TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Nehemia 3:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu(TL) <08179> [the gate.]

penguasa(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [the ruler.]

Mizpa(TB/TL) <04709> [Mizpah.]


penampung(TB)/Syelah(TL) <07975> [Siloah.]

Siloah was situated under the eastern wall of Jerusalem, between that city and the brook Kedron, and is described by Chateaubriand as lying at the foot of Mount Zion. Dr. Richardson represents the pool of Siloam as occurring higher up the valley of Jehoshaphat, towards the north, than the well of Nehemiah, a little beyond the village of Siloa, and nearly opposite the tombs of Jehoshaphat and Zechariah.


[Siloam. the stairs.]


air saluran,

Yes 8:6; Yoh 9:7 [Semua]

Nehemia 4:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buahku(TB)/orangku(TL) <05288> [my servants.]

sebagian ......... sebagian(TB)/setengah ....... setengah(TL) <02677> [and the other half.]

This is no unusual thing in Palestine, even at the present day; people sowing their seed are often attended by armed men, to prevent the Arabs from robbing them of it.

baju zirah(TB)/baju zirha(TL) <08302> [habergeons.]

{Habergeon,} from the Teutonic {hals,} the neck, and {bergen,} to cover, defend, may be considered as signifying a breast-plate, though the Franco-Gallic {hautbergon} signifies a coat of mail; the original {shiryon,} we have already seen, denotes a corslet.

Nehemia 7:73

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Israel ............... Israel(TB)/Israelpun .................. Israelpun(TL) <03478> [all Israel.]

It was for the purpose of ascertaining the different families, and consequently the different cities, villages, etc., which belonged to them, according to the ancient division of the land, that the public registers were examined.

ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [when the seventh.]


para budak

Neh 1:10; Mazm 34:23; 103:21; 113:1; 135:1 [Semua]

di kota-kota

Ezr 3:1; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 3:1]; Neh 11:1 [Semua]

di kota-kotanya,

Ezr 3:1

Nehemia 8:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yesua(TB/TL) <03442> [Jeshua.]

Bani(TB/TL) <01137> [Bani.]

Serebya(TB/TL) <08274> [Sherebiah.]

Akub(TB/TL) <06126> [Akkub.]

Hodia(TB/TL) <01941> [Hodijah.]

Maaseya(TB/TL) <04641> [Maaseiah.]

Kelita(TB/TL) <07042> [Kelita.]

Azarya(TB/TL) <05838> [Azariah.]

Yozabad(TB/TL) <03107> [Jozabad.]

Hanan(TB/TL) <02605> [Hanan.]

Pelaya(TB/TL) <06411> [Pelaiah.]

orang-orang(TB)/banyak ........ banyak(TL) <05971> [caused.]


orang-orang Lewi,

Ezr 10:23; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 10:23]


Im 10:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:11]; 2Taw 17:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 17:7] [Semua]


Nehemia 8:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


atap(TB)/sotoh(TL) <01406> [the roof.]

pekarangan ..... pelataran-pelataran(TB)/penghadapannya .... penghadapan(TL) <02691> [the courts.]

lapangan pintu gerbang Air .... lapangan pintu gerbang(TB)/halaman pintu Air .... halaman pintu(TL) <04325 08179 07339> [the street of the water gate.]

pintu gerbang ...... pintu gerbang Efraim Efrayim(TB)/pintu ...... pintu Efrayim(TL) <08179 0669> [gate of Ephraim.]


gerbang Air

Neh 3:26; [Lihat FULL. Neh 3:26]

gerbang Efraim.

2Taw 25:23; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 25:23]

Nehemia 9:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membelah(TB)/membelahkan(TL) <01234> [divide.]

pengejar-pengejar(TB)/mengusir(TL) <07291> [their persecutors.]

batu(TB/TL) <068> [as a stone.]


hadapan mereka

Mazm 78:13

yang dalam,

Kel 14:28; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:28]

ke air

Kel 15:4-5,10; Ibr 11:29 [Semua]

Nehemia 9:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menolak(TB)/engganlah(TL) <03985> [refused.]

mengingat(TB)/diingatnya(TL) <02142> [mindful.]

Mesir(TB)/durhakanya(TL) <04805> [in their rebellion.]

Instead of {bemiryam,} "in their rebellion," seven MSS., one edition, and the LXX., have {bemitzrayim,} "in Egypt:" "appointed a captain to return to their bondage in Egypt."

leher(TB)/ditentukannya(TL) <05414> [appointed.]

Allah(TB/TL) <0433> [a God.]

sudi(TB)/mengampuni(TL) <05547> [ready to pardon. Heb. of pardons. gracious.]

meninggalkan(TB)/Kautinggalkan(TL) <05800> [forsookest.]


tidak mengingat

Hak 8:34; Mazm 78:42 [Semua]

yang ajaib

Mazm 77:12; 78:12; 105:5; 106:7 [Semua]

bersitegang leher

Yer 7:26; 19:15 [Semua]

ke perbudakan

Bil 14:1-4 [Semua]

Engkaulah Allah

Mazm 130:4; Dan 9:9 [Semua]

dan penyayang,

Ul 4:31; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:31]

panjang sabar

Kel 34:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 34:6]; Mazm 103:8; Nah 1:3 [Semua]

kasih setia-Nya.

Kel 22:27; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:27]; Bil 14:17-19; Mazm 86:15 [Semua]

meninggalkan mereka.

Mazm 78:11; Yeh 5:6 [Semua]


Nehemia 9:35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


beribadah(TB)/ibadat(TL) <05647> [For they.]

kedudukan(TB)/kerajaan(TL) <04438> [in their kingdom.]

Instead of {bemalkuthom,} "in their kingdom," {bemalkuthecha,} "in thy kingdom," is the reading of two of Dr. Kennicott's MSS., LXX., Syriac, and Arabic.

banyak(TB) <07227> [thy great.]

tanah negeri .... subur(TB)/negeri ...... subur(TL) <0776 08082> [fat land.]


mau beribadah

Ul 28:45-48 [Semua]

banyak kebaikan

Yes 63:7

Nehemia 10:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


penduduk(TB)/bangsa-bangsa(TL) <05971> [the people.]

hari ..... hari .............. hari ... kudus ........ hari(TB)/hari ........................... hari ... suci(TL) <03117 06944> [on the holy day.]

membiarkan(TB)/memegang(TL) <05203> [and that we.]

<04853> [the exaction.]

hutang(TB)/utang(TL) <03027> [debt. Heb. band.]


hari Sabat,

Neh 13:16,18; Yer 17:27; Yeh 23:38; Am 8:5 [Semua]

hasil tanah

Kel 23:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:11]; Im 25:1-7 [Semua]

sesuatu hutang.

Ul 15:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 15:1]

Nehemia 10:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sajian(TB/TL) <04635> [the shewbread.]

tetap ... korban bakaran ... korban bakaran(TB)/selalu ....... selalu(TL) <08548 05930> [the continual burnt.]

pekerjaan(TB/TL) <04399> [all the work.]


roti sajian,

Im 24:6

bulan-bulan baru

Bil 10:10; Mazm 81:4; Yes 1:14 [Semua]

rumah Allah

2Taw 24:5; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 24:5]

Nehemia 11:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pengawas(TB)/pemerintah(TL) <06496> [overseer.]

Uzi(TB/TL) <05813> [Uzzi.]

Bani(TB/TL) <01137> [Bani.]

Hasabya(TB/TL) <02811> [Hashabiah.]

Matanya(TB/TL) <04983> [Mattaniah.]

bin ... bin ... bin ... bin .... bani(TB)/bin ... bin ... bin ... bin ..... bani(TL) <01121> [Of the sons.]

menyanyi ..... di(TB)/hadir(TL) <05048> [were over.]


bin Matanya

1Taw 9:15; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:15]

Nehemia 12:47

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Zerubabel(TB)/Zerubabil(TL) <02216> [Zerubbabel.]

memberikan(TB)/diberikan(TL) <05414> [gave.]

mempersembahkan persembahan kudus ........ mempersembahkan persembahan kudus(TB)/disucikan ......... disucikan(TL) <06942> [and they.]

That is, the people separated, or set apart, the tenth of the produce of their lands for the use of the Levites; and the Levites separated the tenth of their tithes for the priests.

mempersembahkan persembahan kudus ........ mempersembahkan persembahan kudus(TB)/disucikan ......... disucikan(TL) <06942> [sanctified. that is, set apart.]


anak-anak Harun.

Ul 18:8; [Lihat FULL. Ul 18:8]

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