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2 Tawarikh 21

1 Yoram, yang menggantikan Yosafat, membunuh saudara-saudaranya.

5 Pemerintahannya yang keji.

8 Edom dan Libna memberontak.

12 Nubuat Elia tentang kejatuhannya di dalam surat.

16 Orang Filistin dan Arab menindas dia.

18 Penyakitnya yang tidak bisa sembuh, kematiannya yang dikenal buruk, dan pemakamannya.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

21:1 · Yosafat(TB/TL) <03092> [A.M. 3115. B.C. 889. Jehoshaphat.]

· dikuburkan(TB/TL) <06912> [was buried.]

· Yoram(TB/TL) <03088> [Jehoram.]

· raja(TB)/naik(TL) <04427> [reigned.]



Maka Yoram,

1Taw 3:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 3:11]

21:2 · Israel(TB/TL) <03478> [Israel.]

Jehoshaphat was certainly not king of Israel, but of Judah: {Yisra‰l} must therefore be a mistake for {Yehoodah;} which is the reading of thirty-eight of Dr. Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., and of the Syriac, Arabic, Septuagint, and Vulgate.


Judul : Yoram, raja Yehuda

Perikop : 2Taw 21:2-20


2Raj 8:16-24 dengan 2Taw 21:2-20

21:3 · memberikan .... banyak ..... beberapa .............. diberikannya kepada(TB)/Maka ..... mengaruniai ........................... dianugerahkannya(TL) <05414 07227> [gave them.]

· kedudukan raja(TB)/kerajaan(TL) <04467> [the kingdom.]

He associated him with himself in the kingdom about three years before his death, and in the fifth year of Joram king of Israel; so that Jehoram reigned three years with his father, and five years alone, in all eight years.

· Yoram(TB/TL) <03088> [Jehoram.]

"Jehoram made partner of the kingdom with his father, 1 Ki 8:16."


banyak pemberian,

2Taw 11:23

juga kota-kota

2Taw 11:10; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 11:10]

21:4 · membunuh ..... adiknya(TB)/dibunuhnya(TL) <02026 0251> [slew all.]


memegang pemerintahan

1Raj 2:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 2:12]

semua saudaranya

Hak 9:5

21:5 · Yoram(TB/TL) <03088> [A.M. 3112-3119. B.C. 892-885. Jehoram.]

"In consort, 2 Ki 8:17."


21:6 · kelakuan(TB)/jalan(TL) <01870> [in the way.]

· anak(TB/TL) <01323> [he had.]


raja-raja Israel

1Raj 12:28-30 [Semua]

anak Ahab.

2Taw 18:1; 22:3 [Semua]

21:7 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Howbeit.]

· perjanjian(TB/TL) <01285> [because.]

· hendak(TB)/demikian(TL) <0559> [as he promised.]

· keturunan(TB)/pelita(TL) <05216> [light. Heb. lamp, or candle.]


keluarga Daud

2Sam 7:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:15]; 2Taw 23:3 [Semua]

dengan Daud,

2Sam 7:13; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:13]

memberikan keturunan

2Sam 21:17; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 21:17]

21:8 · Edom(TB/TL) <0123> [A.M. 3115. B.C. 889. the Edomites.]

· kekuasaan(TB)/perintah(TL) <03027> [dominion. Heb. hand. and made.]


memberontaklah Edom

2Taw 20:22-23 [Semua]

21:10 · Libnapun(TB)/Libna(TL) <03841> [Libnah.]

· meninggalkan(TB)/ditinggalkan(TL) <05800> [because.]


Lalu Libnapun

Bil 33:20; [Lihat FULL. Bil 33:20]

21:11 · membuat(TB)/diperbuatkannya(TL) <06213> [Moreover.]

· penduduk(TB)/isi(TL) <03427> [caused.]

· membujuk(TB)/diajaknya(TL) <02181> [fornication.]

· menyesatkan(TB)/dipaksainya(TL) <05080> [compelled.]

21:12 · surat(TB)/sepucuk surat(TL) <04385> [A.M. 3116. B.C. 888. a writing.]

"Which was writ before his assumption."

· nabi Elia ..... nabi(TB)/nabi Elia(TL) <05030 0452> [Elijah the prophet.]

If the account of the translation of Elijah be given in the order in which it happened, then it occurred in the reign of Jehoshaphat, the father of Jehoram. Hence, it is probable that he wrote it before his assumption, and left it to be delivered by Elisha or one of the prophets.

· jejak Yosafat ........ Yosafat(TB)/jalan ... Yosafat .... jalan(TL) <01870 03092> [in the ways of Jehoshaphat.]

· jejak ..... Asa ......... Asa(TB)/jalan ...... jalan Asa(TL) <01870 0609> [in the ways of Asa.]


nabi Elia

2Raj 1:16-17 [Semua]

Daud, bapa

2Taw 17:3-6 [Semua]

dan Asa,

2Taw 14:2

21:13 · kelakuan(TB)/jalan(TL) <01870> [in the way.]

· membujuk ....... berzinah(TB)/mengajak ............ zinah(TL) <02181> [a whoring.]

· membunuh(TB/TL) <02026> [hast slain.]


keluarga Ahab,

1Raj 16:29-33 [Semua]

lebih baik

1Raj 2:32

21:14 · tulah(TB)/bala(TL) <04046> [plague. Heb. stroke.]

· rakyatmu(TB)/bangsamu(TL) <05971> [thy people.]

Many of the people had concurred in Jehoram's idolatry, and some of them must have been instruments in his base, unnatural murders; they were therefore joined in his punishment, and he suffered by the loss of his subjects.

· anak-anakmu(TB)/anakmu(TL) <01121> [thy children.]

21:15 · penyakit(TB/TL) <04245> [by disease.]

This is supposed to have been a violent dysentery, a disease which is often attended with symptoms similar to those described in the text; by the same death perished Antiochus Ephiphenes, and Herod Agrippa.

· usus ...... ususmu keluar ....... keluar(TB)/perutmu .......... perutmu(TL) <04578 03318> [thy bowels fall.]

· penyakit ............... penyakit(TB)/penyakit ..................... penyakit(TL) <02483> [the sickness.]


suatu penyakit

Bil 12:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 12:10]

21:16 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhanpun(TL) <03068> [A.M. 3117. B.C. 887. the Lord.]

· orang Filistin(TB)/Filistin(TL) <06430> [Philistines.]


orang Arab

2Taw 17:10-11; 22:1; 26:7 [Semua]

21:17 · mengangkut(TB)/dibawanya(TL) <07617> [carried away. Heb. carried captive.]

· anak-anak ... isteri-isterinya ...... isteri ....... anaknya(TB)/anak ...... anakpun ........ anaknya laki-laki(TL) <01121 0802> [his sons also.]

· Yoahas(TB)/Yoahaz(TL) <03059> [Jehoahaz.]

· [Ahaziah.]

· [Azariah.]


yang bungsu.

2Raj 12:18; 2Taw 22:1; Yoel 3:5 [Semua]

21:18 · Sesudah .... TUHAN ..... Tuhan(TB)/Kemudian(TL) <0310 03068> [A.M. 3117-3119. B.C. 887-885. And after all.]

"His son Ahaziah Prorex, soon after."

· penyakit .... tidak dapat ... penyakit(TB)/penyakit ....... tiada(TL) <02483 0369> [an incurable disease.]

21:19 · menyalakan api .............. pembakaran ..... pembakaran(TB)/diperbuat(TL) <06213 08316> [made no.]


api baginya

2Taw 16:14; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 16:14]

21:20 · tiga ... dua(TB)/tiga puluh dua(TL) <07970 08147> [A.M. 3119. B.C. 885. Thirty and two.]


· dicintai(TB)/dipuji(TL) <02532> [without being desired. Heb. without desire.]

That is, without being regretted: no one wished him to live any longer. He was hated while he lived, and neglected when he died.


Ia dikuburkan

2Taw 24:25; 28:27; 33:20 [Semua]

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