr 6:19 [Semua]

tutup pendamaian

Kel 26:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:34]

menampakkan diri

Kel 25:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:22]

dalam awan

Kel 40:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 40:34]; 2Sam 22:10; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 22:10] [Semua]

16:3 · Harun(TB/TL) <0175> [Aaron.]

· muda(TB)/anak(TL) <01121> [a young.]

· domba jantan ... korban bakaran(TB/TL) <05930 0352> [a ram for a burnt-offering.]


tempat kudus

Im 16:6; Im 4:1-12; Ibr 9:24,25 [Semua]

jantan muda

Im 4:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:3]

korban bakaran.

Im 16:5

16:4 · kemeja .... kudus ....................... kudus(TB)/baju dalam ....... suci ................................. suci(TL) <03801 06944> [holy line coat. Heb. of holiness. Greek. a sanctified linen coat.]

This and the other vestures were peculiar for this day, and for the services of this day; that is, for making atonement: the other service, which was ordinary, he performed this day in his other priestly garments. The eight ornaments usually worn by the high priest are enumerated in Exodus xxviii ver.4, etc., and the four that were for this day are here expressed, and are called the white garments, while the others were designated the golden garments, because some were made with gold thread woven in them. These four were made of six double twisted threads, and of flax only.

· membasuh(TB)/dimandikannya(TL) <07364> [therefore.]


mengenakan kemeja

Im 8:13; [Lihat FULL. Im 8:13]

berlilitkan serban

Kel 28:39; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:39]

itulah pakaian

Im 16:32; Kel 28:42; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:42]; Kel 29:29,30; Im 21:10; Bil 20:26,28 [Semua]

harus dikenakannya,

Yeh 9:2; 44:17-18 [Semua]

dengan air.

Kel 29:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:4]; Ibr 10:22 [Semua]



umat Israel

Im 4:13-21; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:13] s/d 21 [Semua]

kambing jantan

Im 16:20; Im 4:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:3]; 2Taw 29:23; Mazm 50:9 [Semua]

16:6 · baginya ... bagi(TB)/dirinya sendiri ..... atas dirinya ... atas(TL) <01157> [which.]

· [an atonement, for himself.]


bagi keluarganya.

Im 9:7; Ibr 7:27; 9:7,12 [Semua]


16:8 · membuang undi undi ....... undi seundi ..... seundi(TB)/hendaklah .... undi ........ seundi ..... seundi(TL) <01486 05414> [cast lots.]

· Azazel(TB)/dihalaukan(TL) <05799> [scape goat. Heb. Azazel, that is, the goat-gone-away.]

The Hebrew [ ] has been supposed by some to be the name of a place, either a mountain or cliff, to which the goat was led. But no place of that name has ever been pointed out, except a mountain near Sinai, which was too distant for the goat to be conducted there from Jerusalem. Other learned men think it was the name of the devil, who was worshipped by the heathen in the form of a goat. But Bp. Patrick justly objects to this opinion; for it is difficult to conceive, that when the other goat was offered to God, this should be sent among demons. The more probable opinion seems to be, that it was name given to the goat itself, on account of his being let go; from {aiz,} a goat, and {azal,} to depart. So LXX. [\~apopompaov\~,] and Vulgate {emissarius,} sent away; Aquila and Symmachus [\~tragov apercomenov\~,] or [\~apolelumenov\~:] the goat going away, or dismissed.


membuang undi

Bil 26:55,56; 33:54; 34:13; Yos 14:2; 18:6; Hak 20:9; Neh 10:34; Est 3:7; 9:24; Mazm 22:19; Ams 16:33 [Semua]

bagi Azazel.

Im 16:10,26 [Semua]

16:9 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [upon which.]

· kena(TB/TL) <05927> [fell. Heb. went up.]

16:10 · Azazel .............. Azazel(TB)/dihalaukan ................. dihalaukan(TL) <05799> [the scape-goat.]

· pendamaian(TB)/gafirat(TL) <03722> [to make.]

· lalu dilepaskan(TB)/dilepaskannya(TL) <07971> [let him.]


mengadakan pendamaian,

Yes 53:4-10; Rom 3:25; [Lihat FULL. Rom 3:25] [Semua]



bagi keluarganya;

Im 16:6,24,33; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:6]; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:24]; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:33] [Semua]

16:12 · mezbah(TB/TL) <04196> [from off.]

· ukupan ... wangi-wangian ... dupa(TB)/dupa ..... harum(TL) <07004 05561> [sweet incense.]


bara api

Im 10:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:1]; Wahy 8:5 [Semua]

dari wangi-wangian

Kel 25:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:6]; Kel 30:34-38 [Semua]

16:13 · Kemudian .... meletakkan(TB)/dibubuhnya(TL) <05414> [And he.]

· asap(TB/TL) <06051> [the cloud.]


tutup pendamaian

Kel 25:17; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:17]

jangan mati.

Kel 28:43; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:43]



dari darah

Im 4:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:5]; Ibr 9:7,13,25 [Semua]

tutup pendamaian

Im 4:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:6]

16:15 · menyembelih(TB)/disembelihkannya(TL) <07819> [Then shall.]

· membawa(TB)/dibawanya(TL) <0935> [bring.]


bagi bangsa

Im 4:13-21; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:13] s/d 21; Ibr 7:27; 9:7,12; 13:11 [Semua]

belakang tabir,

Ibr 9:3

harus memercikkannya

Im 4:17; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:17]; Bil 19:19; Yes 52:15; Yeh 36:25 [Semua]

16:16 · pendamaian(TB)/gafirat(TL) <03722> [an atonement.]

· diam(TB/TL) <07931> [remaineth. Heb. dwelleth.]


mengadakan pendamaian

Kel 29:36; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:36]; Rom 3:25; [Lihat FULL. Rom 3:25] [Semua]

tempat kudus

Kel 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 26:33]; Ibr 9:25 [Semua]

Kemah Pertemuan

Kel 29:4; Kel 40:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 40:2] [Semua]

16:17 · Seorangpun(TB)/seorangpun(TL) <0120> [no man.]

· mengadakan pendamaian ......... mengadakan pendamaian(TB)/mengadakan gafirat ............... gafirat(TL) <03722> [and have made.]



ke mezbah

Im 4:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:7]

tanduk-tanduk mezbah

Im 4:25; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:25]



orang Israel.

Yeh 43:20

16:20 · pendamaian(TB)/gafirat(TL) <03722> [reconciling.]

· kambing .... jantan hidup(TB)/jantan ... hidup(TL) <08163 02416> [live goat.]


kambing jantan

Im 16:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:5]

16:21 · meletakkan(TB)/ditumpangkan(TL) <05564> [lay.]

· mengakui ....... durhaka kesalahan(TB)/mengaku(TL) <03034 05771> [confess over.]

· menanggungkan(TB/TL) <05414> [putting.]

· orang ............... seseorang .... siap sedia(TB)/orang ... ditentukan(TL) <0376 06261> [a fit man. Heb. a man of opportunity.]

The man that took the scape-goat into the wilderness, and they that burned the sin offering, were to be looked upon as ceremonially unclean, and must not come into the camp till they had washed their clothes and bathed their flesh in water, which signified the defiling nature of sin; even the sacrifice which was made sin, was defiling: also the imperfection of the legal sacrifices, they were so far from taking away sin, that they left some stain even upon those that touched them.


kepala kambing

Kel 29:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:10]

dan mengakui

Im 5:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:5]

16:22 · Demikianlah ...... mengangkut ... kesalahan ..... kesalahan(TB)/menanggung(TL) <05375 05771> [bear upon.]

· dilepaskan(TB)/sunyi(TL) <01509> [not inhabited. Heb. of separation.]


segala kesalahan

Kel 28:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:38]; Yes 53:12 [Semua]



pakaian lenan,

Kel 28:42; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:42]

di sana.

Yeh 42:14

16:24 · membasuh(TB)/dimandikannya(TL) <07364> [wash.]

· pakaiannya(TB/TL) <0899> [his garments.]

· korban bakarannya .... korban bakaran(TB)/korban bakarannya ... korban bakaran(TL) <05930> [his burnt.]

· mengadakan pendamaian(TB)/gafirat(TL) <03722> [and make.]


yang kudus

Im 6:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 6:16]

mengenakan pakaiannya

Im 16:3-5 [Semua]

bakaran bangsa

Im 1:3

bagi bangsa

Im 16:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:11]


16:26 · melepaskan(TB)/membawa lalu(TL) <07971> [he that.]

· mencuci(TB)/membasuhkan(TL) <03526> [wash.]


bagi Azazel

Im 16:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:8]

mencuci pakaiannya,

Im 11:25; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:25]

dengan air

Im 14:8

16:27 · Lembu jantan(TB)/lembu muda(TL) <06499> [bullock.]

· luar(TL) <02351> [without.]


dari perkemahan,

Kel 29:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:14]


ke perkemahan.

Bil 19:8,10 [Semua]

16:29 · ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [in the seventh.]

· merendahkan(TB/TL) <06031> [shall afflict.]

· melakukan ... pekerjaan ... pekerjaan(TB)/berbuat(TL) <06213 04399> [do no.]


menjadi ketetapan

Kel 12:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:14]

bulan itu

Im 25:9

dengan berpuasa

Im 16:31; Im 23:27,32; Bil 29:7; Yes 58:3 [Semua]

sesuatu pekerjaan,

Kel 31:15; [Lihat FULL. Kel 31:15]; Im 23:28; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:28] [Semua]

orang Israel

Kel 12:19



pendamaian bagimu

Kel 30:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:10]

segala dosamu

Mazm 51:4; Yer 33:8; Yeh 36:33; Za 13:1; Ef 5:26 [Semua]



dengan berpuasa.

Ezr 8:21; Yes 58:3,5; Dan 10:12 [Semua]

suatu ketetapan

Kis 27:9

16:32 · imam ......... memegang jabatan imam(TB)/imam ............... mengerjakan imamat(TL) <03548 03547> [the priest.]

· ditahbiskan(TB)/dilantik(TL) <04390> [consecrate. Heb. fill his hand.]

Ex 29:9 *marg:

· memegang jabatan imam(TB)/mengerjakan imamat(TL) <03547> [to minister.]

· mengenakan ... lenan ......... rami(TB)/berpakaikan .... rami(TL) <0906 03847> [put on the linen.]



telah ditahbiskan

Kel 30:30; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:30]

pakaian lenan,

Im 16:4; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:4]; Kel 28:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:2] [Semua]



yakni jemaah

Im 16:11,16-18; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:11]; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:16] s/d 18; Yeh 45:18 [Semua]

16:34 · selama-lamanya(TB/TL) <05769> [an everlasting.]

· sekali setahun setahun(TB)/setahun(TL) <0259 08141> [once a year.]


menjadi ketetapan

Kel 27:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:21]

sekali setahun

Ibr 9:7,25 [Semua]

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