TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 14:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengembara ... padang .... gurun ................ gurun padang(TB)/padang .... gembala ................. padang(TL) <07462 04057> [shall wander in the wilderness. or, feed.]

This implies, that they should move from place to place in the deserts, as the Bedounin Arabs, who have no certain dwelling, but rove about seeking pasture for their flocks.

empat ... tahun(TB/TL) <0705 08141> [forty years.]

menanggung(TB)/ditanggungnya(TL) <05375> [bear.]


puluh tahun

Bil 14:34; Kel 16:35; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:35]; Kis 13:18; Ibr 3:9 [Semua]

Ulangan 8:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ingatlah(TB)/ingat(TL) <02142> [remember.]

empat ..... empat(TB) <03212 0705> [led thee.]

merendahkan(TB)/direndahkan-Nya(TL) <06031> [to humble.]

mencobai .... mengetahui ..... diketahui-Nya(TB)/mencobai(TL) <05254 03045> [prove thee.]

mengetahui(TB)/diketahui-Nya(TL) <03045> [to know.]


seluruh perjalanan

Ul 29:5; Mazm 136:16; Am 2:10 [Semua]

dan mencobai

Kej 22:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:1]

Ulangan 8:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Many have attempted to give the following meaning to this text:--"God so amply provided for them all the necessaries of life, that they never were obliged to wear tattered garments, nor were their feet injured for lack of shoes or sandals." Now, though the Israelites doubtless brought out of Egypt more raiment than what they had upon them; and they might manufacture the fleeces of their flocks in the wilderness; and also might be favoured by Providence with other supplies from the neighbouring nations or travelling hordes of Arabs; yet, when we consider their immense numbers, their situation and long continuance in the wilderness, and the very strong expressions made use of in the text, why should we question the extraordinary and miraculous interposition of God in this respect, as well as in others, not less stupendous in their nature, or constant in their supply?


puluh tahun

Ul 29:5; Neh 9:21 [Semua]

Yosua 5:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berjalan(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <01980> [walked.]

bersumpah ........ melihat ... melihat dijanjikan(TB)/bersumpahlah ............. dijanji(TL) <07650 07200> [sware that.]

negeri ................ negeri(TB)/tanah ................. tanah(TL) <0776> [a land.]


puluh tahun

Kel 16:35; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:35]

padang gurun,

Bil 32:13; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:13]; Yos 14:10; Mazm 107:4 [Semua]

kepada kita,

Bil 14:23,29-35; Ul 2:14 [Semua]

dan madunya.

Kel 3:8; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:8]

Amos 2:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[I bought.]

<03212> [and led.]

menduduki(TB)/mengambil(TL) <03423> [to possess.]


tanah Mesir

Kel 6:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:5]; Kel 20:2; Am 3:1 [Semua]

dan memimpin

Ul 8:2; [Lihat FULL. Ul 8:2]

padang gurun,

Ul 2:7; [Lihat FULL. Ul 2:7]

orang Amori;

Kel 3:8; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:8]; Bil 21:25; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:25]; Yos 13:4; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:4]; Am 9:7 [Semua]


Kisah Para Rasul 7:36

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membawa ... keluar(TB)/membawa(TL) <1806> [brought.]

dengan mengadakan(TB)/diadakannya(TL) <4160> [after.]

di .... di ... Merah ... di ...... Kolzom(TB)/di ..... di ... Kolzom ... di(TL) <1722 2063> [in the Red.]

dan ... di .... di .... dan di padang gurun(TB)/dan .... di .... dan di .... dan di ... belantara(TL) <2532 1722 2048> [and in the wilderness.]


mereka keluar

Kel 12:41; 33:1 [Semua]

dan tanda-tanda

Kel 11:10; Yoh 4:48; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 4:48] [Semua]

Laut Merah

Kel 14:21

padang gurun,

Kel 15:25; 17:5,6 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 13:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


karena(TL) <1063> [for.]

Elimas(TL) <436> [withstood.]


sihir itu,

Kis 8:9

membelokkan gubernur

Kis 13:7; [Lihat FULL. Kis 13:7]

dari imannya.

Yes 30:11; Kis 6:7 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: TUKANG SIHIR ITU.

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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