TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 35:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidur ... Bilha ... Bilha(TB)/berseketiduran(TL) <07901 01090> [lay with.]

anak-anak(TB)/anak(TL) <01121> [Now the sons.]

In the Hebrew text, a break is here left in the verse, opposite to which there is a Masoretic note, which states that "there is a hiatus in the verse." This hiatus the LXX., thus supplies: [kai <\\See definition 2532\\> poneros <\\See definition 4190\\> ephane enantion <\\See definition 1726\\> autou <\\See definition 848\\>,] "and it appeared evil in his sight."


Judul : Anak-anak Yakub -- Ishak mati

Perikop : Kej 35:22-29


1Taw 2:1-2 dengan Kej 35:22-26

dengan Bilha,

Kej 29:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 29:29]; Kej 34:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:5]; Im 18:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:8] [Semua]


Kej 22:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:24]

Catatan Frasa: RUBEN.

Kejadian 49:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membual(TB)/bergelembunglah(TL) <06349> [Unstable.]

lagi(TL) <03498> [thou shalt not excel. Heb. do not thou excel.]

menaiki ............. menaiki(TB)/menaiki ............ menaikinya(TL) <05927> [because.]

menaiki ....... peraduan ....... menaiki petiduranku(TB)/menaiki ....... peraduan ...... menaikinya(TL) <03326 05927> [he went up to my couch. or, my couch is gone.]


sebagai air,

Yes 57:20; Yer 49:23 [Semua]

melanggar kesuciannya.

Kej 29:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 29:29]; Kej 34:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:5] [Semua]


Imamat 18:7-8

TSK Full Life Study Bible



aurat isteri

Yeh 22:10

hak ayahmu;

Im 18:8; Im 20:11; Ul 27:20 [Semua]



seorang isteri

1Kor 5:1

hak ayahmu.

Kej 35:22; Im 20:11; Ul 22:30; 27:20 [Semua]

Imamat 20:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


darah(TB)/darahnya(TL) <01818> [their.]



hak ayahnya,

Im 18:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:7]

mereka sendiri.

Im 20:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 20:9]; Im 18:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:8] [Semua]

Ulangan 27:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible



kain ayahnya.

Kej 34:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:5]; Im 18:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:7] [Semua]

Ulangan 27:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible



dengan mertuanya

Im 20:14; [Lihat FULL. Im 20:14]

Ulangan 27:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hari(TB) <03117> [on the day.]

negeri(TB/TL) <0776> [unto the.]

batu-batu batu(TB)/batu ... besar-besar(TL) <01419 068> [great stones.]

haruslah ... menegakkan ..... mengapurnya(TB)/melaburkan .... kapur(TL) <07874> [and plaister.]

Houbigant and others are of opinion that the original words, {wesadta othom beseed}, should be rendered "thou shalt cement them with cement," because this was intended to be a durable monument. Some suppose that the writing was to be in relievo, and that the spaces were to be filled up by the mortar or cement; as is frequently the case with eastern inscriptions.


sungai Yordan

Yos 4:1

menegakkan batu-batu

Kel 24:4; Yos 24:26; 1Sam 7:12 [Semua]

dan mengapurnya,

Yos 8:31

1 Samuel 16:21-22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pelayannya .... mengasihinya(TB)/berdirilah .... hadapan(TL) <06440 05975> [stood before him.]

pelayannya ... sangat mengasihinya ......... sehingga(TB)/kasih(TL) <0157 03966> [loved him.]


menjadi pelayannya.

Kej 41:46; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:46]

1 Samuel 16:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berdukacita(TB)/bercintakan(TL) <056> [A.M. 2941. B.C. 1063. An. Ex. Is. 428. How long.]

telah Kutolak(TB)/Kubuang(TL) <03988> [seeing.]

tandukmu ... minyak ....... minyak(TB)/tandukmu ... minyak(TL) <08081 07161> [horn with oil.]

Isai(TB/TL) <03448> [Jesse.]


Judul : Daud diurapi oleh Samuel

Perikop : 1Sam 16:1-13

engkau berdukacita

1Sam 8:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 8:6]; 1Sam 15:35; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 15:35] [Semua]

telah Kutolak

1Sam 13:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 13:14]

dengan minyak

1Sam 10:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:1]

kepada Isai,

Rut 4:17; [Lihat FULL. Rut 4:17]

telah Kupilih

2Sam 5:2; 7:8; 1Raj 8:16; 1Taw 12:23; Mazm 78:70; Kis 13:22 [Semua]

1 Samuel 5:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


merampas(TB)/diambil(TL) <03947> [took.]

Eben-Haezer(TB)/Eben-Haezar(TL) <072> [Eben-ezer.]

Asdod(TB/TL) <0795> [Ashdod.]

Ashdod, called Azotus by the Greeks, was one of the five satrapies of the Philistines, and a place of great strength and consequence. It was situated near the Mediterranean, between Askelon and Jamnia, thirty-four miles north of Gaza, according to Diodorus Siculus, and the Antonine and Jerusalem Itineraries. It is now called Shdood; and Dr. Richardson says they neither saw nor heard of any ruins there. "The ground," he observes, "around Ashdod is beautifully undulating, but not half stocked with cattle. The site of the town is on the summit of a grassy hill; and, if we are to believe historians, was anciently as strong as it was beautiful."



Judul : Tabut Tuhan di Asdod dan Ekron

Perikop : 1Sam 5:1-12

dari Eben-Haezer

1Sam 4:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 4:1]

ke Asdod.

Yos 11:22; [Lihat FULL. Yos 11:22]; Yos 13:3; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:3] [Semua]

Amos 2:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menginjak-injak(TB)/tertudung(TL) <07602> [pant.]

membelokkan(TB)/memutar balikkan(TL) <05186> [and turn.]

anak(TB)/orang muda(TL) <0376> [and a.]

perempuan muda(TB)/perempuan(TL) <05291> [maid. or, young woman. to profane.]


kekudusan nama-Ku;

Im 18:21; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:21]; Am 5:11-12; 8:4 [Semua]

Amos 2:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tiga(TB/TL) <07969> [For three.]

Moab(TB/TL) <04124> [of Moab.]

membakar(TB)/dibakarnya(TL) <08313> [because.]


jahat Moab,

Yes 16:6; [Lihat FULL. Yes 16:6]

menjadi kapur,

Yes 33:12

Kolose 1:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rasul(TB/TL) <652> [an.]

Timotius(TB/TL) <5095> [Timotheus.]


Judul : Salam

Perikop : Kol 1:1-2

Paulus, rasul

1Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 1:1]

kehendak Allah,

2Kor 1:1; [Lihat FULL. 2Kor 1:1]

dan Timotius

Kis 16:1; [Lihat FULL. Kis 16:1]

TIP #32: Gunakan Pencarian Khusus untuk melakukan pencarian Teks Alkitab, Tafsiran/Catatan, Studi Kamus, Ilustrasi, Artikel, Ref. Silang, Leksikon, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, Gambar, Himne, Topikal. Anda juga dapat mencari bahan-bahan yang berkaitan dengan ayat-ayat yang anda inginkan melalui pencarian Referensi Ayat. [SEMUA]
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