TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 10:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kekudusan-Ku .......... kemuliaan-Ku(TB)/dipermuliakan ......... dihormati(TL) <06942 03513> [I will be.]

muka(TB)/di hadapan(TL) <06440> [before.]

Harun ....................... Harun(TB)/Harun ........................... Harunpun(TL) <0175> [Aaron.]


karib kepada-Ku

Kel 19:22

Kunyatakan kekudusan-Ku,

Kel 30:29; Im 21:6; 22:32; Bil 16:5; 20:13; Yes 5:16; Yeh 28:22; 38:16 [Semua]

Kuperlihatkan kemuliaan-Ku.

Kel 14:4; Yes 44:23; 49:3; 55:5; 60:21 [Semua]

Imamat 22:2-33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kudus ......... suci melanggar ..... kesucian-Ku(TB)/dihinakannya(TL) <02490 06944> [that they profane not.]

This is the very ground of the prohibition, that they might preserve in their minds a holy reverence for the Divine Majesty. Hence when they approached unto him, they must be free from every legal impurity. If great men are to be approached with respect, how much more must Jehovah be approached with holy reverence!

dikuduskan(TB) <06942> [hallow.]


terhadap persembahan-persembahan

Im 19:8

kekudusan nama-Ku

Kel 20:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:7]; Mat 5:33; [Lihat FULL. Mat 5:33] [Semua]

Akulah Tuhan.

Yeh 44:8


najis .... orang(TB)/najasatnya(TL) <02932 05315> [having his uncleanness upon him.]

That is, in other words, "when he is unclean."

orang(TL) <05315> [that soul.]

That is, according to some, thrust out of the priest's office, or from officiating at the altar; or, according to others, cut off by some immediate stroke of divine justice, like Nadab and Abihu.

hadapan-Ku(TB/TL) <06440> [from my.]


bagi Tuhan,

Ezr 8:28

dari hadapan-Ku;

Im 7:20,21; Bil 19:13 [Semua]


keturunan ................................. maninya(TB)/benih ........................................... maninya(TL) <02233> [the seed.]

These words include the daughters as well as the sons of Aaron.

sakit kusta(TB)/berkusta(TL) <06879> [a leper.]

mengeluarkan lelehan(TB)/berbeser(TL) <02100> [running issue. Heb. running of the reins.]

persembahan-persembahan kudus(TB)/suci(TL) <06944> [holy things.]

menjadi tahir(TB)/sembuhlah(TL) <02891> [until.]

najis(TB)/dinajiskan(TL) <02931> [unclean.]

keturunan ................................. maninya(TB)/benih ........................................... maninya(TL) <02233> [whose.]


mengeluarkan lelehan,

Im 15:2-15 [Semua]

orang mati

Im 11:24-28,39 [Semua]


orang(TB/TL) <0376> [whosoever.]

manusia(TB)/orang(TL) <0120> [or a man.]


yang merayap

Im 11:24-28,43 [Semua]

seorang manusia

Im 15:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 15:7]



menjadi najis

Hag 2:14

matahari terbenam

Im 11:24; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:24]

dengan air.

Im 14:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:8]



menjadi makanannya.

Bil 18:11



makan bangkai

Im 11:39; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:39]

binatang buas,

Kel 22:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:31]

menjadi najis

Im 11:40; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:40]

Akulah Tuhan.

Im 11:44


mendatangkan dosa(TB)/menanggung dosa(TL) <02399 05375> [bear sin for it.]

That is, be punished if he break it.


pada kewajibannya

Im 8:35; [Lihat FULL. Im 8:35]

mendatangkan dosa

Kel 28:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:38]

dan mati

Im 22:16; Kel 28:43; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:43] [Semua]

yang menguduskan

Im 20:8


The word {zar,} a stranger, does not mean one of another nation, a foreigner, which is expressed by {hechar,} but one who is not of the seed of Aaron, or does not belong to his family.


janganlah memakan

Im 22:13; Kel 12:45; 29:33 [Semua]


uangnya(TB)/uang(TL) <03701> [his money. Heb. the purchase of his money.]


turut memakannya,

Kej 17:13; Kel 12:44 [Semua]


orang(TB/TL) <0376> [a stranger. Heb. a man, a stranger.]


kembali ... rumah ayahnya ............. ayahnya(TB)/kembalilah .... rumah bapanya ............. bapanya(TL) <01 01004 07725> [returned unto her father's house.]

A widow in Bengal not unfrequently returns to her father's house on the death of her husband: the union between her and her own family is never so dissolved as among European nations.

gadis(TB)/masa mudanya(TL) <05271> [as in her.]



tidak sengaja

Im 4:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:2]

menambah seperlima.

Im 5:15



kekudusan persembahan-persembahan

Im 19:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 19:8]

bagi Tuhan,

Bil 18:32


karena ..... mendatangkan ..... kesalahan(TB)/ditanggungkan .... kesalahan(TL) <05771 05375> [suffer them to bear the iniquity of the trespass. or, lade themselves with the iniquity of trespass in their eating. bear.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for I.]


Israel kesalahan

Kel 28:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:38]

harus ditebus,

Im 22:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 22:9]

mereka memakan

Bil 18:11

yang menguduskan

Im 20:8


Siapapun(TB)/Barangsiapapun ..... isi(TL) <0376> [Whatsoever.]

orang asing(TB)/menumpang(TL) <01616> [of the strangers.]

persembahan nazar(TB)/nazarnya(TL) <05088> [vows.]

persembahan sukarela(TB)/persembahan dari ridla hatinya(TL) <05071> [freewill.]


orang Israel

Bil 15:16; 19:10; Yos 8:33 [Semua]

mempersembahkan persembahannya,

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

persembahan nazar

Im 22:21; Kej 28:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:20]; Bil 15:8; Mazm 22:26; 76:12; 116:18 [Semua]

persembahan sukarela,

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]



Tuhan berkenan

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

tidak bercela

Im 1:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:3]; Im 21:18-21; Bil 28:11; Ul 15:21 [Semua]



yang bercacat

Im 1:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:3]; Ul 15:21; 17:1; Yeh 43:23; 45:18; 46:6; Mal 1:8; Ibr 9:14; 1Pet 1:19 [Semua]

akan kamu.

Kel 28:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:38]


keselamatan(TB)/syukur(TL) <08002> [peace.]

pembayar(TB)/menyampaikan(TL) <06381> [to accomplish.]

kambing(TB)/kambing domba(TL) <06629> [sheep. or, goats. it shall be perfect.]

This law is so founded on the nature of the thing itself, that it has been in force among all nations that sacrificed victims to their deities.


korban keselamatan

Kel 32:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:6]; Im 3:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:6] [Semua]

korban sukarela

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]

kambing domba,

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

tidak bercela,

Kel 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:5]; Mal 1:14 [Semua]

Tuhan berkenan

Am 4:5


buta(TB/TL) <05788> [Blind.]

korban api-apian(TB)/korban bakaran(TL) <0801> [an offering.]


domba(TB/TL) <07716> [lamb. or, kid. superfluous.]


direnggut(TB)/dikoyak(TL) <05423> [broken. or, cut.]


atau dikerat,

Im 21:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:20]


asing(TB)/lain(TL) <05236> [a stranger's.]

santapan(TB)/santapannya(TL) <03899> [the bread.]

rusak(TB)/busuknya(TL) <04893> [because.]


santapan Allahmu,

Im 21:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:6]

dan bercacat

Im 1:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:3]; Im 3:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:1]; Bil 19:2 [Semua]


tujuh hari ..... hari ... hari ..... hari(TB)/tujuh hari ....... hari(TL) <03117 07651> [seven days.]

It was necessary for the mother's health that the young one should suck so long; and prior to this time, the process of nutrition in a young animal can scarcely be considered as completely formed. Besides this, it may justly be asserted, that the flesh of very young animals is comparatively innutritive. There is something brutish in eating the young of beast or fowl, before the hair and hoofs are perfect in the one, and feathers and claws in the other; and before this period, their flesh is not good for food, consequently they were not fit for sacrifice, which is termed the bread or food of God, (ver. 25.)


anak kambing

Im 1:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:3]

tujuh hari

Kel 22:30; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:30]

hari kedelapan

Kel 22:30; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:30]

Tuhan berkenan

Kel 28:38; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:38]


domba(TB/TL) <07716> [ewe. or, she goat. ye shall not kill it.]

This law was certainly intended to inculcate mercy and tenderness of heart; and so the Jews have understood it.


satu hari

Ul 22:6,7 [Semua]



korban syukur

Im 7:12; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:12]



sampai pagi;

Im 7:15

Akulah Tuhan.

Im 11:44



harus berpegang

Ul 4:2,40; Mazm 105:45 [Semua]

dan melakukannya;

Kel 22:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:31]


dikuduskan .......... menguduskan(TB)/suci ........... menyucikan(TL) <06942> [I will.]

dikuduskan .......... menguduskan(TB)/suci ........... menyucikan(TL) <06942> [hallow you.]


kekudusan nama-Ku

Im 18:21

orang Israel,

Im 10:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:3]

yang menguduskan

Im 20:8



tanah Mesir,

Kel 6:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:5]

menjadi Allahmu;

Kej 17:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:7]

Ezra 1:7-11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Koresh(TB)/Koresy(TL) <03566> [Also Cyrus.]

Nebukadnezar(TB/TL) <05019> [Nebuchadnezzar.]


kuil allahnya.

2Raj 24:13; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 24:13]; 2Taw 36:7,10; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 36:7]; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 36:10]; Ezr 5:14; 6:5; Yer 52:17-19 [Semua]


Sesbazar(TB)/Sesybazar(TL) <08339> [Sheshbazzar.]


bagi Sesbazar,

1Taw 3:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 3:18]

Catatan Frasa: SESBAZAR.


keemasan emas ... bokor(TB)/bokor keemasan ...... bokor(TL) <0105 02091> [chargers of gold.]

sembilan(TB/TL) <08672> [nine.]


Barang-barang(TB)/benda(TL) <03627> [the vessels.]

ribu ribu(TB)/lima ribu(TL) <0505 02568> [five thousand.]

Instead of 5,400, the enumeration of the articles in ver. 9, 10, only amounts to 2,499; but in the account, Esdras 2:13, 14, the amount is 5,469, as will be evident from the following statements: In Ezra. In Esdras. Gold chargers..... 30 Gold cups......... 1,000 Silver ditto...... 1,000 Silver cups....... 1,000 Knives............ 29 Silver censers.... 29 Gold basons....... 30 Gold vials........ 30 Silver ditto...... 410 Silver vials...... 2,410 Other vessels..... 1,000 Other vessels..... 1,000 _____ _____ Said to be........ 5,400 Total............. 5,469 But only.......... 2,499 _____ _____ Deficiency........ 2,901 Surplus........... 69 It is supposed that they actually amounted to 5,400, but that only the chief of them were specified, the spoons, etc. being omitted.

orang-orang buangan(TB)/tawanan(TL) <01473> [captivity. Heb. transportation.]

Ezra 8:25-30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menimbang(TB)/kutimbangkan(TL) <08254> [weighed.]

perak(TB/TL) <03701> [the silver.]


Aku menimbang

Ezr 8:33


tembaga ... tembaga(TB)/tembaga .... baik(TL) <05178 02896> [fine copper. Heb. yellow, or shining brass.]

The Syriac renders, {nechosho korinthyo tovo,} "good Corinthian brass;" so called from the brass found after the burning of Corinth by Lucius Mummius, which was, as is generally supposed, brass, copper, silver, and gold, melted together. Sir J. Chardin, however, in a MS. note, cited by Harmer, mentioned a factitious metal used in the East, and highly esteemed there, which might probably be of an origin as ancient as Ezra. He says, "I have heard some Dutch gentlemen speak of a metal in the island of Sumatra, and among the Macassars, much more esteemed than gold, which royal personages alone are privileged to wear. It is a mixture, if I remember right, of gold and steel, or copper and steel." He afterwards added, "calmbac is the name of this metal, which is composed of gold and copper."

indah(TB)/indahnya(TL) <02532> [precious. Heb. desirable.]


kudus ....... kudus(TB)/sucilah .......... sucilah(TL) <06944> [Ye are holy.]

perlengkapan-perlengkapan(TB)/perkakas(TL) <03627> [the vessels.]


bagi Tuhan,

Im 21:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:6]; Im 22:2-3 [Semua]


rawatlah ... jagalah ... tungguilah ... dia(TB)/Taruhlah ..... tungguilah(TL) <08245 08104> [Watch ye.]

menimbangnya ... depan ....... hadapan(TB)/menimbangkan ..... hadapan(TL) <06440 08254> [until ye weigh them before.]


rumah Allah Allah(TB)/bait Allah(TL) <0430 01004> [the house of our God.]

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