qeren <07161>

Nrq qeren

Asal Mula:from 07160
Referensi:TWOT - 2072a
Jenis Kata:n f, n pr loc (noun feminime, noun proper locative)
Dalam Ibrani:Nrq 14, wytnrq 10, twnrq 10, ynrq 6, tnrq 5, Mynrq 3, twnrqb 3, twnrqh 3, Knrq 2, wynrq 2, Nrqw 2, wnrq 2, Nrqb 2, Mynrqh 2, ynrqw 1, wnnrq 1, wynrqb 1, Mynrqhw 1, twnrqlw 1, ynrqmw 1, Mkynrqbw 1, Nrqh 1, Mknrq 1, Nrqhw 1
Dalam TB:tanduk 24, tanduk-tanduk 21, tanduk-tanduknya 10, tanduknya 7, tandukmu 3, tandukku 2, tabung tanduk 2, bukit 1, sinar cahaya 1, tanduk mezbah 1, tulang 1, tanduk kekuatannya 1, tabung tandukmu 1
Dalam AV:horn 75, hill 1
Definisi : n f 1) horn 1a) horn 1b) of strength (fig) 1c) flask (container for oil) 1d) horn (as musical instrument) 1e) horn (of horn-like projections on the altar) 1f) of rays of light 1g) hill n pr loc 2) (BDB) a place conquered by Israel probably in Bashan
from 7160; a horn (as projecting); by implication, a flask, cornet; by resembl. an elephant's tooth (i.e. ivory), a corner (of the altar), a peak (of a mountain), a ray (of light); figuratively, power: KJV -- X hill, horn.
see HEBREW for 07160
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