TB NETBible YUN-IBR Diglot Ref. Silang Nama Judul Artikel Himne PEDIA MEDIA Gambar Audio Kuno ITL - draft AI  BaDeNo

1 Tawarikh 9

1 Asal-usul Israel dan silsilah Yehuda.

2 Orang Israel;

10 para imam;

14 dan orang Lewi, bersama dengan para budak bait Allah, yang tinggal di Yerusalem.

27 Tugas beberapa orang Lewi.

35 Keturunan Saul dan Yonatan.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

9:1 · Israel ........... Israel(TB)/Israel ................. Israel(TL) <03478> [A.M. 2804, etc. B.C. 1200, etc. all Israel.]

· pembuangan(TB)/tertawan(TL) <01540> [carried.]


Judul : Daftar penduduk Yerusalem

Perikop : 1Taw 9:1-34


Neh 11:3-19 dengan 1Taw 9:1-17

orang Israel

1Taw 11:1,10; 12:38; 14:8; 15:3,28; 18:14; 19:17; 21:5; 28:4,8; 1Taw 29:21,23; 2Taw 1:2; 5:3; 7:8; 10:3,16; 12:1; 13:4,15; 18:16; 2Taw 29:224:5; 28:23; 29:24; 30:1 [Semua]

ke Babel

Ul 21:10; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:10]

tidak setia.

1Taw 5:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 5:25]


9:2 · mula-mula(TB/TL) <07223> [A.M. 3468. B.C. 536. the first.]

· para budak di bait Allah(TB)/orang pemberian(TL) <05411> [the Nethinims.]


di kota-kota

Yos 9:27; Ezr 2:70 [Semua]

para budak

Ezr 2:43,58; 8:20; Neh 7:60 [Semua]

9:3 · Yerusalem(TB)/Yeruzalem(TL) <03389> [Jerusalem.]

· bani .... bani .... bani Efraim ......... Efrayim(TB)/bani ...... bani ...... bani Efrayim(TL) <01121 0669> [of the children of Ephraim.]

9:4 · Bani(TB/TL) <01137> [Bani.]

· Peres(TB)/Paris(TL) <06557> [Pharez.]

· [Perez.]


bin Yehuda.

Kej 38:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:29]; Kej 46:12 [Semua]

9:5 · orang Syela(TB)/Siloni(TL) <07888> [Shilonites.]

· [Shelanites.]

· [Shiloni.]

9:6 · Zerah(TB/TL) <02226> [Zerah.]

· [Zarah.]

9:7 · Salu(TB/TL) <05543> [Sallu.]

9:10 · Yoyarib(TB/TL) <03080> [Jehoiarib.]

· [Joiarib.]

9:11 · Azarya(TB/TL) <05838> [Azariah.]

· [Seraiah. the ruler.]

9:12 · Mesilemit(TB)/Mesilemet(TL) <04921> [Meshillemith.]

· [Meshillemoth. Immer.]


bin Pasyhur

Ezr 2:38; 10:22; Neh 10:3; Yer 21:1; 38:1 [Semua]

9:13 · orang-orang semua(TB)/semua ... perkasa(TL) <02428 01368> [very able men. Heb. mighty men of valour.]

9:14 · Semaya(TB/TL) <08098> [Shemaiah.]

· Hasabya(TB/TL) <02811> [Hashabiah.]

· bin ... bin ... bin .... keturunan(TB)/bin ... bin ... bin ..... bani(TL) <01121> [of the sons.]

9:15 · Matanya(TB/TL) <04983> [Mattaniah.]

· [Micha.]

· Zikhri(TB/TL) <02147> [Zichri.]

· [Zaccur.]

· [Zabdi.]

· [Zaccur.]


dan Matanya

2Taw 20:14; Neh 11:22 [Semua]

9:16 · Obaja(TB/TL) <05662> [Obadiah.]

· [Abda. Shammua.]

· [the sons of Jeduthun.]

· Netofa(TB)/Netofati(TL) <05200> [Netophathites.]


orang Netofa.

Neh 12:28

9:17 · Penunggu-penunggu(TB)/penunggu pintu(TL) <07778> [the porters.]

· Salum .......... Salum(TB)/Salum ............. Salum(TL) <07967> [Shallum.]



1Taw 9:22; 1Taw 26:1; 2Taw 8:14; 31:14; Ezr 2:42; Neh 7:45 [Semua]

9:18 · raja(TB/TL) <04428> [Who hitherto waited.]

The original is {we„d hennah,} which Houbigant and Dr. Geddes consider as a proper name, and render, "And Adanah was over the eastern gate, called the king's;" i.e., the gate by which the kings of Judah went to the temple. The list is here nearly the same with those found in Ezra and Nehemiah, and contains those who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel: but the list in Nehemiah is more ample, probably because it contains those who came afterwards; the object of the sacred writer here being to give the names of those who came first, (ver. 2.) These consisted of men belonging not only to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, but to many of the other tribes of Israel, who took advantage of the proclamation of Cyrus to return to Jerusalem. Properly speaking, the divisions mentioned here constituted the whole of the Israelitish people, who were divided into priests, Levites, common Israelites, and Nethinims.

· raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king's.]

· penunggu-penunggu(TB)/penunggu pintu(TL) <07778> [they.]


pintu gerbang

1Taw 26:14; Yeh 43:1; 46:1 [Semua]

9:19 · Ebyasaf(TB/TL) <043> [Ebiasaph.]

· Korah(TB/TL) <07141> [Korah.]

· ambang pintu(TB/TL) <05592> [gates. Heb. thresholds.]

Ps 84:10 *marg:

· perkemahan(TB)/tentara(TL) <04264> [over the host.]

· penjaga-penjaga ............. penjaga-penjaga pintu masuk(TB)/penunggu ............. penunggu pintu(TL) <08104 03996> [keepers of the entry.]



Yer 35:4

9:20 · Pinehas(TB/TL) <06372> [Phinehas.]

· TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]



Bil 25:7-13 [Semua]

9:21 · Zakharia(TB)/Zakharya(TL) <02148> [Zechariah.]



1Taw 26:2,14 [Semua]

9:22 · desa-desa ........... jabatan(TB)/dusun-dusunnya ...... jawatan(TL) <02691 0530> [in their.]

· Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David.]

· Samuel(TB)/Semuel(TL) <08050> [Samuel.]

· diangkat(TL) <03245> [did ordain. Heb. founded. set office. or, trust.]


menjadi penunggu

1Taw 9:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:17]

Samuel, pelihat

1Sam 9:9; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:9]

9:23 · pintu-pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu(TL) <08179> [the oversight.]

9:24 · empat(TB)/keempat(TL) <0702> [four.]

9:25 · tujuh(TB/TL) <07651> [seven.]


tujuh hari

2Raj 11:5

9:26 · jabatan(TB)/tiap-tiap(TL) <0530> [set office. or, trust. chambers. or, storehouses. treasuries.]


serta perbendaharaan

1Taw 26:22

9:27 · penjagaan(TB)/pengawalan(TL) <04931> [the charge.]

· <04668> [the opening.]


rumah Allah

Bil 3:38; [Lihat FULL. Bil 3:38]

atas penjagaan

Yes 22:22

9:28 · mengurus(TB)/memerintahkan(TL) <05921> [the charge.]

· waktu ........... keluar(TB)/dibawanya masuk ....... dibawanya keluar(TL) <03318 0935> [bring them in and out. Heb. bring them in by tale, and carry them out.]

9:29 · perabotan .... perabotan(TB)/perkakasan .... benda(TL) <03627> [instruments. or, vessels. the oil.]

· kemenyan(TB/TL) <03828> [the frankincense.]


tempat kudus,

Bil 3:28; [Lihat FULL. Bil 3:28]; 1Taw 23:29 [Semua]

9:30 · orang(TB)/anak(TL) <01121> [of the sons.]


sedangkan beberapa

Kel 30:23-25; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:23] s/d 25 [Semua]

9:31 · Salum(TB/TL) <07967> [Shallum.]

· jawatannya(TL) <0530> [set office. or, trust.]

· mengolah(TB)/direndang dalam kuali(TL) <02281> [in the pans. or, on flat plates, or slices.]

9:32 · anak-anak(TB)/bani(TL) <01121> [the sons.]

· roti(TB/TL) <03899> [shewbread. Heb. bread of ordering. to.]


roti sajian

Im 24:5-8; 1Taw 23:29; 2Taw 13:11 [Semua]

9:33 · penyanyi(TB)/biduan(TL) <07891> [the singers.]

· <06362> [were free.]

· pekerjaannya(TB)/pekerjaan(TL) <04399> [they, etc. Heb. upon them. employed.]

A number of Levites were employed by rotation in singing the praises of Jehovah; and they seem to have continued the service day and night: see the References.


para penyanyi,

1Taw 6:31; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 6:31]; 1Taw 25:1-31; 2Taw 5:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 5:12] [Semua]

dan malam

Mazm 134:1

9:34 · kepala bapa-bapa ..... kepala(TB)/penghulu bapa-bapa ..... kepala(TL) <01 07218> [chief fathers.]

· Yerusalem(TB)/Yeruzalem(TL) <03389> [Jerusalem.]

We have already seen the situation and extent of this ancient city, (Note on 8:28;) but the Jerusalem of sacred history is no more. After having been successively destroyed by the Babylonians and Romans, and taken by the Saracens, Crusaders, and Turks, in the possession of the latter of whom it still continues, not a vestige remains of the capital of David and Solomon, not a monument of Jewish times is standing. The very course of the walls is changed, and the boundaries of the ancient city are become doubtful. The monks pretend to shew the sites of the sacred places; but they have not the slightest pretensions to even a probable identity with the real places. The Jerusalem that now is, however, called by the Arabs {El Kouds,} or "the holy city," is still a respectable, good-looking town, of an irregular shape: it is surrounded by high embattled walls, enclosing an area not exceeding two miles and a half, and occupying two small hills, having the valley of Jehoshaphat on the east, the valley of Siloam and Gehinnom on the south, and the valley of Rephaim on the west; and containing a population variously estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000 souls.

9:35 · Gibeon .... Gibeon(TB/TL) <01391> [A.M. 2804, etc. B.C. 1200, etc. in Gibeon.]

· bapa(TB/TL) <01> [the father.]

· isterinya(TB)/bininya(TL) <0802> [whose.]

Some editions read {achatho,} "his sister;" but in the parallel place ch. 8:29, it is {ishto,} "his wife," which is also the reading of the LXX., Vulgate, Arabic, and Syriac here, and is undoubtedly the true reading. This repetition of part of Bemjamin's genealogy seems to have been intended merely as an introduction to the ensuing history.


Judul : Silsilah Saul

Perikop : 1Taw 9:35-44


1Taw 8:28-38 dengan 1Taw 9:35-44

yakni Yeiel,

1Taw 8:29

9:36 · Kish(TB)/Kisy(TL) <07027> [Kish.]

9:37 · Zakharia(TB)/Zakharya(TL) <02148> [Zechariah.]

Zacher is merely an abbreviation of Zechariah, by the omission of {Jah} or {Yah}, one of the names of God.

· [Zacher.]

9:38 · Simeam(TB/TL) <08043> [Shimeam.]

Shimeam seems to be a mistake for Shimeah; the only difference being [Mˆm,] {mem} final, and [Hˆ,] {hay}; and the LXX. in both places read [Samaa,] Sama„.

· [Shimeah.]

9:39 · Ner(TB/TL) <05369> [Ner.]

· Saul Saul(TB)/Saul ... Saul(TL) <07586> [and Saul.]

· [Ishui.]

· Esybaal(TB/TL) <0792> [Eshbaal.]



1Taw 8:33; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 8:33]


1Sam 9:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:1]

memperanakkan Yonatan,

1Sam 13:22

dan Esybaal.

2Sam 2:8; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:8]

9:40 · Meribaal ... Meribaal(TB)/Merib-baal ... Merib-baal(TL) <04807 04810> [Merib-baal.]


ialah Meribaal,

2Sam 4:4; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 4:4]

9:41 · [Ahaz.]

9:42 · memperanakkan Yaera Yaera memperanakkan Yaera ...... memperanakkan(TB)/beranaklah Yaera ... Yaera beranaklah ......... beranaklah(TL) <03205 03294> [begat Jarah.]

Jarah seems also to be a mistake for Jehoadah, as the LXX. read uniformly [\~Iada\~,] Iada.

· [Jehoadah.]

9:43 · Refaya(TB/TL) <07509> [Rephaiah.]

Rapha is merely a contracted form of Rephaiah.

· [Rapha.]

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