TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Tawarikh 8:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Baalat(TB/TL) <01191> [Baalath.]

negeri kota perbekalan ..... kota ... negeri kota-kota ...... negeri(TB)/negeri ... perbekalan ....... negeri ....... negeri(TL) <05892 04543> [the store cities.]

negeri kota ...... kota tempat negeri kota-kota ...... negeri(TB)/negeri ......... negeri ... rata ..... negeri(TL) <05892 07393> [chariot cities.]

Salomo .............. Salomo ingin mendirikannya(TB)/Sulaiman ................... Sulaiman membuat(TL) <08010 02836 01129> [all that Solomon desired to build. Heb. all the desire of]

Solomon which he desired to build.

Libanon(TB/TL) <03844> [and in Lebanon.]


juga Baalat,

Yos 19:44; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:44]

2 Tawarikh 9:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Terpujilah(TB)/puji(TL) <01288> [Blessed.]

berkenan(TB/TL) <02654> [which delighted.]

[See on]

Allahmu .................. Allahmu ... Allahmu(TB)/Allahmu ............. Allahmu ........ Allahmu(TL) <0430> [because thy God.]

melakukan keadilan .......... benar(TB)/berbuat benar(TL) <04941 06213> [to do judgment.]


atas takhta-Nya

1Raj 2:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 2:12]; 1Taw 17:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 17:14]; 2Taw 13:8 [Semua]

engkau raja

2Taw 2:11

2 Tawarikh 12:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Semaya(TB/TL) <08098> [Shemaiah.]

meninggalkan ...... Akupun meninggalkan(TB)/meninggalkan ....... meninggalkan(TL) <05800 0637> [Ye have forsaken me.]

meninggalkan ....... meninggalkan ..... kuasa .......... tangan(TB)/meninggalkan ....... meninggalkan(TL) <05800 03027> [left you.]


Nabi Semaya

2Taw 11:2

Akupun meninggalkan

Ul 28:15; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:15]


2 Tawarikh 17:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengutus(TB)/disuruh(TL) <07971> [A.M. 3092. B.C. 912. he sent.]

In these verse we have an account of a remarkable itinerant ministry established by Jehoshaphat, in which three classes of men were employed: 1. the Princes; 2. the Levites; 3. the Priests. We may presume that the Princes instructed the people in the nature of the civil law and constitution of the kingdom; that the Levites instructed them in every thing that appertained to the temple service, and ritual law; and that the Priests instructed them in the nature and design of their religion. Thus the nation became thoroughly instructed in their duty to God, to the king, and to each other; they therefore became as one man; and against a people thus united, on such principles, no enemy could be successful.

mengajar(TB/TL) <03925> [to teach.]


untuk mengajar

Im 10:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:11]; Ul 6:4-9; 2Taw 19:4-11; 35:3; Neh 8:8; Mal 2:7 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 18:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


duduk masing-masing masing-masing(TB)/bersemayam masing-masing .......... duduknya(TL) <03427 0376> [sat either.]

pakaian kebesaran(TB)/berpakaikan(TL) <03847> [clothed.]

tempat pengirikan(TB)/kebesarannya(TL) <01637> [void place. or, floor.]

Threshing-floors, among the ancient Jews, as we have before remarked, were only, as they are to this day in the East, round level plats of ground in the open air. Hence a floor might well be near the gate of Samaria, which was built on a hill, and afford no improper place for the kings of Judah and Israel to give audience to the prophets.

nabi(TB/TL) <05030> [all the prophets.]

2 Tawarikh 19:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Amarya(TB/TL) <0568> [Amariah.]

perkara ............ perkara(TB/TL) <01697> [all matters.]

hendaklah tegas bersungguh-sungguh(TB)/hendaklah ... bersungguh-sungguh ....... perbuat(TL) <02388 06213> [Deal courageously. Heb. Take courage and do.]

ketuhanan ......................... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .................................. Tuhanpun(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

ikhlas(TB)/baik(TL) <02896> [the good.]


dengan tegas!

1Taw 28:20; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 28:20]

2 Tawarikh 34:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kedelapan(TB/TL) <08083> [A.M. 3380. B.C. 624. the eighteenth.]

menyuruh Safan .... Safan(TB)/disuruhkannya Safan(TL) <08227 07971> [sent Shaphan.]

Maaseya(TB/TL) <04641> [Maaseiah.]



Judul : Kitab Taurat ditemukan kembali\2Taw 24:29-32\ paralel dengan \#/TB 2Raj 23:1-3*\

Perikop : 2Taw 34:8-33


2Raj 22:8-20 dengan 2Taw 34:14-28


2Raj 23:1-3 dengan 2Taw 24:29-32

2 Tawarikh 34:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


nabiah(TB/TL) <05031> [the prophetess.]

Hasra(TB/TL) <02641> [Hasrah.]

Hasrah is most probably a mistake for Harhas; as the Septuagint reads, both here and in the parallel place, [Aras.]



pakaian-pakaian(TB)/pakaian(TL) <0899> [wardrobe. Heb. garments. college. or, school, or second part.]

It is probable that {Mishneh} was either the name of a street, or a particular part of the city of Jerusalem.


kepada nabiah

Kel 15:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:20]; Neh 6:14 [Semua]

2 Tawarikh 35:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


panglimanya(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [his princes.]

Kemudian .......... memberi kepada(TB)/memberikan(TL) <07311 05414> [gave. Heb. offered. willingly.]

Hilkia(TB/TL) <02518> [Hilkiah.]

pemuka(TB)/penghulu(TL) <05057> [rulers.]


memberi sumbangan

1Taw 29:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 29:3]; 2Taw 29:31-36 [Semua]

Kemudian Hilkia,

1Taw 6:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 6:13]

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