TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yehezkiel 44:1-14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


luar(TB/TL) <02435> [the outward.]

So called in opposition to the temple itself, which was the inner sanctuary.

menghadap(TB)/arah(TL) <06437> [looketh.]


Judul : Raja, para orang Lewi dan imam

Perikop : Yeh 44:1-31

ke timur;

Yeh 43:1; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 43:1]


TUHAN ................... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ........................ Tuhan(TL) <03068> [because.]


dari situ,

Yeh 43:4-5 [Semua]


raja ...... raja(TB)/penghulu .... penghulu(TL) <05387> [for.]

raja ...... raja(TB)/penghulu .... penghulu(TL) <05387> [the prince.]

It is probable that the prince mentioned here and elsewhere, does not mean the Messiah, but the ruler of the Jewish nation for the time being. For it is not only directed where he should sit in the temple, and eat his portion of the sacrifices, and when and how he should go out; but it is also ordered (ch. 45:22,) that at the passover he shall offer a bullock, a sin offering for himself and the people; and to guard him against any temptation of oppressing the people, he had a provision of land allotted to him, (ch. 45:8,) out of which he is to give an inheritance for his sons, (ch. 46:18.) These appear plainly to be political rules for common princes, and for a succession of them; but as no such rules were observed under the second temple, the fulfilment of it must still be future.

makan santapan(TB)/santap roti(TL) <0398> [to eat.]

masuk(TB/TL) <0935> [he shall enter.]


di hadapan

Kel 24:9-11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 24:9] s/d 11 [Semua]

dari situ.

Yeh 46:2,8 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: RAJA.


melalui(TB)/jalan(TL) <01870> [the way.]

kemuliaan(TB/TL) <03519> [the glory.]

sujud(TB)/sujudlah(TL) <05307> [and I fell.]


gerbang utara

Yeh 40:35; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 40:35]

Bait Suci;

Yes 6:4; [Lihat FULL. Yes 6:4]; Yeh 10:4; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 10:4]; Wahy 15:8 [Semua]

aku sujud

Dan 8:17


[mark well. Heb. set thine heart.]

peraturan-peraturan(TB)/perintah(TL) <02708> [concerning.]

perhatikanlah perhatikanlah ........................ perhatikanlah baik-baik ...... perhatikanlah(TB)/perhatikanlah .............................. perhatikanlah(TL) <07760 03820> [and mark well.]

diperbolehkan masuk(TB)/masuk(TL) <03996> [the entering.]


diperbolehkan masuk

Yeh 42:9; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 42:9]

tempat kudus.

Yeh 40:4; 43:10-11 [Semua]


Katakanlah ......... firman(TB)/katakanlah ........... firman(TL) <0559> [thou shalt say.]

Cukuplah(TB)/Cukupkah(TL) <07227> [let it suffice.]


kaum pemberontak,

Yeh 3:9; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 3:9]


membiarkan(TB)/membawa(TL) <0935> [ye have brought.]

orang-orang(TB)/orang(TL) <01121> [strangers. Heb. children of a stranger.]

orang-orang yang tidak bersunat hatinya maupun ..... hatinya(TB)/tiada bersunat .... tiada bersunat hatinya(TL) <06189 03820> [uncircumcised in heart.]

The introduction of uncircumcised persons to eat of the peace offerings and oblations, would have been a gross violation of the Mosaic law; but, as there was no law to exclude "the uncircumcised of heart," who were circumcised and ritually clean, this seems to point out a new and different constitution.

mempersembahkan(TB/TL) <07126> [when.]

lemak(TB/TL) <02459> [the fat.]

mengingkari(TB)/dirombak(TL) <06565> [broken.]


bersunat hatinya

Im 26:41; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:41]

mengingkari perjanjian-Ku

Kej 17:14; Kel 12:48; Im 22:25 [Semua]


memelihara .......... memelihara(TB)/melakukan .......... kamu ........ dilakukannya(TL) <08104> [ye have not.]

barang-barang-Ku .......... kewajibanmu(TB)/penungguan ................. penungguan-Ku(TL) <04931> [charge. or, ward, or ordinance, and so ver.]


tempat kudus-Ku.

Im 22:2; Bil 18:7 [Semua]



orang Israel.

Yoel 3:17; Za 14:21 [Semua]


Lewi(TB/TL) <03881> [the Levites.]

menanggung(TB/TL) <05375> [bear.]


Israel sesat

Mazm 95:10

menanggung hukumannya.

Bil 18:23


tugas .......... pelayanan ....................... melayaninya(TB)/berkhidmat .............. mengerjakan .............................. berkhidmat(TL) <08334> [they shall be.]

As few, if any, of those who, before the captivity, had been guilty in these respects, lived to witness the restoration of the temple service; and as it does not appear that their descendants were thus degraded for the idolatry of their ancestors; it is probable that a thorough reformation of the whole church, or the prevalence of pure religion among the converted Jews, is here predicted.

penjagaan(TB)/berkawal(TL) <06486> [having charge.]

menyembelih(TB)/menyembelihkan(TL) <07819> [shall slay.]

berdiri(TL) <05975> [and they.]


korban bakaran

2Taw 29:34

untuk melayaninya.

Bil 3:5-37; Bil 16:9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 16:9]; 1Taw 26:12-19; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 26:12] s/d 19 [Semua]


melayani(TB)/berkhidmat(TL) <08334> [they ministered.]

kaum Israel .... batu sandungan ...... kesalahan ................. hukumannya(TB)/kesentuhan kejahatan ... bangsa Israel ................. kesalahannya(TL) <03478 04383 05771 01004> [caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity. Heb. were for a stumbling-block of iniquity unto, etc.]

bersumpah ........... menanggung(TB/TL) <05375> [therefore.]

bersumpah ........... menanggung(TB/TL) <05375> [and they shall.]


yang menjatuhkannya

Yer 18:15; [Lihat FULL. Yer 18:15]

Aku bersumpah

Mazm 106:26

Tuhan Allah,

2Raj 16:10-16; Yer 14:10 [Semua]


mendekati .......... mendekati(TB)/menghampiri ............ menghampiri(TL) <05066> [they shall not.]

menanggung(TB)/kena(TL) <05375> [bear.]


menanggung nodanya

Yeh 16:61; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 16:61]

karena perbuatan-perbuatan

Bil 18:3; Hos 5:1 [Semua]



di situ.

1Sam 2:36; 2Raj 23:9; 1Taw 23:28-32; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 23:28] s/d 32 [Semua]

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